walkers walk… but runners fly

Life After NaBloPoMo

Not publishing a blog post today felt really weird!  December 1st was a Sunday, so I did my usual Weekly Rundown.  Today- December 2nd- was the first time in 31 days I didn’t post

It was definitely a relief not to worry about writing on Sunday… because that day was SO busy.  I originally thought I would tackle the outdoor Christmas lights, but that was preposterous.  Indoors, we had the tree up but other than that all the fall decor was still out.  No, no, no!  It’s December!  The house must be Christmas-ed!

It was a huge job, but that’s what happens when you’re a lunatic.  I have… a lot of fall decorations.  Including things like hand towels, pajamas, a shower curtain, napkins… all these things have to be washed before they can be put away.  Then, the Christmas things!  I finished the pet tree:

Why, yes.  We do have a little tree for the pets.  And obviously Muffin and Charlotte have their own stockings.  (The little critters also have stockings, but they’re much smaller and not monogrammed.  I have to draw the line somewhere.)

I got my daughter’s bathroom put together:

And then there were the nutcrackers, nativity scenes, and all the rest.  I don’t NEED anything new, but I did get a couple things at Target this year.  I think calico cats must be a trending Christmas theme:

I mean… how could I resist this cushion???
…or this cute set of hand towels?

Just as I’m allowed to get something new for Halloween if it has a black cat on it, I think I’m fully justified in buying any calico cat-Christmas decor.

And like all that wasn’t enough, before my son left on Saturday he said “You know my birthday’s a week from tomorrow.”  WHAT???  Well, this is what happens when Thanksgiving is so frickin late– I’m all confused.  His birthday is December 8th, but I usually have a LITTLE more time after Thanksgiving to prepare.

So, on Sunday I ran out to Barnes and Noble to get him a couple presents (I got him Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter, which I’m hoping he’ll read, love, and bring home at Christmas so I can read it too) AND I made a batch of cinnamon rolls, from scratch.  It’s a birthday tradition, and I’ve mailed him his rolls every year since he’s been in college.

So… yes.  I was happy not to have to worry about a blog post on top of everything else!  Now all I have to do is buy and wrap all the presents, bake all the cookies, and put up the outdoor lights.  Ack.

Are you ready for December?

If you celebrate Christmas, is your house decorated?

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27 Responses

  1. “It was a huge job, but that’s what happens when you’re a lunatic.” Jenny, I laughed so hard at this! I mean, we are the ones making work for ourselves, but it’s meaningful to us, right?

    I’ve put away indoor Thanksgiving and will put away porch Thanksgiving tomorrow. I’ll do outdoor Christmas on Wednesday, and on Thursday, I’ll have the kids bring up the tree and help set out indoor Christmas. Apparently, I have a method to my madness 🙂

    (I could do Thursday stuff by myself, too, but I feel it’s important for the kids to be involved.)

    1. It’s so true- I could complain about how much work it is, but I’m the one making the work! I do enjoy it once everything is up.
      My kids helped with the tree, and they usually help with the rest of the indoor decs, but just because of the way it worked out this year I ended up doing the indoor stuff- other than the tree- by myself. And, I do ALL the outdoor lights! My husband couldn’t care less about having any outdoor decorations. My son would probably help me but he’s not here, so…. oh well.

  2. I’m in good shape decorations wise, because I started early! I decorated a LOT too (my whole basement rec room gets decorated as that’s where we host Christmas Eve, upstairs, I have a lighted Christmas village in the sunroom, then outdoor lights, a tree upstairs and one in the basement!). I had it all up before Thanksgiving and I was sooo glad. This weekend was relaxing as a result instead of like other years when I’m scrambling to get it all up. Now I’m just enjoying it!

    I still have some gift buying to do, though we made a good dent this past weekend. I haven’t wrapped anything yet. Also, I still haven’t ordered my Christmas card!! And I’ll need to bake cookies. But overall I’m feeling pretty good about all of it. Which is a good thing, because I only have this upcoming weekend before my sister and family will be flying in for the holidays!! They’ll be with us the whole weekend of the 14–15, and then away at my parents before they ALL come back from Dec 23-26. Asher has his swim meets starting this week and I’ll need to clean before everyone comes… there’s still a lot to do but I feel like we’re at least on track!

    1. You DO have a lot going on! Good thing you started early- that’s really the key. Every year I say I’m going to start earlier but then I never do. But- there’s still time. Everything will get done!

  3. Sunday sounds like it was a very busy day for you! I love all the Christmas decor, and that cat pillow is really cute!

    My big tree is up, but I still have to put up my Advent calendar tree and a few other decorations. And of course, buy all the presents and then get them wrapped when they arrive. I always think I’ll get gifts during Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend but I never do!

    1. I know! How did I miss Black Friday/Cyber Monday??? I should have done the bulk of my shopping yesterday, because most of the things will be ordered online. Sheesh.

  4. Wow, that IS a big job! I love that you decorate your daughter’s bathroom. The shower curtain! How fun. You have so many great decorations and the cats suit you perfectly! Rob just got the outdoor lights up this weekend and they look GREAT. I’ll have to post a photo of them, it’s pretty fantastic. Our tree went up…I guess it was a week ago on Sunday? I think? The biggest benefit of an artificial tree is that you can extend the season! I do love the scent of a real tree though, but my husband has allergies, so it’s a no-go.

    1. Oh, my daughter’s flute teacher came over yesterday, admired our tree briefly and then said she’s allergic to Christmas trees! How tragic! (or- it’s a good excuse to just get an artificial tree and make life easier.)
      I DEFINITELY want to see your outdoor lights- I’m sure they’re amazing.

  5. I have basically all the decor up now and I love that it’s done. The next week is going to be BUSY.
    It does feel weird, but also good that NaBloPoMo is over! It was a lot of reading and commenting. Though I only actually posted one more time each week than normal!

    I love that you have so many fun decorations. I don’t have any decorations in our bathroom. The shame. I need to up my game to come a bit closer to the exceptionally high standard you’ve set.

    1. Ha ha… I’ll bet you could find some Christmas-y hand towels at the thrift shop that would go perfectly in your bathroom!

  6. Thanksgiving being so late has me ALL discombobulated. My daughter woke up on Sunday ready to decorate the house but I have yet to wrap my mind around the whole It’s December thing, so there are a scattered few items up and now I have been admonished not to decorate until she comes home from school.

    That Peanuts bath curtain is amazing! I love it! And I love that you allow yourself to buy things with cats on them for any holiday. I found myself thinking about that “rule” the other day, and wondering if I could get away with having snowflakes and trees be my thing for Christmas. I think I can.

    1. Well, you will have a lot fo choose from if you pick snowflakes and trees as your theme! And- I just looked it up. Thanksgiving is on the 27th next year, so also late. I have to adjust myself accordingly and start more Christmas prep BEFORE Thanksgiving.

  7. A tree for cats. A cute idea… but does it last?

    Yes it was time consuming taking down and putting away fall decorations… I kept finding ones after I thought I was done.

    I don’t goo crazy with decorating and mostly winter decorations (snowmen, gnomes, etc).

    I seem to decorate less each year. No one cares.. It’s just me and the hubby and he doesn’t even notice.

    I start start yesterday. I’ll finish when I get back from Florida.

    I also have to address my cards (I still send… do you want one?)

    1. Yes I do!!!! I’ll send you one as well.
      The cat tree has lasted, even through Muffin’s kitten years. I think her first year she knocked down and broke a candle that was near the tree- but the tree and decorations were safe.

  8. Aww, your house is so festive! Will would approve. We have a fairly minimalist approach to decorating but it’s a happy medium that is not too over the top for minimalist Phil. We do not have any outdoor decorations, though, which is very disappointing to Will. If it was entirely up to me, we’d have a small inflatable Grinch but it’s not a hill I want to die on with Phil. Luckily there is a house 2 blocks away with an inflatable Grinch so Will can get his fill on that on a nearly daily basis when we drive by. I usually decorate our window boxes with birch branches, berries, etc, but I did not get around to doing that this year! It will warm up this weekend so maybe I will do it then… we’ll see.

    Today is Will’s birthday so I feel you on the closeness of Thanksgiving and our boys’ birthdays… Will is very confused about the holidays because he asked if Santa left him presents under the tree during the night… He opened his presents from us this morning since Phil will be at a work event tonight and was not over-the-top thrilled with “just” 2 presents… He got a bunch of stuff at his family party on Friday and Christmas is so soon so I didn’t want to give him a lot on his birthday. *shrugs shoulders* Tonight the 3 of us are going out for dinner at the restaurant by our house (called Book Club – cute, right?) and i am really looking forward to not cooking and to a fun meal out. The boys are at better ages for that sort of thing so I think it should be a fun meal out. I’ve promised him a fun dessert so hopefully the restaurant has something he’ll like!

    1. Oh, I hope the dinner (and dessert) go well! It does sound fun. When Paul was little I had the opposite problem. He always seemed to get the “big” thing he wanted for his birthday, then Christmas was anti-climactic. If I could go back and do it again, I would save the best presents for Christmas.

  9. This is so relatable. I do not have my house decorated. I’m waiting for the little girls to be around, so probably this weekend. Curly has a game tonight. I had writer group last night and a college alum Christmas party tomorrow night. I do not decorate for fall. That would be too much for me. I love your daughter’s bathroom. Impressive. AND – it is my son’s birthday on the 5th. He’s turning 22. He was due Dec. 8th. We celebrated with his fav dinner. It sort of fell off my radar too, and I had to whip that dinner up Saturday when I was still in NaBloPoMo mode. I made a dessert, but did not send him a gift because the Christmas gift he requested is major. The cat decor is perfect for your home. Laughing at the pet tree. 😉 (I know you’re from Chicago – did you see they fired the Bears’ head coach?)

    1. I DID SEE THAT! That was quick, although I guess he had it coming for a while.
      Your son is the same age as mine- 22. My daughter ALSO has a December birthday, UGH!!! What were we thinking (ha- we definitely didn’t “plan” hers!)

  10. Calico cats are a Christmas thing! Who knew?! I love it. I’m going to start looking for Zelda-themed Christmas things – I could use more holiday decor.

  11. I am not quite ready yet but I am looking forward to the coming weekend for that reason. I got our yearly wreath from my son’s boy scout friend last night and will get ready when I get a minute after finishing up the laundry loads from our trip last wee. I love all your christmassy decorations! It’s the most favorite time of the year and I feel this year needs to be extra cozy! We need some light in our lifes.

  12. I thought I had gone a little overboard with decorations this year, so I am HERE for your christmas shower curtain and your cat tree and anything else you want to throw at this. And a CHARLIE BROWN shower curtain – <3.
    Congrats on finishing NaBloPoMo! What a good time.

  13. OMG, I need to be on the lookout for calico cat Christmas decorations! Lila is very perturbed by all the Ellie-centric Halloween decorations I put out. Poor thing!

    I also do not have a tree for the cats! I must rectify that. WORST CAT MOM EVER.

    My tree went up today! I’m enjoying having the apartment Christmas-fied now. 🙂

  14. Well, I guess I am glad NaBloPoMo ended just in time for you to get started on ALL THE CHRISTMAS THINGS LOL (oh, and I love that you mail your son cinnamon rolls for his birthday. That’s awesome!)

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