walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Vicarious Racing

It’s been an exciting week around here!  That is, if you think that going to PT and watching Olympic Trials is exciting.  Luckily, I do!  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how the week went!


Always a day off.


My hip was feeling pretty good so I decided to do a 30 minute walk.  I threw in about ten steps of running, but my hip still hurt.  Just checking!  I came home and worked on pull-ups.

Walking pictures are boring!

Later in the afternoon I started PT!  I wrote about it here, but the short version of the story is that I’ll be going to PT to treat an FAI (femoroacetabular impingement- a fancy way of saying that my hip hurts.)  My therapist, Arvon, started me off with several exercises to correct my strength imbalances.


Started the day with a rainy 45 minute pool run.  At night I did my PT exercises.

Our rainy season has begun!


This is typically a strength day for me.  I wasn’t sure what to do- since I was going back to PT later in the day, I didn’t want to do any lower body.  Planks and pushups put too much pressure on the front of my hip, so finally I settled on a core routine focused on abs.  I would live to regret this…

Later at PT, Arvon added some new exercises for me, focused on… abs.  The session is an hour, and I was working for almost the whole time.  It was a workout!  I seem to remember, years ago when I went to PT for a different issue, I would do some exercises, then get a little massage and some ice.  Today as I was huffing my way through McGill situps, I thought “Hey!  Where’s my massage?”  Of course I’m kidding- I want to work hard.  But I also wouldn’t say no to a massage.


Oof.  I was sore!  Arvon said if I was super sore on this day I could skip the exercises except for stretches.  I did a pool run and stretching and that was it.

This was also my daughter’s last day of school- FINALLY.  Our county’s ingenious “solution”” to Covid was to start school three weeks late this year (I know- just smile and nod.) So we ended super late as well.  Summer can now officially begin!


a 45 minute pool run to start the day, then my PT exercises at night.

If you’re ever wondering exactly where your glute medius is, do “windshield wipers” and you will find it!

All week long I’ve been watching Olympic Trials!  I absolutely love the swimming- I think it’s because the way they move through the water seems magical to me.  Especially the butterfly- I mean, what in the world is going on there?  Plus, I just love a race.  Track and Field is starting, and while the longer races are my favorites, I’m loving the shorter ones as well.


Sundays are still my long runs!  The only difference is, I do them in the pool.  90 minute pool run to start the day…


Both cats kept me company for this run! Here’s a rare appearance by our black cat, Charlotte.

Guess what I don’t have to worry about while doing a pool run- the heat!  Every situation has an upside.

Is anyone else watching Olympic Trials? – Gymnastics starts this week!!!

How’s everyone doing with the heat? – I’m staying nice and cool in the pool.  There’s some irony from a Florida runner!

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28 Responses

  1. Looks like you are on a great plan to recovery. It takes a while but you will get there. I plan on adding in some pool running into my week soon. It’s so hot! Good time to be in the pool

    1. Thank you Deborah! It really does help to read comments like yours, because sometimes my hip feels completely fine and then sometimes it seems like it hurts as much as it did a month ago. It’s good to be reminded that it’s a slow process but it WILL heal.

  2. Pool running in the rain sounds kinda nice!

    Glad the PT is helping. That sounds like quite a session! Every PT is sooo different.

    Great reminder to turn on some Olympic Trials while I read blogs! 🙂

    1. Swimming and Track and Field is on tonight!
      I can see how if you’ve been running in the heat lately, a pool run in the rain would be appealing.

  3. Sandwiched in between some hot & humid days was some great weather!

    So glad that you got started on PT! It’s hard, it’s tedious, but it works!

    I don’t watch much tv, so I haven’t been watching the trials, but you know I’ll be watching the real thing! Which should be interesting.

    I actually do know where my glute med is. I think, anyway, LOL!

    1. I also know where my glute med is, but I don’t know if I’ve ever felt it as much as I have doing these PT exercises!
      Glad you had some great weather in there!

  4. Somehow I missed the post where you got an official diagnosis. I did go back to read it. Glad you finally got an answer and a plan on how to treat it. Recovering from an injury isn’t easy and it will take time but you will be running again soon pain free!

    1. Thank you Zenaida! I have to remind myself that I’ve had many, many injuries and come back from all of them. So you could say i have a 100% success rate. 🙂

  5. You’re doing a great job with all of your pool running and PT! I know it’s tough being patient but all of this work will pay off.

    I’ve been enjoying watching the Olympic trials too!

    1. Thanks Michelle! It is hard to be patient- luckily I have things like Olympic Trials to distract me.

  6. When I saw that pic of you doing windshield wipers, I knew exactly what those were for. I have them for homework as well!! I haven’t been doing them enough, so now that I’m sidelined from CrossFit, I will be a better patient!

    We aren’t watching the Olympic trials, we are watching the US Open. It is what it is…

    1. I guess the silver lining to injuring your wrist is that you can spend more time on any lower body that you’ve been neglecting!

  7. So glad that you were able to start PT this week. You’re so right about PT being a workout! When I had PT for my IT band, I would always leave the session sweaty!

    Awesome job with your walking and pool running this week!

  8. My PT sessions are about 1/2 hour of massage (or other manipulation) and about 45 min of me doing exercises. If it was just the exercises I’d be tempted to skip the appointment and just do the work at home. I do hope your hip gets better!

    1. Thanks Coc! The last couple times he’s done some manual manipulation that I wouldn’t be able to do at home- so that’s good!

  9. Sorry your hip is still not up to speed but it looks like you are doing everything in your power to rectify the situation. Weak, imbalanced hips, especially that medial hip is SO common among runners. I had a Dexa Scan a couple of years ago and was told my muscle mass on the medial hip was much less than it should be compared to the glute, and that’s when I started paying close attention to keeping that strong.
    I am LOVING the Olympic trials! Makes me stay up too late though! Haha!
    Hooray for school being out finally!

    1. The funny thing is, I’ve been aware for some time that those muscles needed attention, but couldn’t seem to go about strengthening them the correct way. Now I know!
      I’m excited that the longer distance running events are on. I love all races, but can relate a little more when it’s not the big, muscular sprinters!

  10. Looks like you are on your way. I hope PT helps. It has always helped me. They do things that you could never do yourself.

    Kudos on keeping up with your running but in the pool. It sounds very boring. But I guess you have no choice. And it will keep you in shape when you can run again.

    1. Yep, I need the PT- I couldn’t do this on my own. And pool running is soooo boring. Luckily i have my podcasts to keep me company, and music if I get really desperate.

  11. I think my comment went “”poof”” so here’s another attempt 😉 I’m glad you have your pool; I’m a little jealous, actually. Not of your injury, but having the option for all the pool running so accessible is great 😉

  12. I did lots of pool running for my stress fracture, but my injury was when we actually had good running weather in October and November! It would have been nice to have pool running in the summer to keep cool! I still use the pool occasionally for some workouts though.

    I found my glute medius when I was foam rolling-ow!

    1. Yes, if I have to be injured this is the time to do it. Summer running in Florida is not ideal, and the pool water isn’t too cold. Ha ha, foam rolling that glute med is not fun!

  13. I’m glad your PT is going well. Two years ago the physical therapist did lots of massage, dry needling, etc. so my workouts were very passive. Last year when I reinjured myself, I saw a different therapist (a back specialist) who had me working my butt off. My recovery has been so much better because she focused on making me stronger, not just feel better. Hope you get the same results!

    1. I know… last time I was at PT I was sweating through my exercises and the guy on the table next to me was getting a massage- grr! But I knew these exercises are what I need to get back to running.

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