Hi there! Glad you dropped in because I have JUST A FEW bones to pick on this Wednesday. Let’s get started!
What’s up with Hoka?
Last week I got new Hokas. I’ve been wearing the Cliftons, and I ordered a new pair from JackRabbit. Same shoe, same size, same width (wide.) When they arrived I tried them on and thought they felt a little tight. I double checked the size and width and decided I must be imagining it.
WELL, a week later and the right shoe especially is pinching my toes. The entire reason I wear Hokas is for the wide toe box. Let me present Exhibit A:

Come on! The one on the right is much narrower, right??? Or it has a different shape… or something. Anyway, I don’t like it. Why would they do that? Is anyone really complaining that the toe box is too wide? Anyway… now I’m on the lookout for another “second” pair of shoes. My first pair being the New Balance 880s- at least those are still wide enough.
What’s up with Spotify?
Okay, I realize I’m being a cheapskate here because I use the free Spotify. In addition to the fact that they add their own songs to my playlists (and for some reason seem to think that I love Train) there are way too many commercials. Before my 5k time trail on Sunday, it gave me the option to get thirty minutes of uninterrupted music if I watched an ad video. Perfect! I watched the video and looked forward to an ad-free run. Well, it played two songs and then they started. Every two or three songs I got an ad for mammograms (thanks, but I already already had one this year,) an ad for the Covid vaccine (ditto) and an ad in Spanish (absolutely no idea what was going on there.) It’s like they’re trying to make it just bad enough so that you’ll give in and pay for it. We’ll just see about that!
What’s up with the anti-anti-maskers?
I get it… the mask thing is complicated. When I went to Publix today, instead of the usual sign saying “Facial Coverings Required” I saw this:
I know. No one knows who’s vaccinated and who’s not. And like everything else, it’s political. I felt like if I wanted to take my mask off, I should carry a sign saying “Not a Trump supporter. Fully vaccinated and just want to take off the frickin’ mask.”
A Publix employee was nearby cleaning off carts and saw me studying the sign. He shrugged and said “It’s gotta end sometime.”
Amen, brother.
Are places in your area lifting the mask restriction? Are you still wearing one?
Do you use Spotify? The free or paid version?
Please recommend any shoes you know of with an extra-wide toe box!!!
8 Responses
I’m a card carrying member of the wide foot club, and lucky for us there is an entire gender out there with wide feet! I’ve worn men’s running shoes for years. The only downside is that I will probably never have pink running shoes but my feet are happy.
I’m not quite sure what’s up with the mask thing here. Partly because I only leave my house to run and walk the dog and haven’t been to the store since the weekend. I noticed that the signs are starting to come down but everyone was still wearing masks. I’ve heard conflicting things: masks are over now, masks will be over in 4 more weeks (to allow for another vaccination campaign), it’s up to the business to decide…all very confusing but it’s gonna end sometime…and soon!!!
I know you’ve mentioned the shoe thing before on your blog. I’m going to have to go to the running store and try on some men’s shoes!
I was out at Whole Foods and Starbucks today, and they both had signs up saying masks are optional if you’ve been vaccinated. But almost everyone was still wearing them. I guess people aren’t quite ready yet.
I use the paid spotify version so I have not had the issue with the ads. Gosh I think it’s worth it to upgrade. You may be able to get a student rate through one of your kids
Ooh, you’re appealing to my cheapskate nature! Yes, it sounds like it’s worth it.
I think my earlier comment went **poof** …anyways, I have sort of the opposite problem with my running shoes. I have narrow feet, it feels like my favorite brands/models are getting progressively wider in the toe box. I like cushioned socks, so I’m able to deal with it…but ugh. I got groceries yesterday & it felt like we were getting away with something illegal by not wearing masks. It was liberating, though!
That’s funny, you feel like shoes are getting wider and I think they’re getting narrower! I guess the point is, we all have different feet so it’s good there are so many shoe choices.
Yes, feels so weird to be out without a mask! I think we’ll get used to it quickly though.
I think my comment went “poof” as well!
Many runners like the Altras for their wide toe box. I’ve never tried them. I like Birchie’s idea of the men’s shoes. So practical!
In Europe, we’re still very much wearing the masks. I don’t mind it, actually. I also don’t mind the social distancing and the no-hugging. I’ll have to get used to it again when things change back!
okay, well I’m obviously having a few issues with my comment section! I’ll try to get it straightened out.
I’ve tried Altras- they don’t offer much support at all. I think if you were running with great form and got used to them, they would work really well though.
The place I’d really like to stop wearing a mask is at work- I don’t think it will happen anytime soon though.