walkers walk… but runners fly

Coffee Date Runfessions

Did you know that if you get a tea or coffee at Starbucks, you can get a refill for free (or, 50 cents if you don’t have the app?) And they don’t just refill your same cup- they give you a new one.  How did I not know this???  Actually, this is probably one of those things I was better off not knowing.  Well, usually I don’t sit in Starbucks long enough to finish my tea- but every once in a while you have to love those double caffeine days!

For this Friday coffee date, I’m linking up with Marcia and her crew for Runfessions!  Oh yes, I have a couple.

Remember how, after I DNF’d my race, I REALLY wanted to sign up for another 50 miler right away?  And then the race I wanted got sold out and I was really upset?  Well, that race is tomorrow, April 27th.  I want to laugh and say how ridiculous it would have been to attempt it… but I’ll runfess that I’m actually having some FOMO.

Yes, my ankle is still achy.  My longest run so far since the injury is 10 miles.  You could say that running a 50 mile race tomorrow would be insane.  And yet… I kind of wish I were trying.  I can imagine the excitement of showing up and just saying “What if…?” What if I could do it?  What if it all works out?

Inspiration from my favorite notebook.

Ah well.  I’m not running that race, so I’ll just have to shift my focus to the 50K at the end of May.  Honestly, that will be challenging enough.  I figure I have three more long runs, and they will have to be 13, 17 and then 20 miles.  That’s a quick buildup, and 20 miles isn’t a lot for a 50K distance.  But it is what it is, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be excited to show up and give that race my best shot.

In addition to all the other crazy things I’m doing right now, I’ll runfess that I bought new shoes.  I figured since I’m doing these trail races, I really should be wearing trail shoes!  I went to REI and tried on so many pairs…

Just a small sample of the shoes I tried!

The ones that were the most comfortable were the Altra Timps.  So I got them!  The problem is, they’re zero drop.  I really tried NOT to get a zero drop shoe, but I didn’t like any of the others I tried, so here we are.  In this whirlwind 50K training program that I’m in, am I really going to transition to a zero drop shoe???

I’ll runfess that the only time I’ve worn them is for a treadmill workout at the gym.

The stupidest place to wear trail shoes…

This was only walking (at a 13% incline) but the shoes felt great.  Next up… a short run in them, outside.  Gulp!

Other than the fact that I’m running a 50K in four weeks on minimal training, possibly in zero drop shoes I’m still getting used to, everything is going great!  Really, it is.  It will all work out.

Have you ever worn zero drop shoes? – I have a pair of Altra Escalantes that I wear to the gym and to work sometimes- so I’m not entirely unfamiliar with them.

Are you racing over Memorial Day weekend?

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37 Responses

  1. I fully understand the FOMO! I really hope you get to be ready for the May race, it’s coming up soon! But if it’s not, it’s also not a big deal. Fortunately we run for fun, not to make a living 🙂 the new shoe looks great too. I haven’t tried zero drop shoes, I have flat feet so that wouldn’t be helpful.

    1. i have the opposite of flat feet (super high arches.) So maybe the zero drop will work? And yes… sometimes I think it would be fun to be a professional runner- but think of the pressure!

  2. Well, I am sorry you’re feeling FOMO and I can certainly understand that, even if it seems like most likely the right decision that you’re not running it. 🙂

    I feel like in the past I have walked up and asked for more hot water for my tea and they have given it to me in coffee shops- though I’m not sure I have asked exactly for a full “refill” with a whole new cup and tea bag. I mean it’s not the greatest to drink just more hot water and reuse a tea bag, lol, but I’ll admit I have done it and it’s better than nothing. (I often actually have a stash of tea bags in my purse that I’ve used in a pinch too, or actually, at Starbucks they typically put in TWO big tea bags in a Venti which is stronger than I prefer, so I always ask for my tea bags on the side instead of having them put them in and will just stash one for later!) Do you mean they’d even refill a fancy drink?! Or I assume just the regular coffee or tea? I am so clueless about coffee shop etiquette in general since I just drink plain black tea.

    And what is a “zero drop shoe”??

    1. I think the refill is just for coffee and tea. So if you got a black tea, you could finish it and go up and get the exact same thing again for free. I also sometimes get teabags on the side.
      In a traditional running shoe, the heel is higher than the forefoot. If the heel is 5mm higher, then the shoe has a 5mm drop. A zero drop shoe is completely flat- no difference between the heel and the forefoot. It’s supposed to encourage a more natural running form, but it feels weird at first and you have to get used to it.

  3. I totally understand your FOMO when you wanted to sign up!
    As you know I’m a big fan of zero drop. But haven’t you been wearing low drop Altras for a while? And done all your calf raises and other foot training? Perhaps you’re ready to slowly get into zero drop. You do need trail shoes! By the way, I use my Lone Peaks for all surfaces, not only trail and that’s fine.
    Last spring when I got my foot injury (but before the boot) I desperately needed shoes with more toe space and I had already become interested in barefoot shoes, so I got a pair of Xero shoes. The zero drop was also a win since it puts less pressure on the metatarsals (although, a stiff sole would have been good at the time). During this time I realised that basically ALL my standard shoes were too small around the toes. What had I been thinking when I bought them? Now I only use Altra, and for everyday life and the gym I use barefoot shoes. For a while I couldn’t tolerate any higher drop shoe but recently when I tried my old running shoes they were ok (but they’re only 8 or 10 mm drop) except they have too little toe space. All my lovely higher heel boots are going to charity which is sad but… I’m never going to feel comfortable in them again.

    1. Ha! No high heel boots for me. Yes, I’ve been wearing the Altra FWD which has a 4 mm drop. So it’s closer to zero drop than a lot of other running shoes. I tried running in the Timps today and it still felt very different. We’ll see! I agree I should have trail shoes.

  4. Ok. I didn’t know that about Starbucks. But it the fancy ones u drink.

    I felt that way in Fla when I ran the 5k instead of the half.

    I ran in Topos zero drop for awhile. They seem to get rid of my neuroma pain. Now I wear ones with 3 or 5mm.

    My favorite trail shoes are Altra zero drop. I hope you like yours.

    1. I ran one mile in them today, and it definitely felt different. I’ll keep trying to incorporate them into my runs and see what happens.

  5. Everything WILL work out!!
    You still have some of that previous training in you and you will be fine for the 50k at the end of May. It’s also a mental game, and that is your forte, Jenny.
    Do you put your own training plan together?

    1. I definitely put my own training plan together. Maybe next time I’ll try to follow an official plan- Sally McRae has one on her app. I knew my training for this race was going to be unconventional, to say the least, so I just made it up. It’s not perfect but I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to complete the distance!

  6. I hope the shoes work out! If they don’t you won’t know what to blame. 😉

    I did know about Starbucks. Before I was hooked on Americanos my morning routine was to have my first cup in the store and then get a refill to take up to the office. Before covid some stores would refill the same cup (but not all).

    But all this Starbucks talk is killing me because “my” store is closed this morning due to a water issue. 🙁

  7. Those words come out of my mouth on the regular. I always tell my kids that everything will end up working out in its own perfect way. Mostly that is true, although it doesn’t necessarily mean we get to do all the crazy things. Your 50k will be here soon enough. Be careful in those zero-drop shoes! I have worn them and I also ramped up too quickly and paid the price. Live and learn.

    1. I know Marcia. It could be a recipe for injury- I’m taking it really slow. Today I ran one mile in the shoes (it felt weird.)

  8. Hope the shoes are a great success. I can’t believe you were almost running another race this quickly. I’m really glad it didn’t happen that way because I think it would have been too soon for that poor ankle. But I’m super duper excited for May!

  9. Sigh, this race is The One That Got Away. I’m sorry for your FOMO but happy when I think about all the races that will be possible to do in future because you’re not running 50 miles with an achy ankle. I have no worries about your 50k. Your trail shoes will be off the treadmill soon enough!

    My only experience with zero drop is trying on a pair of Altras once. They felt so strange that I said “nope” right away. But you’re already have a little bit of experience with them so it will work out.

    1. It’s funny how different it feels. My current Altras are 4mm drop, which you would think isn’t much. But I ran in the Timps today and it felt really strange! I just ran one mile. We’ll see what happens.

  10. The FOMO is totally understandable, but I think you’ll definitely be better prepared for your May race than the one this weekend! Also, I personally think 20 miles is long enough as a long run for a 50K. For my first ultra (36 mile race) did 19 miles as my longest, for my 50K in October 17 was my longest and for my upcoming 38 mile race I also did 19 with 4,000 feet of elevation gain. As a slow runner and running on mostly technical terrain, I focus more on time on feet and getting my overall weekly mileage in the mid-40s and that has worked for me so far, but I know everyone is different!

    Good luck with the new shoes! My first pair of trail shoes were the Altra King MTs and I liked some things about them but sadly they irritated my Achilles so I switched to higher drop trail shoes. Now I’m in Hokas which are about a 4 mm drop and that seems to work for me!

    1. I would have gotten the Speedgoats, but I didn’t like the toebox- it’s too narrow for me. I agree that 4mm drop is a nice feel.
      Your comment made me feel better- because I’m not positive I can get up to a 20 mile long run! I’ll just get it as high as possible, and know that it should be enough.

  11. The FOMO makes sense to me. It’s probably for the best that you’re not doing it, but I get the “what if…”

    I love Altras and zero drop shoes. I used to run in 4mm drops way back when I started running, but times and body parts have changed. They are great for the gym though … weight lifting is supposed to be done in as low drop shoes as possible to maintain proper form. A lot of people will wear converse or van’s to lift, just because they are so low. And I do so much barefoot that zero drop shoes feel more natural for me.

    Memorial Day Weekend is my favorite 5K, so yes. I’ll be running it.

    1. Yes, that’s why I wear my old Altras to the gym. I just wish they made a 4mm drop trail shoe! I’m loving my Altra FWDs for the road so much.

  12. I actually have a one ride event I’m hoping to do Memorial Day weekend, but I’ll be running as well since DAM to DSM is the next weekend. Zero drop shoes scare me a bit since my feet are so finicky and I have super high arches. Not sure they ‘d be comfortable for me for anything fitness-related (?).

    1. i have high arches too. My feet are pretty finicky, so we’ll see what happens. I need a really wide toebox, and that always seems to go with a low or zero drop shoe.

  13. Even though I consider myself a runner I do not know what a zero drop shoe is! I run in Hoka Mach 5s. I would have to google to see if they are zero drop. But I think they probably aren’t?

    I understand the FOMO but am also so glad you aren’t running that race! I hope your 50k goes well later this month. I am not racing Memorial Day weekend. I think I will do a fall 10k as that is peak running season here but we will see. Sometimes it’s hard to make myself sign up for a 10k because I don’t really need course support or cheering fans etc etc. but it does make the run extra special!

    1. Those Hokas have a 5mm drop (I looked it up.) I’m not sure if Hoka makes a zero drop shoe- I don’t think so. If they feel good, that’s a good shoe for you. I’m constantly looking around because I have extremely weird feet.
      So, you feel like you could just go out and run your own 10k and that would be enough for you? I get it. I don’t actually sign up for a lot of road races- I figure I can run the distance on my own and not have to deal with crowds and traffic on race day. But- a race is extra special and it might give you extra motivation to train all summer.

  14. I go to that same REI (I’m assuming, since it’s in Boca — a drive for us but probably close for you)! I LOVE THAT STORE. Sometimes the whole family goes before a vacation. I even love the SMELL in there. I hope the Altras are awesome!

  15. I am always afraid of trying new shoes! I am afraid they will hurt my arches. Zero drop seems like such a drop – but what a good plan to ease into using them. It must be weird knowing “your” race is happening; but, so good that you have the next to focus on (and so soon – these weeks are FLYING)!

    1. You’re right Lindsay- these next four weeks will fly by. I know- I bought these shoes over a week ago and I’ve been afraid to run in them! I always have such shoe drama.

  16. I totally get the FOMO for missing the race, but I’m sure it’s best that you give yourself a little more time to build your mileage back up.

    I was nervous when I first tried Altras because I’d never worn zero drop (I bought them because of the room in the toe box), but they didn’t cause any problems. Now I’m nervous to walk in my new Hokas because they’re so different. I think I’ll break them in gradually…

    No Memorial Day weekend races for me, but I’m sure we’ll go on a bike ride!

    1. I think it’s probably easier to go from zero drop to a small drop (which I assume the Hokas have.) I’ll be interested to hear how you like them. I used to wear the Cliftons but then they started making the toe box more narrow (WHY) so I switched.

  17. Oh gosh I always have FOMO even for races I never planned to do. There are 2 races in NYC this weekend (where I am currently visiting) and I am not running either of them but I see people walking around with race bibs.
    I have not been able to wear zero drop shoes. I tried a few years back and they bothered my PF. Take it slow with them!

    1. i am definitely taking it slow with the shoes! I’ve heard people say both things- that it bothered their PF, and that it “healed” their PF. We’ll see about that- but I’m being cautious.

  18. Aww, FOMO sucks, doesn’t it? Even when it’s something you KNOW you weren’t ready to do, it still sucks. It’s how I feel when I see friends out on a Friday night and I am very happy to be cozy at home, but I still get that weird FOMO. I FEEL YOU.

    Thanks for explaining what a zero-drop shoe is in another comment! I was going to ask about that. I badly need to replace my shoes, and my friend Bri told me about an Asics outlet nearby so I’m going to try and do that next weekend. Asics work well for my high arches, so I want to stay in those shoes if possible!

  19. Good luck with the new shoes Jenny and the training. Definitely lucky you were not able to sign up for the race this weekend I’d say. I have Altra lonepeak that I wear walking and to the gym. My Achilles gets a little bit angry still when I run sometimes, so I wouldn’t want to switch to zero drop for running now. I’m doing my calf raises with about 6kg in the back pack now so hopefully I can get it to settle down.

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