walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Triple Pi Run!

I had a really fun week, ending with a “triple pi” trail run.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all happened.


“Always miss a Monday” is apparently my mantra, ha ha.  It was my day off, as usual.


My first pi run of the week!  3.14 miles, followed by upper body strength, focused on pullups.


Double pi run, except that I forgot to stop my watch and went 6.33 miles.  Oh well- I did run 6.28.  Plus .5.  I preceded this run with squats and deadlifts.  Lifting weights before a run is not my preferred order, but it’s just the way it has to be on Wednesdays.  But my run felt good, so maybe that sequence actually works for me.


Day off of running.  I did more upper body strength, and in keeping with the Pi Week theme, held a plank for three minutes and fourteen seconds.  I do not recommend this craziness, by the way.  It made me realize I have no desire to be an “ultra planker.”


Back to running, phew.  Another 3.14 mile run and that was it for the day!  I love days when I just run.


I had a dilemma here.  I wanted to do another 3.14 mile run, but I knew I wanted to do a longer run on Sunday and my miles for the week were ramping up quickly.  Last week was a cutback week, and the week before that I ran 21.75 miles.  My foot is still iffy (sigh) and I’m trying to be cautious and follow the 10% rule of adding mileage (more or less.) I decided to walk a mile and then run 2.14, to make it 3.14 for the day.  This was fun!  I don’t normally combine running and walking, but it was the perfect solution for this week.  I still went over the 10% rule for the week (oops) but at least I shortened it a little.  Followed this run with Runner’s Touch exercise.


I love Sundays!!!  It’s my only day where I get up and have the morning to myself, since I have two kids in school and work on Saturdays.  I went out for my ‘triple pi” run on a beautiful trail in beautiful weather.

A runner’s dream.

Now that I know these trails a little better, I was able to drive to a spot last night and hide a water bottle.  This run took me right to a Wildlife Preserve on the edge of the Everglades.

There weren’t a lot of people around, but there were some bird-watchers.  They were probably viewing rare Painted Buntings or something as I barreled past, intent on my own agenda.  I was able to run a bit in the preserve before turning around, but the best thing was that there was a porta-potty (which I didn’t need this time, but you never know) and a trash can.  It worked out beautifully because I found the water bottle I had hidden the night before, was able to drink it and then RECYCLE IT in their bin!  Yay!  Then I turned and headed for home.

Full disclosure!  When my watch got to 9.42, I stopped, took a picture, and then hit “resume.”  I still had a little bit to get back to my car, and then when I got to my car I was at 9.85.  Who would stop there?  That would be silly!!!  I made it an even 10 miles.

This was the farthest I’ve run since September, when my foot decided to implode.  It was an incredibly fun adventure… and what a week.  So let’s see… I did three pi runs, a double pi run, and a triple pi run.  Tonight we will have our “quadruple” PIE run, where we run to the table to consume two pizzas and two dessert pies.  Pictures to follow!

Happy Pi Day everyone!

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42 Responses

  1. Great week! Love all the pi runs 🙂 That looks like such a nice place to run! That sunshine…I would need to add lots of layers of SPF 🙂

  2. Awesome job and I love the theme of “pi” for your runs this week!
    We had a lot of sunshine this week but also some cold days too. Unfortunately today it’s super windy 🙁

    1. Yeah, we had a lot of wind this week but luckily it calmed down for the weekend. Running in the wind is not so fun.

  3. Yay for Pi’ing all week!! YOU had a lot of fun variations, too, especially adding in the planks! I do 2:30 planks everyday, and have done 5-minute planks (on very rare occasions), but I’ve never Pi-planked. I’m definitely going to try to remember to mix those in next year. Anyways, you had a great week and congrats on the 10-miler!

  4. Wow, awesome job on the miles this week. I am so glad to hear that your foot is behaving! And I’m jealous of your trails. I hope to run there someday.

  5. Great job on all those pi runs. I didn’t figure out a pi route, but I did look at my Garmin when I was almost home and happened to see I was at 3.14 miles …. Great idea to have pizza pie on pi day.

  6. I am down for two pizzas and two dessert pies!

    Girl, you are brave running in the Everglades! Snakes! Gators! Birds of prey! Ack!

    I’m sorry your foot is back to normal yet. So frustrating. I hope you catch a break soon.

    1. I figure nothing bad could happen if I’m on a trail with bird watchers, right? But yes- all those thing you mentioned are out there!

  7. Sunday has turned in to my rest day, so mine is not as exciting as yours! I do miss a Sunday morning run, but soon it will be my chance to get up and get a bike ride in before my family gets up. I do like doing that on Sunday morning too! Good job on your Pi runs this week.

    1. Thanks Lisa! i do love my exciting Sundays, but there’s also something to be said for really have a restful day. My days off from running are Mondays but I still have to go to work. Oh well… my schedule will change eventually.

  8. Is it the Arthur Marshall preserve you ended near?
    We did an air boat tour there. Such a fun spot. You’re really not that far (relatively) from my mom & her husband, whee.
    Congrats on a strong week. Pi creativity was a thing

    1. To be honest I’m not sure if that was the name of the preserve- the one I was at is at the very end of Loxahatchee Rd. in West Boca. They do have air boat rides!

      1. Yep, that’s it. Air boats are on the left and the iced coffee at the WaWa on the way back is always a refreshing treat after. We’re going to have to connect in the fall <3

          1. Funny what our landmarks are. Will do! if I make it down for the holiday it will be too tight a window, but will ping you for the fall-likely October. Followed you on insta so I can message you. I’m a little too far northeast to run to you (off Linton), but we can find somewhere in the middle.

          2. Oh, the other thing is if you start at that WaWa, there’s a trail that leads all the way west to the wildlife preserve. That would be a pretty long run though!

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