walkers walk… but runners fly

Festive Coffee Date!

Hooray!  EVERYTHING is festive in December, right?  Decorations and lights are everywhere.  Even going to the bank feels like a special occasion.  I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for this festive December Coffee Date.  Get out your holiday mugs and let’s get started!

Unfortunately, the first thing I would share over coffee is NOT festive.  Just as my rib was starting to feel much better, I hurt my back.  Yep- I innocently bent down (<= bad idea) to move the frickin coffee table, and my low back has been very sore ever since.  Ironically, on this week’s episode of the Happier podcast, Gretchen gave herself a demerit for doing the same thing.  Well, she wasn’t moving her coffee table.  But it sounds like the same situation- leaning forward with the back rounded screws everything up.

This is an ongoing issue I’m always aware of, but ironically my back had been feeling PERFECT ever since I fell in my race.  Hitting the ground seemed to jolt everything into place, kind of like a chiropractic adjustment.  I guess my back was feeling so good, I forgot to be careful.  Luckily I can still run, so I don’t consider this a Serious Problem.  But it’s made my life seriously uncomfortable this week.

(Obviously, what I need to do is throw myself onto the ground as hard as I can to give myself another adjustment, right?  If there were any chiropractors reading this, they would probably be screaming right now.)

On to the good news.  Our weather has been AMAZING.

I know it’s been cold and miserable up north, but I’m not going to apologize.  We suffered through a long hot summer, but even worse, we sweltered through the fall, while everyone else was posting photos of beautiful foliage. We paid our dues, and now it’s our time to shine.  Oh yes- THIS is why I live in Florida!  I almost forgot.

Speaking of forgetting… I got two advent calendars this year, and I forgot about BOTH of them until yesterday. Oops.  Here’s the first one:

I’m opening two doors a day until I’m caught up!

One of today’s surprises was mini-cards.  I’m not quite sure what I’ll do with them, but they’re cute!  The other advent calendar has cat treats.  I don’t know how we’ll get caught up with that one, because I don’t want our cats- who are already “festively plump”-  to have more than one packet of treats a day.  We might have to just start where we are, and open some “bonus” doors after Christmas.

Do you have an advent calendar?  

Who wants to come down to Florida for a blogger meetup in February?  – I’ll be meeting up with at least three, and possibly four bloggers (oooh!  I wonder who they could be!!!)


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48 Responses

  1. Oh no! Not your back. I’m the shoemaker’s child, married to a PT and often having back pain. Coach tries to remind me to do back exercises, but alas . . . I’m not great at that. I hope you bounce back soon – and that doesn’t imply that I think you should throw yourself to the ground to achieve the ‘bounce.’

    I do not do an advent calendar. Your book one looks cute.

    February? Hmm – just when we are so fed up with winter in Chicago and we can’t take it anymore? We might be going to Florence then, but really I’m not sure if I can go anywhere in the middle of basketball season.

    1. Really? You don’t think Coach would advise throwing myself on the ground? Darn.
      Well, if you can’t swing Florence, Florida is a lot closer!

  2. You sound as injury riddled as me, ugh. So sorry about your back. Get better soon!
    How fun with a blogger meetup! Florida in February would be a nice escape from the winter for everyone living further north.

    1. Yes, luckily all my injuries lately are weird little things (by “little” I mean they don’t keep my from running.) But they’re definitely annoying!

  3. Hey we’re only a week into super cold weather, so I think it’s only fair if we do a few more days and let you keep the nice stuff. At least we got a big ol’ fluffy snowfall so we have something to show for it. Doggo has been doing snow zoomies and eating snow balls like crazy.

    Last year we got a puzzle Advent calendar and we’re enjoying the rematch with it for year two. It’s a 1,000 piece puzzle packaged up in 40 piece segments.

    Blogger Meetup!!!!!!! In February!!!!! In Florida!!!!!! There is no one who doesn’t want to come to that.

    1. Okay- fluffy snow does sound nice. I wouldn’t mind that for a day or two!
      The puzzle advent calendars looks really fun! You and Engie had the right idea.

  4. I am glad you are finally having nice weather! I had a call with a financial advisor this week in Florida and she said ‘oh it’s so cold down here! It was 60 this morning!’ I was like – um, the feels like temp was below zero this morning here.

    Sorry to hear about your back! It’s always something isn’t it? Gah. I hope it feels better soon. I kind of irritated my hamstring doing a Caroline Girvan cardio workout but I am going to go for a short run later this morning to see if that feels ok. I guess this means I shouldn’t do her cardio workouts. Ha. They are so dang hard, though. You think you are in shape and then you do one of those and wonder how you could be so out of shape.

    I did not get an advent calendar this year. I got a LEGO one for the boys last year but it was hard for the boys to put the little sets together. We have a little house with drawers that I put m&ms in for the boys although I did not fill it until the 4th because their behavior over the weekend was NOT GOOD so I told them I’d need better behavior before I would fill it up. I’m a super fun mom, clearly.

    1. Lisa, I find that with any type of exercise- you can be doing one thing, like running, and think you’re in great shape. Then you do ANYTHING DIFFERENT and it’s crazy hard! I guess that’s why they say you should mix it up.
      Ha- people in Florida are hilarious when it gets below 65 degrees. I’ll bet the woman you talked to was wearing long underwear that day.

  5. OH YES I WOULD LIKE TO COME! I will be in Mexico for a week in February though and I don’t think I could swing another trip. But I can dream! Maybe if we get mail by then I’ll send you a Flat Nicole and you can take me with you? No? Sigh.
    I have THREE Advent calendars! I finally bought myself an After Eight chocolate one after years of being jealous of the boys getting Lindor calendars and you know what, it’s pretty meh. I had it all worked up in my mind, a little After Eight treat every day, but these just aren’t the same as eating After Eights. What I should have done is just bought a damn box of After Eights and had one every day. Oh well. Now I know and I won’t waste mental energy coveting a chocolate calendar. I mean, what a weird thing to waste energy on! Should I get a calendar? Should I get a calendar? WHY DID THIS TAKE ME SO LONG.
    Your back! Your poor back! I hope it feels better. Maybe you shouldn’t just throw yourself on the ground though….I just thought of the line in Christmas Vacation “It’s the strangest thing. She falls down a well, her eyes go crossed. She gets kicked by a mule, they go uncrossed. I don’t know.” Lolololol maybe you need to fall down a well?
    I think I need more coffee. Brb.
    Your weather looks lovely! I think you would love the weather here, actually. Well, maybe not because we have so little daylight this time of year, it’s pretty dull and grey.
    I never got Advent calendars for the dogs because I feel like they would be used to their new treat routines by day two, and then come Boxing Day would be wondering what happened. Rex also has a sensitive stomach so I have to watch it. But I did order him a new collar and I hope it’s here before Christmas, not that he would know the difference. THE MAIL STRIKE IS REALLY GETTING TO ME.

    1. Ugh, you poor thing with the mail strike!!!!!!! I definitely hope Rex gets his collar in time.
      Yes- falling down a well, getting kicked by a mule- either of those things would probably help. Bodies are so strange, aren’t they?
      At least Mexica should be nice and warm, even if you’re not meeting blogging friends there!

  6. I think you should do some yoga, Jenny. Once I figured out my pillow situation, maintenance with neck/back yoga has really improved my flexibility. Since you do so much strength training, it might be useful. Just spend a few minutes doing some spinal twists and neck rolls and I bet you’d find that you never have to think about your back again! (That presumes there’s not actually an injury, of course!) I am hesitant to tell you to add more to your fitness routine, but sometimes I just do a few twists right before bed and it feels great. My short bedtime routine is: a sun salutation, downward dog to plank a couple of times, child’s pose, backbend, seated twists, lying twist each side. Done! It’s just a few minutes and I swear to you it has made all the difference for me.

    I have a puzzle advent calendar and I am really loving it and I super love that at the end of it all, I can put it back in the little boxes and do it again next year.

    1. You’re probably right. I used to do yoga but haven’t done it in YEARS. And sometimes I’ll do a stretch routine at night, but I also haven’t been doing that lately. Oops. Thanks for the advice- I’ll try it tonight.

  7. Bummer on the back tweak! Hope that improves for you soon. Too bad you can’t give yourself a massage! Do you ever do a switch off with friends? Enjoy your fabulous weather!

  8. I love Advent calendars but don’t have one this year. I remember there was a while when I struggled to find them for my kids, but now they are EVERYWHERE.

    LOL on your cats having festive figures.

    I hope your back quiets down.

  9. Oh, now your back is having issues? Ugh, sorry to hear that! I’m glad your sense of humor keeps you in-check with these aches and pains 😉 Hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon. I have a few Advent calendars I’d hang up every year, but the kids lost interest in them many years ago. I’d do my best to keep up-to-date with them, but oftentimes forgot to stay on-task. Which reminds me, I haven’t put any of them out (yet) this year. OOPS.

    1. Ha ha, you’re like me. It’s so funny because when I was little, opening the door for each day of the calendar was so exciting- now I can barely remember to do it.

  10. Oh no, your poor back! I second the suggestion for yoga, it always helps me feel better when I have tight or sore spots and it’s just relaxing, which is nice this time of year.

    Your weather is basically like ours right now! I can’t really complain, except I wish it was just a bit cooler so I could finally wear sweaters. We are supposed to be in the mid-60s next week so it’ll feel a little more seasonal at least.

    1. I know- we can wear a sweater in the morning, but by mid day you’ll regret it. It’s actually supposed to warm up a little here next week, which I’m not happy about. But it’s still better than summer.

  11. Oh no sorry to hear about your back and your rib! I hope you’re feeling better soon.

    It’s been years since I’ve had an advent calendar. We used to do the Lego Advent calendar every year when my boys were little – I loved the anticipation and watching them get so excited to see what each day reveals.

    1. YES! We did the lego advent calendars many times. I loved those. Somehow we never forgot to open the doors back then!

  12. “Blogger Meetup” seems so delightfully 2009 and I’m HERE for it (literally, lol didn’t mean to give away the surprise!!!!!)

  13. Me. See you in Feb. who else? Cari.

    Hope your back feels better.

    I bought some gnomes recently and discovered I bought the same ones at the end of the last year.

    1. I actually have two different blogger meetups in February- yours and another one. Do you think we could get Cari to come down?

  14. Oops your back! Heal, heal, heal!!!

    Florida in Feb sounds lovely… if that’s a real thing, I hope it’s a huge success!

    We got the Bonne Maman Advent Calendar–it’s our first-ever advent calendar… Big A and Nu like jam and I like the teensy jars when they’re emptied, so everyone gets something LOL

    1. I think I know that advent calendar! Someone we know got one and they couldn’t use all the jam, so they gave some to us. We enjoyed it!

  15. sorry to hear about your back that’s not fun, hope for a quick recovery/heal.
    I love advent calendar but can’t get those here in Jakarta. WE have an advent calendar wooden box to put things for the girls and I am starting today.

  16. So sorry about your back! Hope it heals up quickly. How fun to be anticipating a blogger meetup. So fun! Enjoy that fabulous weather. We’ll be up here shivering away.

  17. LOL – “festively plump” is sending me, Jenny!!!

    And ugggghhhhh don’t you just hate those random small movements that somehow throw everything out of whack? I hope the back pain resolves quickly.

    Your weather looks delightful! I am enjoying our cold snowy days so far, but it’s definitely early days.

  18. Oh no Jenny! You need to be packed in bubble wrap. I’m nursing my hubs-not that he lets me–after his laminectomy on Wednesday. He was doing great the first couple of days. It had to be the drugs. Now he’s grumpy. Sigh. Be careful!

    That’s a cute advent calendar! I have one that we have used since the boys were little. I still put it out, but it’s not the same, doing it myself lol

    1. You need someone else to fill that advent calendar with treats for you! Ugh, I hope your husband feels better soon. It’s hard not to be grumpy when your back is killing you!

  19. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your back. I’m not a chiropractor so I have no advice about throwing yourself on the ground. LOL I hope stretching and a few days of healing will have you feeling better quickly.

    Your kitties are going to be happy getting those bonus treats after Christmas!

  20. Okay, you know I am SO JEALOUS about the blogger meetup. But can’t wait to read all about it. I think I know at least one of the attendees. It’s sure to be a great time.

    I’m glad your back is already starting to feel better. Sigh. I feel like there’s always something going on with my body! If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

  21. When in February???? And where???

    I’ll be in Safety Harbor the first weekend, but I might be able to figure something out!

    I’m so sorry about your back! I want you well!

  22. I love how festive everything gets over the holidays!

    I’m sorry to hear about your back! 🙁 It very much can feel like one thing after another, but I hope you heal up soon!

    I’ve never had an advent calendar but it’s always looked like fun! :]

  23. I threw my neck out last year DRYING MY HAIR. I mean, come on, that’s STUPID. I hope your back feels better soon.

    I wish I could manage a trip to Florida in February, that sounds like fun! Guessing one is Stephany, but maybe not?

    I don’t think I’ve had an advent calendar my entire adult life. I may have had one or two as a kid, I liked them!

  24. Why is it that the simplest movements can cause the biggest issues with our backs?! Gah. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with that right now!

    Ooh, I just realized I might get TWO Jenny meet-ups in 2025. What a delight! (I was also thinking of you as I was driving back home from Miami!)

    I have the same book advent calendar!! I also have a beauty one so it’s fun to get a little surprise every day. The notecards were so fun. Right now, I just have them sitting on my bookshelf as extra pieces of decor!

  25. So sorry about your back and I hope it’s already all better since I am late – again. Still wrangling with mine on and off, sigh (chiropractor did not improve it one bit and bones seem to be ok – at least something).
    I made three calendars myself this year and got a chocolate one from our visitors since they said I should have at least that.
    I heard the weather in Florida in February is lovely – I wish I could go.

  26. I’m trying to catch up on blogs, and when I came to this post in Feedly I was all confused, because I read this one, why did I mark it unread? Oh, wait, Florida meetup!! If it’s early in Feb, maybe I could come over to your coast for the day! I’m away the last week of the month, so wouldn’t be able to make it then. Fun!

  27. Eek, now you hurt your back… Jenny, you need to stop trading one issue for another. Can we agree on that?
    Ahm and yes, I’d very much like to come to a blogger meetup. Who’s coming (besides Shu and Darlene)??

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