Hello! Once again I’m linking up with the esteemed Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown. Boy, if I thought I had brain fog LAST week… this week doubled in craziness. Getting my son ready for college, preparing for our road trip (he and I will be driving to Texas on Tuesday!) and, oh yes, I still have a daughter who has her own needs- she started seventh grade this week and had all sorts of extra things going on, like a trip to the orthodontist and before-school band rehearsals. I’m so frazzled that my memory literally doesn’t extend back as far as Monday, but luckily I wrote it all down, so here we go:
Monday used to be my day off, and someday might be again… but this morning I did Kristen McGee’s 30 minute Morning Yoga Flow class on the Peloton app. I liked it much better than getting up and doing nothing on a Monday!
I did a 40 minute pool run in the morning, and another 30 minute yoga class in the afternoon. Strangely, I haven’t done a yoga class in years, and here I am suddenly doing it every day. I just need something different to calm down my brain.
3 mile run!!! Ah, running… how did I ever survive without you.

I did Matt Wilpers Strength for Runners class, again. Followed up with Runners Touch exercise. This is such a great exercise- it works your glutes, hamstrings, and it’s single leg so is good for balance.
At night I did Chelsea Jackson Roberts’ 30 minute Evening Yoga Flow class, hoping to clear my mind before bed. In spite of all my best intentions, I still didn’t sleep enough this week. But I tried!
Another 3 mile run. Funny how that used to be a short run, but after not running much this summer, and in this heat, running for thirty minutes seems like a nice workout.

I did Matt Wilpers Strength for Runners class AGAIN. I know- this is getting insane. I literally have hundreds of classes on the Peloton app to choose from, and I keep doing the same ones over and over again. I just don’t have the time or energy to find another class and figure out what weights I need… I will at some point, but not this week.
Followed Matt’s class with Becs Gentry’s 10 minute Core for Runners. I’ve also done this class before (of course. ) These two classes combined tired out my muscles perfectly, without making them too sore. Maybe I could be challenging myself more, but once again this was perfect for this week.
5 mile run, hooray! I’ve been missing my long runs so much, so I took a route I normally use to go long- I just turned around much earlier. Two things made this run hard- one, the water fountain I planned to stop at was turned off (darn!) and two, because my eyes have been itchy lately, I’m wearing my glasses today instead of contacts- which means I had no sunglasses. I wore a visor, but when that sun came out from behind the clouds, it was BRIGHT, and made it seem much hotter.
But that’s okay! I wanted the last mile to feel hard.

I have a crap-ton of laundry, cooking and cleaning to do today, but I’m planning to squeeze in another yoga class later on. Ah, such an exciting time!!! I’m trying to appreciate every day now, even though they’re busy, because it’s my son’s last week at home. I’m excited about our road trip, but every time I think about the fact that I’ll be leaving him in Texas, my eyes fill with tears. But no time for crying now (I’ll save that for the long drive back by myself.)
Anyone else have kids start school yet? Was it an easy transition?
Is it cooling down at all yet where you are? – We’ve got quite a while before it’ll cool down here.
25 Responses
Nothing wrong with doing your favorite classes on repeat, but there are quite a few SFR classes that don’t require weights. Becs has a lot with single-leg balance moves which my body can’t get enough of!
I hope your trip goes well! I’m sure you will cry on the way home, but this drop off isn’t forever!
Okay, I’ll check out some of Becs’ classes. The problem with me is, I love to do the same things over and over again, but then end up with an issue because I’ve been neglecting some area. Better to mix it up.
So happy to read that you are running
My weekday 3 mile runs often feel very hard.
My eyes have been ichy too. But as you said if I don’t wear contacts I can’t wear sunglasses.
Hope your pain free runs continue.
Hmm, what’s up with the itchy eyes? I’m wondering if it’s allergies.
Yes, I’m happy to be running! And yes- a three mile run, especially in the heat, seems hard these days.
Be careful you might turn into a yogi! It is a great addition to running. I do one of Matt’s classes every week bc it is like PT for me. Happy to suggest Peloton classes if you need any recs. You really can’t go wrong w any of them! Glad you are enjoying the app-as you know I am a super fan 🙂 Good luck w move in!
Thank you Deborah! I probably will ask you for some class recommendations once all this craziness is over. You were the one who convinced me to sign up, so thank you for that! It’s working out great so far.
Sending the first one off to college is tough. I was a champ, the entire week and doing all the loading/unloading. It wasn’t until we were pulling away, and I watched her climb the steps and then go inside the dorm that I lost all control. Alas, now she’s just gotten married. ((sigh)) Anyways, it sounds like the Peloton workouts have been a great fit for you as you continue your rally-back. Way to go!!
Yes, I know this is the first of many big transitions- I thought about that when I read your post about your daughter’s wedding! I hoping I can keep it together while saying goodbye to him- although my son knows I’m sad and will probably expect me to cry 🙂
We had a major heat wave this week, but thankfully it broke yesterday & is beautiful today. I do have a lot of stuff to do, though.
I normally wear contacts, too, but my (very old) glasses are transitional, so if I had to wear them I’d still have shade from the sun.
Good luck with that road trip and all the things you have to do next week! Yoga has literally saved me this week!
Thanks Judy! I’m bringing my yoga mat along so I can do it after a long day of driving- I’ll definitely need it.
Feel those feels, mama! I still miss both of my boys, although it’s been quite a while since either of them have lived here. I’m redecorating their rooms as we speak. It’s getting easier to purge their stuff too. Although my youngest wants to bring a sofa back from school because he doesn’t have room for it in his new house. Ummmmmm
Glad to see you got some real running in!!! I can’t wait for that. BTW, I cannot work out in my glasses. I get eyestrain and headaches when I do. I think it’s because my prescription is so strong.
It has been so hot and humid here this past week, but today was a little better. We usually have delightful falls which start in late September and I can’t wait!
Here’s to an uneventful and successful road trip dropping your son off in Texas. I hope he has a fabulous year! I didn’t have as much trouble dropping our first son off because he was at Virginia Tech and we had football season tickets so I knew I’d see him regularly. My other son went to a different university and I was a mess on the way home from dropping him off because I knew I wouldn’t see him as often (I cried most of the way home). Once home, though, I embraced being empty nesters. LOL
All the best with the college drop off! It is a huge milestone. While I managed not to cry at our final goodbye when we left Maddie in her Freshman dorm, the hubby and I cried so hard in our coffee at Starbucks that morning in Atlanta. This year I even got a little misty as I said farewell to my rising Junior. I loved having her home for summer and suspect this will be the last one. SIgh.
I need to follow your lead on the yoga. I’ve gotten so creaky!
Running… how did I ever survive without you? Great sentence!!!! Running, for me, means mental health more than fitness!!!!
It’s terrible to find the water fountain off. Until last summer my main route was house-beach (not this year because we go there in the afternoon and not in the morning) and at half way there was a fountain. 3 years ago the fountain disappeared (the owners of the near houses complained for all the campers that stopped there) and this was a real problem for me. The solution? Before the workout I hid a bottle of water in the bushes!
Here hot and humid again.
We are moving my daughter in on the 24th. Granted she will be only 25 mins away from home, it just won’t be the same without her 🙁 It is so weird to think about our kids being out on their own (kind of). I hope your drop off goes well and you enjoy that time together this week. And I’m glad you’ve got running again to help you clear your mind!
Yes, it doesn’t matter how far they are, it’s just that they’re not living at home anymore. Sob! We’ll get through it.
If you really like a Peloton class, there’s no harm in doing it more than once 🙂 There’s a Matt Wilpers 5 minute pre-run stretch class that I do all the time because I love the music and the stretches.
Sending you all the positive vibes for the upcoming college dropoff!
Thank you Kim! I’ll check out that class.
So nice to see you running more! And, definitely nothing wrong with repeating those Peloton classes. I really like many of the Strength for Runners classes and keep them on repeat.
I’m right there with you on all the feels with the upcoming college dropoff. We move my son in on the 27th.
Okay, we’ll be able to commiserate, Michelle!
So glad you are back to running! Its so funny how sometimes a 3 mile run can feel like nothing and other times it can feel so far. I hope the college move in goes well!
Thanks Lisa! We’re halfway to Texas right now! I’ll do my three mile run tomorrow in Alabama (eek!). Good thing I’m not running longer.
I know there are many classes to choose from but it is OK to keep doing the same ones. You like them so why not? How exciting about your son moving into college but I know you will miss him.
I also go back to the same workouts – some are jsut so good!
Yes, I STILL haven’t branched out. But I will!