Hooray! Once again, we made it through a South Florida summer. I didn’t die, or lose my mind and move to Alaska. We had an amazing cool down this week, which lasted for… two whole days. Now we’ve warmed up a bit, but it’s always like that in October. We go back and forth, but 80s are still better than 90s. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown! Let’s get right into it.
It was the eve of our big cool down, and we were treated to temperatures in the 60s early in the morning. Yes, please!
I ran 3 miles, and then did a leg day at home. I’ve had to admit that two “heavy” (ahem, heavy for me, that is) leg days at the gym are too much for me now that my long runs are getting longer. I did Runner’s Touch, tibialis and calf raises, Bulgarian split squats, and squats with a 35 pound dumbbell. Since that’s lighter than I squat at the gym, I focused on getting REALLY low, with my butt almost touching the ground.
Well, we woke up to this:
Tragically, this was not a running day for me (but my day was coming!) I did upper body strength at home- I got out the pull up bar right away (before I could talk myself out of it) and did negatives, assisted pull ups with a band, and some extra hanging from the bar (trying to increase my grip strength.) Then overhead dumbbell press and core- deadbugs and planks. I’m making an effort to do core every day this month for “Coretober.”
Oh yes. A 15 mile run on my favorite trail.
Wow. It was upper 50s when I started, and SO MUCH EASIER to run in the cooler, drier weather- now I remember why we live in Florida. I really enjoyed this run.
Later in the day, I went to REI and got myself a little something…

Yes! I got the FWD Experience, Altra’s new non-zero drop shoes (they have a 4 mm drop.) I knew beforehand- from watching a YouTube review- that Altra, for some bizarre reason, made the toe box a little less wide for this model (NOOOO! WHY???) If you’re used to Altras, you would think they were kind of narrow. But coming from a traditional shoe they still feel wide.
I felt like I was doing them a disservice, taking them out for the first time the day after my long run. My hips felt tight, but my feet felt GREAT. I walked a mile and ran 3 miles, and it was actually a pretty good run.
It felt weird that I hadn’t been to the gym all week! It was time for a serious leg day, starting with sled pushes and pulls.
Then squats, deadlifts, heel raises, Runner’s Touch, and core.
Second run in the new shoes! It was 65 degrees (as opposed to 90) and this 5 mile run felt great. I hope this won’t be like my last two shoe experiences, where I initially liked them but ended up hating them (Hoka Cliftons and New Balance 880s.) Right now I’m loving these shoes. I also saw a bunch of pretty cool-looking trail shoes at REI… so I’ll be going back to try those on.

On tap for today- sleeping in, pancakes, and watching football. I know- I’m diverging from my usual waffles for one week. Pumpkin pancakes are calling my name!
How is your weather? – Last week I was too miserably hot to hear it, but now I’m ready to hear about beautiful fall weather again!
Any trail shoe recommendations for me? I think I’ve made it abundantly clear that I need a wide toe box.
43 Responses
Yay for cooler weather for you and some pleasant running weather! We had two hotter days this week (30C/85F) which was good but today was windy, rainy and cold (15C/59F). I’m interested to hear how you find the shoes after a few runs. The altras I use for walking are really comfortable but zero drop.
I have zero drop Altras that I wear at the gym, and they’re really comfortable- but they didn’t work for running. These shoes definitely have more support, a 4 mm drop and they feel great. I’ll let you know how they work out!
Hooray for cooler weather.
I’m just hoping for a few days without rain.
Lol. I bought the same shoes.
Do you like them?
Really, you got the Altras? I love them so far- but I’ve only done two shorter runs in them.
All that rain really does sound miserable. I hope you have some clear weather this week!
I’ve heard such great things about Altras–but I’m so used to a higher drop that at this point, it’s not worth trying them. I’m glad to hear you liked them! I love my Brooks Cascadias–but the toe box might not be wide enough for you. I think it’s wide, but if you like Altras, maybe you should try their trail shoes.
I’m so glad it’s cooing off for you! But that means it’s cooling off here too…sigh…
Yes, unfortunately it can’t get cooler here until it’s cold up there!
I’m going to try the Altra Lone Peaks, although they’re zero drop. They may not work for me but I at least want to try them on.
Yay for cooler weather! I am glad you got to do one long run in better conditions! Our weather has been nice here this week! It’s been less cold than it had been. It was in the upper 50s and low 60s. I have been soaking it up as much as I can as I know colder weather is coming. Unfortunately with all the sickness in the house, I have barely worked out. I ran yesterday but kind of doubt I will be able to today as Phil came down with a fever last night. But hopefully I can take taco for a long stroller walk. I keep reminding myself this is a season and I will get back to my workouts when everyone is healthy.
Oh no- Phil is sick??? Yes, this is a season for you- it will pass and you’ll eventually be able to run as much as you want.
Upper 50s and low 60s sounds REALLY nice!
Oh, I am glad the new shoes are working out so far. Fingers crossed they are keepers.
I think your leg days are a lot — no qualifiers needed! I know that strength will pay off on your long runs.
LOL on branching out from waffles to pancakes. 😉
I’m usually all about the waffles, but we’re far into pumpkin season and I hadn’t made pumpkin pancakes yet, so I had to rectify that.
I am so glad that you were gifted with some cooler weather this week! Sounds like a solid week for you. Nice job on your 15 miler and enjoy your new shoes 🙂
Thanks Deborah! This was a good week, with a huge boost from the weather. And the shoes!
Hooray for new shoes you’re loving! Don’t even think about hating them. 🙂
And hooray for cooler temps!
While strength is important, your training for your race takes precedence. And you’re crushing it!
Thank you Judy! I don’t know about “crushing…” but this was a good week.
Cute shoes! We are having gorgeous weather but it’s supposed to get quite cool and rainy here next week. I don’t mind though, the month has been beautiful!
Well… feel free to send any cool weather down here. We’ll be needing more of it next week.
Yay for new shoes and cooler weather. Life is giving you such a great hand for your training!
Yes, it was a good week! The cooler weather was a game-changer.
Those cooler temps are perfect! We have already dipped into “time to dig out my quarter zip” temperatures. Today was 37 degrees when I ran! But we are going to get warmer again, which should take it back to perfect again.. for a few days. There really are a lot of great trail shoe options out there. It would be hard to pick one!
Yes, I’ll just have to go and try a bunch of them on.
37 would be a little cold for me… I definitely don’t have the right gear for that!
Yay for more reasonable weather down there!
Those new Altras are a thing of beauty! It’s good to know that the toe box is narrower so I’ll go to the running store to try them on rather than ordering them online.
Yes, you should definitely try them on. They’re still wide compared to most shoes- but I was a little disappointed they didn’t have that “clown shoe” look.
I’m glad to hear you finally got a reprieve from the usual Florida heat & humidity. Meanwhile, we’ve had a couple days with a reprieve, of sorts, form the Iowa Fall weather, and there’s been a hint of summer returning (I know, it’s not going to last, but I can pretend for a few days, LOL). Yay for new shoes that feel so good!!!!!
I guess the weather goes back and forth for everyone this time of year. It’s funny that we’re opposites-you’re hanging onto the summer weather and I’m clinging to our few days of “fall.”
It def cooled down this week here too– 40s and rainy which I did not enjoy at all. I’m jealous of your warm temps! Nice job on your long run and all that lifting!
I’m so glad the Altras are feeling good so far! I’ll bet the break in the heat felt divine. We’ve got the “S” word showing up in the extended forecast and I’m not thrilled about that. It’s been hitting about 75 for the high in Atlanta with lows in the 40s-50s and it’s been SO nice!
Oh, the “s” word- seems early for that. But the weather in Atlanta sounds perfect.
Yay for your new Altras and I’m glad to hear they feel good so far! But what a bummer they made the toe box narrower, that’s really weird. Actually ALL brands should make toe boxes like standard Altras.
What drop are you used to before these? Is it possible, if 4 mm is lower than what you had, they could be a step into zero drop so you could use Lone Peaks for trail?
Great approach to work on lower squats when using low weights.
Here we never got that 100F but on Friday we had 28C (82F) and now 22-26C which looks like it will stay until we go home.
I’m actually thinking along those lines- I’m at least going to try on the Lone Peaks- if they’re comfortable I might try to slowly make the transition.
Happy Fall and Happy 50’s!!!! Running is going to be a lot of fun from here on out;-)
Oh yes, it’s SO MUCH BETTER. How did I even do all those hot runs in the summer???
56 must feel grand! You definitely made it to the good running weather 🙂 Glad the new shoes seem to be working!
It did feel good! Now we’ve warmed up again and I’m eagerly awaiting our next cool down.
Hooray new shoes: I hope they continue to feel good. And hooray cooler weather. It’s been very rainy here but not having a river in Birmingham we’ve avoided the awful flooding from the big storm there’s been, so we are glad of that.
The shoes still feel good! I somehow imagine you having a lot of rainy weather- but no flooding is a good thing!
Ugh. All we’re getting right now is RAIN and it’s bumming me out. Cold, drizzly, rain. Oh well, we had some gorgeous fall days, but I also know that we’re likely not going to get back to my favourite weather and that winter is coming. Such is life and I am THRILLED for you…but somewhat depressed for me 🙁
Oh yes… that would be depressing. It’s not even the cold that gets me so much, as the gray days. Yuck.
Welcome to cooler temps! Doesn’t it make everything so much nicer?! I love it.
I’m so glad you had a wonderful week with incredible runs. Fall is such a game changer.
Hope you had a great rest of weekend!
Thanks Jenn! Yes, it’s a game-changer. Even now our temps are back up in the 80s, but it’s drier and breezy, and it still feels good.
I started out with Asics but I am a Brooks girl now… I want to “branch out” but I don’t want to experiment LOL
Upper 50s is perfect running weather. I am glad you got a lot of that this week.
I kind of curious to try the new Brooks Ghost Max… I hear rumors of a wide toe box!
The 50s are my favorite running weather! That is tank top appropriate as soon as you get going and that is a win in my book! We are actually expecting some lows in the 40s this week…I guess fall is coming, but I am happier with 40s than the 90s we had last week (freak summer weather in October!)
Yes, I would take 40s over 90s. But 50s is probably my favorite. I agree, it’s perfect tank top weather!