walkers walk… but runners fly

Yes… But I Ran.

This Sunday, after a stressful week, I went for a trail run.  I got out early to beat the heat, I had my hydration vest with a water bottle, nothing hurt, and it was a beautiful run… just what I needed.

After I came home, showered, and ate breakfast, I was sitting on the couch reading blogs.  My cat came to sit on my lap and I lay my head back and started to doze.  This is the life!——

“MOM!!!! You said you’d help me with science fair!”

NO! NO! Nononononononononoooooooooooo!!!  It’s the DREADED SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT.

I don’t know about you, but our family has always hated science fair.  We’re just not good at it- something always goes wrong with the experiment, and we’re terrible at putting the board together.  We’re musical, but not visually artistic (as you will soon see.)

Years ago, this humorous science fair board was making the rounds of the internet, and it definitely sums up the experience!

Okay, fine.  My daughter had already conducted the experiment (the “half-baked idea of dubious merit.”) We got to work printing, cutting, and gluing… and finally came up with this beauty:

It really wouldn’t be so bad if the title didn’t look like a ransom note.  I suggested we put some music notes on for decoration, but my daughter felt it was better not to draw too much attention to her board.  Okay, fine- it is what it is.  And what it is, is DONE.

I went from working on the science board to baking a cake, to doing laundry, to making dinner… many times during the afternoon I thought “This was not how I wanted to spend my day off,” but then I would go back to that trail run.  I felt like part of my mind was still there and I experienced the same pleasure as I had while actually running.  Even my little “injuries”- a spot on my shoulder where my hydration pack chafed, and a wound on my leg from a prickly plant- were reminders of my morning adventure.

The feeling is strongest on the days I do a trail run, but any run will do it.  No matter what I’m faced with for the rest of the day, I can look back to the morning and think “Yes, but I ran.”


Thanks to Kim and Zenaida for hosting Tuesday Topics!

Are you a morning runner?  Do you feel like your morning workout stays with you for the rest of the day?

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27 Responses

  1. Yep! My favorite part of running was day dreaming about it after the fact. Gotta be honest, I am enjoying my current gig as a non-runner BUT there’s nothing to day dream about afterwards.

    Boo to science fairs and all school projects with displays! Seriously, that is one skill that I have never used in my adult life.

    1. Yes, great point!!! HOW is this helping in actual life? Of course, I could say that about at least 90% of what goes on in school… don’t get me started.

  2. It sounds like you had a lovely trail run. And to answer your question, I always prefer to run in the morning.

    Oh no, what a horrible way to be awaken from a nap. That science fair meme is spot on! My mom was a first grade teacher so she always perfectly printed my brother’s and my science project boards. My brother loved science fair and always went to regionals and even state once. I hated it, but made it to regionals at least once because I listened to my brother’s advice on what project to do. 😉

    1. Wow! You guys were good. I’m especially impressed that your brother went to state- that’s hard to accomplish. Both my kids would be dismayed if they actually had to take their project to regionals- but luckily there’s never any danger of that happening!

  3. I usually exercise after work because it’s hard to get to do it in the mornings. But when I do exercise in the morning, it’s exactly as you describe it – I feel virtuous all day and look back on it to get a lift when I need one. The thing I do every morning is wake up and immediately take the dog for a walk. We go from about a quarter of a mile to a mile and it feels like such a great way to start the day! Just being outside makes all the difference.

    1. That’s funny because I’m having a flashback to when my son was in elementary school, and I would walk him to school every day. It was probably about 3/4 mile roundtrip, and if I didn’t get that walk in (like if it rained and I had to drive him) I really missed it.

  4. That humorous board is hilarious!!
    And I’d love to read your daughter’s board in detail. I think you were on the right track with adding more visuals… but hey, I’m sure she will get a good grade for it as it is (these boards do get graded, right?)
    Yep, a run always helps me to get through the day. I run closer to lunchtime, but it still helps!

    1. Interesting! So you get up, have a whole morning and then run? I think my body would be a little happier with that (it would be more loosened up) but then I would be worried about my eating schedule- I really like to run on a completely empty stomach. But it obviously works well for you!

  5. Like NGS, I feel virtuous if I exercise first thing. I feel best if I run after supper time (7:30 pm seems to be my sweet spot), but I rarely exercise at this time because, well, bedtime with kids!

    This week, because of my positive COVID test, I haven’t been walking the kids to school and it is throwing off my routine. I’ve been getting outside around lunchtime for my daily walk, but it just doesn’t feel as satisfying to not have my exercise ring closed for the day…before 9 am.

    I love that you could reflect back on such a lovely run.

    I also HATE major school projects for kids. I had to laugh when you describe it looking like a ransom note. That hadn’t crossed my mind when I first saw the picture, but now I can’t unsee that. It’s neat and tidy and, most importantly, done! I bet she will get a great grade!!

    1. Ha… we’re shooting for a “B.”
      That positive Covid test really threw off your whole life! I agree, I feel virtuous when I get my exercise done early.

  6. I went to a teeny tiny school so I never had to do a science fair! I am confident our kids will have to, though. I feel like that is a task I will try to assign to my husband because he is way more into science than I am. Math and language arts are my jam. Also, I am the least artistic person ever so making a cool-looking board is so not in my wheelhouse!

    I prefer to workout in the morning and I think the endorphins do impact me throughout the day. If I don’t workout in the morning, it just won’t happen. Plus I don’t like showering twice and I need to be showered and presentable for client meetings so I will do anything to avoid showering twice!

    I almost though the white stuff in the first photo was snow! We’ve had snow recently so it’s on my brain I guess but I was pretty sure you didn’t have plans to leave Florida… and if you get snow in southern FL then something is really really really wrong.

    1. Ha ha, yes- if it snows down here then the world really has gone berserk.
      Yes, definitely give the science fair work to your husband! As a matter of fact I would negotiate that with him right now, just to get it straight.

  7. I always work out in the morning, I do not like working out any other time of the day. I’d rather get up at 4 to squeeze it in, than do an afternoon workout.

    Science fair! That cracks me up. So much truth in that project.

    1. I usually feel the same way- I feel a little anxious during the day if I know I still have my workout ahead of me.

  8. I do like to run in the morning (after coffee and breakfast). Finding time for yourself becomes a lot easier after all the kids are off to college. Glad you got in your long run and it felt good! A good morning run endorphin rush does stick with me

    1. Yes, part of me is dreading the empty nest (we still have 4 and 1/2 more years tell that happens) but I’m also thinking about how much more control I’ll have over my own schedule… I’ll have to embrace the good parts of it!

  9. Most of my runs happen in the morning as well. The mornings (primarily the EARLY mornings) work best for my work schedule. My body doesn’t mind running at different times (midday, for example), I’m just not usually away from my work desk, LOL. When I do my winter run streak, though, I squeeze in a lot of runches (most of those are only 1-milers, though).

    1. It’s funny because just yesterday I ended up running in the afternoon. I like it- it’s just that those morning runs set my day up better.

  10. It’s amazing how a good run can set the tone for the rest of the day (even week!). Yours sounds magical! And well done for assisting with the science fair project! My family is the opposite – bring us science over music any day – with the exception of my son, we are all completely tone deaf! LOL.

  11. Awww, I think your board looks good!! It is so hard to figure out those project ideas. And there’s always that kid who has an amazing topic and we’re stuck with growing fuzz on a potato or something like that. Lame! So glad to hear you had a great run!!

  12. I am definitely a morning runner/workout type of person, but I feel like this happened gradually as I was working from home during the pandemic. Pre-Covid I would go to 4:15pm or 5:30pm OTF classes after work but now I go to either 7am or 8:15am classes (depending on when my meetings start for the day). It does feel nice to get it over with before all the craziness of the day.

  13. As a kid I also disliked science fairs. We had to do them beginning in 4th or 5th grade. I hated it. I am also a morning runner. Though it’s been a few days since I’ve run. I keep telling myself that I need to make time for myself in the morning to run. The other option is to get on the Peloton after work but I am just too tired for it. But again, I need to make time for it and myself.

    1. I’m glad you teach younger kids who don’t have to do science fair! I agree that’s it hard to get up the energy to exercise after work- another reason to do it in the morning.

  14. Don’t you hate it when your day “off” is hijacked by projects and chores. I think it’s awfully nice that you helped your daughter with her project though 😉

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