walkers walk… but runners fly

Mid Year/Mid Summer Check- In

Happy Halfway Day!  July 2 marks the halfway point of the year.  And, we’re almost halfway through the summer here.  I know that seems crazy to those of you who just recently finished school, but we’re in the fifth week of our ten week summer vacation.  I always think of July 4th as the “official” halfway point of the summer, which makes me a little sad.  I don’t want summer to end!

And… I had some goals for the summer.  I declared it to be the summer of strength and speed, and almost right away I got derailed by a stupid calf issue.  Why does this always happen to me???  It’s like the universe wants me to run very slowly, sigh.  So now we’re at the halfway point (almost) and I feel like I’m starting all over again.

The good news is, I ran on Sunday and my calf felt absolutely fine.  I’m proceeding cautiously, but I’ll incorporate some gentle speed work into my runs for the rest of the summer.  Seriously, I have to do SOMETHING, otherwise soon I’ll be running backwards.

Happily running again.

The calf issue did cause me to have an epiphany though.  Since I had to walk instead of run, I decided to track my walking pace and try to improve it.  This was actually kind of fun- much more fun than just going out to walk for 45 minutes, with no pace goal.  This approach made me understand the problem I’ve had all along with strength training.- I don’t set any specific goals.  

I think I would enjoy strength training much more if I had concrete goals, rather than just vaguely saying “I’ll do strength two or three times a week.”  So for the second half of the summer I’m going to set some goals for weight and reps.

For a review of yearly goals, my first thought was, seriously, “Wait- did I have any?”  Then I remembered that I decided to set monthly goals instead, which I did for a couple months and then forgot all about it.  Maybe I should rethink that strategy!  The one yearly goal I always have is to read 50 books, and I always fall just short.

THIS year however, I’m ahead of my goal- I’ve read 30 books at the halfway point!  For a brief, exciting moment I envisioned myself finishing the year with 60 books.  Then I remembered my reading always takes a hit during NaBloPoMo, and I’m sure this year my TV viewing of the Olympics will seriously eat into my reading time.  Still- this very well could be the year I reach my 50 book goal.

Currently reading- we’ll talk about this tomorrow!

Do you like to reassess your goals at “Halfway Day?”

Are there any goals you’ve changed or added so far this year?

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27 Responses

  1. Hang on … what? I thought you didn’t like summer. Or is that just the weather? I’m glad you’re back to running again.

    No goals this year, although I have been doing a quarterly review of what’s been happening around my word of the year (renewal) and I’m keeping up my 100 day review of my 101 Things list.

    1. I know, I thought about that while I was writing this. I definitely don’t like the summer weather in South Florida- but I like having no school! I like the mor relaxed vibe, and the heat usually doesn’t start getting to me until September and October. It’s STILL hot here then, while everyone else is talking about their beautiful fall weather. Grr.

  2. I had set goals but forgot about them too. hahaha… so not good to keep them up, will review them soon on my flight back home.
    glad to hear your calf is doing better.

  3. Specific strength training goals are a great idea!
    I have quarterly goals which I review and then adjust for the next quarter.
    But I have some evergreens that I always set but never reach… like learning the handstand and double-unders. Oh, and I had to scratch the London Marathon and add a fall marathon instead.
    I’m fine with adjusting my goals – as long as I don’t “soften” them down!

  4. I can’t believe we’re halfway through the year already! In the school district I work for, the kids go back to school on August 1 so summer is already almost done for them, and I know some school districts actually start back in mid-July which seems super early! When I was in school, we always ended in late May and went back in mid-August.

    The only goal that I really remember setting for this year was to actually take a rest day from running once a week. I didn’t do so great the first five months of the year, but after my race in May and going into training for the race I have this month, I got more serious about it and so far, I’ve taken a rest day every week since mid-May, and took a whole week off running post-race! So I’m hoping to continue my rest day “streak” into the second half of the year.

    1. AUGUST 1????? That is EARLY! When I was growing up, we ended school mid-June and went back after Labor Day. But it seems like hardly anyone does that anymore.
      Ha, I like your goal. Most people would not have trouble achieving that!

  5. I’m so glad your calf is feeling better. And love the goals for speed work on your walking. It’s nice to have something to work toward.

    This year I haven’t set any goals and I do think I miss having the structure of a framework for my year. I suspect I’ll jump back on the goals bandwagon in 2025.

    As always, I read basically nothing all summer. It’s weird because summer tends to be peak reading time for most people, but my reading always tanks (like almost down to zero) in the summer and then I read like crazy in the fall.

    Also, it really strikes me as crazy that 2024 is officially half over!!

    1. Yes, that six months went FAST. For you, it sounds like you needed a break from aggressive goal setting. I think I need to get a little more aggressive with it- not like I should set “24 for 24” but something between that and “Oh yeah, I forgot all about it.” Maybe I’ll come up with a list for the second half of the year.

  6. Well you know how I feel about goals after reading my blog post from last week! I tried setting quarterly ones and then didn’t set them again in the 2nd quarter. I think I am just on a very grand pause from goals right now in this stage of life. Maybe when I am retired I can set goals again? Or when I don’t have such small children? I hate to ask anything else of myself at this point above what I am already doing each day! Which sounds like a total cop out, but so be it… I did sign up for a 10 mile race in Sept so I am training for that, but I am not striving for a particular time. I just want to get out there and have fun and finish with a smile. The race is in the city where my MIL lives so I am thinking Phil and the boys can come watch me finish. We’ll spend the night out there which will make race morning logistics far easier!

    The halfway point did make me think about what I’ve accomplished in the first half of the year and I’m really proud of what I have done, especially at work. I have done so many meetings and have traveled a lot which should result in more sales for my company. On top of that, we potty trained Taco and we just moved him to a big boy bed on Friday so we’ve, and Paul finished kindergarten so we’ve had some big family milestones, too!

  7. Lisa, when my kids were little I was definitely NOT sitting down and making lists of goals! I was just trying to get through every day. But- you actually did accomplish a lot without actually setting formal goals. Maybe you’re not the type of person who needs to do that- you’re naturally driven and focused. And… aw. Paul finished kindergarten! So sweet.

  8. I just started my new (2024-25) planner, so I guess I know this is the midpoint… but it seems so early!

    You’re so goal-oriented! I tend to do stuff I like and not at all do stuff I like, so this is very different from me. But I like hearing you talk about it! Congrats on being ahead on the reading goal.

    1. Well Maya, I’ve learned the hard way that if I ONLY do stuff I like, that means I’ll only run, not do any cross training or strength, and end up injured. The only way for me to keep running is to incorporate all these other things, and I definitely want to keep running.

  9. It did occur to me that I finished my big 2024 goal in June, before the halfway point, so that was exciting! I have now amended it to finish my second draft before January 2025, when the online course I want to take (revising and editing) is available.
    Otherwise, I don’t have any real goals; I just check things off the daily to-do list but I don’t think in terms of “going up in weight” for strength training or anything. I just figure it happens at its own pace, I guess. Probably sounds a bit lazy to you but it works for me!

    1. That’s what I usually do with my strength training, but the problem is, deep down inside I AM lazy about strength training. i know it may not look like it on the outside- but if I’m in the gym and I don’t feel like pushing too hard, I’ll back off. So I don’t see a lot of progress, which then makes it not that much fun for me.
      Sounds like you’ve got great motivation to get that second draft done- i’m very excited for you!

    1. I know- I’m at the point of my life where I always want time to slow down. It goes waaaaay to fast.

    1. Well Engie… you’ve had a tough first half of the year. You may not think you’re doing well but I bet you’re on track for a lot of your goals. And if not… like you said, there’s only room to go up.

  10. Yay for a happy calf! Boo that we’re halfway through the year already.

    All of my goals kind of went out the window when we got the puppy. I’m doing what I can do plus spending time with my little pup. Once she grows up I’ll be able to be more organized.

    I can’t wait to hear about 11/23/63!

    1. Ha, once again it’s like having a toddler. I definitely wasn’t setting any goals when my kids were little.

  11. My goals are pretty low key. Go to the gym. Finish a few half’s and a full.

    I should be more specific.

    Maybe next year. If I stay healthy for once.

  12. I’m going to be looking at my 2024 goals next week and see where I’m at. I’m trying to keep them in mind when I do my monthly goals but we’ll see where I’m at!

    I like the walking goal! I think it’s helping to have something to strive for when you’re injured.

  13. Hooray, I am glad the calf is feeling better and you’re cautiously adding more speed to your workouts. That must feel so good.

  14. I have HEARD about that book and I want to read it!!

    Yes, I did re-access. And I feel like I have WAY TOO MANY goals. Many are automated and some are “continue to…”. So I reworked them and only did three categories: self, family, work. We will see if I like it. Before I had SIX categories, why?… Wayy too many.

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