walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- The Longest Week

Oof, what a week.  It was the 4th Annual road trip to Waco with my son, which was a highlight of the summer for me.  Workouts weren’t the priority, but of course there were some!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s get right into it!


After driving 11 hours on Saturday, we woke up in Gulfport, Mississippi.  Our hotel had a gym- with three pieces of equipment.  A bike, an elliptical, and a multi-purpose strength circuit machine.  I can work with this!

Last time I used an elliptical I didn’t like it, but this time I messed around with the controls until I found the perfect settings, and actually had a great 30 minute workout.

Then, I did a full-body strength workout consisting of chest press, lat pulldowns, and leg press.  I felt really good after this, and ready to sit in the car for nine more hours of driving.


Waco!  I stayed at my son’s house- one of his roommates hadn’t moved in yet, so I had a room and bathroom to myself.  But I had no access to a gym.  This would have been the perfect day to go for a run, but I was determined to take time off to rest my cranky calf.  I ended up going to the Baylor campus and walking 5 miles- it wasn’t a run, but the next best thing.


Several short walks today, one of them with my son’s roommate’s dog.  That one consisted of a lot of fast walking, interspersed with periods of standing still while the dog sniffed everything in sight.  I enjoyed it though!  And, I did my hip stability exercises and deadbugs.


Boo hoo!  I had to say goodbye to my son and fly back home today.  I really needed an infusion of joy, so there was only one thing to do- my calf felt good, and I decided to go for a run.


I walked one mile and ran two, with no pain at all.  I really needed this before my long travel day- a pain-free run always fills me with hope.

I took a bus from Waco to Austin.  I got to the airport at 11:30 and my flight wasn’t until 4:30, but there was no way to take a later bus or an earlier flight.  That’s okay!  The Austin airport has vegan tacos, and I had a good book.  I settled down for a pleasant wait.  Until… (cue ominous music…)

I got a notification that my flight was delayed.  Uh  oh…I had to make a connection in Houston.  My flight was delayed further, and further, and by the time I got to Houston I had missed my connection.  Arg!

There were no flights to Ft. Lauderdale until the next morning, so I had to spend the night in Houston.  By the time I got to my hotel, it was 9:00 pm- I had been traveling for twelve hours and only made it from Waco to Houston, HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE???  I just had to laugh.

And, guess what- my flight didn’t allow “full-size” carryons, so I had checked my bag (thanks again, United!) All I had was my backpack, which contained no pajamas and no change of clothes (and no deodorant either, for that matter.) Great.


My flight didn’t leave until 11 am, and the hotel had a gym- but remember I had nothing to wear.  If I wanted to work out, I would have had to wear the same clothes I wore the day before, and that I would be wearing again all day.  Nope- I have to draw the line somewhere!

I got to the airport nice and early (I wasn’t taking ANY CHANCES!) and did an airport walk before my flight.  I wouldn’t call it a workout, but it was some nice exercise before getting on the plane to sit again.

I made it to Ft. Lauderdale, and after a short delay was able to track down my checked bag (hooray!!!). And then, home, sweet home- only 32 hours after I left.  Sheesh!  I should have driven back.


Oof.  I woke up groggy and disoriented, but I knew the perfect cure!

Again, I walked a mile and ran two, and again had no pain.  Later in the day I did my hip stability exercises.


Bleh.  I was really feeling the exhaustion from my week of travel, so I slept in a little before going to work.  In the afternoon I did an upper body and core workout, while watching the men’s Olympic marathon.  Go Clayton and Connor!  They did amazing, both finishing in the top ten.  I CANNOT WAIT to watch the women tomorrow!


On tap- another run!  If I can make it three in a row with no pain, it will be very encouraging.  Fingers crossed!

And then- it’s the end of the Olympics, noooooo!  My son is gone, the Olympics are ending, and summer vacation is over too- school starts tomorrow!  Why does everything have to end at once?  Can’t something begin???  (What’s that?  Football?  Oh yes!!!)

Have you been watching the Olympics?  Are you sad it’s ending?

Do you feel like summer is ending, or are you still in the middle of it?

Top photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

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34 Responses

  1. Uff. Missing a connecting flight after spending all day in an airport and then having to spend the night is no fun. I’m sorry you had to endure that. And I’m glad you did make it home eventually – and got in three pain-free runs. Hooray!
    Summer is definitely coming to an end for us. I’m back at work (staff days) this coming Thursday and my kids start the 19th. So we’re in the final week. Hard to believe it’s finally here. I’m not really ready for it, but I never am and I still manage anyway. I’m sure I will again this year. Good luck with the start of the school year with your daughter. Maybe the hardest part was dropping off your son, and starting the school year with her will be easier. You got this!!!

    1. Thank you Noemi! Dropping off my son is always the hardest thing. Getting up at 5:30 tomorrow morning will be second hardest- we’ve been on a more relaxed schedule lately.
      my husband is also back to school- not with students, just doing admin. His students come back a week from Monday. I think he feels the same as you do- he’s not ready, but he’ll somehow manage.

  2. sorry to hear about the delay/canceled flight. Not fun at all especially when You don’t have your things with you.
    at least you got some walk/run without pain, that’s a good progress, right?
    summer ended for us physically but mentally I’ve extended few more days until this weekend, as my mind is not ready to get back to work.

    1. Yes, I’m very excited that I’ve made it through three runs now without any pain! Now I have to start increasing the distance…
      My mind is also not ready for the business of the school year… but here we are.

  3. Travel is such a challenge, isn’t it? I’m flying to Alabama in 2 weeks–it’s a direct flight so nothing can go wrong, right? Ha! Glad to hear that your calf is feeling better. I hope things continue to improve!

    1. Ha ha, no of COURSE nothing could go wrong! Seriously though, direct flights are the way to go. We usually stick to that rule, but made an exception this time and look what happened.
      Yes, I’m feeling very hopeful about my calf! This stupid issue has gone on LONG ENOUGH.

  4. Ugh that is a terrible return trip! Gah! And of course it happened when you had been forced to check your bag. That is the worst! And I know you were sad to leave Paul so didn’t need a rough return flight to make the parting even worse!

    I am so sad that the Olympics is coming to an end. I have watched more Olympics coverage than I can remember watching in years past. It was really fun to watch with Paul after taco went to bed.

    I am trying to hold onto summer vibes as long as possible! The return to school is still about a month away and we have our August vacation to look forward to next week! I am looking forward to that break so much as I haven’t really had a break from work since April besides a few shouldless days.

    1. That’s the way August should be- when I was young we always went back to school after Labor Day, so August was still summer. Yes, I’m so sad the Olympics is ending! It’s such a long time to wait for the next one, and I enjoyed it so much. Ugh.

  5. What a nightmare (of sorts) with your return trip. I’ve had to switch a few flights, due to delays/connections, but have never (knocking wood) been stranded overnight. That’s great news on the successful runs, though!

    1. This is the first time I’ve been stranded overnight. Looking on the bright side, it wasn’t absolutely crucial to get back on time, although I was supposed to go to work on Thursday and had to call them to say I wouldn’t be there since I was in Houston! Still, it could have been worse.

  6. I refuse to believe that summer is ending, although I am ready for two certain someones to go back to school.

    Let’s hear it for two and counting pain free runs!!!

    Your trip back to FL was brutal! And yikes on getting stuck with no workout clothes.

    Dog walking is great fun. Maybe it doesn’t do much for physical fitness (for the hooman anyway) but mentally it’s great fun – getting to be outside in all weather, talking to other dog walkers, keeping up with the dog’s start and stop, and getting to see the world through your dog’s reactions. It’s good stuff.

    1. Yes, I really loved that dog walk. It made me think that maaaaybe I do want a dog! Not now- I feel like I have too much to deal with as is. But maybe when my daughter goes to college and we’re empty nesters- we’ll have room for a dog then.

  7. I’ve had some of those flight experiences. I should always carry a change of clothes in my carry on.

    A pain-free run or two. That’s progress.

    Hope you have a better week for running.

    Yes, I’m so sad that the Olympics are over. I guess I will read more.

    1. Yes, that’s true- I’ll have more time for reading. That’s looking on the bright side!
      When I packed my bags, I put certain essentials in my backpack, things like my laptop and book, but I really didn’t consider the fact that I might not be spending the night at home! Next time I’ll pack better. Although I certainly hope this won’t happen again.

  8. Travel can be very challenging lately! I am sure the weather this week did not help all. Glad you had a successful drop off! Time sure goes by fast doesn’t it. Sounds like your calf is doing better. Fingers crossed your run went well today

    1. Yes, time goes by fast- way too fast! Looking on the bright side, I had another good run today. I can handle just about anything as long as I can run!

  9. Ugh, sorry about the travel woes. I’ve been relatively lucky with all my travel and never got separated from my bag overnight!

    I am sad the Olympics are ending — I feel like it’s brought such good energy and have loved to see the athletes supporting each other and celebrating their accomplishments.

    1. Yes, the Olympics gave us something positive to focus on. My coworkers and I agree that it was nice to have something to watch OTHER than the news!

  10. Ugh I’m so sorry about your travel woes! Missing connections due to delays out of your control is the worst – and not having your luggage too! So sorry that happened and that everything is ending all at once. Hopefully your calf continues to feel better and you can keep up the runs!

    1. Thank you Melissa! Yes, my calf continues to feel good. I would love to say this issue is behind me (please please please…)

  11. Jenny, I feel like air travel has just gotten more and more miserable over the years. I had a poor experience myself this past week – NOT AS BAD AS YOURS THOUGH. Sheesh. It is just plain awful now. You can never count on flights being on time or making connections or anything else. I started only taking carryon luggage because it seemed like checked luggage was always getting lost. Now it’s a whole thing about carryon. WHAT THE WHAT. Last week my 737 flight got changed to a tiny prop plane, and it was a pretty tight squeeze to get my carryon in, but I refuse to check, even though I get free checked luggage with my particular credit card. Now I hear you can get seats that are cheaper, but you aren’t allowed carryon at all. I MEAN WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT.
    Anyway, glad you finally made it home, but what an ordeal.
    Also! It really infuriates me to spend so much extra time in an airport, and then to have the flight delayed. This happened to me too, and it is honestly just the worst. Again, not as bad as for you because I did make it home the same day, BUT STILL. Air travel just gets worse and worse and what are we going to do? I have no idea what the solution is.

    1. Yes, air travel gets worse every time I fly. I’m sure I could have paid more to check my carryon- which, in retrospect might have been worth it! At the end of the day (er, well, at the end of the NEXT day) I did get home and my bag got there as well, so I guess it’s fine?

  12. This does sound like such a long week, Jenny! I’m so sorry that your return trip home had such a terrible delay. YUCK. Your progress with your calf sounds so promising! I hope it continues feeling normal!

  13. Ugh on the flight delay but yay for some pain-free runs! Hopefully that will continue and you can start getting back into longer runs.

    I’m so sad the Olympics are almost over! I got to catch up on some of the sports this weekend being at my parents since they have Peacock and I watched the women’s sport climbing finals this morning. I’ve been wanting to try rock climbing for a bit and after seeing this event, now I’m really thinking about it more!

    Tomorrow is the start of the second full week of school here and I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through August! Before you know it, the holidays will be here…

    1. Ha, yes, that’s the thing I keep reminding myself… I actually love fall and all the holidays. Starting school this morning was pretty rough, but once we get into it I’ll be enjoying the season. But yes- I’m SO sad the Olympics are over.

  14. Jenny,

    I’m so glad the runs are happening again and they’re pain-free! I know exactly what you mean about “infusion of joy.” Somedays, I know the only thing that’ll make me feel better is if I put on my walking shoes.

    You managed to fit a lot into this week, no? You logged a lot miles!! (Not all on foot, but still!)

  15. Ahh that travel situation sounds so frustrating! On the plus side, you were “just” heading home, and not having to miss a day of a big vacation or something. I always pray that if we have travel delays, at least let it be on the way home.

    I still sort of feel like summer hasn’t really started. Which doesn’t make any sense! But I have felt SO off this whole summer, I think given our big trip right away in June and then just a lot of family stuff and now my MIL has been here… I have continuously felt like I’m waiting to catch my breath for “real” summer to start but basically it’s almost over! Ethan goes back this week, though Asher not for a few weeks yet. This August at least we’ve been having some really nice weather, and now that the summer swim stuff is all over, I feel like we have some time to slow down just a little too.

    And I also just said to by husband- yay, football starts soon! We aren’t like crazy die hard football people but we do like to watch most Packers games and it’s just fun knowing there is a game to look forward to. Plus of course, football means fall! Which is the best!

    1. Yes, fall is the best. We love watching college football, and also the Dolphins. I agree, it’s fun always having a game to look forward to.
      As aggravating as my travel day was, it could have been so much worse. You’re right, I could have been on my way to some fabulous destination, and lost a day. OR, I could have been traveling with kids! That would have been a nightmare.

  16. I am glad you had a couple of nice days in Waco, but I am sorry about your delayed and then missed flight… being stuck in a hotel without your luggage stinks! And then you couldn’t even use the hotel gym because you didn’t have a change of clothes!
    I am glad you got some runs in to “make you feel better”… hopefully the calf keeps behaving!

    Summer is still very much here although we had a bit of a cooldown over the last week which I very much appreciated!)

  17. We won’t have a cooldown for a couple more months, so I’m envious. Yes, that travel day was frustrating, but things could be worse. At least I’m able to run now!

  18. Sorry the week ended on a low note. Bummer when the good times end 🙁 I’ve never had luggage problems, thankfully. What an inconvenience to not have your stuff!! I hope your run went well (I’ll be reading the next posts soon, so maybe I’ll find out!…)
    That’s fun your son’s roommate has a dog! My cats will hopefully be staying with my daughter when we are on vacation. But right now they are just hissing a lot at each other, so we’ll have to see how that goes. Two fighting cats in a small room is not cool!!

  19. Oh, man. This sounds awful. I got stuck in Boston years ago – thunderstorms in DC delayed my departure – but they at least got our bags OFF the plane! I am shocked they did not do that for you. I’m so glad you’re home, though. And yes, when things end/begin, it always seems like it’s everythingallatonce (and yes I typed it that way on purpose…). I hope that things smooth out and calm down as you settle into the new season (despite the persistent summer weather).

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