walkers walk… but runners fly

What It’s Like to Live (and Run) in Florida

Welcome to Day 2 of NaBloPoMo!  For the first day of November, I wrote about becoming a runner, and a little about my teenage years growing up in Illinois.  So how did a midwesterner end up in Florida, anyway?

Well, I grew up near Chicago during some of the coldest winters ever.  As a matter of fact, I had the dubious honor of being there for the coldest day in the city’s history.  On January 20, 1985, the temperatures reached 27 degrees below zero.  But the WIND CHILL factor put it at 80 below.  You’ll still hear references to that day- for example, in the recent polar vortex people were saying it was the coldest recorded temperature since 1985.

Like that’s not bad enough (I mean, seriously- who would want to live in that?) the midwest is very, very, dark and gloomy in the winter.  Growing up there, and then in college (I know- I went to college up there as well- what was I thinking???) I just thought I was a person who experienced cycles of depression.  Well, yes- and those cycles went with the seasons.  I moved to Florida in my 20s, tried to move back north, dealt with my depression once again, and then settled in Florida permanently in 1999.

I should specify that I live in South Florida- the area that comprises Miami, Boca Raton, and West Palm Beach.  This part of the state is very different than other parts.  Miami is a very international city, Boca and West Palm Beach have a lot of transplants from New Jersey and New York, and then when you go further north, Florida becomes more like the deep south.  (As an aside, I sure would hate to be the governor of Florida- it would be a challenging job!)

In South Florida we have two seasons- hot, and warm.  During the “warm” season (November-March) it might still be hot- or it could get kind of chilly at night.  Sometimes we’ll get down to the 50s at night, and every once in a while we’ll see 40s.  But once the sun is up- and it’s sunny almost every day- it gets warm.  My favorite Florida weather is when it’s in the 60s and sunny.  We also see a lot of 70s in the winter, and also, alas, 80s.

The sun is a huge factor here.  90s in Florida is very different from 90s in Illinois.  We’re much closer to the sun, and we feel it.

During the other season, it’s really hot and humid.  Our temperatures are consistently in the low 90s, but with the heat index we’re about 100 most days in the summer (and spring, and sometimes fall) months.  We’ll get down to the 70s at night, but often in the summer our low will be 80.  Arg.

So, if you love running but hate running in the heat, don’t live in Florida.  If you live in Florida and can’t stand the heat, don’t be a runner.  Since I’ve resolved to live in Florida and love running, I’ve embraced the heat- it’s all you can do.  You can run early in the morning and you can run in shorts and a sports bra (that’s what I do in the summer) but you’ll still be hot.

Summer running!

You really do get acclimated to it though.  I actually know people down here who don’t run when it gets down into the 40s overnight because it’s too “cold.”  Ha ha… they clearly didn’t grow up in Chicago!

Another thing… in central and northern Florida they have this thing where the ground slopes upward… and then back down… otherwise known as “hills,” ha ha.  Here in South Florida it’s completely flat.  I definitely count that as a minus- hill running is great for leg strength.  I’ll also look at races like the St. George marathon and think how much fun it would be to run it someday… and then I wonder how in the world I would train for a race like that!

So, no hills.  But we do have this:

Being near the ocean makes up for a lot.  We live about nine miles west of the beach, so it’s not an everyday thing.  When my kids were little we used to go to the beach all the time, but now I have to make a special effort to get there.  When I’m running longer distances I like to run to the beach.

Ten mile run on my birthday, ending in the ocean.

As you can see, living in Florida has its pros and cons.  Since my Seasonal Affective Disorder dictates that I live in a sunny climate, I focus on the pros.  Sometimes the heat and humidity start to feel overwhelming, but then I think how 80 below felt…. and you know what?  I’m good.

Where do you live?  Do you like the winter?  How about the heat- could you live in Florida?


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25 Responses

  1. Well, remember I lived in TX for 17 years. Similar in many ways to FL. I didn’t run then, not until the very end when I was just beginning. Although we bought my treadmill when we lived there — so I could walk on some of those really hot days.

    I’ve always struggled with the NE weather, too, and when I was in college, almost all my interviews where in the mid-atlantic to southern states. Although I did get flown out to Chicago for an interview too! I took a job in MD & was very happy there, then got married & moved to VT, where I was not terribly happy.

    We hope to be moving in 5 years or so to somewhere that gets a lot more sun — but not as hot & humid as FL & TX. We keep debating where that might be . . .

    1. Okay, when you decide where you’re moving let me know, ha ha. Sometimes I think about living somewhere else when our kids are both grown (they don’t want to live in Florida, go figure.) But it would still have to be somewhere that gets plenty of sun.

  2. I can back you up that there is no cold like Illinois cold. Where I live we have a lot of darkness but at least the weather isn’t so extreme. I adore FL, specifically Siesta Key. I’d find a way to deal with the heat in a heartbeat.

  3. We used to have an apartment in Naples, FL. We once had the idea was to live between Switzerland and Florida. Because we loved Florida!
    We didn’t mind the heat and humidity.
    However, South Africa made more sense business-wise and now we’re here. We love it here – but Kai still dreams of visiting the US again one day. So do I!

    1. Naples is really nice, but to be honest South Africa looks a lot more interesting- at least what I can see from your posts. But yes- come and visit us someday!

    2. Catrina, I just wanted you to know that I tried three times to comment on your post today, and my comments keep disappearing! I can see other people’s comments so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Arg!

      1. Oh, dear, sorry about that, Jenny!
        Judy and Wendy had problems last week, too. I will contact my host and tell them again that’s something is wrong.

        1. Ha, wait, I found your comments, Jenny! It was in the spam folder.
          I approved your first comment, thanks so much for not giving up. 🙂
          So sorry you had to deal with this. So annoying!

  4. I do love So Florida – to visit. I have many friends who live there for 6 mos so I get to visit them…and run.

    I do hate cold weather so I wonder why I live in the NE?? lol

    I enjoy the scenery, the different seasons, etc and my family and friends live here. I do not think I could move away permanently. I would love to have enough $$ for two homes.

    1. Yes, that’s the dream life for sure- have a house in Florida but spend the summers somewhere else. A lot of people do that!

  5. This made me laugh… “if you love running but hate running in the heat, don’t live in Florida. If you live in Florida and can’t stand the heat, don’t be a runner”. 🙂

    I totally get that you prefer FL climate to Midwest climate, but I think the humidity would kill me. Here in the Central Valley of Northern California, we get cooler/wet (if it rains LOL) winters and pretty hot, but dry-heat summers. I have to adjust my running schedule accordingly.

  6. I guess you really gotta love that climate. And you obviously do and it is good for you. For me it would be my downfall. Hot and humid is a guarantee for my migraines. I actually prefer the winter and the cold. I even spend my honeymoon at the northern polar circle. HA. But I am not sure if I want to experience such a cold as you described on a regular basis. But overall I would always choose cold over hot.

    1. The northern polar circle for your honeymoon??????? No, I don’t think Florida is for you, ha ha. It’s true, there are some health conditions where the heat and humidity are not good.

  7. I live in Wisconsin and this time of year with cool, crisp fall weather is absolutely the best for running. I was very grumpy about running in the hot and humid over the summer.

    1. Ooh! I also know Wisconsin pretty well. My grandparents lived there so we spent many holidays there. Yes, I’m sure fall running is amazing- but what about the winter? Do you run outside? I guess some days are more manageable than others.

  8. ((sigh)) You know how much I love the heat! While I don’t love the humidity, like you, I embrace it because it is what it is…and it still feels MUCH better than those Midwest winters. I don’t think I told you, but the hubs and I will be snowbirding in Florida in January! More details to come, but I’m looking forward to a change of scene for those four weeks 😉

    1. Kim, you will be SO HAPPY. You’ll have a glorious four weeks, and it will break up the winter so it won’t seem so long. I’m happy you’re going to do that!!!

  9. I am lucky because I live in a place where the weather is good all year long however summer is a problem for my runs. I hate the heat.
    That 10 mile run on your birthday was a great celebration!

    1. Yes, you are lucky- your winters are fairly mild. I guess having mild winters AND mild summers would be too much to ask!

  10. I did not know you grew up in Chicago! Headed there tomorrow to visit my daughter and some of the blogger friends. I actually grew up in Hollywood, FL and lived there until I was 12. I barely remember much but lots of Disney World trips!

    1. Well that’s funny because I didn’t know you grew up in Florida! Enjoy your trip to Chicago- hope you get some good weather!

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