walkers walk… but runners fly

NaBloPoMo, Yoga, and the Iron Cowboy (What They Have in Common!)

You guys- it’s over.  I just completed NaBloPoMo, publishing thirty blog in thirty days for the month of November.  I also completed my own personal yoga challenge, which was to do a yoga class every day as well.

When I set out to participate in NaBloPoMo, I literally had no idea what I was getting myself into.  I only heard about the challenge from San about a week beforehand and thought, “Sure, why not?”  I did not know what I was going to say for thirty days in a row.  On October 31st I had a list of about ten ideas.  Not ten posts written, just ten loose ideas.

When the month started, I realized that the other NaBloPoMo participants seemed more like actual writers.  Well, some of them are actually writers.  I definitely had a touch of imposter syndrome, but I forged ahead.  And I’m so glad I did.

Getting a blog post written every day was hard at times, and it took up a lot of time.  Writing the posts, commenting on the other blogs, and answering comments people (generously) left on my own blog kept me busy.  My life was full, but in a good way.  I met a whole new amazing group of bloggers that I love.  I felt a camaraderie with my fellow NaBloPoMo-ers, most of whom were complete strangers to me prior to November.

One interesting thing I hadn’t anticipated was that I felt completely immersed in every single day- I realized I usually kind of “bunch” my time into week segments- just get to the weekend, or everything revolves around the Sunday long run.  Publishing a blog post every day made each day seem significant on its own, and it felt like time slowed down, in a good way.  November is my favorite month and it usually rushes by much too fast.

Yesterday I listened to Rich Roll podcast episode with the “Iron Cowboy,” aka James Lawrence.  James’ most recent accomplishment was completing 100 Iron distance triathlons in 100 days.   That’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run- every single day, for 100 days.  That was his goal, and then on day 101 he got up and did it one last time, just to show that when you think you’ve given everything you have, there’s still a little bit more.  Here’s my favorite quote from that podcast:

“Nobody’s the expert at the beginning of their journey. You have to meet yourself where you’re at today.”

I’m not comparing writing 30 blog posts in 30 days to completing 100 Iron distance triathlons in 100 days (no, I would say there’s a slight difference.) But the idea is the same.  You can’t wait until you’re an expert (we would all be waiting a long, long time.)  We have to start where we’re at.  Not that I’ve become an expert these last 30 days, but I feel I’ve come a long way.

As for the yoga… to be honest, that was a much easier challenge than the blog.  I did a class every day on the Peloton app.  How hard is it really to take a class in your own home?  And they were all different lengths- I tried to do longer ones whenever possible, but there were definitely some fifteen minute classes sprinkled in there.

This was a stress-free challenge because I never expected myself to do it perfectly.  I know for sure that I can’t do all the poses- at least not as well as the instructors.  My favorite instructor- Denis Morton- gives a little pep talk at the beginning of each class where he stresses that yoga is all about trying your best, and he gives modifications for poses as he goes along.

I knew all I had to do every day was my best, and that took away any stress and made it fun.  That got me to thinking- why can’t I apply that to every aspect of my life?  What more can you really do other than show up every day and do your absolute best?  Start where you are- show up every day- do your best.

Thank you to everyone who read my posts and left comments. And to all my fellow NaBloPoMo-ers- Congratulations!  We did it!  We will meet again in November 2022.  In the meantime, let’s keep in touch.  I’m so glad I discovered your blogs, and I’ll continue to follow along.

Namaste, everyone.


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27 Responses

  1. I have loved reading along (and found your blog via San!) and it has been so much fun to know certain bloggers are going to be writing every day! Unlike you, I’m not a huge fan of November, so this has been a nice pick-me-up.

    Congrats on finishing and I also really found the perspective (from Rich Roll) about completing something past the streak end (i.e. completing the same goal on day 101) very inspiring. It also helps us to identify what we’re doing to just check a box and when we’re doing it for some additional satisfaction. Though 101 Irons sounds…crazy.

    1. I know- if you listen to the podcast you’ll get an idea just how crazy it was (he was in a ton of pain and on Day 100 literally kept falling over on the run.)
      I’m glad I found your blog as well! I wish more people had done NaBloPoMo, but honestly it was hard keeping up with everyone’s posts as it was. i’m looking forward to blogging and reading on a more relaxed schedule for a while.

  2. I enjoyed reading your daily posts. I learned a lot more about than just your runs. So that was great.

    Definitely a challenge…working 8-4 each day and doing all my activities in the evenings, I struggle to write (and I use the word “write” loosely) 3 posts each week (Sun, Tues, Fri),

    They are purely to motivate myself to continue my running journey and connect with other runners with similar interests and experiences..

    icing on the cake is when I meet people in real life that I know only from blogging.

    That being said, I’ll be Boca and Delray between Feb 10-15. Hope we can hook up.

  3. Congrats on both the yoga challenge and NaBloPoMo! That’s such a lot of productivity in November! I did like that I never really worried about writing a “perfect” post since I knew a new one would replace it the next day – there’s probably some lesson in that about my tendency toward perfectionism.

    1. Yes, I agree it did take the pressure off. There was no time to dwell or obsess on any one post. Definitely a lesson in there.

  4. All that blogging! Quite an accomplishment and I can only imagine the extra work it took get it all done on a daily basis…only to have to do it all again the next day. I still haven’t had a chance to test out the yoga with Denis…maybe tonight will be our first date on the mat 😉

  5. You did great, Jenny. I loved having you join us this year and I enjoyed getting to know you better. You definitely kept up well with the daily posting even though you didn’t plan anything in advance. Great job!

  6. An amazing feat, Jenny. I found your posts captivating, interesting and funny.
    I especially liked the one you did about how often we’re not aware of doing things the last time. In fact, I just thought about it again yesterday.

    Well done – looking forward to next November!

  7. Congrats on blogging and yoga! I used to publish more posts and it just got exhausting for me. I do really enjoy writing, but pulling it all together with pictures took longer than I hoped it would. As for the yoga, I did a 20 min class today. It was a flow class with Denis. Not going to lie, I hated it. Yoga is just not my thing at all. I lack the ability to pay attention and the constant instructions (go up, go down, move this way, etc) was driving me nuts. But hey, I gave it a try! 😂

  8. Well done Jenny! That’s just incredible! I struggle to get one out every week so the thought of doing a daily blog has me running scared!! But I love what you say that you were fully immersed in EACH day. That really made me think – sometimes we are too quick to rush through the week and don’t appreciate the day we are in. What a brilliant insight.

  9. Hooray! We did it!! I’m so glad that I “met” you during NaBloPoMo and I’m excited to continue following along.

    You may not feel like a writer, but a lot of your posts provoked a lot of interesting conversations and made me think! And that’s all that really matters. 🙂

    1. Thank you Stephany, I appreciate it! You were definitely one that I felt intimidated by at the beginning of the month!

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