walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- There Were Glitches

Oh, hello!  It’s time for another Weekly Rundown- thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting.  This week did not go smoothly; I guess I was due for some bumps in the road.  Let’s just see how it played out.


It all started with an innocent 4 mile run.  About halfway in I started to feel a pain in my RIGHT foot.  This is not to be confused with my “difficult foot,” the left one.  This is so boring, but a couple years ago I had a dozen shockwave treatments on the left foot and ended up getting orthotics because of something my podiatrist called “lateral column syndrome.”  On this run I felt the exact same thing in my right foot, and needless to say, I wasn’t happy about it.


For the rest of the day, I could feel a mild discomfort in that foot.  I’m worried.


Gym day.  I skipped the sled because I didn’t want to risk aggravating my foot.  I did squats and then focused more on upper body- bench press, rows, reverse flys, and abs.  Sigh.


Ah, tough decision.  It was supposed to be a 10 mile run, but I wanted to rest my foot.  So I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the bike and then an hour on the stair climber.

Climbing to nowhere.

Wow, I really hated this.  I kept thinking about my trail and the big grassy field I like to run in… and instead I was stuck inside the gym.  I got through it with the help of a couple podcasts.  Of course, Sally McRae would say I should have done it without any screens or headphones- no distractions at all, to build my mental strength.  Um… no, thanks.  I’ll build mental strength some other way.


Okay, time to test out the foot.  I walked for a mile and then ran for 3… it seemed okay.  I’m still worried about it though.


UGH.  I had an absolutely terrible night of sleep.  I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, and then when I finally did fall asleep, my cat somehow got into the bedroom and started meowing loudly.  (MUFFIN.  I wrote a whole post about you during NaBloPoMo and this is how you repay me???) I seriously probably got about three hours of sleep, and I felt like absolute crap in the morning.

I had no choice but to get up at 5:30 anyway, because I had to get my daughter up and ready for school.  Since I was up I figured I might as well do a workout, so I did strength at home.  Runners touch, squats- getting very low with a 35 pound dumbbell- Bulgarian split squats and dead bugs.  I felt a little better afterwards, but I was still dragging all day.


Okay, another run- 5 miles and the foot felt fine.  Phew.  But it was a windy and rainy run, so no photos.

Except for this one… remember when these shoes were white?

At night, my son came home!!!  Go figure- on an extremely windy and rainy day, his flight landed precisely on time.  When does that ever happen???  Anyway… let the celebrating begin!

Paul and Muffin- and you can see part of my Christmas card display in the background!


Off.  Sleeping in, and I really need it.  It was an exhausting week of poor sleep and worrying about my foot.  But things are looking up, and after eight hours of sleep I’ll get up and make gingerbread waffles.  Other than baking cookies, it’ll be a low-key day of rest.

Next week is a big week, with a long run planned for Wednesday.  I hate the fact that I even have to think about my foot- let’s go back to the good old days when all I had to worry about was the weather, and how to keep my Tailwind cold!  Well… fingers crossed.

How was your week?  Did you have any unexpected glitches?  

Are you ready for Christmas? – I’m getting there.  By December 24th I WILL be ready!

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45 Responses

  1. Good for you for cutting back after the first sign of trouble. Hopefully that paid off and reminded your right foot to stay in it’s (healthy) lane.

    Yay for your son being home.

    I am crossing my fingers that my husband just has a normal virus and won’t be giving me Covid for Christmas. I did get the latest booster, but I still worry1

    1. Oh no… I hope that your husband doesn’t give you whatever he has! Even if it’s not Covid, there are some other nasty viruses going around.
      Yes, I had to use your mantra about not doing something today that I’ll regret tomorrow! As you said… hopefully it paid off.

  2. Hooray for Paul being home! But boo about your foot hurting and the bad night of sleep! I hope the week ahead is much better!

    You know what my glitch was – testing positive for Covid. We didn’t have anything planned this weekend so it wasn’t the worst time to get it but Christmas is so close, I just hope no one else gets it so we can celebrate with Phil’s extended family on Christmas Eve. That is my fave part of our Christmas celebration so I hope Covid doesn’t ruin it.

    1. Arg. I hope you’re feeling okay AND that the rest of the family can stay healthy! I think after this you guys should be immune to just about everything that’s out there.

  3. Oh no! But you did the wise thing – hold off for a bit. Who knows, the foot might well be back to normal next week!

    By the way, I have to thank you for that Runner’s Touch tip. I had a funny hamstring last week and I used that move to stretch and loosen the tightness. It helped tremendously!

    1. Oh good! Yes- Runner’s Touch will help your hamstrings. I first came across it years ago when I was googling exercises to help with high hamstring tendinopathy.

  4. Yikes — I’m so sorry your foot was giving you grief this week! Sounds like you made the right choice in babying it a little. Hopefully it was a one-time thing!

    1. Yes! It did feel better after a couple days but I’m still wondering why it flared up like that on Monday… gulp. i may need a Christmas miracle!

  5. Hope your foot continues to improve… mine hurt here and there… it always worries me.

    My sleep has been horrible – between the missing cat and my hubby’s coughing (I sleep in another room but it still keeps me up) and work drama. OY!

    1. Oof. Not getting enough sleep is just so, so hard. I actually slept really well for about seven hours last night and it helped.
      My left foot- the original difficult one- still hurts every day (not constantly, just on and off throughout the day.) I don’t even think about it anymore. As long as I can run, my feet can do whatever they want for the rest of the day!

  6. Your trainers are as dirty as my London trainers! 🙂

    I hope this foot things goes away quickly; it sounds like you’re familiar with the injury if its the same thing. Did shockwave therapy cure it last time?

    1. Yes, it’s funny we both posted a photo of our dirty shoes : )
      I was never really sure if it was the shockwave that helped it, or getting orthotics- I think it may have been the orthotics. I really don’t want to go back for more shockwave, because it’s inconvenient and expensive. But I will if I have to.

  7. BOO RIGHT FOOT BOO!!!! You’re supposed to be the “good” foot and now you go and pull this crap.

    On a more positive note, if you can do an hour on the stair mill you can totally run 50 miles. I was obsessed with cardio back in the day but even I could never do more than 30 minutes on the stair mill.

    Yay for Paul being home! Now it’s Christmas for real!

    1. Ha ha… yes, an hour on the stairmill must surely equal 50 miles! And I agree… what is going on with my GOOD foot??? Sigh.

  8. AN HOUR ON THE STAIRMASTER. Listen, I don’t know who this Sally McRae is, but she does not know what she is talking about. Just getting on the stairmaster for an hour is mental strength. You should have ALL the screens for that one. Sheesh!
    But ugh, Jenny, I am so sorry that you are having trouble WITH YOUR OTHER FOOT NOOOOO. Oh, I am so sorry. Good job resting it! But how worrisome for you, I remember how much trouble you had with the other one. Fingers crossed this is just a little blip.
    You must be exhausted. I hope you can get some rest and sleep. Enjoy having your son home! xoxoxo

  9. Thank you, Nicole! I’m laughing at the comment about Sally McRae- she’s an incredible ultrarunner who does things like win 250 mile races. But I agree- when it comes to the stair climber, she clearly doesn’t know what she’s talking about!
    Yes, fingers crossed this is a little blip. I just can’t go through any more foot drama.

  10. Fingers crossed that it’s just a niggle and nothing more. I am really good at thinking the worst every time I get a twinge of pain.

    Lol on the formerly white shoes! My trail shoes, which until today still look like new, were christened on my muddy trail run this morning. Finally!

    Enjoy your time with your college boy!

    1. Thank you Wendy! Yes, if you could have heard my thought process when my foot started to hurt you would have laughed (there was something about amputation in there…) It could very well just be a niggle.

  11. NO training ever goes 100% the way we would like. Sounds like you made smart moves to back off and listen to your body. Hope this week goes better for you. Enjoy having both kids home

  12. Oh nooo!! Your foot has to start behaving again!! I’m crossing all the fingers I have. My left foot still gets sore during a long walk or after I do certain things. It’s always scary!
    Are those your Altras??! Whoa. What did they think, making running shoes white?
    My Lone Peaks are dark purple and at least, here if they get muddy, the next day I go walking it might rain so they get clean again. LOL!
    I can imagine that seemingly pointless stair walking must have tested patience and whatever… well done walking there for a full hour! I’m thinking that about the rowing machine, that it builds character!

    1. Yes, I haven’t tried the rower but I’m pretty sure it takes the same amount of patience.
      And yes, those are the Altras! As soon as I saw them in the store I thought “Why did they make them WHITE?”

  13. MUFFIN!

    Bad nights of sleep are the worst. I’m sorry that happened. But how exciting your son is home, and on time no less!

    Ugh about your foot! I hope it was really just a glitch and not a harbinger of anything serious. Hang in there and continue taking it easy!

  14. Let’s stick to the positive — the week ended better than it started! Sleep has been on and off for me for the last couple of weeks. No idea why. I hope you get much better sleep this week and all the runs go well!

  15. You put your cards on a strand of lights!! That’s so SMART. We do a ribbon and it’s fine, but now I have decorating envy over your lights. Way to really DISPLAY the cards. I notice that the midwestern couple is not there. Hm. What will your husband do without them?!

    I can’t believe you’re having trouble with your good foot! Maybe it’s just a blip and it will go away next week!

  16. Glad the foot was just a one day issue. I’m with you on needing distractions when indoors. I prefer to be outdoors but I’m better if I knew all along it was an indoor day

  17. Oh no…let’s hope this right foot thing is just a temporary (cautionary) gig. Gotta laugh about the mental strength stuff! We all have our own levels of mental strength (when it comes to fitness, that is), and some of us need a few more distractions and coping vices than others.

    1. Yes, maybe Sally McRae can get on the stairclimber for an hour with no headphones, but I’m not at that advanced level!

  18. potential injury scare is the worst. it occupies our mind more than it deserves. I really hope it’s nothing and you can run normally next week.
    you sleep with door opened? I close our bedroom door precisely to avoid the cat coming in, scare me or meao for no reading.

    1. No, we sleep with it closed for that very reason- but that night I must have somehow closed it but not latched it properly. I won’t be making that mistake again!

  19. Oh no, foot worries and a sleepless night – that’s no bueno. I do hope the foot issue was just a glitch and it won’t develop into something. I am so happy your son is home (I know what makes you feel better! :))

    I had a pretty good week, no glitches luckily (although I did stay up too late on Friday and then slept away my Saturday morning, when I wanted to run, and I ended up skipping the run altogether, but instead I went for a long walk to see the Christmas decorations in our neighborhood. Pivot!).

  20. Yay for Paul being home but sorry about the foot giving you trouble! I think you did the smart thing by not pushing it too much so you’ll be ready to go for your long run this week. It’s hard to know when pain is just a random glitch or a sign of potential injury!

    An hour on the stairmaster is very impressive! I kinda wish my apartment gym had one because it would be nice for cross training but I’d probably last 30 minutes max! I have been using the treadmill more this month for short, 2 mile double runs where I crank up the incline because I’m trying to get elevation gain in for the “Merry Vertmas” challenge and the only thing getting me through those is podcasts haha!

      1. It’s a challenge put on by Aravaipa Running (they do trail races in AZ, CO and UT) from Dec. 1-25 where you try to get as much elevation gain as you can. There are two teams (Vert is Real and Virtual Vert) so you either have to get all your vert outside – roads or trails – or you can mix in treadmill vert. Last year I got to Everest, which is 29,000 feet! I won’t make it there this year but I’ve done about 19,000 feet so far this month. And they have other challenges with prizes throughout, like taking a summit selfie or doing the most hill repeats. It’s a fun way to close out the year!

  21. I’m so glad your foot seems to be feeling better, that Paul is home, and that it’s almost Christmas!!!

    I’m mostly ready. There are a few lingering tasks I just haven’t wanted to do…so they keep lingering on my to-do list. Demerit to me. Oh well, it has been a busy, crazy year so I have to let SOME things slide.

    I spot my photocard on your wall. GAH. That made my heart so happy. I love that blog worlds can collide with IRL things too, like exchanging holiday cards.

  22. Oof, I am sorry about your foot! Having also had problems/niggles on my left side, I always feel so betrayed when I hurt something on the right! “How dare it? That’s my GOOD side?!?!” I am glad it seems to have worked out and am super impressed on how calmly you navigated the week, glitches and all!

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