walkers walk… but runners fly

Halloween Countdown and November Goals

Well, four more days!  I love all holidays, and Halloween is a good one.  About half the people in our neighborhood do it up big, and the other half don’t give out candy at all.  Somehow it’s an unspoken rule that if you don’t put up any Halloween decorations, you are not participating, and everyone skips your house.  The people who do give out candy go all out, with lots of decorations, and a couple people put together a haunted house in their garage.

Since we do give out candy, I do my best with outdoor Halloween decorations.  This year, however, I discovered that some of my old ones no longer worked, like my giant light-up spider who sat in our bushes, and the string of ghosts that went in a palm tree.  All I had were some orange and purple lights to string through the bushes, and some skulls for the other palm.  I did the best I could, but everything seemed a little messy and haphazard.  My husband came out to look at it and said “Well… Halloween is supposed to be weird.”

Yes!  Halloween is supposed to be weird- let’s go with that.

I tried!

Since Halloween is four days away, that means November is almost here, and I have some big goals!  The first- and biggest- is that I’ve decided to join San for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month.) The challenge is to post 30 blog posts in 30 days, starting November 1st.  I though, “Why not? There’s nothing else going on in November.”  Ha ha… just kidding on that part.  I almost didn’t do it because there’s so much going on next month… but I’ve been wanting a challenge, and I’m hoping it will be the extra thing that helps everything else fall into place.  We’ll see!

I know… who has time to read blog posts every single day?  I feel like I can barely keep up with blogs as it is.  I don’t expect anyone to read every post.  My plan is to continue my usual posting schedule of Sunday (the Weekly Rundown), Wednesday, and Friday, and put all the fun running things in those posts.  For the other posts, I’ll title them so that the subject is obvious- if that sounds interesting to you, great.  If not- no worries.  There may be some meanderings coming up!

Another goal for November is to finally, finally run a race.  My husband and I registered for a Turkey Trot, and my goal is to actually make it to the starting line!  I’m not sure I’ll actually be “racing,” given the low mileage and lack of speed work (not to mention my “difficult foot” situation) but I haven’t run a race in two years, and I would like to be at this one.

Turkey Trot in 2018… I will not be winning a turkey trophy this time!

And the last goal is to do a Peloton yoga class every day for the month of November.  This isn’t too much of a stretch (ha, get it- stretch?) because I’ve been doing a class almost every day.  But there will be some days here and there where I would normally skip it- no skipping allowed in November!

Even my Halloween decorations are doing yoga!

Do you decorate for Halloween?  Do you get many trick-or-treaters?

What are your goals for November?

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14 Responses

  1. I’ve become a Halloween Scrooge in recent years. Our kids are grown & do not care at all (the hubby never did LOL), and I’m a lot busier with work & blogging than when the kids were little. We do hand out candy, but our neighborhood has more of an “older” age group of residents (though that is slowly turning over), so we don’t get a lot of trick-or-treaters anyways.

    1. I can see how I’d become more scrooge-like when the kids are gone. Already, my daughter doesn’t care as much (and my son isn’t even here) and I think that’s probably why I was content to leave my “weird” outdoor decs, rather than try to upgrade it.

  2. I am very excited that you’re doing NaBloPoMo! The closest that I’ve ever gotten to daily was posting every weekday during my time off from work last month. Yes there are a ton of blogs out there…but I always have time to read the good ones even if I don’t always comment.

    I don’t do holiday decorations at all but my husband does so our house is always seasonally appropriate. I pretty much ignored Halloween from the time I stopped trick or treating to when I met my stepsons, but I love it now. My oldest stepson is all about Halloween and the youngest is “too old” for it.

    And yay Turkey Trot!!! I can’t wait for ours.

    1. Ha, our family is the opposite- if it were up to my husband, we would have no decorations of any kind, for any holiday. But he likes the ones I put up!
      Yes, the fun thing about a Turkey Trot is that its universal- runners all over the country will be racing that morning. The years I haven’t been able to do it (for various reasons) I felt so left out.

  3. Actually, I think your skulls on the palm tree look good!
    I remember when San did her NaBloPoMo – it’s a huge commitment. It’s going to be fun to see your posts every day in my inbox!
    I’m sure you already have tons of ideas about what to blog.
    I used to do a Turkey Trot for a few years in Naples, Florida, and we got the exact same trophies! So cute! And congrats on that 1st place in 2019, by the way.
    I find it very cool that you are racing it this year, even if your foot is still not 100%. It’s a fun event! With lots of pumpkin pie, yay!

    1. That’s funny about the turkey trophies- they’re the perfect award for that race! I was so excited to win it- I don’t always place in my AG- it all depends on who shows up that day.

  4. I have trouble sometimes keeping up with my 4x a week posts but that does sound like a fun blog challenge. I was one of those people who really did it up for Halloween when my kids younger. I really miss the whole thing now. Hope you have a fun weekend! Goals for November? Keep running without getting injured. I have 3 more fun races to go in the next 6 weeks

    1. Ha, I like your November goal! I guess mine should be “keep running without making my current injury worse.”

  5. The skulls on the tree are very nice.
    Here Halloween is not a very participate holiday, however my 3rd grandson (5 y.o.) is preparing “something of special” for the parents and the grandparents.
    One post per day is a huge commitment but I am sure you have a lot of topics and photos to share.
    Glad you made the decision to race in November, you will do great!

    1. Thank you! I would love to know what “special” thing your grandson is planning! I miss that age so much- I can’t wait for grandkids of my own!

  6. My biggest goal for November is to just get through it, LOL! Blogging every day? Wow. Good luck!

    Nope, we don’t give out candy. We used to (although we never decorated). Then we moved to this house, a raised ranch. So basically you have to camp out at the very small landing. Plus when we moved here we had 2 cats & 2 dogs, which of course was the same number we had in TX and we gave out candy anyway but I digress . . . well now it’s only 1 dog, but we just turn out all the lights (and the doorbell is broken anyway).

    Plus it happens to be the one year anniversary of putting Lola to sleep. 🙁

  7. I am usually late to comment…just have no time. I’m thinking maybe once a week to blog soon.

    Hooray for a race. I am doing a 10k on Thanksgiving just because.

    I love Halloween and seeing the kids dressed up. The forecast here is for rain…so we’ll see how many come out.

    1. I can see how it’s hard for you to find time to blog- you are super busy!
      I hope you don’t have rain on Halloween! Disappointing for the trick or treaters- although I do remember trick or treating a couple times with an umbrella.

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