walkers walk… but runners fly

Countdown to Freedom!

I did it!  I got my second Moderna shot!  Yes, it made me sick for 24 hours.  No, I didn’t care.  I took Tylenol and spent the day resting.  Now I’m back to normal and looking forward to May 11, which is two weeks after the shot.  From that day forward I will be doing this:

All these things. Not the ones with the red X’s.

In short, I’m going to consider myself immune and stop worrying about Covid.  Yes, I know I could still get it and die.  And I know other people will still get it, and some of them will unfortunately die.  But I’ve done my part.  I’m going to treat it like any other horrible and extremely unlikely thing that could happen, like being killed in a car accident.  That’s a possibility every day and yet I get in my car anyway, taking normal precautions like wearing my seatbelt and not looking at my phone, and I don’t focus on the risk.

So May 11th is my “Freedom Day.”

Funny thing- when the pharmacist was getting ready to give me the shot he said “I have to be careful- you don’t have much muscle here.  I don’t want to hit the bone.”  Seriously, dude?  I’ve been working out!  I wanted to retort “Yeah, well try not to give me Covid Arm like you did last time,” but I suddenly focused on that last part- he could hit the bone?  That sounds painful… GAAAH!

*teensy prick*

At first I though maybe he did it wrong and would have to re-do it, because I felt almost nothing.  But nope- it was done!  He told me I could take Tylenol OR ibuprofen if I needed to, filled out my card, and sent me on my way.


I know not everyone has the same experience as me- do you feel like you’ll be able to stop worrying about Covid now, or are you still concerned?

I hope everyone who wants to has had the opportunity to get the shot!  It feels good, right?


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18 Responses

  1. It does give you a new found sense of freedom! I honestly still have not eaten in a restaurant or gone to the mall or anything. I do feel better about going to my hair salon today

    1. I’ve been going to the mall for months now (not frequently- just when needed.). It seems pretty safe with everyone being masked. I haven’t eaten in a restaurant yet, but I will soon!!!

  2. I’ve hit the bone before when I’ve given injections! It’s more frightening for the injector than the injectee! Yay for freedom. Last weekend my sister and I went out to brunch and to the Art Institute. It felt great!

    1. I’m glad your sister is better- she had Covid recently, right?
      Good to know that about injections- I won’t worry next time then (even though I apparently don’t have much muscle, grr.)

  3. I runfess I never worried terribly much about Covid as it pertained to me personally. Of course I took all the precautions and will continue to do so. Maybe I’m naive, but I never considered myself to be in much of a risk group. That said, I know of people in high risk groups who’ve not gotten vaccinated. Those people concern me. Glad to hear the shot was no big deal. I felt a mildly painful “whoosh” when I got mine but there were no other side effects or even arm tenderness at all.

    1. I know some people don’t want to get vaccinated, and that’s their right. All we can do is get the vaccine ourselves- the people who don’t choose to are accepting their own health risks though.
      You’re lucky you had no side effects! Crazy how everyone is so different.

  4. Like Marcia, I did all the right things and followed all the rules. I respected the fear that many had, but I didn’t have much fear or anxiety about it myself (even when I supposedly had the virus). I was terribly worried for my parents, though. They are in the higher age group and were much more at risk…and weren’t the most disciplined about staying home. It’s a frustrating reality…I’m thankful the vaccine is allowing for our freedoms to come back 😉

    1. Yes, for the most part I wasn’t worried about getting seriously ill with Covid. But then I wold hear a story about someone who got it and was sick in bed for a month and I would think, “I can’t be sick in bed for a month!!!” Anyway… I’m glad we’re starting to get back to normal!

  5. Yessssss!! Freedom day! Love it! Mine was in early April, and I’ve definitely enjoyed the benefits of being vaccinated! I’ve been having small gatherings with vaccinated friends (mostly outdoors, but we’ve not been afraid to be maskless inside each others’ homes). I’ve gone out to eat! I even got to visit my parents without previously quarantining for two weeks. I saw them a lot in 2020, but for every visit, I had to self-quarantine for two full weeks. My partner was working out of town, and I’m working from home, so it wasn’t too hard, but man, two weeks is a long time to go without leaving your house (except to run alone). Congrats on your second shot!!

    1. Yes, I remember all those two week quarantines you had! Now that’s over and summer is looking pretty great.

  6. High 5 for shot #2!!!! And UGH on that pharmacist, I have no words except that I wish he hadn’t had any words.

    Life won’t change that much until our cases go down, but getting the shot was an important step toward the finish line. My stepson’s birthday is coming up and we’ll be able to have a big family party for him (outdoors since about half of us are vaxed and the other half aren’t).

    1. A big outdoor family party is way better than last year! I agree though, we’ll probably still be wearing masks for quite a while.

  7. We’re half-way there at the moment, but in the UK our wait for the second one is 12 weeks, so we’re looking at late June, plus the two weeks. Most stuff is sort of opened up here but I’m being really careful, I don’t want to fall at the last hurdle and get Covid or pass it on.

    1. Yes, I read a really interesting article about how the UK focused on getting as many people as possible the first shot, delaying the second one. But apparently your Covid cases dropped dramatically, so it sounds like that was the right call!

  8. Congrats! As of 12:15 today I was two-weeks post my second shot. I’m going to love visiting my mom (who got her vaccinations at the same time as me) and not having to wear a mask the whole week I’m there!

  9. Yay for getting your second shot! May 11th will be here before you know it. I’m really looking forward to my 2nd shot and starting my countdown 🙂

    1. Yes! One week down and one to go till my Freedom Day! Although I don’t think I’ll be doing anything dramatically different on that specific day, considering it’s a Tuesday. Maybe we’ll go out to eat that weekend!
      Good luck with your second shot!

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