walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- There’s Hope!

Do you remember how, in every made-for-TV movie in the 90s, at some point the main character exclaims, “I just want my life back!”  That’s how I felt last weekend.  I couldn’t even write the usual Weekly Rundown because I was so down and frustrated with my injury.  But as they say, it’s always darkest before the dawn!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting- this time I have a proper rundown. Let’s get right into it…


This day was the turning point!  I couldn’t face the gym again, so I went for a walk outside.  My ankle was still very achy, but at one point I just thought “What the heck- I might as well try running.”  AND… running felt better than walking.  Don’t ask me why!  I continued to walk, inserting 30 second running intervals, and ended feeling energized and encouraged.

I have my life back!

I followed this run with Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout..  My new motto is, “when in doubt, do core.”  You can’t go wrong strengthening your core.


Still feeling encouraged and optimistic, I went to the gym and tried deadlifts for the first time since the injury.  Yes, I could do it!  I also did squats with the bar- I didn’t want to get too crazy the first time back- and Bulgarian spilt squats.  Those were SO HARD on the left side- just balancing on that foot is still hard.  I didn’t even use any weights for those and it was exhausting.  But, I left the gym feeling more like my old self.


Okay, let’s try this running thing again!  I covered 3 miles, lots of walking, but threw in 30 second, and then one minute running intervals.  The ankle is still achy while I’m walking and feels better when running.  Again, followed it up with Caroline’s deadbug workout.


Back to the gym for a “long cardio” day.  Well, I am training for a race so if I can’t do a long run (yet) I need to do something.  30 minutes on the stairclimber and then 30 minutes on the treadmill for the 3-12-30 workout- 3 mph, 12% incline for 30 minutes.

What’s that, you say?  A race?  Well, YES!!!  I signed up for a 50K at the end of May.  It’s in Inverness, Florida, which is north and west of me- Sweat, Swat ‘n Swear.  Yes, there will be plenty of sweating!  Possibly swearing.  But what is this about swatting?  I’m not sure I want to know.  I’m really excited about it though (in spite of the name.)


More walking/running (same distance, threw in more one minute running intervals) and I tried out a new hydration vest.

I’m looking for a vest with bottles in the front and more pockets to store things (such as, AHEM, a rain jacket.)  I liked everything about this one, except that I think it will make me too hot.  It was only 60 degrees on this run and my back felt hot- no way will it work when it’s 90.  I’m returning it!

Once again, followed this run with Caroline Girvan Deadbug workout.


Back to the gym.  Bench press, reverse flys, squats, Bulgarian spilt squats (again bodyweight only- still so hard) and abs.

Jaunty gym selfie.


Wait.  Why am I only doing one minute run intervals?  This time I did two minutes running/one minute walking.  Hooray!  Covered 3 miles, followed again by the CG deadbug workout.

Early morning, before work!


Off!  Sleeping in… waffles… and then cleaning the house.  My son will be home this week for Easter, and I’ll probably do some food prep today as well.

My ankle isn’t back to normal, but I’m getting there.  I do strength and mobility exercises every day, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  And I’m running!!!  Hooray.

Any hydration vest recommendations for me?  – I need one for HOT weather!

Speaking of weather… are you getting spring-like weather yet?  – Our summer humidity has returned.

Top photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

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54 Responses

  1. YAY for running! You couldn’t pay me enough to do a race with “swat” in the name in late May in FL — you are FAR tougher than I am!!!!

    1. Ha ha… well it wasn’t my first choice. But I listened to a podcast episode from last year’s race and people really liked it! So… we’ll see.

  2. I’m so glad to see you “getting your life back” haha! Oh I hope that race is more fun than it sounds. Not too sure about the swatting part. When it’s hot I put lots of ice in my hydration bladder and call it good!

    1. Yes, I did think of that! I’m not sure if there’s any other solution… that style of vest is going to make me hot no matter what.

  3. I’m so happy for you about feeling better, and running!! And you’re right, you’ll never get wrong with working on core. I’ll get back to deadbugs asap too. Well done doing those Bulgarian split squats. As you know, I know very well about the struggles of foot injuries! When I started my single leg stands after my injury, I had to hold on to something first. And the left is still more unstable than the right, 6+ months later! But I was out of order for much longer than you have. I’m so glad you’re getting back into action and that you have a race to look forward to and train for!!

    1. Thanks Susanne! You were my inspiration for working on the BSS. My left side is so much weaker than the right- I have to do unilateral moves like that.

  4. Well they are calling for a big storm today with as much as 12” of snow… so it’s not springlike today but it will melt fast. We also got about 6” on Friday but it melted right away. But this is spring in Minnesota for you… you can’t say snow is firmly behind you until like May.

    I am glad your ankle is feeling better and you can do some running again! So exciting that Paul is coming home, too!!

    1. Yes, I remember “spring” up north- we frequently had snow on Easter. I’m glad to hear it’s melting quickly!

  5. Hah, core usually is a safe bet — as long as none of us get a hernia!

    I think any extra layer of fabric on your back is going to feel warm. With the one’s with a bladder at least you can fill it with ice. I have seen ones that are more mesh, but they don’t tend to have pockets.

    Swatting makes me think it’s buggy — so don’t forget your bug spray!

    1. Ha, yes I’ll need pockets in my vest to carry bug spray. I’ll have to re-think this vest- maybe if I fill it with ice it will be okay. I know- it seems like if you want pockets, you have to have extra fabric.

  6. So glad to hear you had a great week and that you have been able to run! I think I remember with my last ankle sprain that walking hurt more so than running. So strange. Maybe just our bodies way of saying it is time to get back to it! In the summer months I always fill my water bladder with ice water so it keeps cool!

  7. How great to hear that you’re able to run again! I’ve got nothing in the way of advice about a hydration vest as I’ve never used one. I always thought I’d be too hot wearing one, too.

    1. There must be a solution because people wear these things, and they’re not all having heat strokes. I guess filling the bladder with ice? I’ll have to experiment.

  8. That’s great news that the running is returning! Isn’t it funny how doing the one specific exercise that we think is causing pain…actually feels better than avoiding it? I’ve had a slight hammy discomfort thing in recent weeks. I feel nothing walking, running, or biking. Nothing. But if I roll over in bed the wrong way, ouch! I don’t think I’m over-compensating (when I run, etc.), but it’s one of those phantom things that has me perplexed. I may be heading back to the PT…after I survive these next couple weeks of chaos, LOL.

    1. Ha, yes, you probably don’t have much time for PT nowadays. That’s an odd hamstring issue- but good that it doesn’t hurt while running! Hopefully it will just go away on its own.

  9. Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait to read your review of your birthday books especially Mill House Murders. I love Japanese fiction.

    Swat is probably swatting at mosquitoes, gnats?

    Would freezing the bladder help? Or is that what people already do?

    1. Freezing the bladder is probably what people do, to start with. But for a long race it won’t stay cold long. But then I could re-fill it with ice at aid stations? I’ll have to figure it out.

  10. Good news on the run. Just keep at it. I know you will.

    Spring. Ha ha. What a blizzard. No power. Ugh.

    1. Yes that does NOT sound spring-like! But I guess you’re used to it- your winters are usually pretty harsh.
      Hope NYC is better (at least you’ll have power!)

  11. Yay for running and feeling like you have your life back! This post made me so happy to read, it must feel amazing to be making real progress and returning to what you love.

    And a thank you for the dead bug workout. I’ve been doing it 2-3x a week and whoa boy can I feel it working! I’m going to have a six pack for the first time in my life by the time I get back to running. 😀

    1. That workout is really hard, and painful… which must mean it’s effective! I did hear that deadbugs are one of the best core exercises for runners.
      Hang in there, Noemi- you too will be back to what you love soon!

  12. Yay!! I’m so happy that you are easing back into running, Jenny! And even more YAY for a new ultra coming up!!

    My absolute favourite hydro-vest is the Salomon Active Skin 8.
    It’s pricey, but it will last a long time. I’ve had mine for many years and I used it for a 76km ultra under the hot South African sun. You can tell that the people who designed it have run many ultras and know what a runner needs.

    1. Catrina, that is so funny- Active Skin 8 is the ONE I HAVE! Okay, I’m not returning it after all. Did you do anything special when you used it for you hot ultra- like put ice in the back or something? Let me know! I’ll keep this one and figure out how to make it work.

      1. Haha, this is hilarious! Jenny, you have one of the best hydro-vests on the market! I thought it looked like a Salomon on your photo. No, I didn’t use ice – but I wasn’t dealing with your level of humidity. It sounds like a brilliant idea if you can make it work!

  13. YAY for spring coming and you feeling back at running! I may need to start doing some more deadbugs – love that motto. I have been trying to prioritize core workouts, but when my runs get longer, I sometimes only have time for some stretching and planks. I clicked on that deadbug workout and may need to try it out!

    1. That workout is 12 minutes, and I can usually fit it in. i never WANT to do it, but then I remind myself it’s only 12 minutes so I suck it up.

  14. I’m so happy that you were able to get back to running this week! It sounds like things are on the upswing for you.

    I’m not sure if this is the vest you tried, but I really like the Salomon ADV Skin 12. It doesn’t feel too hot even in 90+ degree temps and it has a ton of room for gear + fuel + water while still feeling light. I also previously wore the Nathan Pinnacle and that one just felt like wearing a lightweight shirt so it’s great for hot weather.

    The weather for my long run yesterday was basically perfect — low 80s with a nice breeze and some cloud coverage. But today it’s in the mid 50s and super windy so I’m very glad it’s a rest day because the one condition I hate running in is wind!

    1. Yeah, I don’t like wind either! I have a different Salomon vest, and it happens to be the one Catrina mentioned. I wonder how it’s different than yours- I’m going to look it up and compare them.

    1. Well, mosquitos just love me so they’ll be excited to see me out on that trail. I will definitely be bringing bug spray.

  15. Excellent, so pleased you’re back on it. I’m back to double figures in run distances which amazes me given last year’s near-injury / two covid bouts so it definitely is possible to get it back. Swat, though? Nope!

  16. I’m so glad you are starting to feel good enough to run again! I’m sure it felt good…but don’t go crazy now!

    My favorite hydration fuel is Tailwind. They have new flavors now too!

    1. Ooh, new flavors? I love Tailwind, especially the caffeinated raspberry. But I’ll look at the new flavors.

    1. Yes, we all know how exhilarating it feels to be able to start running again after an injury. I think if I were those race directors I might have left “swat” out of the race name. i almost didn’t sign up for it because it sounded so unpleasant, but now I’m glad I did.

  17. We got several inches of wet snow on Thursday night into Friday morning and now it’s lingering and spring is my least favorite season for this VERY REASON. Why so inconsistent, SPRING? (I may be very bitter right now.)

    Yay for signing up for a race! I hope that’s enough time for you to get prepared!!

  18. Ha, I hope so too, Engie. And yes… I didn’t realize so many people got snow this week. But now I’m realizing it!

  19. Ahhhh, so nice to get back to feeling normal! It is so hard to be out of routine. Hmmmm, “swat”? That does seem a bit scary. Biting bugs are not my friends! That’s great your son will be home soon. Mine will not be here for Easter so we just sent him some treats so he won’t miss us too much 🙂

    1. my son didn’t come home for spring break, so this is his “consolation” visit. And, yes… it’s so nice to be able to get my running shoes on and head outside, even if the “run” looks a little different than normal. I feel much more like my old self.

  20. So good you are starting to run again, and hope has returned! Great to have a race to work toward, despite the name! In my region in Aus we’re just finishing our hot, humid (and wet this year!) summer and I’ve never been happier for cooler weather. I’m so impressed you run such long distances in your Florida weather, so impressive!

    1. Thanks Sophie! Yep, we’re opposites. Just finished a lovely winter and heading into a hot, humid summer… ugh.

  21. No vest ideas from me, sigh. But, this is all so exciting – I’m glad that you’re feeling more in your normal routine. It feels like spring here in that today was in the 30s and Wednesday will be almost 60*, sigh. Happy All the Layers Month, haha!

    1. Yes, March can be confusing! At least up north. Down here it’s just warm and humid. But I’m still excited to be out running again, no matter what the weather is like.

  22. That’s great news that you have been able to start running again and that you’ve found another race to do. We have been getting some lovely autumn weather her,e but it is forecast to be over 30C on the Easter weekend, which I’m excited about because I should be able to squeeze in at least one more beach swim before the weather turns.

    1. Ugh, I feel like I need to move to Australia for the next six months. We’re heading into a hot humid summer- I’m jealous of your impending autumn.

  23. I hate hydration vest, so I can’t recommend anything. 🙁
    I am so so so glad you are feeling like yourself more and more. I know the recovery time can be so miserable, and you’ve been a trooper.
    It’s weird here. It got down in the 40 again, but it’s rainy and humid and off. I don’t love it.

    1. REALLY? 40s??? We’re not getting anything like that, but we’re much farther south.
      I think I remember that you don’t drink much while running? I don’t know how you do that- I drink a TON and pour water over my head when it’s hot.

  24. Isn’t it wonderful when you start feeling more like yourself? So happy you are on the road to recovery. I’m just hoping you’re not swatting TOO much during your race. Eeks. 🙂

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