walkers walk… but runners fly

February Runfessions- The Heat is On

After last month’s deep dive into Real Talk Runfessions,, this month is going to be a little lighter.  As a matter of fact, some of these things are more like “things to share” rather than “runfessions.”  Whatever you want to call it, I’m joining Marcia and the gang for February Runfessions. Let’s get started!

Yesterday I had an especially grueling long run (details coming on Sunday!) which left me seriously questioning why I live in Florida.  I mean, if I can’t enjoy a nice run in February, when CAN I enjoy it?  I know I’ve grown less tolerant of the heat, but most people agree it’s getting hotter and hotter down here.

Look at our high on Tuesday.

I’ll put up with a hot summer, but 90s in February?  My daughter has four years of high school ahead of her, but after that I’m thinking it might be time to flee.

On the subject of running in Florida, Darlene rallied like a trooper on Sunday.  While we were moping about missing our race, she suggested that we find a different race to run next year.  Great idea!  I’ll runfess that I don’t really love the Ft. Lauderdale half marathon.  Yes, you run next to the ocean but other than that, it’s flat and boring.  Oh, and did I mention it’s super hot?

Darlene suggested the Treasure Coast half in Jupiter, or the Melbourne half.  I’m up for either!  Anyone want to join us?

The last thing I have is a gym-fession.  I’ve been enjoying my gym days, but there’s one weird thing I’ve noticed- nobody uses a towel to wipe down the equipment.  Every once in a while I’ll see someone- always a woman- wipe down a piece of equipment with some paper towels, but apparently bringing your own towel into the weight room isn’t a thing.

Now, I’m not a germaphobe, but last time I was there a huge, beefy guy walked past me, sweating profusely and WIPING HIS NOSE ON HIS SHIRT.  I’ll gym-fess that I was pretty grossed out, and questioned my sanity in being there without a full haz-mat suit.  Well… I guess in addition to strengthening my muscles, I’m also strengthening my immune system at the gym.

Has anyone run a half marathon in Florida?  Any ideas for us?

If you go to the gym, are people good about wiping down the equipment?  Or do you avoid going to the gym for that very reason?



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33 Responses

  1. Well, there is the Key West Half Marathon (mid-January), but it’s super pricey and tough to find accommodations (says the gal who had to ran it virtually, LOL). That’s my only experience with Florida 13.1’s. That guy at the gym, EEWWWW. I’m not a germaphobe, either, but he’d have me questioning that. I’m surprised it’s that hot in Florida right now! I’ve been there a few times in February, and it’s been MUCH colder. How come I always miss the hot weather when I’m in the sunshine state?

    1. I would love to do Key West, for something completely different, but like you said the logistics would be tricky.
      And yes- the ONLY time we have cool weather in the winter is when someone comes to visit. Don’t ask me why.

  2. Beefy guy … that is NOT OK! YUK!

    Sorry, I can’t help you out with half-marathons in Florida. For a minute, when you said Melbourne Half-Marathon, I thought you meant down here in Australia, but I’m guessing there is a Melbourne near you? But running in Melbourne Marathon, Australia, should fix your heat issues, although in 2018, it was 24C with a strong north wind, so it wouldn’t be a sure thing.

    1. Ha ha, yes, we have a Melbourne in Florida. And I seem to bring a heat wave wherever I go, so I can tell you if I ran a race in Australia at any time of year, it would be unseasonably warm.

  3. Honestly when it comes to towels, I’d be grossed out by seeing someone use their own towel to wipe the equipment. Who knows where that towel has been? Most gyms I’ve been to have supplied some cleaner spray (usually disinfectant) and paper towels and while I’m all for less waste, I think that’s the most hygienic way in a gym. But no, haven’t seen many use them..
    I hope you’ll find a good race that tickles your fancy.

    1. Yes, that’s a good point- up until a couple months ago it’s been a while since I’ve been to the gym, so maybe personal towels are no longer used. It makes sense. But replacing them with NOTHING doesn’t make sense either!

  4. It’s going down to 7 degrees tonight. Do you really want to move?

    Actually I’m smiling because it doesn’t matter for the first time in 10 years. No long run.

    Yes yes. I need a goal. I don’t live Ft. Lauderdale but the timing was right.

  5. I’ve been questioning why I live here–for the opposite reasons of you. It’s been windy and icy and rainy here. I am struggling to train for my trail race–the trails are unrunnable. Waaaaah! I’m going to California next week and I’m hoping for some decent weather. I hear it has been cool there too.

    Ewww on that guy at the gym. At my gym, there are spray bottles and towels for wiping down the equipment. And yes, people are really good about it. Clearly, that guy hasn’t had norovirus…

  6. Run Gasparilla in Tampa! I and a bunch of friends did one of the multi-race challenges 5 yrs ago and it was so fun. I can’t even imagine the heat right now, although my daughter told me all about it on her DIsney trip (she loved it). It’s a chilly 14 degrees here this morning. I’m sure you won’t be returning to the CHicago area. Ha! That’s gross about the gym. The gym we belonged to pre-Covid gave us towels and people were good about using them.

  7. That’s SO gross. I haven’t been to the gym for a while, but at mine I think people are pretty good at wiping down equipment. Mind you, I only ever used cardio equipment so I can’t say about the weights. I’ll have to ask the guys.
    That’s so hot! Right now it is minus 28. Too bad we can’t split the difference.

  8. Not sure I could deal with that weather for long distance running. The humidity alone would kill me. I have always found those Clorox wipes available in gyms. Is that not a thing anymore? I don’t go to a gym at home only when traveling. Maybe hotels are better with that?

  9. OMG COME UP BY MEEEEE!!!! We could do ZOOMA Amelia Island! Or the Gate River Run! Or the DONNA!

    But if you do Melbourne, I’ll try to join in. I would love to meet you both.

    I want out of here immediately. Every day I am looking on realty websites.

    1. I would love to get up there to do a race! It would be fun to get out of South Florida and have a blogger meetup. It’s funny you want to get out of there, because northern Florida is somewhere I think I’d like to live!

  10. Since I was trying to run a half in every state (before the Pandemic interrupted it), I’ve only run one half in FL. That was with Darlene, Wendy, Marcia and a few other bloggers who no longer blog. So i don’t think that helps you.

    While I obviously am not a fan of where I live, I kinda think we got out of TX at the right time for a variety of reasons. I loved living in TX, but the Summers were brutal and they lasted half the year. I wasn’t a runner then, either, but I had dogs to walk every day.

    Now #thestruggleisreal on deciding where the next (and most likely last) state should be.

    1. Yes, I’ve been in Texas in the summer and the heat is no joke. And I have no idea where I would like to move to (that we could actually afford, that is.)

  11. You should come workout with me, I provide towels for my clients (and expect them to use them)!

    Sorry you had such a tough long run. Here’s hoping your next one is much better!

  12. I have never been to a gym that didn’t have towels and sanitizer everywhere. Most of them actually have hand towels associated with each piece of equipment, so you’re not getting a towel that has been used to wipe off who knows what and then there are stacks of hand towels on the perimeter of the room for replacement if needed. I am utterly repulsed by the idea of no cleaning or (it almost seems worse to me) someone using their own towel. But we all know that the pandemic has really screwed with my mind, so maybe I shouldn’t be your role model. I think I would maybe try to make a suggestion (if there’s a suggestion box?!) or bring it up with a staff member. (But, also I don’t like talking to strangers, so maybe I’m just a big talker.)

    Oof with your hot weather. I’m sorry you have to deal with that while you’re training.

  13. That is such a hot forecast. I complain about the winter and really do dislike the cold (so much), but have to admit that 9 months out of the year, where I live has pretty wonderful weather! Spring, summer, and fall are all great!

  14. Eeewww on the beefy guy – you’ve just reminded me of one of the reasons I don’t belong to a gym anymore!

    90s in February – yeah there’s no way I would survive. If the heat didn’t get me the humidity sure would.

    Have you thought about Zooma Amelia Island? I’ve always thought that looked like a fun one.

    1. Yes, I haven’t even mentioned the humidity, ugh! I’ll consider Zooma- it’s fun to think about all these different races.

  15. Ew on the gym hygiene — or lack thereof. Do they provide wipes? Or maybe I was right about DeSantis. 😉

    I have a track record of DNS-ing destination races due to work or injury, but I’ll keep an eye on any plans you make. It would be so fun!

  16. I’m no help with FL races! But fall races in MN are typically very nice and cool! I can’t believe how hot it is where you like. My sister has experienced the same thing in Tucson although this winter has been better/cooler.

    I don’t go to the gym anymore but when I did, I would wipe down what I used before I used it. But I was usually only using cardio equipment and then doing body pump. I would wipe down the mat I used. But I am sure I was exposed to a lot of germs. But nothing like the germs my kids bring home!!!

    1. Yes, I guess there are germs everywhere! We haven’t gotten sick from the gym yet- this last stomach virus my husband brought home from work.

  17. I feel like there is such a short window of time when running a race in Florida doesn’t feel like death. Or the race needs to start at, like, 5:30 to try to beat the heat as much as possible. Hopefully you can find a FL race around you. I saw someone recommended Gasparilla – it’s a fun race but the race times are LATE. I think this year it was in the 80s when people were starting to run! No thank you!

    1. Yes! Florida races need to start at 5:30 am. My race in April starts at 7, and I wish it were earlier.

  18. I haven’t been back to the gym since before the pandemic and I doubt I go back. I have worked out at hotel gyms recently and I was usually the only person there, but I did make sure to wipe down equipment.

    I can’t believe you’ve 80+F temps already… we’re shivering here in Northern California (although we do usually get a warm spell in February already).

    1. San, it was actually 90 DEGREES yesterday!!! (I’m answering your comment in early March.) That is so hot for this time of year.

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