Somehow, this week seems like it was 100 years long. The highlight was my back-to-back long run adventure- but that seems so long ago. Was it only a week? Yes… yes, it was. I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown (thanks for hosting, ladies!) Let’s go waaaaay back to New Year’s Eve, when it all started.
Long Run #1!! The weather was absolutely beautiful- 50s and sunny- and I had no other obligations this day, so I opted to drive about 30 minutes away, to the edge of the Everglades.

From there, I had multiple trail choices, and I did parts of all of them!
This run would have been perfect… except for my left arm. Remember how I hurt it last week (presumably doing pull up negatives?) Well, about four miles into this run it was hurting, and it got worse and worse as I went on. I tried all sorts of things, like holding it very close to my body and swinging it minimally. That helped, but it still hurt… a lot.

I was pretty bummed that this sore arm was “ruining” my run, but I tried to look at the big picture. Everything else felt good, I had plenty of energy, and, well, sometimes things hurt and you have to deal with it. I had planned to go 22 miles on this run, but opted to cut it short at 20. I wanted to figure out a better way of managing my arm before Long Run #2.
I walked a mile just to flush out the legs, and then was done for the day.
Okay. I taped my arm with KT tape and was ready to go! It was another beautiful day. I walked a mile to warm up, and then, this time I ran to a nearby park with a large grassy field and cross country trail- my race in February apparently has a lot of grassy areas and I want to be ready.

My arm felt okay! It still hurt, but was more manageable than the day before. Again, I felt good. As the run went on, I felt normal “long run fatigue,” but I couldn’t really tell I had run 20 miles the day before.
This run was 16 miles. My original plan was to run 22 the first day and 14 the second… instead I ran 20 and 16. Overall I was REALLY happy with the way it all played out. And as you can imagine, the rest of the day was spent relaxing on my couch (with books, football, and my cat.) Yay!
Leg day at the gym- JUST KIDDING. Ha- I was pretty sore when I woke up. I did my daily mobility routine, but other than that it was a day off.
Still sore, but I ran 4 miles.

Not as sore… I contemplated going to the gym but instead did strength at home. It turned out to be a great decision, because I discovered that my legs were still deeply fatigued. I did squats (with dumbbells- not as heavy as what I do at the gym) dead bugs, and Runners Touch. Runners Touch involves only bodyweight, and even that felt challenging in my hips. Well… I’ve never done back-to-back long runs and didn’t know what to expect. But I’m learning!
Another 4 mile run, and starting to feel back to normal… almost. Followed this run with planks and dead bugs.

Day off- I know, I just had a day off on Tuesday, but that’s just the way the week worked out. At night I did start Ben Patrick’s “Knee Ability Zero” program, which I’m going to do for the month of January (at least- I’ll continue if I feel that it’s helping.) It’s all bodyweight (hence the “zero”, as in, you need zero equipment) and I could do the first three exercises without pain. The next one hurt, so that’s where I stopped. I’ll do a full post on the program sometime this month!

Okay seriously- today really IS leg day at the gym. I think I’m all recovered, and I need to get to the gym, because next week I won’t be able to go. I have another long run planned for Wednesday morning, and then we leave for Tampa! There is a gym in our hotel, ahem, but as we all know, hotel gyms are hit-or-miss.
How was your week? Did it seem unusually long or short?
44 Responses
I feel like I’m still in a nebulous phase of time. Yes, I went to the office this week, but only for two days (Tues and Wed) and that does seem like ages ago.
Yay on your two long runs — and on your arm feeling better. Sounds like it was smart to go easy on your legs after those long runs.
It’s not just my knees that would keep me from stretching/moving like that!
I know, Coco! One of the benefits of that exercise (he says) is getting the flexibility in your hip flexors, As I said… I’m not there yet. But if I got to the point where I could do that, it would be pretty great!
Nice job on your back to back runs! So glad the weather cooperated for you.
I have taped many areas of my body — with the exception of my Achilles (for some reason taping didn’t help that) it always helps. I’m glad you tried it!
That book looks . . . intense.
Yes, I wasn’t sure if the taping would really do anything, but it did help. And the book is intense, but not in the beginning. The beginning is easy.
Nice work on 2 long runs this week. Too bad about your arm-wonder what that is all about. Do you ever do swaps with other massage therapists? Sounds like you could use a good one. My massage therapist spent a whole hour on my upper Body last week for a change and it felt so good. That stretch looks quite intense!
Ha, I would want the entire hour spent on my lower body! Well, usually- now I guess I need it on my arm. I’ve been massaging it myself but it’s not the same. You’re right, I need a real massage.
This did feel like a long week even though I only worked 4 days. Each day I was like ‘it’s only Wednesday/thursday/etc’. We had so many days off during the stretch of holidays so it’s always weird to get back to a full work week. Or fullish.
I had a good week of workouts. I left work a little early on Thursday to do the 12/3/30 workout that Elisabeth has been doing at my office gym. I am going to try to leave early 1 day/week to get an extra workout in. Hopefully work doesn’t get too crazy so I can keep this up. Besides that I did some CG workouts. Yesterday was a HIIT with burpees so I did not love it but it was a good workout. We’ve had some light snow that is really slick so I have not ran this week.
Your arm issue is so odd! I am glad the K tape helped! But it’s great that you could do back to back long runs!!
Ha, I keep reading about that treadmill workout- I want to try it. I’ve never done a CG HIIT workout and I’m not sure I want to! But I’m sure you felt great afterwards.
The week went fast, but it was really confusing. I almost missed a payroll deadline because I couldn’t figure out that the first workday of the week was Tuesday. It seems like I have to work 5 days this week after a slew of 3 and 4 day weeks. Humph.
I am not quite there yet on the knee exercise either lol.
Anyway, congrats on starting the New Year off right with the back-to-back long runs! You have a pass to avoid pull up work from now until after the race. Wait a minute…the race is next month right? It’s getting close!
Yep, the race is next month! The original date was 2/3 but they changed it to 2/17. I can’t decide if I’m happy or mad that they changed it- do I want to get it over with quicker, or have more time to train? Well whatever- it’s 2/17.
Yay for no arm pain during your second long run last week. Sounds like the KT tape did the job.
I’ll be very interested in what you think of the knees over toes guy’s book. Please keep us posted!
I will DEFINITELY talk more about it! I really like the way it’s set up, with photos and explanations. And for every exercise he has a “Why” section, describing why it’s important to work those particular muscles. We’ll see if it helps!
My week didn’t feel long until Wednesday after work. Holy yikes…I think I crammed 4 days of work into one day at my desk. Those two long runs, on consecutive days,…wow!
Ha, yes, that can be the problem with extra days off! The days you’re there are more intense.
I barely know what day it is. Is it Sunday? Who can say. My son is going back to campus today; I think having him home has confused my sense of time. Also, we had so much other stuff going on this past week.
Glad your runs went well – your arm is really puzzling? I hope it’s okay.
The arm is definitely puzzling. I also hope it’s okay. Time will tell.
Having my son home and my daughter still off of school means that I have no idea what’s going on, schedule-wise. Very hard to remember what day it is. We’ll all be back to normal soon!
I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing anymore LOL! I am deep into the emotional support cheese and napping.
Have you tried the Heali tape? It’s like KT, but it has magnesium and eucalyptus in it. It might help soothe that hurt, while supporting the arm.
How do you manage those unshaded trails? I was looking at the pedestrian part of 7 Mile Bridge this week, and thinking how I would love that, but then also… how I would hate the full sun! Florida is hard.
Yes, I agree- everything would be different if we just had some shade! That’s why I was so thrilled to be running in 50 degree weather.
I’ve never heard of Heali tape but I will definitely look into it- thanks!
The week flew by for me unfortunately since I was still off work and I’m not super excited about going back tomorrow after two weeks off. Luckily I have a three day weekend next weekend to look forward to!
Great job on those back to back long runs! I’m toying with the idea of trying them for this training cycle for my next ultra but my B2Bs will probably be shorter distances since I’m “just” training for a 38 mile race, not a 50 miler like you. I did a 13 mile run on Tuesday this week and then a 10 mile on Friday, so not back to back but it gave me a better idea of how it’ll feel to have two long runs in a week.
I’ve never done B2Bs before, and I wanted to try it out. Unfortunately that was probably my only chance to do them before this race, as I usually don’t have two days off in a row. I would say, try it once and see what you think! I enjoyed it.
I know- I think the longer you have off from work, the harder it is to go back. My husband also had two weeks off and going back was painful.
It felt like a normal week to me–I’m off work on Mondays and I just resumed my normal schedule on Tuesday!
Nice work on those back-to-back long runs. But what about your arm? Is it your shoulder? That would make sense why it hurts when you run. I had issues with my shoulder last year and I let it go, so it started to impact my running. That’s when I started doing my ‘PT’ exercises and I continue to do them to this day. I swear, the older I get, the more maintenance I need! i hope it calms down for you.
I think it’s the deltoid muscle, rather than the joint. But I could be wrong! It hurts to swing the arm back and forth, but it really hurts to lift it out to the side. I don’t know… I’m just hoping it goes away on its own. We’ll see how that works out.
What a good week with those long runs! I hope your arm gets better. That knee over toes program looks interesting! Is all of it that challenging?
The areas where you run look so incredibly flat! Is Florida generally very flat? Or just your area?
This week was weird! Wednesday was my first gym day after the holidays so it felt like Monday, so when Friday came it was very confusing!
I wasn’t in great form this week, but it was good to be back in the proper gym.
South Florida is VERY flat. That’s where I am. Central Florida and Northern Florida have some hills, but still nothing too steep.
The Knees Over Toes program starts with some much, much easier exercises. The one in the photo is probably the hardest one- I’m not even thinking about it yet.
Sorry about the arm issue but you got a lot of miles done this week.
Enjoy Tampa.
I’m living virtually through everyone’s runs.
I plan to start walking this week and maybe a little running next… we’ll see!!
Alright, good luck with it Darlene! I hope everything feels good this week.
This week felt supershort for me… it was New Year’s and *bam* it’s January, 7th. How did that happen?
I am sorry you were still dealing with a sore shoulder/arm and I am hoping you’re on the mend. The KT was probably a good idea. I am curious to hear how you liked the Knee Ability Zero Program… it looks… interesting 😉
It’s hard for me to judge the program yet because I’m still at the beginning. But everything he says in the book makes sense, so I’m optimistic that it will help me.
It was a long week for me as I was catching up with my running after 12 days of travel, so it ended up my highest mileage week with two 16 miles long runs.
sorry to hear about your arm, hopefully it continues to improve.
I haven’t done much leg strengthening this week to either rest my legs or fatigued from the runs. hopefully I resume it next week.
I know- it’s REALLY hard to schedule lower body strength with long runs. You don’t want to do it before and fatigue your legs, and after your legs are sore… it gets very tricky.
It was a weird week for me. I was pretty much the only one in the office and the phone kept ringing with people asking questions I had no way of knowing the answers to. I sort of lived in fear of phone calls, to be honest with you.
I am also just tired. I know I complain about this all the time, but Dark Clock is really bringing me down. I wish I had a siesta in the middle of the day so I had time to go for a walk in the sun, eat lunch, and maybe do some yoga in my office. Alas, I basically only have time to eat and hope that the lack of the sun doesn’t get me too down. But basically it means it’s dark when I get home and I immediately want to go to bed. I’ll get over this soon enough, right?
Ugh. I know this feeling all too well. Yes, you’ll get over it… when spring comes. I mean, that was definitely my experience. Can you increase the time with your SAD lamp? I don’t know… but it will end.
Short work weeks always feel so long to me.
Bravo on your back-to-back long runs! How much longer until your race? I’ll be curious to hear what you think of the bodyweight program.
Wow – congrats on doing so well with the long runs, but I’m so, so bummed about your arm. Argh. At least you CAN run with it (as in it’s not a foot or leg issue), but still it sounds like it sucks a lot of the enjoyment out of the experience. Hope it is better ASAP.
It has been cold and dark and depressing. Ugh. January is not my favourite month. But I’m off to make a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer, so life isn’t all bad. Though I am jealous of seeing you in shorts. It was like – 15C with windchill over the weekend (that’s about 5F). Brrrrr.
Oh, I know those cold, dark Januaries. 5 degrees is COLD. This is the time of year where I really appreciate living in Florida, so I have to make the most of it while I can. Keep drinking that peppermint mocha!
Your blog makes me want to be a runner.
Oh good! I’m glad it sounds fun… because it is.
Ahh I can’t imagine doing 2 back to back long runs. I can’t really imagine doing ONE long run right now. I’ve been very slowly dabbling into some running again (well, I was before our trip) and did 3 miles this morning as well. (Did you hear that?? IN THE MORNING! I exercised in the early morning today! Day 1 of hopefully a new schedule…. time will tell, but already I love mentally knowing all throughout my work day today that I don’t have to work out tonight! It’s so freeing!! Like I have this whole open evening, and I know I’ll have time to make dinner… so far it’s feeling worth the effort!) But after about 3 miles I feel ready to be done! Ha. I used to run more, so I know it’s possible to build it up, but man. It seems crazy to think that once I ran 26.2 miles and now can barely get through 3!!
Kae, it’s always like that. If I took a break from running, three miles would feel long to me too. It’s amazing how your body adapts though.
Yay for the morning run! Yes, I feel like it makes the whole day better. And you don’t have it hanging over your head that you still have to exercise.
Nicely done on the back to backs. I know that Sunday trail. I think you’d posted it right around when we first blog met. It was when we’d done the air boat tours and I asked you about the Wawa near the turn off.
T rex arm made me laugh, but I’m sorry about the pain. I think you need the Feetures socks to go wtih
Ha ha. Yes, that’s the trail- but the road you turn on (with the Wawa) is now under construction and part of it is CLOSED COMPLETELY, with a really inconvenient detour! It took me forever to get out there and back! I hope they finish that up soon.
Boo! That’s the only way I know how to get to those air boats, which I think just reopened.
Hope they do too for your sanity
Sorry about your arm. That stinks. In mid December it was unseasonably mild here and I went for a run. I had gut pain that was so bad, I considered stopping but then I’d have had to walk home and that would’ve prolonged the pain. I had to take my dad to a doctor appointment, so I just kept running. I was so uncomfortable. I don’t know how you managed that for 20 miles. Yikes. I’m glad the tape seemed to help.
This has been a long winter break. I was sleeping, but I’m on my 2nd night of struggling and I’m thinking I might need to try the round of antibiotics to fight the SIBO that we aren’t sure I got rid of yet. Timing sucks because I’m sitting again. I am ready for the foster girls to get back to school. They don’t quite know what to do with free time yet and that has been tiring. We night end up with a snow day today and I’m not sure how I will survive that.
Oh no… I hope you can get those girls back to school! I remember those days… these vacations can seem very long. I hope you can get the SIBO situation straightened out- you’ve got a lot on your plate, and not feeling well on top of it all sounds really difficult.