walkers walk… but runners fly

Who knew?

Guess what?  It turns out I’ve been doing it wrong all along!  Usually when I get on my bike (I set up my road bike on a trainer indoors), I listen to a podcast, or occasionally music and wonder why every single minute that passes is so grueling.  Today I decided to try something different, and set up in front of the TV and turned on Food Network.  First I watched Giada’s Holiday Handbook, where she cooked Thanksgiving foods- that was pretty fun.  But then, the best thing in the world happened- Brunch at Bobby’s came on, where Bobby Flay cooked a Thanksgiving brunch!!!  Who knew this was all happening on Sundays, while I’m usually out running for hours???

Bobby Flay is my Food Network crush (obviously), I love brunch, and I love Thanksgiving.  He made pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin granola parfaits, and a hash using Thanksgiving leftovers.  It was, hands down, the best hour I’ve ever spent on the bike.  And I made it hard- I didn’t just spin easily while admiring Bobby’s cooking techniques.  When the time was up I didn’t even want it to end, except that, strangely, I was feeling a bit hungry.

I made my own version of a “fancy” breakfast- pumpkin spice oatmeal with toasted pecans and chocolate chips (heh heh) along with my favorite earl grey tea.

I’ll bet Bobby doesn’t have a mug like this!

But wait a minute!  Isn’t this supposed to be a running blog?  Well, guess what- Bobby Flay is a RUNNER!  Here he is being interviewed in Runner’s World!  This was from 2010, but I found another article mentioning that he ran the London marathon in 2017.  And then this article was pretty fun, talking about various celebrities who have run marathons.

Sadly, Bobby is a big meat-eater and I’m vegan, so I guess we’re not soul mates after all.  But it’s funny to think of some of these people, who you would assume you have nothing in common with (George W. Bush?), but you could probably sit down and have a really great conversation about something you both love.   Running… I can’t wait to get back to it!!!

Actually the same picture as the other day- I even wore the same thing today. But I probably looked a lot happier today!

Does anyone else have any tricks or tips for getting through cross training when you can’t run?  Please share them with me!

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2 Responses

  1. Riding your bike outside is probably even more fun than watching the boob tube, I highly recommend it. I mean, you live in Florida, right? 🙂

    1. Good point, Dick! Riding outside would definitely be better psychologically than inside in front of the TV. One thing about where we live in Florida is that it’s really flat so it can be hard to get a good workout on the bike. But I’ll talk about this in an upcoming post. Thanks for your comment!

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