Happy Friday! On Thursday we had a big day- it was our cat’s first birthday! Muffin and her brothers and sister were found abandoned in a dumpster one year ago, (sob!) rescued, and only Muffin and her sister survived. We got Muffin from her foster mom in July, and it’s ridiculous how much we dote on her. Exhibit A:
Okay… it’s harder than you might think to make a cake that looks exactly like your calico cat. But I tried! This cake was for the humans in the house, but Muffin got lots of treats and presents.
Also, since it was a special occasion, we had lobster rolls for dinner… VEGAN lobster rolls! I used this recipe. Instead of lobster you use hearts of palm. It’s really delicious- kind of a decadent dinner, but we were celebrating a birthday, after all.

In running news, I wore my new shoes and loved them! A quick word about them- I used to wear the New Balance Fresh Foam 1080s, but then they changed them and made the toe box too narrow (arg!). That’s when I switched to the 880s. The 880s were a slight step down from the 1080s, but they felt comfortable to me. Now, the newest model of the 880 has the same Fresh Foam technology as the more expensive shoes. I think they’re a great shoe, and they’re a good price at $129.99. My first run in them felt fresh and springy!

One last thing! Strangely, I lost my Koala Clip which I was using all the time to carry my phone while running. I can’t figure out how I lost it- I still have my phone so obviously I didn’t lose it on the run. Whatever! I pulled out my old Nathan Belt.
I forgot how great this is! I’m not sure why I ever stopped using it. It fits my phone, and for my long runs it fits a gel as well. It would even fit more than that but that’s all I need for now.
What do you use to carry your phone/gel/keys while running?
Anyone else celebrate pets’ birthdays?
Happy Friday everyone!!!
18 Responses
Awhhh, Happy Birthday to your fur baby 😉 We celebrate Max’s birthday (January 19th) and his gotcha day (January 24th) every year. We rescued him from a shelter; he’d been surrendered when his owner went to a nursing home. The papers said Jan. 19th as his bday, but we’ll never for sure LOL It’s great you found a shoe that works well for you, even if you had to deviate a bit in between shoes. I have very high-maintenance feet…narrow, high arches, and I over-pronate like a badass. I can feel almost every new “improvement,” and often times I have to switch brands or alternate between different models (of different years). At one time, I had four pairs of the same shoe (but in different colors) because it kept getting marked down and I loved them so much.
Okay, it sounds like you have your own shoe challenges! Yes, I hate when they “improve” your favorite model!
This is the first time we’ve had a pet where we actually know her birthday. With all others (we have another cat and several guinea pigs) we celebrate the “gotcha” day.
Absolutely we celebrate our dog’s birthday! We don’t actually know the day, but we were told that it’s on Easter, so that’s the day we celebrate.
I’m a big fan of the flip belt. It looks very similar to the Nathan belt. I feel like I could fit my whole house in there if I needed to. I’ve never tried the Koala clip. I know everyone loves it, but I just can’t imagine reaching behind me to get my phone.
Yes, I think Nathan and flip belt are basically the same. I do have to say the Koala clip is unexpectedly comfortable, but all you can fit is your phone- definitely not the whole house, ha ha.
Happy birthday to your cat! Glad you found some shoes that work for you. I use my Koala clip to carry my phone. Let me know if you need a discount code for a new one!I just can’t wear belts anymore even though I used to use them all the time!
Okay, i’ll definitely let you know because I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting a new one. There was definitely something about the Nathan belt that I didn’t like, and it might all come back to me when I’m running in the heat of the summer!
But are they lobster rolls without lobster? lol They do sound yummy, tho!
Happy birthday to Muffin! I feel you on loving on your pet. Cocoa is having her big surgery on Tuesday. I’m doing my best not to think about it too much!
Oh poor Cocoa.. and poor you! i hope it all goes well.
Yes, I guess there should be another name for vegan lobster rolls… but offhand I can’t think of anything clever.
That cat cake looks amazing to me! I’m glad your new shoes feel good. I hate when a favorite model gets “updated” and doesn’t work for me any more. I switched from Mizunos to Brooks last year when all Mizunos were too narrow.
Yes, most people find Brooks to have a nice-sized toe box, but they’re still too narrow for me! I must have square feet or something.
Happy birthday to Muffin. Nope on the cat birthdays. Champ recently had his 2 year gotcha day. Honey is going on 16.
I wear skirt sports. The tights capris and skirts all gave at least two pockets.
Yes, I never wear tights, capris or skirts! But I’m thinking of getting some shorts that might have a phone pocket- we’ll see.
Happy Birthday to sweet Muffin! I love when animals starting out in the worst of circumstances end up in the best homes. Warms my heart. I think you made a beautiful calico cake! RIght now I either stuff my phone in a pocket or just keep it in my hand. My runs have been super short so it’s doable. I did away with my armband awhile back. Wonder where your KoalaClip went??
Yeah, I can’t stand an armband anymore! I’m imagining you’re wearing tights with a good phone pocket- it wouldn’t work in my shorts.
Muffin is beautiful! She is lucky to have you. I never saw a cake decorated like a cat before. You did a great job of capturing her likeness.
Why, why, why do they change the shoes we love? The same thing just happened to me with the newest version of the Nike Air Pegasus. I used to love those shoes and wore them for decades. Ugh!
Yes, I don’t understand it. It seems like every time they change things people are upset- so why do it???
Happy birthday to Muffin! Many years ago, we got our cats a catnip pizza for their birthday. It was a big hit. 🙂
We actually don’t know exactly when Bandit’s birthday is, his paperwork from his previous owners had 2 different dates.
Our cats LOVE catnip! (Yes, we have two cats but the other one is more of a recluse and doesn’t get mentioned as often.) One of Muffin’s presents is a little toy platypus stuffed with catnip. So, so cute.