walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- We GET To

Hey everyone!  Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah.  This week my thoughts were constantly with SHU– in case you haven’t heard about it, she ran a race last Sunday and ended up in the hospital with a VERY serious medical condition (story here.) Thankfully- she is fine and home from the hospital. But the whole thing really shifted my perspective.  Running is a privilege that could be taken away at any moment.  I don’t HAVE to get up and run in the dark- I GET to.  No more grumbling!

Let’s see how the week went…


I started the week with a 4 mile run!

i followed this run with some planks.  Now that I’ve learned the world record for holding plank is 9 hours, 38 minutes, and 47 seconds, I’m inspired.  (Actually, I’m kind of horrified at the thought of holding plank that long!)


It was a morning of various strength programs- first, the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.  Then I did my hip stability exercises, and finished with work on the pull up bar.



This run felt better than last week’s run of 17 miles.  My hips felt really tight in the beginning, but they felt better as the run went on.  The only niggle was my left achilles- I must have stepped down funny on the trail, although I don’t remember it.

Those clouds didn’t last long- it got sunny pretty quickly (top photo is also from this run.)


My plan was to do a short, easy run today, but that achilles was nagging a little too much, so I opted for this instead:

Guess what- it wasn’t that bad!  I thought it was going to be a horrible slog, especially since I didn’t do many intervals (I was trying to mimic the effort of a slow, easy run.) But I’ve discovered the key to the Stairmaster: MUSIC.  Not podcasts.  I put on Abbey Road and listened to a good part of that album for a 40 minute climb.


I did the Caroline Girvan 4×4 Lower Abs Workout and then hip stability exercises again.  I’m doing all the usual ones, plus a focus on piriformis, which I usually neglect.


Our cat decided to start DST a day early by meowing loudly outside our bedroom door at 5 am (my alarm was set for 6.) Thanks a lot, Muffin!

Don’t you be looking at me all innocent!!!

Eventually I made my way out for a 5 mile run.  When I started, I felt that achilles a little, but it felt better and better as the run went on.

I was really happy I opted for the Stairmaster on Thursday, and I won’t hesitate to make use of it again as much as I need to before my race in April.


To ease the pain of turning the clocks ahead, I made this a rest day.  Except while putting this post together, I realized that, other than hip stability exercises, I didn’t do lower body strength this week- how did that happen???  So I’ll be making my way to the gym at some point for a squat-focused workout.

How was your week?  Are you looking forward to some super dark mornings? (NO.)


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14 Responses

  1. You should be honoured to be woken by such a beautiful cat at any time, right?? Well done on the long run. I’m being much more careful with my Achilles than I probably need to – it does wear off after initial pain when walking but I’ve read and heard too many horror stories. Good to know the stairmaster was OK for it, though, the new gym* has two of those and I’m looking forward to trying them out!
    * that I am too scared to go and sign up at and find a trainer who will show me how to use the machines properly but not mess up my Achilles …

  2. To make things worse with the planks, my trainer said he heard about someone holding a plank for three days. He also said it’s a useless exercise (more mental and/or for endurance more than anything)! I dropped my planking plans and learned that I get enough core work in my regular strength training.

    Couldn’t agree more about the “…GET TO” exercise. So many people can only dream of doing what we’re doing. It’s enough getting an injury to realise how blessed we are to be healthy enough to run, lift and whatever.

  3. Yes, we GET TO run is such a great way to think about it and I’m glad I saw your post before my 8 miler this morning bc it put a new spin on everything for my run. Glad you felt mostly fine on your LONG run!!

  4. Is it catchy? My right Achilles is tight

    I can run but …

    And yes I won’t grumble about slow my finish time was yesterday.

    I’m happy to be able to race.

  5. I’m glad you’re feeling better this week! Yes, music is the answer for all machines, lol.

    I woke up at 6:45 this morning–damn you DST! Now I’m hustling to meet my group for my trail run lol!

  6. Sarah’s experience this week definitely puts things into perspective!! Even having RA has given me that perspective, BUT Sarah’s experience is a whole other massive dose of perspective!!

    I’m glad you had a good week of training. I was ill this week so I took an extra easy but was able to get out for a nice 2 1/2 mile walk yesterday. I’m hoping to start running again once I’m out of the splint which I’ll start tapering out of this week! We got 10 inches of snow this week so there were lots of icy sections on my walk so I was glad to be walking rather than running.

    I hate the time change so much, but I don’t mind having extra hours of daylight in the evening. We use those more than the early mornings of sunlight. He’ll be kinda nice to be able to go outside after dinner and still have daylight for an hour or so, but still – I would rather we not do this foolish time change thing!!

  7. I used to do a longer plank routine, but now I find myself skipping the Peloton classes with any planking more than 30 sec at a time! I like Susanne’s trainer’s view.

    Jess Sims got me on the “You get to” bandwagon so much I have a Little Words bracelet of it. As with most mantras it works well in other life situations too.

    Congrats on the long run!

  8. Okay, yes, a nine hour plank IS impressive but omg what is that person doing with their life? Imagine how BORING. Also, how do they go to the bathroom? This seems like a bad idea, but I guess if they are merely doing this to break the record then I guess that’s that. But still. I incorporate planks into my yoga practice and I feel like that’s plenty. Then again, I don’t have a six pack.

  9. Oh wow, I just read Sarah’s recap of her race and that is terrifying! Hope all turns out okay with her and she is able to run again. And you’re right, we GET to do this!

    Awesome that your 19-miler felt better than the previous week’s 17-miler. Sounds like training is going well. 🙂

  10. A 9 hour plank is impressive but insane! I like to do a couple minutes of planks every day for some easy core work but can’t imagine holding one for more than 5 minutes.

    I love the perspective of getting to do this vs. having to do this! I often get down on myself for being slower than I’d like on my runs, or not running as far as someone else, but I should be more grateful that I can even run at all because some people can’t and wish they could!

    Our mornings are actually getting lighter here because we don’t do daylight savings time, but I will admit I will miss seeing the sunrises during my trail runs. I’d have to start getting up a lot earlier soon to see them and that’s just not happening!

  11. Shu’s health situation was so scary. I like the ‘I get to run’ angle. I feel that approach most on runs when it is still a little colder than I prefer. One of these days I’m gonna look into that dead workout. I’m glad you felt mostly good on your long run. We drove to Omaha to visit Tank and a 6 hour drive followed by another 6 hour drive the next day on a time change weekend. . . Well, let’s just say that was not our best planning. So tired. (The drive home has not happened yet anc I was SO tired on the way here, but really struggled to snooze in the car even though Coach drove the whole way. What is wrong with me??)

  12. I’ve been weak on cardio this week… really only 1 session, I think. My “workout week” ends on Sunday (today) so I guess I can still squeeze in a second one today! I will be rounding out my 4 strength workouts with a Leg day this afternoon as well. Thinking of SHU has made me feel guilty for complaining about doing my cardio because I know she would love to be able to do intense cardio and here I am whining about having to do it!! 🙁 I needed your reframe today!

  13. With plans to make it to church at 8:30, I set my alarm “just in case” and still woke up before 6:30, LOL. I won’t mind the temporary dark mornings because the early morning daylight will return within a couple of weeks (at least that’s my coping strategy). Kudos for 40 minutes of climbing! Most of my workouts are done within 20-25 minutes, so you’ve earned beast status!

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