walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Why We Live in Florida…

Tra-la-la!  It was a beautiful week in South Florida.  Our weather cooled down and we were able to open our windows for three days in a row.  And there was a long run in there… but we’ll get to that in a bit.  I’m joining the amazing Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown (thank as always for hosting, ladies!) Let’s get right into it.


4 mile run followed by a little core work (plank and dead bugs.)


Strength day at home… mostly focused on upper body and core.  Yada yada… let’s get to the good stuff.


YOU GUYS.  I woke up to 53 degrees FOR MY LONG RUN.  I was standing at the start of the trail, applying lube and I actually felt… cold???  What is this odd sensation?  Not only was it in the 50s, but it was cloudy and windy.  I had to start running in order to warm up!

This was a run of 22 amazing miles.  Not only was it much easier to run, but it was easier to eat and drink.  I ate a Lara bar!  And it was even easier to drink my Tailwind.  What a difference 30 degrees makes.

On my run I saw these three, I assume a mom and two babies?

Wild hogs aren’t necessarily vicious killers, but I know any wild animal can be dangerous, especially when babies are involved.  I stopped and considered turning around, but they saw me and ran off into the bushes, so I was able to continue on.

Later I had this text exchange with my husband:

AHEM.  Charlotte is our beautiful black cat, and I like to think she’s FESTIVELY PLUMP.


Guess what I didn’t feel like doing?  RUNNING.  But I got out there and walked for one mile, and then ran for 3.  I felt better and better as the run went on, which gives me confidence that I’ll be able to do back-to-back long runs at the end of the month.


Hmm.  Still a little sore, but I went to the gym for sled pushing and pulling, squats, and deadlifts.  I also decided to add in reverse flys, because my upper back was sore after the long run- I’m sure from carrying the hydration pack.  I figure it can only help to strengthen those muscles a little.


4 mile run!  Our weather has warmed up again, but even though it was 70 degrees it was still comfortable. Followed by a quick plank before heading off to work.


OFF!  Sleeping in, waffles, and then I HAVE TO get the outdoor decorations up- which means it will be at least 85 degrees.  It’s always sweltering on the day I put up the Christmas lights.  But that’s okay- no one has perfect weather all the time.

How was your week?  Any incredibly good or bad weather?

Any unusual wildlife spotted on your runs? – This is the third time I’ve seen wild hogs on this trail.  Florida is so weird.

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

42 Responses

  1. You were actually cold?! LOL! My parents had -22C this week (-7F) and a friend who lives a little further south from them had -27 (-16F)! So I’m also very happy to live in Ireland and be able to enjoy 10C in December. Since our cold snap headed away it’s been very windy though but that’s ok because it’s so mild otherwise.
    Wild hogs can be quite aggressive!! There are plenty of them in Sweden and in Italy and people there are warned to stay away.
    Well done with all the strength work this week (and running, of course). I can recommend doing more of the upper back work – reverse fly, ordinary fly, barbell row and dumbbell row.. and overhead press.. for us with low bone density the upper back is one of the most important parts to strengthen. I do a lot of these exercises in the gym.

    1. You’re right, I should be working on my upper back anyway. Okay, you’ve convinced me!
      I think the reason I was cold is that it was windy and I was wearing a tank top. If it were 53 and sunny it would have been different. But that’s okay… I’ll take a chilly run any day!

  2. What a great long run, Jenny! Hooray.

    It has been a mix of weather this week, but mostly colder than I’d like. Snow on Monday (and a day off school because of it), and then pretty cool temps the rest of the time. It’s supposed to warm up and rain (today or tomorrow), so the snow will be replaced by mud. Oh well. The weather will be what the weather will be and I think I’m just hard to please.

    We’ve seen coyotes around where we live, but other than that it’s mostly just bald eagles and squirrels. Thankfully, no poisonous snakes or spiders. My parents have had moose and wild turkeys (and deer, of course!) around their house before. Oh, and black bears, too! They get a lot more wildlife living in the country in New Brunswick than we do in a fairly developed town in Nova Scotia.

    1. Oh ugh… mud. But I like your attitude- the weather will be what it is- fighting against it is just silly.
      We have coyotes around here as well but I rarely see them. People are warned to keep their pets inside at night though!

  3. Low 50s and cloudy is my favorite running weather — so glad you had such a good run!

    Good idea to work on your back muscles to prepare for a heavy hydration pack — I’m not sure I’d have thought of that!

    My husband hasn’t done our outdoor lights yet and it’s supposed to rain all day. I’m, afraid if he waits until next weekend he won’t bother — or maybe he’ll run out and get some figures he can just plop in the yard!

    1. For a minute it looked like it was going to rain here as well, and I was about to panic- I agree by next weekend I might start to feel like it’s not worth it. You’ll have to let me know if your husband gets your up!

  4. Yay for an excellent 22 mile long run! I am so glad the weather cooperated!! That makes such a huge difference. I remember slogging through hot, humid weather during the summer when marathon training and then fall would hit and the temps would drop and I would feel like I could fly when running!!

    Our weather has been nicer than normal. We did get some snow yesterday but we didn’t get much and it will melt. It will hit 50 this week. It could be 50+ degrees colder so I will take it! We might have a brown Christmas this year and I am ok with that! Last winter we got almost 100” of snow so I would love a mild winter!

    I did another Caroline Girvan workout yesterday which had Bulgarian split squats. Those are so hard for me, especially when she had you do 3 different moves in a row with out a break to achieve muscle fatigue. And wow did I achieve that. Today I will do a CG HIIT workout.

    1. Yes, her workouts are killers!
      I do remember your snow last winter (now that you mention it.) A little crazy that it will hit 50 this week in Minnesota- we were almost down to 50 last week!

  5. How nice to have perfect weather on your long run day! I’ll bet that felt SO good! Um yeah, no wild hogs here! Haha! Just coyote, fox and lots of deer!

  6. 22 miles and nice weather?! What a great day! Hopefully your weather will be just as nice for race day.

    We had very similar weather here — chilly in the mornings but we had a couple days where it got to 80 degrees here which is NOT normal for December (typically it’s in the mid-60s). I actually did a run/hike to a Christmas tree on top of a small mountain on one of those warm days and it felt a little strange to be surrounded by holiday stuff when it was in the upper 70s haha!

    We don’t have wild hogs here but we have a similar animal called the javelina that looks like a pig. The babies are super cute but the adults can be very aggressive when there are babies around so I’m always a little cautious when I see them. Usually I see them on the trails but I live in the foothills and sometimes I’ve come home from work to a whole pack of them in the parking lot!

    1. I’ve heard of javelinas! Well I’ve heard of the “Javelina Jundred” but didn’t know that race was named for a pig.
      Your winter weather sounds nicer than ours- we can get 60s, but it’s not necessarily typical. 70s and 80s are not abnormal for December.

  7. I can relate…temps in the 50F’s do feel cold after it’s been so hot! I almost always do a short recovery run the day following a long run (or race). My legs feel MUCH better with some action and motion than they do being stagnant. I see an occasional raccoon on my runs (which are usually in the dark this time of year), but that’s about it for “wildlife.”

    1. Yes, I never used to run the day after long runs but now I’m liking it (ince I get started… my legs don’t want to run in the beginning.)

  8. Yay for your fabulous running weather and being able to open your windows for a few days! It’s pouring rain here today and we “might” get snow overnight.

    Those wild hogs would freak me out, especially a momma and her babies. Glad they ran off into the woods so you could continue along with your run.

    1. Yeah, I was happy to see them but they also made me a little nervous. They were scared of me though.
      I hope you get some snow!

  9. Where my in-laws live they have wild hogs and it’s very good advice to not approach. WhatI heard they are vicious in Germany.
    Around here we mostly see coyotes and deers.

  10. The weather has been GLORIOUS.
    Wild hogs freak me out. PIgs are mean and smart, and while I love them, I maintain a healthy distance. Boo on your husband for fat shaming your cat! I bet she is perfect!

  11. Way to go on that long run, and getting out there again on the next day!! We had the same temperatures here. Crazy! I couldn’t bring myself to wear a tank and shorts but I did wear capris and short sleeves 😆 Great picture on your long run. Looking very strong!!

    1. Thank you Lisa! It’s weird, the day after the long run was about the same weather but I just felt like wearing long sleeves. A tank was the right choice for the longer run because the temps rose while I was out there.

  12. Very happy you had such nice weather for your long run. What a treat! Yes, 30 degrees is a big difference! And I love the pink sky in your first photo.

    They have javelinas in TX, but I never saw any. Which is fine by me actually (since I often have the dogs with me when walking).

    Good luck with the decorations! Here it is raining, as forecast (and so glad to be home!).

    1. Seems like it’s raining in a lot of places today! I got a little nervous it would rain here, but it didn’t ang I got the decorations up- for the most part. I did the hardest parts so I’m happy.

  13. Haha, those wild pigs cracked me up!I haven’t seen any wild animals on my runs lately. In fact, on today’s trail run, it was oddly quiet. It’s that time of year, I guess.

    Nice work on that long run. You’re in running heaven right now! Enjoy!

  14. 30 degrees would definitely make a difference! So funny your text exchange with your husband. I often send street cat pics to my husband while I run.
    do you eat anything before your runs? my coach is suggesting I always have something before my runs and I find it hard to eat and run.

    1. I usually don’t eat before a run, because I try to get out early in the morning and my stomach just isn’t ready. Usually I’ll eat a little before a long run (like maybe some fruit) but I have to admit this time I didn’t. I ate something about 4 miles in though.

  15. You impress me so much. teach me how to fall in love with running. Wild hogs… Wow. All we have here in NJ are deer, lots of deer, and foxes!

  16. Ha ha. Early last week it was in the 40s here and we were all talking about how crazy hot it was. I love how different perspectives develop. Don’t worry, we’re back to highs in the mid-30s, so it’s all back to normal.

    There’s a trail in a park near where I live that I sometimes take the dog. It’s wooded and we’ve seen all sorts of wildlife. Foxes and deer mostly. There is a herd of albino deer and we’ve seen one a couple of times. I’ve never seen a wild boar, though!

  17. Yay for finally get a long run in with tolerable weather. Our weather is all over the place at the moment. Lots of heavy rain and a fair bit of humidity. Temperatures are up and down. I just had a run in hot, humid weather, luckily not a long one. I have been rained on 4 times in the last two weeks.

  18. Brilliant, well done on your long run! I hear you on the cat – I took our two to have their check-ups and vaccinations last month. As an aside I said I hope Will has made it to 4kg (they say a standard cat is 4-6kg and she’s really small). Um, yes, 5.4 kg! Oops Percy was a bit overweight as well so we’ve got them exercising!

  19. Uh, 53 degrees does sound chilly for you… but I am sure you got nice and toasty on a 22 mile run. Wow.
    It’s been much colder here overnight and I haven’t been out running as much because of the cold temps in the morning. I need to get a grip LOL

    I mostly see wild turkeys on my runs right now. They can be a bit territorial but I haven’t had any bad encounters.

  20. 50 degrees here = me in a long sleeved shirt (likely with a layer underneath), heavy sweater, and coat. I am always cold and am astonished you were just slightly cold in a tank top! in 50 degree weather! This just proves my theory that everyone has a different set point. College kids, especially, seem to always dress like it’s 80 degrees out. Last year, it was about 50 on one of my class days and there were students in midriff baring short-sleeved tops. And shoes with no socks. I was dressed as above. HA! Are your son and daughter like that, too?

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