Wow. I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime in the last seven days. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the weekly rundown! Without further ado, let’s get into it.
Zero workouts. We woke up very early, packed up my son’s car, and then started off on our adventure!

This is our second year driving to Texas. We do it in two days, and- learning from last year’s experience- we decided to make the first day the longer day of driving. We started in Boca Raton, Florida, and made it all the way to Mississippi.
Woke up and hit the hotel gym, where I was excited by the selection of dumbbells. But first, I started with Marcia’s Cardio Barre Workout. There’s 10 minutes of lower body barre-type moves, and then 10 minutes of core. Then I did a total body strength session- squats and deadlifts with the 20 pound dumbbells (the heaviest ones I have at home are 15 pounds), and obviously lighter weights for biceps, triceps, and shoulder press. (Side note- boy are my triceps weak. Must work on that!)
After that I felt totally ready to get back in the car for another day of driving.

The second day of this trip is harder- you have to pass New Orleans (although we took a bypass route this time), Baton Rouge, and then Houston (which we had the pleasure of hitting during rush hour, arg.) I really wanted to get to Waco while it was still light, and we almost made it. We were treated to this sunset as we drove into town.
Okay, ouch. You know how, whenever you do anything new or increase your weights, it makes you really sore? Yep, I woke up with super sore legs, thanks to those 20 pound dumbbells. But it was my big day in Waco (my son was busy with school-related things) and I had plans to hit the trails.
I talked about my trail runs in more detail here, but I basically had an epic adventure. Waco’s Cameron Park is apparently the second largest inner-city park, behind NYC’s Central Park (who knew?) It has an incredible trail system, so I used the AllTrails app to help navigate a trail that was so hilly and rocky, I had to alternate running and walking.
Remember how I said my sister’s neighborhood was hilly? HA! Those were SLOPES! These were hills. Meanwhile my sore legs were screaming at me, and I still felt that tiny tug on my hamstring- but because I was constantly switching between running, power walking, and scrambling up and down, no one thing hurt for too long. The entire excursion took me 2 hours and 40 minutes, and I was exhausted at the end. But I loved it.

I then cleaned myself off as best I could and changed clothes…

…and then explored downtown Waco! It’s an odd combination of old, rundown buildings, and beautiful new upscale shops- thanks to Chip and Joanna Gaines of “Fixer Upper” fame. I walked around, shopped a little, and happened upon this…

Where I bought my new favorite shirt.
I also browsed in the “Magnolia Home” shop to get gifts for the family we were staying with. Super fun afternoon of shopping.
Once again, OUCH. Today my quads were SO SO SORE. Obviously I’m not used to all those hills! This was the day my son was moving into his apartment, but I had the morning to explore a different trail. Once again it was insanely difficult. and my quads were seriously screaming at me. But funnily enough, my hamstring pain was completely gone. Go figure! I found some flatter places off the trail to get in some good running, and this hike/run was a little over an hour and a half.
Then, apartment move-in! But first, let’s look at the weather.

I took this screenshot after my run/hike on Tuesday- yes, it was 95 degrees when I finished. Notice how the day we moved into my son’s apartment it was 103, and then the next day, the day I left, it cooled down by ten degrees (seriously?)
Anyway, when we got to his apartment, the moving gods were smiling on us- we discovered he was on the FIRST FLOOR. This was significant because his building has three floors and no elevator. I think if I had to walk up and down three flights of stairs with heavy boxes in 103 degree heat I might have cried- or at least, my quads would have cried. As it was, it was no picnic. While we were moving in there was a group of girls moving into the third floor, and we kept seeing them climbing up and down. At one point one of them exclaimed, “You know, I really wouldn’t mind these stairs at ANY OTHER TIME.” Hee hee.
We got him moved in and then went on an epic shopping trip to stock up on, oh… everything. I forgot how much you need when you’re moving into a new place. We had already moved a bunch of stuff from his roommate’s parents’ house (they generously donated a ton of kitchen equipment) but he needed groceries- a shower curtain- a blender-a floor lamp- etc. It’s amazing how many things you don’t think of ahead of time. By the time we were done with that I was ready to collapse, but my son and his roommate went over to the music building to practice at 10 pm (must be nice to be nineteen!).
I slept on their couch that night, which, not surprisingly, did not help my sore muscles.
Travel day! Have you ever noticed how traveling from one place to another seems to take all day, even when you fly? I flew out of the hilariously small Waco airport to Dallas, which is the polar opposite. The Dallas airport is so huge you take the Sky Rail to get from one terminal to another, and even with that, my quads were still screaming at me as I walked through the airport. Then from Dallas to Ft. Lauderdale, and I was home.
Wait- what? After being in so many places, it was disorienting to find myself back in Florida. But I rallied and did a quick 3 mile run. Yep, I ran slowly but my hamstring felt normal. Other muscles in my legs were still sore, though!

Followed this with a short core class- oh yeah, I forgot all about Peloton while I was gone.
Once again I did Marcia’s Cardio Barre Workout. This class can be a good warmup, or a stand-alone workout if you don’t want to use weights. Which I didn’t because my legs were STILL sore. I also did one of Matty’s upper body workouts (oh hello, triceps!)
All in all, it was a physically and emotionally exhausting week. I loved the time with my son, and getting to see his apartment and meet his friends. But it was hard to say goodbye. In one way it was easier than last year, but in another way harder- last year it was a dorm, this year an apartment, which meant he brought more of his things from home. Every year, the reality of the increasing separation gets a little clearer.
On the way home I listened to this episode of the Florida Trail Runners podcast and the guest quoted Hunter S. Thompson:
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow, what a ride!“
I’ve heard it before, but this time I felt like it described my trip, ha ha. Yep, thoroughly used up, totally worn out… but what a ride.
39 Responses
I got tired reading your week summary. Amazing how you fit in your workouts.
Good news about the hamstring.
Now back to normal. Ha ha.
That quote describes my half marathons.
Ha ha… that quote can be used in many ways.
Sounds like such a fun adventure! You know I would have loved those trails, but not the heat. I flew through DFW on my way to Utah–it is a crazy big airport. But like they say, everything is bigger in Texas, lol.
Enjoy your week back!
Ha ha… that’s true, the Dallas airport SHOULD be huge.
Wow, you did have a full week! What great adventures in trail running! You went all in with long runs, it’s no wonder you are sore, but great that your hamstring is getting better.
The sunset at the end of your drive is gorgeous!
I figured I was there for such a short time, I had to make the most of it. Maybe my hamstring just needed some tough love, ha ha.
What a week! I would love to go to Waco. From the glimpses I’ve seen on Chip and Joanna’s show plus your pictures it looks like a beautiful place. The drive sounds fun as well (minus Houston traffic).
Welcome home!
Thank you! After all that, it’s good to be home. If you like Fixer Upper, it would probably be fun for you to go to Waco. I have a friend who went and stayed in an AirBnB that was a Fixer Upper house!
Those college move in weeks sure can be exhausting! You sure packed a ton into your week. Upping your weights is great feeling.
Yes, and now I’m trying to decide if I’m going to buy heavier weights or just give in and go back to the gym. We’ll see!
I have seen that quote, referencing the “the ride,” and I couldn’t agree more! That’s why I’m embracing so many fitness & endurances challenges/opportunities in recent years. I’m in shape for them, why not push myself a bit more, while I can? Glad you made it back to Florida safely 😉 I hope your legs are feeling recovered!
Yes, you definitely are embracing the ride! My legs are ALMOST feeling back to normal today.
Wow, those temps!! I would have melted. I understand what you mean about things moving out of your house to fill the apartment. I had to buy lamps this year too. My daughter keeps cleaning up her room each time she comes home and it looks super empty when she’s at college. It looks like that running store was just hiding out waiting for you to find it! 🙂 I hope your week goes smooth and the legs are getting some rest.
Thanks Lisa! Yes, I can hardly bear to look at my son’t empty room. Of course it won’t be empty for long, since I’ll be moving my workout equipment back in, heh heh…
Whoah, thats a lot in one week!
The trails sound fun! Love the new t-shirt.
It did seem like a lot, especially since I’m usually pretty much a homebody. But those trails were super fun.
Today’s race was not insane, but it was definitely not flat, either. And insanely rooty & rocky so I feel you!
I know it’s not easy to watch the chicks begin to spread their wings, but it does mean they have been raised well, too.
Your arms look very strong!
Ha, I think that might be an optical illusion. I definitely need to work on my upper body strength.
I read about your trail race, and now that I’ve been our on technical trails, I can imagine it. It’s hard!
Oh wow! Congrats on another successful move-in! They are not for the faint of heart. Hope your son has an amazing school year and thanks for sticking with the Barre workout. I appreciate it! 😀 A couple of my daughter’s friends go to Tulane and apparently the campus is so small they make the kids ship everything in. This year I did not even go down to Atlanta to help Maddie move it. Since she’s in the same building as last year, she was able to store her stuff there and roll up to the new floor. I do feel a tad guilty for not going though!
Yes, my son and I were discussing whether or not I would even go next year. I definitely want to, but if he leaves his car there and stores most of his stuff… he may not need me (sniff, sniff!)
Oh, wow! I can see how that felt like a lot longer than a week. You pack a lot into your days and I’m always so impressed at how you prioritize working out even when you’re traveling. I didn’t know people actually USED hotel gyms!
Aren’t deadlifts crazy? They don’t feel like ANYTHING when you’re doing them, but the next day you really feel them. When I did PT, he had me do deadlifts with 25 pounds and I usually do them with about 10. I was fine at the moment, but the next day I could hardly walk. Ha!
Yes, I’ll agree with that- compared to squats and lunges, deadlifts feel easy. Until the next day!
I was definitely the only one in that gym- which I was very happy about.
That Thompson quote is one of my favorites!
College move-in is definitely not for the faint of heart. Preparing to make the run myself later this week. Great job fitting in all the things this week!
Good luck Michelle! It’s never easy.
It’s always a good thing when the hotel gym has a nice selection of dumbells!
Awesome job on another college move in! I know that those days are LONG and involve lots of lifting and walking – it’s like a workout!
Yes, it was hard! Even without the three flights of stairs.
What a ride, indeed! You pack so much in to your weeks!
What a memorable experience with your son; I can’t believe I’m headed in that direction with my own kids. That level of independence feels so far away…but it’s not. My head knows this, but in my heart it feels like they’ll be “little” forever. But – wow, the time is flying.
I’m so glad your hamstring is showing improvement. And yikes – what a heat wave in Texas. You can’t escape the tough running conditions.
You packed so much into that week and I was tired just reading it. I love being able to get out and explore new running routes and trails. And I would love to visit Waco sometimes.
Wow, what a week. And you packed so many workouts into it. That sunset is unreal though 🙂
Yes, it was so nice! My son was the photographer while I drove.
What a week! I can see how it’s both emotionally and physically exhausting. Plane travel can really take it out of a person. I always come back from trips feeling so tired. And even just an hour time difference can throw you, especially in my industry where we tend to start our days early. I am glad your travels went smoothly, though. Seems like there is a 50/50 chance that flights will be on time these days!
I will have to try out that cardio barre class. It would be nice to have a class that doesn’t require weights, especially when I am traveling!
I was gone last week, too, but fit in 3 runs – a 5 mile, then a 3 mile, and then a 4 mile. So overall not too shabby. I am glad I did the longer run earlier in the week because I was getting bored w/ the road by the end of the week! It’s an out and back route that can get boring fast!
Yes, I was REALLY lucky my flights were on time, because I had to make a connection. I was nervous about that. And you’re right- even just the hour time difference threw me off a little. Traveling is definitely tiring.
So glad you’re feeling better!
That’s quite an adventure! I was to Waco once a long time ago. My uncle was stationed nearby, so we went to visit.
Hope your son had a great move in and has a great year!
Oh how exciting! What a trip and adventure!
I was in Waco one time, years ago. My uncle was stationed nearby so we went to visit one summer.
Hope your son had a great move in and has a great year!
Thanks Jenn! So you were also in Waco in the summer- you must remember it as being very, very hot.
Nice job on getting your workouts in while traveling with your son. It sounds like you got him settled and set up for another great year of school. The heat for move-in days sounds unbearable!
I love watching Fixer Upper and can only imagine how much that show has helped Waco’s economy.
Oh yes- it’s really turned that town around. I never watched the show before my son went to Baylor, but now I like it.
P.S. I love your Waco Running Company shirt!
Thanks Debbie!