Happy Wednesday, and welcome to the latest installment of “Jenny’s Tragic Summer.” The latest news is…my husband has Covid.
My husband attended a rehearsal last week and he and six other people (so far) from that rehearsal have all gotten sick with Covid. My husband is much better now, but for three days he was exhausted. He had a fever the first day and now has some lingering congestion, but the main thing was his extreme tiredness.
If Covid weren’t such a serious issue, I would say it was comical. He kept getting up and trying to do things (one day he tried to mow the lawn) and then would end up back in bed, saying “I just can’t figure out why I’m so tired!”
As soon as he found out he had been exposed to Covid he got his test, which was positive. As soon as he got his positive test, I got a rapid results test, which was negative. I’m also waiting on the results of the lab test, which takes longer but is more accurate. But so far, the kids and I are all well.
So guess what- Covid is still out there! And you can still get it, even if you’ve been vaccinated. We don’t know the status of everyone involved, but at least four of the people who are sick were fully vaccinated.
So, wear your mask when possible (no one was masked at the rehearsal- it’s hard to play trumpet with a mask on) and STAY AWAY FROM UNVACCINATED PEOPLE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Since vaccinated, asymptomatic people are very unlikely to transmit the virus, we suspect that an unvaccinated person at that rehearsal exposed everyone.
On a completely different topic… craziness at the Olympics, right??? Poor Simone… she’s putting a positive spin on the situation, but you know that’s not how she wanted things to play out. And what happens if she can’t compete in the all-around? Can Jade Carey take her place?
So much drama! At least I won’t look back and say this summer was dull.

What do you think of the Olympics so far?
What do you think of the NEW CDC mask guidelines? – masks again… ugh.
18 Responses
Oh wow, your poor husband! Looks like Covid is going to keep us busy for the near future. So good that you are all vaccinated!
In Switzerland, we are still wearing masks indoors (shops, public transport, gyms, etc).
The Olympics are fascinating! Everyone here is excited because three Swiss women won the first three places in the mountain bike race.
So sad for Simone, though!
It looks like we may be going back to wearing masks indoors, ARRRRRRG! Still, I can’t really deny the continuing existence of Covid, since my husband has it, can I?
Funny that I wasn’t even aware of Olympic mountain biking until this year… I’m wondering if it’s new?
OMG. I feel for you.
At least with the vaccine, no one is getting real sick. But still…..
Very upset about Simone. 2021 is not turning out to be a great year…even if it is better than 2020.
Yes, I’m upset about Simone! It’s such an unexpected turn of events. And yes… so glad we’re all vaccinated.
Oh gosh, Jenny, your 2021 late summer is turning out much like my 2020 late summer (our dog had ACL surgery, a derecho wreaked havoc on our yard and town, AND then I had a stress fracture…all in the span of about a month LOL). At least you’re keeping your sense of humor…that’s one thing we all have complete control of when other things try to bring us down 😉 Hoping your hubby is feeling better soon!
Ha, that sounds like a NIGHTMARE, Kim! But look how much difference a year makes- things are going great for you now. So that means summer of 2020 will be awesome for me, right?
oh Jeez Jenny you are having quite an eventful summer! Glad your husband is okay and fingers crossed that the rest of you do not get it. Hey on the upside, you are running again!
Thanks Deborah! my husband is definitely feeling better and better every day, and the rest of us seemed to have dodged this bullet! I’ll feel a little more confident if we can make it to the weekend- fingers crossed.
Glad that your husband is feeling better and fingers crossed for all of you.
In my city covid is spreading again but luckily we, at moment, are safe.
In Italy we must wear the mask indoors.
Thank you! I hope you continue to be healthy!
Oh goodness. I think people really didn’t realise vaccinated folk could get it at first and people felt a bit invincible. Does look like it dials the severity down a good few levels though and I’m glad your husband’s OK now.
I have to admit I fell into that category of people who felt invincible. Lesson learned! The delta variant is out there and super contagious!
I’m back to wearing my mask pretty much everywhere again! UGH
I am so happy for Suni Lee. I love watching Simone, I truly do, but it is great that her teammates did so well without her. A team should never be all about one person.
Yes, the team shouldn’t be relying on Simone to carry them through. They did great without her!
So sorry to hear about your husband, but glad he’s feeling better. I am fine with the CDC mask guidance. I never stopped wearing a mask at the grocery store. Between that and DC having a high transmission rate my office reopening was pushed back from next week to mid-September. That gives me 6 more weeks without commuting!
Well, that’s a good thing! Yes, next week doesn’t seem like a great time to re-open offices.
Dang, see, this is what I am afraid of…. we’re still susceptible to get it, even if we’re vaccinated and I JUST DON’T WANT THIS VIRUS.
Having said that, I am really, really glad your husband is doing better and that you and the kids didn’t catch it.
Stay vigilant out there.
Yes, it’s crazy. He was at an event where they were in close quarters and it wasn’t well-ventilated. TEN people that we know of got Covid that night. And they weren’t wearing masks. So…