walkers walk… but runners fly

An Awe-some Friday

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

-Albert Einstein

In his article, “The Lazy Way to an Awesome Life: 4 Secrets Backed by Research,” Eric Barker takes a deep dive into “awe.”  He describes the very distinct emotion of awe as being characterized by spiritual growth, childlike wonder, and connection to others.

It’s a fun read.  He suggests doing this thing called “leaving your house,” because as he says,  “It’s so much better if awe overwhelms you in person, that way you don’t accidentally close the tab on your awe.”

His “four secrets” include an appreciation of nature (no surprise there), finding awe in other people, seeing things with new eyes, and finding awe in gratitude.

On that second point…

How about Suni Lee winning that gold medal?  What I love about this story is that going into the Olympics, Suni said her dream was to win the silver.  That was the most she could hope for because Simone Biles was “certain” to win the gold.

Isn’t life more fun when you realize you don’t really know what’s going to happen?  Suni never dreamed that Simone would pull out of the competition- no one did- but it happened against all odds, and Suni was ready to step up.  Awesome.

But wait!  Whatever happened with…

While we’re on the subject of “things we didn’t see coming,” a quick update on my husband.  In my last post I shared that he has Covid.  He’s feeling much better, and the kids and I have tested negative and are feeling fine.  Crazy that I’ve been sleeping in the same bed as him all along and haven’t gotten sick- I would credit the vaccine, but then my husband is also fully vaccinated and he did get sick.  Go figure!

One last thing

Track and Field has started!  We have a whole lot of running coming up- woohoo!

Have a great Friday-  don’t forget to see things with new eyes, and feel some awe today.

Did you watch the gymnastics?  How do you feel about the way the competition went?

Who’s excited for track and field? – Me! Me!



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16 Responses

  1. I am excited about track and field. I love gymnastic usually but too much hype about Simone. And yes so happy for Suni Lee. She served it.

    Crazy about COVID!! You just have a better immune system.

    1. Ha ha… I’ll tell my husband that I have a better immune system, he’ll love that. Although now he probably has more immunity to Covid than the rest of us!

  2. That just sucks about your hubs! I’m all about getting a third dose of the vaccine. Waiting for the green light. We’re going to start seeing COVID symptom patients in the office next week. The timing is terrible, with the increase in cases. I’m just so tired of COVID!

    1. I’m so tired of Covid as well. This experience reminded me that it’s still out there though- I was getting complacent and had stopped wearing my mask. Now I’m wearing it again. Ugh.

  3. I missed the news about your husband. It does sound like the vaccine did its job — you can still certainly get it, but hopefully you don’t get as sick, or hospitalized — or dead.

    Although I kind of wish there was a spoiler alert on this post — I watch the Olympics the day after (sometimes even days after if I’m at my sister’s) so I didn’t know. Oh well. No worries.

    1. OH NO!!! I get so mad when someone spoils the results for me, so I’m sorry I did it to you! I’ll put a spoiler alert next time.

  4. I was able to actually watch most of the All-Around Competition last night…in prime time! Then, I saw some of the swimming and track afterwards (all while finishing my blog post). Yay for Suni…it was so exciting seeing her reaction to the final scores 😉

    1. Yes, I loved seeing her reaction. I also love when they show the reactions of the family members back at home.

  5. Oh, I’m going to go back and read your post, but your husband is the second person I “know” who’s gotten covid after being vaccinated. I guess the fact that he’s feeling better already shows the vaccine probably helped.

    Agree on the gymnastics! I’ve got nothing but support for Simone Biles. Haters talk about letter her team down, but that assumes the others couldn’t step up!

    Love the rainbow.

    1. We assume the vaccine helped him. He was only really sick for three days, and those days were serious enough to make him happy that he had the vaccine- this is definitely a nasty virus.

  6. I’ve hardly watched any of the Olympics because I am trying to go to bed earlier since I get up so early. I have recorded a few of the events, but haven’t watched the recordings. I’ve never watched so little as this year… 🙁

    1. I’ve heard viewership is down in general for this Olympics. At least you’re getting a lot of sleep! I’m definitely not- I figure I’ll sleep more next week when the Olympics are over.

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