walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- There’s Good News and Bad News…

Remember how I took a few days off a couple weeks ago because my shin was hurting?  Well, the good news is, my shin is PERFECT!  The bad news is I hurt my hamstring while doing some hilly running on vacation.  I know- what in the world is going to happen next?  Never a dull moment around here!  Thanks as always to Kim and  Deborah for hosting this weekly rundown.  Let’s get right into it!


Ah, yes- the day of the Great Hamstring Tragedy.  It was my last day at my sister’s, and I woke up to rain.  Nothing was going to stop me from running though- I was excited to tackle a hilly 5 miler.  No pictures, because it was raining pretty hard and I didn’t take my phone.

The rainy view from my sister’s front door.

The first mile of that run was probably the best run I’ve had all summer.  It was cooler than Florida, and I felt amazing.  I was powering up the hills, and on the downhills I focused on pushing my hips forward so I was running quickly and not fighting gravity.  Yes, my form was perfect!  Who says a Florida girl can’t run hills?

Ahem.  Somewhere in the second mile I felt a slightly uncomfortable pulling sensation in my left hamstring, which I paid no attention to.  I mean, obviously- nothing was going to ruin the best run of the whole summer.  But by the time I got to the end of the third mile, it was too uncomfortable to ignore.  I was right near my sister’s house, AND I saw a flash of lightning.  Done for the day!


Woke up in my own home with a sore hamstring and tired from traveling.  I did a quick core class and then a 10 minute barre class.  (All classes were on Peloton as usual!) I felt like that barre class REALLY helped me.  The small, controlled movements in my glutes and legs did not hurt my hamstring at all, but rather it felt like I was stressing the muscles in a good way and getting lots of bloodflow to the area.  I felt hopeful for a quick recovery.


Since the 10 minute barre class was good, I figured a 20 minute one would be even better.  But, I didn’t like this one as much.  The ten minutes spent on lower body were good, but the other 10 minutes were kind of easy core and upper body moves- I would rather get that from a harder core class.

So I did!  a 5 minute core class and then an upper body strength class with Matty.  Hamstring felt much, much better.


Sad day!  I really thought I was going to run.  I warmed up with a 10 minute barre class and then walked for 5 minute- my hamstring felt absolutely fine.  But as soon as I started to run it hurt again and I had to stop.

You can tell I’m back in Florida! Too bad this run only lasted 20 steps.

I did a 30 minute pool run.  Bleh.


Okay, now I’m mad at barre.  I decided to take one of my regular glutes and legs strength classes.  The problem area is the top of my hamstring, and I know from experience that area doesn’t get a lot of bloodflow, so can be slow to heal.  I wanted to give the muscle some gentle stress- not enough to hurt it, but enough to speed up healing.  I knew exactly what class to take!  Remember how I love Matty’s “Lunge-a-Palooza” class?  Well, he has a companion class to that which is all squats and deadlifts.  It seemed like lunges would be a bad idea, but squats felt great, and I approached the deadlifts very, very slowly and cautiously.

I also did a core class and upper body class.  If I’m not running, I want to do as much strength as possible.


Okay, fine- I’ll do barre again.  There are two barre instructors on Peloton- Hannah and Ally.  So far I had only taken Hannah’s classes and well… I don’t want to be mean, but… her personality kind of grates on me.  I’m sure she’s a very nice person, but I decided to take one of Ally’s classes instead.  I think Ally comes off as a little less flaky, but honestly I’ll just take either one of their classes in the future.  After a 10 minute barre class, I had an exciting (?) pool run.


Another strength day!  Core class, and then another glutes and legs class with Matty.  This time I tried some lunges- it was okay, but seemed a little risky for my hamstring so I subbed split squats instead, and those felt great.

And I finally tried one of Tunde’s arms classes!  I was curious after hearing so much about her.  I liked it.  I had wanted to start her four week arm program, but in two weeks I’ll be traveling again (to Texas) and I don’t know what happens if you start.a Peloton program and not follow through consistently- will I get some sort of demerit?   I don’t want any trouble!  I’ll start her program later in the month.

And then I’ll look just like this!


Sob.  On tap for today… probably another pool run.  Funny thing- I’ve always been such a cardio addict.  But nowadays when I do cardio cross training, it sort of feels like a punishment for not being able to run.  But when I do strength, I feel like I’m making some sort of progress and it’s more satisfying.  What’s going on?  Who am I???

Anyway, I know I need to mix things up so I’ll be in the pool!  I’ve got some good podcasts to amuse myself with.

That was my week… not what I wanted, but sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad.

Have you ever taken a Peloton barre class?  What did you think of it?

If you can’t run, do you prefer cardio or strength?



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37 Responses

  1. At least you do have a pool. I’d be in trouble if I couldn’t run.

    Hope your hammy heals quickly and there are no more injuries.

    If I couldn’t run, UI still wouldn’t work out… hopefully I’d be able to walk.

    1. If I didn’t have a pool I guess I would be on that weird thing in our garage… remember the one my husband got from work that we can’t decide if it’s a stair stepper or elliptical? My goal is to avoid that at all costs.

  2. The Barre classes are growing on me. Like Deborah has said, some of the moves get a little “dancy” and those are a big no-can-do for me (my coordination skills are pathetic, so I have a tough time getting my body to move accordingly, LO(L). I hope that naughty hammy feels better!

  3. That high hamstring area is so hard to heal. I get some pain there sometimes, but usually not too bad — but it does take time to heal. I hope yours heals quickly & you can get back to what you love! Sorry about the pool running.

    I do love to swim. I wish I had a pool (as long as it came with a pool boy) — but obviously this is not happening.

    I am not a huge fam of Peloton strength at all. I tried the Barre (which I like) — I though it was ok. Not terrible, not great.

    Good luck! Hope you are running your trails again soon!

    1. Good point about the pool- we take care of out own pool and it can be quite a chore. It’s also not really big enough for swimming laps. Little did we know when we bought this house that I would be running in little circles around the deep end of this pool!
      I do have a little bit of a problem with Peloton strength, which is that it’s kind of a one-size-fits-all workout. But… for me it’s been a great option- i don’t have to hire a trainer or get myself to a gym. You know what they say- the best kind of strength training is the kind you’ll actually do. Peloton makes it easy and convenient.

  4. Sorry about the hamstring Jenny! So glad you have the pool option.

    Running in the rain can be so fun! Though I’m guessing you had to fly home with those wet shoes, right?

    I prefer the 10 min barre classes for exactly the reasons you mention.

    1. Ha, that’s funny- I did have to fly home with wet shoes. I had them in a plastic bag but it was still pretty gross.

  5. ah, another barre convert! I am seeing a huge difference doing them daily so I hope you do too. They are great warm ups. The hamstring ugh! Last summer I strained my hamstring hiking. I must have stepped differently. I ended up getting a shot of prolo and it healed pretty quickly. My Dr said that it takes about 6 weeks to fully heal a strain but he did say I could run on. I remember doing a lot of theragun on it and also heating pad helped a lot. You might also try a compression sleeve on that area while running that also seemed to help. That’s all I have for you! I am as impatient as you are about these things. Hoping yours resolves quickly.

    1. These are all great tips. I can see why the prolo shot helped- a lot of times that area really needs assistance. We have a theragun-type thing at work that I’ve been using. I’ll try your other tips- and if it doesn’t heal pretty quickly I”ll look into the prolo shot.

  6. I totally get what you mean about cardio cross training vs strength. Our minds are so tricky!

    Funny, I love Hannah’s barre classes and can’t cope with Ally — I feel rushed in her classes.

    The Peloton programs are unforgiving. If you miss a class/week you pretty much need to start over — or find the links on PeloBuddy.com and do them whenever you want (but you won’t get the badge).

    I hope your hamstring recovers quickly!

    1. Okay, good to know! I’m glad I didn’t start the arm program yet. Maybe I’ll make September “arm month.”

  7. So sorry to hear about the hammy. Those hills will getcha every time! In fact, I skipped my ski today–I know, what?!–because my hamstring was talking to me after all the climbing I did on the trails. Plus all that waterskiing I did last weekend is still taking a toll. The season is so short here, so you know it was a sacrifice!

    My pool is closed for a month now for maintenance! There’s really no alternative, so I’m just looking at it as a gift and taking an extra rest day. When I can’t run, I sub in other cardio activities. I already have 2 strength days scheduled (one with SJ and a CrossFit class).

    1. Ugh, that is the problem with pools! I remember when I was training for a triathlon (years ago) my pool suddenly closed down for renovations, and we were informed that we could use the pool in a different town (“for our convenience,” WHAT?) In your case, I don’t think an extra rest day will be a bad thing.

  8. Ugh so sorry to hear about your hammy. It’s great that you have the pool running as an alternative. I like to hit the Peloton bike for cardio when I can’t run.

    I chuckled when I read your comments about the barre instructors. I know the classes would be good for my glute activation woes, but I cannot get past Hannah’s personality.

    1. Yeah, I kind of wish I had a Peloton bike (sometimes.) I have no place to put one, so I won’t be getting it anytime soon.
      I know… Hannah. Eye roll!

  9. Ugh to the hamstring issue 🙁 Pool running is a wonderful option so I am glad that you are able to do that.

    I’ve done a few barre classes. While I don’t 100% love them, I know that they are good for my glutes so I try to keep that in mind as I struggle throughout the class lol.

  10. Ugh. I hate that it’s been one injury after another for you! Why can’t things be easy for people?! You do sound pretty optimistic about it, which is great. You have such a good attitude and I should model myself after you more!

    1. Oh, well I definitely have my darker moments. But at least I can remind myself that all of my injuries have healed, and this one will too. It is frustrating though.

  11. Ugh, that sucks that your hamstring is bothering you now! Good for you for not running through it, though. I know people who will run through pain and that is usually (almost always) NOT good. I ran a decent amount last week, all shorter runs but I think 3-5 times? I would have to sit down and count! It is all a blur, though. The best run was the 3.5 run in DC with views of the monuments! I also got to run this morning with my friend who spent the night with us last night.

    I don’t really like any other form of cardio besides running. I would choose strength over cardio for sure! I did this 100 workout program last winter and there were lots of cardio workouts and I kind of hated them! But I don’t love HIIT style of workouts and some of the moves are tricky for me, like things that have you in plank position with jumping/bringing your knees into your body. I suck at that kind of thing! But it is good to be pushed out of my comfort zone once in awhile!

    1. I don’t love HIIT style workouts either, although they’re supposed to be VERY effective. I would rather get my cardio from running, and if I’m not running then I’m either trying to have a rest day or rehab an injury- which means I don’t want to do a lot of the HIIT moves either.

  12. Ugh sorry about the hamstring. They are stinkers to heal. I had a partial rupture at the insertion point many years back and boy was that ever a PIA (literally) to heal. I’ve taken Barre on Peloton but now I can’t even remember the two instructors. I know for sure I’ve taken a class from Hannah but I’m not sure about the other.

  13. Ugh, I’m so sorry about the hamstring. Thank goodness for the pool – hopefully that is something you can keep up. I’m in trouble when I can’t run – because running is all that I do! I need to pick up another exercise.

    1. I know Melissa- I wish I were like these people who LOVE cycling. I just don’t like it, but I know it’s great cross training.

  14. If I can’t run, I hop on my bike. We have a community pool but I hate sharing pool space with strangers, so I tend not go if I can help it.

    I hope that hammy heals up soon.

    1. Thanks Jenn! I wouldn’t do pool running in a community pool because it looks kind of dorky. Not that I mind so much, but I bet people would be asking what I was doing and that would get annoying. I wish I liked riding my bike more!

  15. Ugh. So sorry about the injury. But a string of gold stars for doing the pool runs – I’m sure they aren’t overly inspiring in the workout category, but you stick with it and do it anyway!
    At this point I only walk and run. I really should start incorporating some yoga. I so easily get stiff and sore and know it would be a great idea, but I am so over doing at-home workout videos. Excuses, excuses. Maybe this fall? We have a nice little yoga studio in town, but it seems so expensive to me so I tell myself I should just do yoga videos at home…and then never day. Argh!

    1. That’s funny, because I keep thinking I should go to an actual in-person yoga class. But who am I kidding- I know I’m not going to do that when I can just do a class in my bedroom.

  16. Sorry to hear about your hamstring, hopefully that heals up quickly! Injuries are no fun, especially when they keep you from running. I’m not a fan of pool running myself…it’s ok if you have to use it but I much prefer the real thing.

  17. Those hamstrings are finicky. I hope with a little rest, you’ll be back at it again soon. Great job keeping up with the strength and the pool running. I know pool running is rough. I have hammy issues occasionally and didn’t realize squats were good and didn’t hurt…thanks for the tip.

    1. I just try different things and do whatever doesn’t hurt. I figure I want to keep a lot of blood flowing to my legs.

  18. Ah man, that hamstring is really annoying… it’s the worst when you want to work out but can’t because of an injury. I hope by the time I finish catching up on your blog, you’re all recovered.

    I have taken a Peloton barre class and I thought “holy crap, that’s hard ” LOL

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