walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Three Things

Originally I was going to challenge myself to write this post without mentioning three things: the weather, my car, and my hamstring.  Hahahahahaha!  Who I am kidding?  You’ll be hearing plenty about all of them!  Thanks to Kim and Deborah for hosting the weekly rundown- let’s just see how this week played out.


Because I knew I would stay up extremely late Saturday night to watch the Baylor game, I planned for this to be a complete day off.  I did an amazing job of relaxing- I slept late and spent the afternoon lounging on the couch while eating pretzels and watching the Dolphins.  This is the life!  Except… by the evening I was feeling kind of down, and it wasn’t a great way to go into the new week.  Lesson learned!


Let’s get back on track!  I’m trying a new schedule of running M-W-F-Saturday, with my longest run on Wednesday.  Today was a 3 mile run, followed by a Peloton core class.

So, you may remember that three weeks ago I got into a car accident, and my car has been in the shop ever since.  We’ve been muddling along with one car and my husband has been riding his bike to and from work every day.  He likes it- except when it rains.  And except for today when he GOT HIT BY A CAR.  He’s fine!!!  Luckily the car was going slowly, but he was knocked off his bike.  No injuries, but the rack on his bike (which he uses to carry everything he needs for work) was broken.  To his credit, he went right to the bike shop to get it repaired.  If it had been me I think I would have said “okay, that’s it- we’re renting a car.”

Nope, he got his bike fixed and the driver of the car paid for it (she felt really terrible.) All’s well that ends well, but still- what in the world is going to happen next?


Day of strength!  I did my favorite 30 minute glutes and legs strength class, followed by core and upper body, again all on Peloton.  My husband bravely continued to ride his bike to and from work.


I did a 10 minute barre class, and, after dropping my daughter off at school, headed to the beach for my run.

I didn’t run on the sand, but on a road that runs parallel to the beach.  This would have been a lovely run if it weren’t so frickin’ hot.  But you could say that about everything in Florida right now- as a matter of fact I think it should be our September State Motto: “Florida- it would be lovely if it weren’t so frickin’ hot.”  That’s the only problem with doing my longer run on Wednesday- I can’t get started quite as early as I would like.  I ran 7 miles (but that last mile wasn’t pretty.) And of course…I jumped in the ocean when I was done.

And, today we called the mechanic to find out WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MY CAR.  “Maybe Saturday.”  Oooookay.


Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!  Ha ha… I needed some more gentle movement today so I did Marcia’s Barre Sculpt Workout, followed by her Core Strength class, and then, what the heck!  I went for the triple and did her Balance Training Workout.  I really recommend her classes- it’s nice to have a break from Peloton every once in a while.


Another 3 mile run, and back to Peloton for a core class and an upper body class.

I used 4 minutes run/30 seconds walk intervals for all my runs this week.  With the heat and my achy hamstring (yes, still achy!) I’m really liking it.  And crazily, my overall mile pace is still faster than continuous running.


I started the day with a 2.5 mile run, and a short core class.

Then, my husband needed his car, so I rode my bike to work!  In light of the recent events, I took a longer, more scenic, and less traffic-y route.  It would be a lovely ride, except, well…. see Florida September State Motto, above.  I arrived at work drenched in sweat (of course I brought a change of clothes!)  Riding the bike feels really good on my hamstring.  I know, I know… I should do it more often. I had another ride home after work.

So it’s Saturday- my car should be done, right?  Oh no, the mechanic texted us that he has a pinched nerve in his neck and has to see a “specialist.”  Ah, well, we can’t expect him to work on the car in that condition!  Now, the car “might” be ready Tuesday.  I give up.


On tap for today…. somehow I only did one lower body strength workout last week, so that’s the plan at some point.  There will also be waffle eating and football watching, obviously- it’s Sunday!

If you cycle, are you concerned about cars? – Honestly, it’s one of the reasons I don’t ride more often- I’m afraid of being hit.

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

41 Responses

  1. Yikes. Glad to hear your hubby is ok. And yes I’d be nervous riding. I only ride on trails or neighborhoods.

    I do have FOMO on that beach run.

    It’s fall here. Cooler temps. Shorter days.

    1. Yes, that’s the beach we were at when you were here! You’ll be seeing it again in February. I wouldn’t mind the cooler temps you’re having- I’m tired of 90s.

  2. Oh I’m so glad your husband wasn’t hurt. I am definitely worried about cars when we ride on the road and my husband bike commutes most days.

    I’m surprised you didn’t tell the mechanic that you’d fix his neck if he’d fix your car. 😉

    1. Ha ha, maybe he’d give us a break on the cost! Wow, your husband bike commutes- just like my husband! Ha ha… I have a strong feeling my husband will start driving again when we have two cars.

  3. Argh!!! You guys are overdue for a break in the transport department. Major props to your husband for getting right back on the bike through. Yes, something about biking does freak me out a bit. I stopped biking when I was 16 because that’s when my family moved and my bike was too old to be worth moving. I rode one once on vacation in my early 40s and that’s been it. It’s true that you never forget how to balance on a bike but it’s a very weird feeling.

    Here’s hoping that the universe will cooperate and give you a break on the three things!

  4. Cycling is a lot like running in that we have to assume no one else can see us, ugh. Thankfully, in my somewhat small town, the traffic isn’t crazy…but there are still a lot of idiots who are careless because the traffic isn’t so crazy, LOL. My weekly hilly ride is on a bike path, and we only have to cross two roads, otherwise that hilly ride wouldn’t be happening. I’m glad to hear the biking feels good on the hammy!

    1. Yes, I think the solution is to ride on a bike path. Of course that doesn’t work if you need to take a certain route to work. And yes, assume no one can see you on the bike- because they probably actually don’t.

  5. Cycling! So many thoughts. When I met my husband, he didn’t have a car – only a bicycle. We mostly rode our bikes places and we lived in a place where that was possible (Minneapolis has great cycling infrastructure). He was doored once (cycling by parked cars when a car opened a door on the driver’s side and hit him, causing him to fly into a traffic and his bike to get run over) and was pretty beat up and bruised. I was hit by a car once and fractured my hand. When we moved to a rural area, we stopped riding a lot because people here are aggressive to cyclists and the shoulders are too narrow to safely ride when cars are doing 65 on a two-lane rural highway. A few years ago, my husband had an accident with his bike and a pothole and he broke his collarbone. So,..yes, we’re worried about cars and we’re worried about the condition of the roads. We cycle A LOT less than we used to and it makes me really sad.

    1. You guys have had a LOT of bike accidents! Yes, dooring is really dangerous for cyclists. Ugh, the more I read people’s stories, the less I want to ride.

  6. Your husband got hit by a car! Okay, Universe. That’s enough now! Enough!!!!

    I love biking but only on trails. I am terrified of riding in traffic for just that reason! My very good friend was hit by a car while biking and she was not as lucky as your husband; her back was broken and she was actually lucky to be alive.

  7. oh wow glad your husband is ok. Cyclists getting hit by cars seems to be kind of common around here. I used to ride often outside but always on the trail bc cars scare me. You all sure have had a bunch of challenges lately! Hope you get your car back this week

    1. Yes, it’s been a challenging month. But I feel like things are going to turn around for us soon! Getting the car back would be a good start.

  8. After your post last week, I thought maybe your car issues turned into a good thing since your husband started enjoying riding to work. Yikes about the accident, but so glad he is okay. I agree with you, the cross of bike riding feels so good and I should do it more often, but I need more hours in the day. Thankfully, we are in the country and take the less traveled roads so I can easily hear when a car is approaching.

    Good luck on getting your car back this week. I can’t believe it’s taking so long.

    1. Thank you Michele, we can’t believe it either! I tell myself I’m going to keep biking once this is all over, but I’m not sure if I’ll really do it.

  9. Wow, your poor husband! I’m so glad he’s okay! Kudos to him for getting right back on the bike. You seem awfully nice, where the heck is all this bad juju coming from? I really hope you get your car back soon! I would not be happy. I don’t bike . . .

    1. Thank you Judy! That’s a good point, we’re good people- we don’t deserve all this! Hmm, something went wrong somewhere. Anyway… I have high hopes I’ll be seeing my car this week.

  10. Getting hit by a car is one of the biggest reasons I don’t ride my bike as often as I should. I had a bad bike accident about 5 years ago when a car was aggressive. I overcorrected and dumped my bike. I was clipped in, so I couldn’t break my fall (or bones) but I was a bloody mess. People are so distracted and they don’t see us! I’m glad your hubs is ok. That mechanic tho…maybe you could offer him a massage for that neck stiffness and he could get your car done?

    1. Yes, my rule for bike riding is “act like you’re invisible” because basically you are- cars just aren’t on the lookout for bikes. Ha ha… if the car isn’t done by Tuesday I’ll go over personally to give him a massage!

  11. Totally agree with you about Sundays and how you don’t want to end the dat poorly because it doesn’t set you up well for the rest of the week. I get the “sunday scaries” every week because the anticipation of work sometimes stresses me out, but I’m working on trying to not feel that way!

    OMG what a scary incident for your husband! I am so glad that he is okay.I’ve noticed that so many drivers here are distracted so it makes me so nervous for running outside sometimes.

    I am so sorry about the drama with your car. Hopefully you’ll have a more positive update for us next Sunday (fingers crossed).

    1. Yes, I have high hopes that next week’s post will have a beautiful picture of my car! “Sunday scaries”… I like that.

  12. Oh my goodness, Jenny! I’m so glad your husband is okay, but what a scary situation. I don’t know if I’d ever ride a bike after that, so I did have to chuckle that he went to get it fixed right away. I can’t imagine!

    I also have a hard time with Sunday’s; the transition back into the week can feel daunting. Friday night is always my favourite time of the week when I get into full relaxation mode.

    Hope your car is back soon. This ordeal has gone on long enough!!

    1. Yes, I would have had a hard time riding again. It’s probably good that he did it right away! Still waiting on the car (arrrrg!)

  13. OMG, your husband got hit by a car! What in the world! I am so glad he is ok and it was a minor incident. That is so scary. When I lived downtown, I used to bike to work every day, but it was only a couple of miles. I used the city bikes that you can check in/out – they are pretty common in big cities. I always wore a helmet but could not believe how many people didn’t wear helmets! Like NGS said above, Minneapolis has great biking infrastructure. There are lots of dedicated bike lanes so I would only bike on roads w/ bike lanes. No way I was going to share a lane w/ a car and trust they wouldn’t hit me! After I moved out of downtown, I would only ride on dedicated bike paths that were not part of the road. We have tons around us – around lakes, along a creek, etc. Minneapolis battles it out with Portland on which is the most bike-friendly city, which is pretty crazy because our client isn’t really bike-friendly for so many days of the year!! I have not been on my bike since I got pregnant in June 2017. It just doesn’t occur to me to bike. When Paul learns to ride a bike I’ll probably get back into biking but that feels far off since he’s not interested in his bike and is all about his scooter!

    1. Yes, that is interesting about Minneapolis- your climate isn’t bike friendly but the roads are. At this point I only want to ride on dedicated bike paths- which makes it hard to get most places.

  14. I almost got in an accident today with the kids in the car. Not my fault but they would have been hit. I laid on the horn and swerved pretty beautifully, but now my neck hurts. Boo.

    I am glad your hubby is ok, but that’s so scary. I hope you get some answers soon.

    Nice job getting to the beach. I haven’t been able to.

  15. Oh my goodness – so glad your husband was OK and his bike is fixes but wow. Hope nothing else happens and Tuesday is the day for the return of your car! Nice job on the sweaty 7 miler. Jumping in the water after must have been amazing!

  16. oh wow – that’s scary about your husband! I’m glad it was minor. I was just giving my son crap tonight because he biked home in the dark!! Grrr. I hate when he does that. I did have one situation last year when a car buzzed by super close and that freaked me out. Other than that I think I am very visible with my lights (at least I sure hope so!).
    Kudos to your family on making the car situation work, despite how challenging it sounds. I hope you get it back sooooon!!

  17. OMG, I am so glad your husband is okay. I would ride my bike much more often if I wasn’t so afraid of bad drivers. It’s one thing as a runner (it’s easier to stop when drivers are not looking your way), but I am always more afraid when I am on my bike because drivers seem to not know how to behave around bicyclists.

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