Boy, whoever said “progress isn’t linear” wasn’t kidding. This week has been a roller coaster. Now that the swelling has subsided, I no longer have a gigantic clubfoot and can finally identify the lingering issues. We’ll get into that! But first, thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s just see how this week went. (Warning! This post contains some phenomenally bad gym selfies. I think we’ll all be relieved when I can get back to my usual running photos.)
Gym! I “graduated” from the bike to the elliptical, but it turns out I didn’t like it. Maybe it was that the position I had to put my foot felt weird, but I just wasn’t comfortable. 30 minutes of this…
and then I did the leg press machine, abs and low back.
Back on the bike for 20 minutes, followed by some upper body strength- reverse fly, bench press, abs and low back.

This was a rough, rough day. It started at the gym with 50 minutes on the bike, followed by abs.

Then I went to work. For whatever reason, my foot and ankle felt awful. They were aching and throbbing all day long. I wanted to take some Advil, but I hadn’t brought any with me and the thought of taking extra steps to seek some out filled me with despair. I just ground along miserably to the end. This was a day that had me questioning all my life choices and wanting to get in bed at 4 pm.
New day, new foot! I decided to try some strength at home to see where I was at. I could do squats (just not with heavy weights- but still!) Runners Touch was impossible on my left side, but I did it on the right side and just practiced balancing on the left foot. I attempted split squats- that was a no-go- but I did some heel raises and tibialis raises, and those felt good. I also did crunches on a stability ball.
This was a day off of work, and my foot felt much better.
Back at it. 50 minutes on the bike, followed by abs.

At work, I felt like a completely different person. If my foot on Tuesday was 100% worse than Monday, then today was 500% better than Tuesday. Go figure! It was a much more hopeful day.
Upper body strength- bench press, overhead dumbbell press, reverse flys, and lat pulldowns. Followed by abs and low back. I don’t think I’ve ever done so much ab work in my entire life. I should have a six-pack! Actually, I probably do have one, it’s just covered up by a little “padding.” Oh, and get ready for the worst selfie ever. I was trying to show how I’m working my low back, and… yeah.
Off! This has become my weekly day off, since the gym doesn’t open until 8 and I have to be at work at 8:45.
On tap- a fun and exciting trip to… the gym. Sigh.
So, what exactly is going on with that foot? The peroneal tendon (that’s the one that runs underneath the outside of the ankle bone) is supremely irritated. And, my achilles tendon seems to have been replaced by a block of wood. I don’t recall that area being involved in the original injury, but it’s so stiff and tight. Actually I think it’s my soleus- that’s the muscle in the calf that you’re stretching when you lean forward and bend your knee (if you lean forward with your hands against the wall and keep your back leg straight, you’re stretching your gastrocs- if you bend your knee, you’re stretching your soleus.) If I lean against the wall in that typical calf stretch position, I almost can’t bend my knee at all on the left side.
I’ve been watching Bob and Brad (the two most famous physical therapists on the internet.) If you’ve never seen them, check them out- all their videos are free on YouTube and they’re really helpful. They said the peroneal tendon can definitely be involved if you have tight calf muscles, due to the way you’re compensating for that lack of mobility. So loosening up that soleus muscle is my #1 priority right now.
In addition to the fact that I’d obviously rather be running, I also have a self-imposed deadline for recovery. As soon as I DNF’d my race, I started thinking about another 50 mile race in Florida at the end of April. I want to run it so badly! But, I need to a) recover and b) put in some training before then. I can’t take eight weeks off and then show up for a 50 mile race. So… I feel the clock ticking down. There’s still hope, but I need to heal up ASAP. Fingers crossed!
Do you have any exciting races coming up?
Have you ever watched Bob and Brad?- Check them out next time you have any injuries or issues- it’s the next best thing to actually going to PT in person.
Header photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash
43 Responses
Omg. I’m reliving my recovery through you. Good days. Bad days. There were days my Achilles was so tight I couldn’t walk down stairs. Yes took advil a lot. And yes my calf was sore.
But I had a deadline. NYC March 17 and so I started to run. And here I am.
Mine is 13.1 not 50. But you were trained for 50. I had only just trained for a 15k. But difference in mileage.
You will get there.
Thanks Darlene! Good to know I’m right on track : )
Hang in there Jenny! The healing is part of your training and it is every bit as important as a long run to get you to the 50 mile marker. You will be back soon – it’s just that every day between now and your first run is going to feel like an eternity.
The closest thing that I have going on to a race is the hiking challenge. It goes until the end of June but I think I might be able to finish it in March. What’s the point of finishing in March? Because I can;-)
Yes, I like your hiking challenge! If you finish it in March, then what will you do? Is there another challenge you can start?
Thanks for your support and words of wisdom.
B & B are great and so funny! They have really helped me over the years w stretches and ideas. Sounds like you are definitely on the mend so hang in there. You once told me that I have recovered from 100% of previous injuries and you have too. The hardest part is being patient and letting ourselves heal.
I know… being patient is so hard. Easy advice to give to others- hard to take when you’re the one with an injury. But yes- thanks for the reminder. I’ve had a lot of injuries and a 100% recovery success rate.
I bet all your knowledge as a massage therapist really helps you figure out what isn’t right with your ankle. I hope you continue to see improvement in your pain level. That 50 mile race seems so soon, though! But I know you will be smart and not run it if you aren’t healthy enough to.
It’s going to be in the 60s here today. I can’t wait. Yesterday was nice, too. We will spend a lot of time outside today. We are at the point of winter where the kids are so sick of everything in our house. And we are tired of being cooped up after dinner (it’s dark by then so not a time to be outside even when it’s nice out). But the days are getting longer!! Woo hoo!
Wow, 60s in March sounds like amazing weather. I’ll bet you and the boys will be happy to be outside this weekend! Yes, the days are getting longer… there’s hope.
I am pretty sure my Achilles issues stemmed from tight calve muscles. That soleus stretech was part of my rehab — and wearing that brace that holds your foot in a position that stretches your calf. Now I stretch my calves every day — including the soleus.
It sounds like the elliptical hasn’t been a good option for either us. Hopefully now that the swelling is going down the rest of the recovery will happen more quickly,
Thanks Coco! Yes, to be honest that soleus muscle was tight even before the injury (but not THIS tight.) And that’s the side with my ongoing Plantar fasciitis… so getting the muscle loosened up should help everything.
It sounds like things are moving in the right direction for you, even if it’s slower than you’d like!
Not sure if this is your issue, but I dealt with peroneal tendonitis in 2021. I started seeing a PT for it because it was so painful when I would run. She had me scale back on the running but not cut it out completely because tendons need to adjust to the load we put on them while running, so maybe you can ease back into short runs soon? I think mine stems from a tight calf issue which I still deal with and I try to remember to do calf raises whenever I can!
I’m hoping to start walking this week (I mean brisk walking, not cautiously hobbling around.) I agree that sometimes it’s okay to push it and feel a little discomfort- as long as it’s not TOO painful. I’m doing lots of calf raises and also stretching, AND using a massage gun. So far nothing seems to be helping, but I know I’m being too impatient- it takes time.
I know it seems slow, but I am sure that with enough rest, your ankle will get better soon! I have never watched Brad and Bob, but I actually went to school for PT! I ultimately decided that I did not really like touching people, although I loved the sports aspect of it. I am sure you have read things that talk about how much recovery you are supposed to take after a race; some say one day per mile! I never did that myself, but just to play devil’s advocate, even if you were not injured, you would need some rest! So don’t be too hard on yourself; just let it heal! I know this is easier said than done, believe me!
Oh, well looking on the bright side I only completed 23 miles of that race, ha ha, instead of the 50. So I should be back to running soon.
You went to school for PT! I really thought about doing that instead of massage school, and sometimes I wish I had. But I needed to train for something quickly (I was in my 30s, had just gotten married and we wanted to have kids) so I didn’t want to spend that many years in school. Maybe I would have if I had started when I was younger.
Fingers crossed for healing! Knowing what’s wrong is more than half the battle. Of course, the other half – actually healing – feels eternally slow! Hang in there!
Yes, knowing what’s wrong is the easy half… but everything heals eventually. Thanks for the encouragement Nicole!
I have not heard of Bob & Brad (or, I may have just forgotten who they are). I’ll have to check them out. My next “race” is the Fight for Air Climb (April 7th). After that, I have a hilly half marathon late April and possibly a 1-mile race (affiliated with the half marathon, but two days later). I hope things continue to improve for your dear foot, ankle and achilles.
Thanks Kim! I would say all your stair climbing should be getting you ready for that hilly race!
You did have a roller coaster week with that ankle! I love Bob and Brad! The Prehab Guys on YouTube is another great source I use. I have their app as well but have not used it in a while. Hoping you heal really quickly so you can get back to running and go for that 50 miler in April.
Thank you Melodie! I’ll look up the Prehab Guys as well- you can never have too much information.
I wanted to write what Deborah wrote: you’ve told her (and Coco) that they have recovered from 100% of their previous injuries. And you are right!!
You’ll be running by April if you go into full rehab mode this month.
I’m wondering – is there a way that you can sit during your work, at least a part of the time? Standing all day must be quite stressful for your foot.
I can sit a little, depending on the type of massage. Like if I’m working on someone’s neck while they’re face up, i sit on a stool. Likewise I can sit if I’m working on someone’s feet. Tuesday was just really unlucky- one of my clients requested a 90 minute massage ON HER BACK ONLY, ARRRRRG! I couldn’t sit down at all. Phooey.
Anyway, thanks for the encouragement! I still have time to get this ankle rehabbed and running again.
I follow Bob and Brad on Instagram and occasionally seek out their video’s when something rears its ugly head. I so hope you can get a handle on recovery and start running again soon. That would be amazing to run the end-of-April 50 as a redemption race.
LOL on your butt picture.
I got on my elliptical for the first time in years yesterday for 1 measly mile. I just don’t enjoy using it. If my clients didn’t use it, I’d get rid of it.
Yes, it all came back to me- I’ve never really liked the elliptical. i was able to do the stair climber today and I like that MUCH better. Imean- if I have to do a machine, that is.
Glad someone appreciated the butt picture!
You really make me feel lazy. LOL. I’m over here with a headache and general grumpiness and cannot be bothered to workout. Meanwhile, you have a super sore ankle and you’re making it work. You’re my inspiration – I’ll get back at it tomorrow.
Well, I’m glad I’m an inspiration to someone! We all have our days… I just generally feel worse if I don’t work out. That’s my main motivation most days.
Love Bob & Brad!
I’m sorry you’re still struggling, but glad that you seem to have identified the problem and have a plan to fix it. I’m rooting for your April comeback!
I just had my big race this past weekend, and my running bestie asked me do a half with her in February. Yes, it’s a year away, but we need time to plan. I’m so excited to give 13.1 another go.
Ooh! I can’t wait to hear about the race, and I think 13.1 next year is a great idea. You have a whole year to train (you would definitely be ready way before that.) Let the planning begin!
I can fully understand your pain, literally. I took 3 days off running and anxiety/worry was real. I’m trying to let go the urge of control, and accept the reality that I might not PB or even run the marathon, but at least I’ll make sure we have a good trip in Paris.
I know… so hard!!!!!!!!!
Do not panic, Coco! You caught your issue very early and I’ll bet it will heal up quickly with a little rest and all the therapies you’re doing. I’m hoping to hear that you’re running again soon.
Oh Jenny, this sounds so frustrating! I love what others have said about healing being part of the training. That makes so much sense to me. Hang in there.
Loved your butt selfie — LOL. Cracked me up. Even if your ankle isn’t feeling back to normal, you are still providing so much light and joy for your readers!
Thank you Suzanne! That’s so nice to hear. I appreciate the kind words and all the support!
What a tough week! It’s so hard to be injured and even tougher to take the time to let it heal. I have no words of wisdom. Hang in there.
Thank you Wendy. I know you’ve been through things like this, and worse. And you’re all healed up now and crushing your training- so I think of that and it’s better than words of wisdom!
Oh, this is so frustrating…. a bad day, a good day… have you had your foot checked out by a doctor? It sounds like an expert opinion might be needed.
Funny you mention Bob And Brad… I received an email from Doris, from their marketing team (via my blog) and they want me to test a muscle gun in exchange for a review LOL
I really hope your foot heals up so you can get out there… and run that race in April. I have nothing on the horizon. I was going to run the half here in Sacramento in April, but with my upcoming travel, the training cycle didn’t work out, so I didn’t sign up this time.
San, I have been using the Bob and Brad massage gun on my calf!!! Too soon to see if it’s actually helping, but it feels good.
Bob and Brad sound so amazing – I’ll have to check them out. I hope your foot/tendon/calf thing heals quick so you can get moving for April. It’s such a balance to be patient to heal but also know you need to keep moving to do the next thing. I am still in base building mode so my “race” is really just a hope for consistency and building up miles.
Yes, it’s a tough balance. Base building is important! Consistency is the #1 key to success.
Your attitude and outlook through the DNF to looking ahead to the next race is AWESOME
Thank you Sarah! It’s either that or stay in bed with the covers over my head, weeping. I might as well try to heal up and plan for the next race.
Bahaha your back extension selfie photo!! Hahaha! Love it! I am SO impressed with all of your exercise despite doing what you actually love to do. I feel like would not be nearly as consistent as you are- In fact, I’m not, and I’m not injured!! lol. You are amazing.
You are very dedicated, I think I would be taking it easy … any excuse really. I have my first marathon in July. I just got back from Tasmania hiking and had planned to do some running there beforehand but fell over before we left and ended up with a huge scraped and bruised knee. I decided just to ditch the running so that I didn’t risk doing further damage before we had our hike. But I got back to running this week and it’s all good, my Garmin even says my VO2max was increased so I’m pretty happy with that.
I personally think the arc trainer does have a weird rhythm compared to a traditional elliptical. Do you like the elliptical? I have had times where my foot falls asleep on the elliptical though! I’m glad you are making some progress, although it always is much slower than we’d like.
Bob and Brad are the first channel I look up on YouTube when I’m having an issue! They have great advice and information.