Wow. This week was a whirlwind! On Tuesday my son and I started our (now annual) drive to Texas. We drove his car there, got him all set up in his new living situation, and then I flew back. There were a couple random days off in there, but I did have some runs and workouts! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get started!
6 mile run! I did a hot and sunny route near my house. Luckily I had my hydration vest and water bottle.
Leg day at the gym! Squats, deadlifts, calf raises, Runner’s Touch, abs and low back.
Drove from Boca Raton to Mobile, Alabama! I had dreams of doing a quick core workout before getting in the car… hahahahaha. That didn’t happen.
Okay, I was pretty annoyed. I specifically picked out a hotel WITH A GYM, because I knew I would want to run this morning, and running on the side of the highway just wasn’t appealing. Well… our hotel didn’t have a gym; instead they offered free passes to a nearby Planet Fitness. THAT IS NOT A GYM. I mean, Planet Fitness is a gym, but that’s not the same thing as having a gym in the hotel, as was advertised. There were many reasons why I didn’t want to drive to a gym in the morning- so I ended up running four hot and sweaty miles around the hotel and adjacent parking lots.

We made it to Texas! Funny thing- this hotel did have a gym. It had a treadmill, a bike, an elliptical, and an “extensive” set of dumbbells:

This would have been perfect for the day before, when all I wanted was a treadmill. On this day I had been hoping to lift weights though. I did what I could! Lunges, overhead shoulder press (I only use 15 lbs for that anyway) and some core.
We spent the rest of the day moving my son into his house, which he’s sharing with three other boys. This involved moving furniture out of another boy’s garage, and making trips to Target and the grocery store. It was actually a fun day.
So guess what I realized- Florida isn’t really THAT hot! I thought it was, until this trip to Texas. It got up to 105 every day, and the humidity put the heat index around 110. It was a different kind of heat from Florida- Florida feels muggy and hot. Every time we stepped outside in Texas, it was like stepping into a blast furnace.
But I still had to run! I ran early in the morning, and it was around 80 degrees- same as my runs have been in Florida. I had a really nice run along the river.
It was so pretty! I ran 6.7 miles (meant to run 6, but there was a slight miscalculation) and it was definitely getting hot by the end.
Travel day! There’s only one thing we don’t like about Baylor- it’s not easy to get there, or back home. There is a tiny airport in Waco, but it just makes more sense to fly out of Dallas or Austin. So travel was an all-day affair, involving a bus to Dallas, Uber from the bus station to the airport, and then a flight to Ft. Lauderdale. When I finally got home I texted my son, “It’s only 90 degrees here!” and he texted back “Lucky!”
Sigh. Back to reality. On tap for today- a quick run, and then work. I don’t normally work Sundays but I figured I would make up some hours that I missed while away. I kind of wish I had taken the extra day off, but you know what? I’m always sad when I have to say goodbye to my son, and the best fix for that is throwing myself back into a routine. Running and then going to work is probably the best thing I can do.
How was your week? Was it hot where you are? – I now have a new definition of “hot.”
Do you like coming home from a trip? – I’m a little sad my adventure is over.
44 Responses
Texas is definitely hot! I was there last July and jumped into an 8K where I thought I would just melt. Glad the drop off went ok and hope it wasn’t too hard on you. I cried every fall 🙂
Yes, it never gets easier. My son is really happy there and loves his new living situation, so that helps.
Ouch. That is hot. I would have run but maybe crashed and burned.
We had a cool week. Sorry. In the 50s in the morning.
What an adventure but at least your river run had different scenery.
Oh, so you were “only” 60 degrees cooler than us, ha ha. The river run was really nice- and I think it was a little easier than Florida running because it’s not as humid there.
Oof that feeling of walking into a furnace is brutal. It’s good that it gave you some perspective on the Florida heat! I know my sister is hating the extreme heat in az. Their humidity is low but it’s like 110 so humidity or not that is pretty awful. She had 2 young kinds (2m and 2.5y) so this is her ‘winter’ where they are cooped up a lot.
I typically do not get sad coming home from vacations – except my trips to Paris and France. I love that country and esp Paris so much that I am sad when the trip comes to an end. But otherwise I am really glad to get back to my routines and normal eating, etc. I am such a creature of habit that thrives in a routine!!
Wow those hotel gym set ups were awful! You can’t say you have a gym when that means passes to another gym! Not cool! It reminds me of a time when I traveled with my boss and he thought our hotel would have a gym and the same thing happened – they had passes to a gym. He lost it on the front desk person. And then made me drive him to Walmart so he could buy a workout DVD… this was before online programs. It was back in 2012. I was so sick on this trip. I probably should not have traveled but it was a time when you just didn’t cancel a trip. So I was not thrilled to have to drive him to Walmart when I just wanted to go to bed. I don’t know why I had to drive… I drove the whole trip and was so loopy from cold meds. We were presenting at a couple of conferences in Pennsylvania and the drives between the presentations and airport were long. It was truly the weirdest trip. And I have more stories about that guy. He was a total lunatic.
That’s a funny story! I didn’t actually complain at our hotel because it wasn’t worth it. But I will write a review. Not like I want to trash them or anything, but people should know what the gym situation is. Had I known, I would have booked a different hotel.
It’s always entertaining to see what was advertised vs reality for hotel gyms.
Ironically I had the opposite heat situation this week, since I went from FL to back up north. Our flight was delayed so we got in at 2AM when it was a shivering 60 degrees out.
Travel is tough when the end means saying goodbye to a family member. It was a bit hard to come home from family vacation and say goodbye to everyone. I can’t imagine if it was one of the kids. We’ve got a reprieve on that for now since my oldest stepson is staying home for college, but the day will come.
Shivering? What’s that???
Yes, it’s SO HARD to say goodbye to one of your kids. Unfortunately you will experience it, someday.
Yeah, Texas hot is different! I was in Austin in August a few years ago, and the mid-day heat was brutal. I’m impressed you ran, but it does look like a lovely route!
LOL on the hotel gyms. I wonder if people steal weights? My Marriott gym had a full set of weights, from 5 lbs to 40 lbs, but the 20 lbs were missing.
I guess if you were a dishonest person, a hotel gym would be a great place to pick up a pair of 20 lb dumbbells- weights are expensive!
Yeah, I’d call that false advertising with the hotel/gym ordeal. At least you were able to make the best of the situation (which is far better than causing a scene or stewing over the circumstances). I’m always bummed “coming home.” Even after my week of RAGBRAI antics…last week really seemed boring, and I kept thinking back what I was doing each of the days of the previous week. I didn’t realize there was such a marked difference in Texas vs. Florida heat!
I didn’t really realize it either until this trip!
Yes, coming home can seem dull after a week of adventures. I’m sure my daughter will do her best to keep things “interesting” around here, sigh! The turquoise hair is happening this week.
Not hot here. So not hot that I went vaguely blue with cold volunteering at parkrun in a static role yesterday morning! I’ve been through Texas but New Mexico was v hot when I went there one time. But a dry heat, at least.
Um… i can’t remember the last time I was blue with cold. But you’re reminding me how much I dislike being cold- so I shouldn’t keep complaining about the heat.
I’m always sad coming home from a fun trip. In contrast to you moving your son to college, next weekend we are moving mine from Madison to Chicago, where he will live with his brother. Man oh man do I have empty nest syndrome. I miss having them around!
I’ve been to Mobile Alabama–before the pandemic, a few of my friends and I ran the Mobile Half Marathon. The Azalea Trail Maids were at the finish line. They were dressed in Antebellum costumes and it was about the most southern thing I have ever experienced! I loved it, actually.
On the Happier podcast they’ve been trying to come up with a better term for “empty nest”- reframing it to sound more positive. So far I haven’t heard any great ideas, but something about more freedom and opportunities. I don’t know- it’s hard. I miss my son SO MUCH. My daughter is still home, but only for four years and I know how fast those will go.
Ok, so we lived in Austin 17 years. I wasn’t a runner (although I walked a lot) and I didn’t have dogs that needed to be walked until the last 4 years (but I still walked a lot, I always have. I bought my first treadmill in TX so I could walk in the Summer! We really thought we’d live there the rest of our lives, but the Universe had other ideas which might be a good thing after all. The Summers are just brutal!
But the Winters, ah, for the most part they’re amazing. Although like FL it can actually get cold — it just doesn’t stay cold (forever).
That’s too bad about the hotel not being truthful in their advertising about the gym.
Hope work today is helping you a little in transitioning to being without your son.
My son says he LOVES the winters there! And there’s actually a fall, unlike Florida. So it’s really only 3-4 unpleasant months. Which you could say about most places, I guess.
Oooh that sounds like unpleasantly hot in Texas. I’ve only experienced extreme heat in Italy (38C at most) and there it’s always humid. Dry heat I can imagine is hard. Well done going running in that! But ok, 80F is quite nice.
I had to laugh a little about the “extensive dumbbell selection”! It’s hard to know what to expect with hotel gyms, it can be anything.
Yes, you never know! I’ve been at some hotels with REALLY nice gyms, so I was kind of expecting that. Ha! I’ve learned my lesson.
It’s been so hot here the last few days… also 100+F and dry heat, so “furnace blast”. I think it’s better than high humidity but I let you be the judge 🙂 Sounds like you had a lot of pivoting to do this week, but I can count on you to make it work somehow! 😉
Well, it’s funny- when I was in Texas I thought that was worse, but now that I’m home I’m remembering how hard the humidity is! It’s a tossup.
I am impressed how you made the best of some challenging situations and still got workouts in! I think many, many people would have just given up at those stumbling blocks! I’ll admit I often/usually just don’t work out at all when I’m on vacation or traveling. I guess usually we are on a true “family fun” vacation so I’m often up later at night, or we have morning plans, or I’m spending time with family, or just enjoying having a quiet tea somewhere pretty…. Maybe on a more fun AND function trip like this one where the main purpose was to successfully relocate your son back to college, I could see myself sticking more to my routine! Or trying to. Those super hot 4 miles around the hotel parking lot area though… wow! hahaha! SO scenic indeed! LOL! Well done, Jenny!
Thank you Kae! I really needed those runs- otherwise sitting in the car would have been tough. I did take a couple extra days off, which I didn’t feel bad about at all!
You’re so dedicated! I frequently find myself just forgoing all the exercise when I’m traveling because it just seems like too much on top of car/plane/etc. I would definitely NOT run around parking lots. You’re my hero.
Ha ha… well, I knew I was going to sit for 10 hours in the car, so I really wanted to move my body before we left. And the run in Waco was partially a sightseeing adventure.
Generally, I feel pretty sad to come home; I hate things ending that I anticipate (like Christmas – I know you feel the same way!). I find it hard to get back into a routine and I tend to feel blue for a few days. That said, I was away solo with my kids visiting family last week and it was intense and I was SO relieved to get home.
It’s a perfect summer temperature where I live this week. ~75 degrees! We did a family walk yesterday involving time on a tree-covered trail and it was lovely. I really mind heat, so this is my favourite temp range (which is why I LOVE September where I live; the days are warm, but it’s cool in the morning and evening).
75 sounds PERFECT. And yes- we are in agreement. I looked forward to this trip so much, which makes it hard to have it end. But, onward! I have survived many endings and new beginnings.
Wow! That IS hot! I start melting as soon as the thermometer passes the 75 degree mark, so I am incredibly impressed that you made it out to run!
How annoying that the hotel gym wasn’t on site! That’s not what a hotel gym is.
Glad you got to spend this time with your son! And now an adjustment period as you settle into a routine without him. I totally get wanting to keep busy.
Well- do NOT go to Texas! Unless it’s in the winter- you would like it then.
What a trip!
So Florida is hot, but after spending 5 hours in a stadium in Atlanta last weekend, I’m grateful that we at least get breezes off the water, making things tolerable.
How are you doing? Those moving days can be hard.
Yes, we get a breeze (sometimes) and we also get RAIN. There’s no rain in Texas in the summer- it was weird to see all the brown grass.
That is some serious HEAT! You’re a trooper. Love the dedication! The river trail looks lovely.
I’m so used to the heat by now- it still bothers me but I just accept that’s the way it is if I want to run!
Ooof, that heat!! Nope, no heat like that here. I’d complain if it was 70 degrees when I ran. LOL! A bit of a bummer that summer is over for your son, but fun times await for him at college! Especially at a new house with friends 🙂 My daughter opted to leave with 2 of the same roommates again in the same apartment complex. I’m OK with that, it is a safe place!
I was happy to have my bed pillow back again after our vacation. The last hotel we were in made my neck sore!!
My son also had some back issues from the hotel nights, but I actually love sleeping in hotels! I love having my own bed with lots of pillows.
It made it easier to say goodbye to my son, knowing that he loves his college life and is looking forward to the year ahead. And his living situation is going to be great.
It’s always sad when our kids have to leave no matter how old they are. I have never been to Texas, but I can relate to the blast of a furnace feeling from time spent in Arizona.
Yes, I’m sure Texas and AZ are similar in that respect.
Great job with your 6.7 miler! Esp in the hot weather. Texas is hot! I’ve only been to Houston and only once, but it was a ton of fun. And I went in October, when it was not-so-hot. Ugh, I’m getting emotional about my middle kid going to kindergarten – I can imagine saying goodbye for college, etc. You are amazing!
Melissa, you will get there- it’s so, so hard but you will be able to do it. And yes- my son says the weather starts to cool down in October and then it gets really nice.
Texas is so hot! you definitely did the best you could in not so ideal workout conditions! Glad you were able to help your son out though!
I’m pretty sure he’s at the point where he could do it without my help- maybe he’s just humoring me by letting me come along and help him!
That stinks about the “hotel gym”. I’ve had hotels pull that on me before, too. 😛 And, I’ve also done the “run around the parking lot are you KIDDING ME?” run. 🙂
I’m glad drop off went well but sorry you are already missing your son again. I’m glad you were able to spend car time with him, though!
The car time was great! The whole trip with him was fun. I’m still missing him though : (