Well, we made it through the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day! Let’s start with Super Bowl Sunday…
I always get excited about the Super Bowl and plan a special meal to go with it. Here’s a picture from last night:
In the middle are fries with this recipe for best vegan cheese sauce and caramelized onions, and on the ends are the toppings for our burgers. I had a Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger, because I like my burgers to be mushy and taste like beans and vegetables. My husband had an Impossible burger because he likes his burgers to taste meat-y.
We enjoyed this meal, and the first quarter of the game, and then I remembered what I don’t like about the Super Bowl…
It’s a major sporting event on a SUNDAY NIGHT, where there’s work and school the next day. I became aware of dirty dishes in the sink, water bottles to be washed, school clothes to get ready… I ended up semi-watching the rest of the game while doing dishes and laundry, knowing that Monday would be an early morning.
THEREFORE, I propose we move the Super Bowl to Saturday! I mean, why not? We would all enjoy it much more. “Super Bowl Saturday” has a nice ring to it- we could get used to it.
Moving on to Valentine’s Day…. honestly, I’m glad it’s over. Valentine’s Day is always slightly depressing to me. For a while I couldn’t figure out why- it’s not like I’m afraid I won’t get any Valentines. As a matter of fact, I’ve had some nice Valentine’s Days. So what’s the deal?
I grew up in the midwest and suffered from SAD every winter, although I didn’t know what it was then. I just knew I had a problem with depression, which went in cycles. Anyway, after so many years of being depressed on February 14th (and every other day in February, and January, and March) I think it’s just ingrained in my mind that it’s a depressing day.
I know… it doesn’t make any sense . Now that I live in Florida, February is one of our best months. But those mental patterns are strong. I rallied and mailed a care package to my son, and made a heart-shaped cake for my daughter and husband.
My daughter likes vanilla and my husband likes chocolate, so I did a layer of each. This wasn’t a big deal, since I had to bake the layers separately anyway- I only have one heart-shaped cake pan (obviously- who would have more than one of those?)
A couple weeks ago I picked this up from Trader Joe’s:
It made a great, easy dinner. Heart-shaped pasta, sauce from a jar, and roasted vegetables. Valentine’s Day dinner!
And in case you’re wondering, I didn’t eat the cake because I don’t eat sugar. But don’t worry! My husband got me these:
Zero sugar, vegan, sweetened with erythritol and stevia. They are SO GOOD! So we all had a nice Valentine’s Day, and… phew. It’s over.
Who’s with me on switching the Super Bowl to Saturday? Can we start a petition?
Did you eat anything special for Valentine’s Day?
20 Responses
That cake looks amazing! I think it’s so nice that you make it for them, even though you can’t eat it!
I had a Reese’s peanut butter heart for dessert yesterday. It was delicious and I’ll be keeping my eye out for Reese’s eggs now that it’s Easter candy season. This is probably meaningless to you since you don’t eat sugar, but the Reese’s hearts/eggs/pumpkins/trees are a definite treat for me during the appropriate holidays.
Oh, you don’t have to sell me on the joys of peanut butter and chocolate!!! I’ve had Reese’s in the past. Luckily the Lily’s version is a good substitute
I love Lily’s! Although I’ve been trying to avoid sugar alcohols too. They make a lot of good stuff (including chocolate covered popcorn — yum!).
How do you bake and not taste?
I love Dr. Praegers. My husband will tolerate Beyond Sausage, but when it comes to burgers, he wants a burger. I have never been a fan of hamburgers, even though I’m not vegetarian.
Despite the difficulties of my birthday — expensive dinners, crowds, etc. — I still love it. Although I didn’t want to eat out so my husband got us sushi, which is my fav, and I hadn’t had any in a few months. Then that highly sugary cupcake. It’s a once a year (maybe less) treat and it is so rich and good.
By February the days are getting longer (even if they aren’t necessarily easier) and I feel better (for the most part).
I agree- the sugar alcohols have their own problems. I try to keep it as a treat (but I got a little carried away around Christmas- I’m still trying to dial it back.)
i didn’t grow up vegetarian, so don’t even get me started on hamburgers. They’re the most disgusting kind of meat ever (what is that hard little white thing I would always find in the middle of it??? AUGH!!!). I know Dr. Praegers are not for everyone either though- my husband and son can’t stand them. Well, to each his own!
Glad you had a nice birthday!
“THEREFORE, I propose we move the Super Bowl to Saturday! I mean, why not?”
Okay, when you get this sorted can we please move on to Halloween. For the love of all that is good and merciful…I am SO tired of having to juggle Halloween on anything other than Friday or Saturday night. Can we just pick one of those nights and go with it. Halloween on a Wednesday is just…not fun.
That heart-shaped pasta is adorable. And a sheet of gold stars for all you did. I baked and decorated…nothing. Thankfully, some other people stepped up and brought the kids an unhealthy amount of sugary sweets. I just didn’t want to feel obligated to do anything and everyone seemed very content with that…so I was basically unphased by Valentine’s Day this year. We also ended up having a HUGE snowstorm, schools were cancelled etc, so it felt like a good day to just huddle up at home!
And of course you have a love mug! I get such a kick out of your collection. I would legit love to see you do a post of all your mugs and how you store them/decide what ones to use on normal (non-holiday) days.
Oh yes- Halloween. Now that my kids are older I’ve forgotten what a fiasco it can be. Yes, trick or treating should just be on the Friday night closest to October 31st!
My non-holiday mug collection is pretty boring. Right now I’m rotating between my two favorites (Baylor mom and Harry Potter mug.) I do love my mugs though!
Oh darn I’m sorry that I missed out on the heart shaped pasta when I was at TJ’s last week. I’ll keep an eye out for it next year. Your superbowl spread and the cake look delicious.
Yes, and I’ve also gotten snowflake shaped pasta there before Christmas- but like so many TJs items, you have to be there at the right time or you miss it.
That cake looks amazing. I would eat the hell out of it.
Costco has these chipotle black bean burgers that are INCREDIBLE. I used to make my own, and never again, because they are so good.
Here’s what you need to do: move West. Where I live, Superbowl kickoff is 4:30, the whole thing is done by 8:30!
Ha, that’s a good point! I forget that it’s only late where I live. 4:30-8:30 would be a perfect time.
I’ll be on the lookout for those burgers, they sound like something I would love.
Italian pasta, it sounds familiar to me ….
That cake looks delicious.
I don’t mind about winter but here this season is not so frigid.
I wonder how much sunlight you get in the winter? That’s what makes the most difference to me.
I totally agree about SuperBowl being on a Sunday – it should really be on a Friday or Saturday.
You know how I feel about V-day, but that cake looks yummy!
I thought about you and your heart-shaped pizza, and actually ended up craving pizza so I had one on Tuesday!
I agree that the super bowl could easily be on a Saturday night! Who should we talk to about that?
Good question. The president of football? Ha ha… I obviously have no idea.
Well again I spent Valentine’s dAy with a Gal and a warmer climate.
We can keep it on a Sunday but have Monday off.
I do love my desserts but try to limit them… Ice cream is my favorite.
Your idea is even better than mine- make Super Bowl Monday a work holiday. Brilliant!
Yes, let’s move the Super Bowl to a Saturday. I don’t know why it has to be on a Sunday. Or at least make Monday a federal holiday. Please and thank you!
I love that cake you made! How special. And mailing a care package to your son. Those little things are so important. <3
Yes, someone else suggested keeping the Superbowl on Sunday and making Monday a holiday. Works for me!