walkers walk… but runners fly

Reading and Eating

Let’s have some book talk!  A couple weeks ago I took this short quiz to see what book I should read next.  Here’s the book I got:

I think part of the reason I got this one is, one of the questions was something like “Are you ready for spring to come, or do you want to hold onto winter a little longer?”  Well, since I live in Florida and winter is our most beautiful time of year, I gave the winter answer.

I’m not sure I’m up for a book that takes place during the Christmas holidays right now, but I did put it on my November-December TBR, along with Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret.  I”ll have lots of books to read during the Christmas season!

I finished my Agatha Christie…

… and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I knew it wasn’t going to be a great literary adventure, or impart any deep truths, but as I crawled into bed, knowing I would finish it that night and find out who murdered the rich father, I reflected that some books are just pure FUN.

On that note, my husband got me a book for my birthday!

I probably wouldn’t have chosen this for myself.  I like mysteries, but not necessarily thrillers (sometimes thrillers make me too anxious). But so far it’s been another fun book to read.  It’s easy to get into and the storyline is compelling.  It’s no Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, but then, few books are. Sigh.

Eating!  I finally made pancakes that didn’t suck.  To be clear, all my pancake failures are my own fault.  I’m always trying to use weird flours, or make them healthier by adding flaxseeds or something else unusual.  But, I found this recipe for protein pancakes from Chocolate Covered Katie.  I used gluten-free all purpose flour for the flour, and a vanilla protein powder.

They look like pancakes!

Last time I posted a photo of my pancakes, complaining that they were all dry and lumpy, someone- and I’m sorry but I can’t remember who!- said it looked like there wasn’t enough liquid.  I took this to heart, and when I made this batter it looked way too thick so I added more liquid.  It definitely made a big difference.

In other news, last time I was at Trader Joe’s I got this:

If you have a jar of enchilada sauce, a pan of enchiladas is just a small step away (it’s the extra step of making the sauce that puts me over the edge). I used this recipe, because it has beans and tempeh in the filling, and my daughter is all about protein right now.  But it seemed a little vegetable-light, so I added some cauliflower as well.  I forgot to take a photo on the first night, and when we reheated them for leftovers they looked kind of charred and unappetizing, so I’ll leave it to your imagination.  They looked like enchiladas, and tasted delicious.

What are you reading now?

Have you tried this enchilada sauce? – It was spicy and delicious!

Top photo by Gil Ndjouwou on Unsplash

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23 Responses

  1. What did you think of Small Things Like These? I really liked it and I have another of her books sitting on my table right now. I have a STACK of library books to get through. Luckily we have a four week lending period.

  2. Your daughter’s time in the gym and now the interest in protein could be a game changer for meals!

    My mom is a really good cook and made many things from scratch, but enchilada sauce was never one of them. I’m always surprised when I hear someone really hype up homemade enchilada sauce. I mean fine, it’s not hard but to me it tastes exactly the same as canned sauce. Maybe there is a cost savings, but it’s just not enough to be worth it to me.

    I just finished The Secret Book of Flora Lea last night and it was everything.

    1. I want to read it! They have it at my library so I’ll go get it. And… I seriously doubt I could make an enchilada sauce better than the Trader Joe’s one, and WHY WOULD I WANT TO???

  3. First, I am so relieved that Birchie liked The Secret Book of Flora Lea! Second, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (actually, I’m sure I have and just forget), so I’ve just ordered that in from the library.

    I’m thinking of 2025 as my Year of the Thriller. Outside of non-fiction, that’s my favourite type of book to read and I’ve come across a few great ones so far (and some other…not so great ones).

    1. Oh, I know why you haven’t heard of it- you were on your blog break while I was incessantly blabbering about that book. You might not be in the mood for it right now if you’re currently into thrillers. It takes a bit of patience to get through- but it’s so worth it.

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever made enchiladas before, but anything from Trader Joe’s is a winner!

    The pancakes look so good! I’m partial to waffles because I prefer the texture and I feel like they’re harder to mess up than pancakes, but a lot of the things I make aren’t aesthetically pleasing so as long as they taste good, I’m fine with it!

  5. I liked Small Things but it left me wanting more as it was a very slim book, almost a novella!

    I am currently reading “Catalina” – I have no idea how it ended up on my hold list. I abandoned the previous book I was reading – “Remains of the Day.” I heard about it on a podcast recently and thought I would try it even though the other book by the author Kazuo Ishiguru (sp?) didn’t work for me. Well this one didn’t either. So I’m in a bit of a reading rut right now but Catalina is interesting so far – it’s about an undocumented college student at Harvard.

    I haven’t cooked a meal in so long and won’t cook one until the weekend! I am looking forward to getting back to normal eating habits but that will have to wait until I get back from my work trip to DC! I have not tried that enchilada sauce! We do not shop at TJs because there is not one close to us. I always mean to pop into one when I go by it when I’m out and about but never do!

    1. Well, be aware that it’s spicy- I can’t remember what you said about spice. It was at the top of my spice tolerance (but my tolerance is fairly low, so…)
      I read Remains of the Day a long time ago and liked it. But, some books just don’t work for certain times of life. Catalina sounds good!

  6. I am currently reading a Kinsey Millhone mystery I’ve already read a couple of times because I’m in a bit of a reading rut and I just needed to read something I knew would make me happy.

    I’m still over here boycotting Trader Joe’s for two reasons. One, their labelling practices are misleading. A lot of their products labelled gluten free have been found to contain gluten according to Gluten-Free Watchdog. Two, their parking lots stress me out. Why are they always so small?

    1. Omg… if I boycotted Trader Joe’s I feel like I would have no place left to shop. But- I can see how the labeling would be REALLY bad for you guys. Oh and my husband hit someone’s Porsche in the TJs parking lot a couple years ago so we still have a little PTSD from that (plus the insurance company has not let us forget it.)

  7. I read the “Small Things” and really loved it. At this moment in time I am ready for spring/summer… But it was a really good book 🙂

  8. I read my first Karin Slaughter this week because it was all the library had for me–it was intense.
    Your pancakes look practically silky! And cauliflower in enchiladas sounds yum. Sometimes I’ll use salsa (jarred or homemade) and add chipotle for enchiladas if I don’t have sauce. It’s a good thing my people aren’t that picky.

    I’m reading Becky Chambers _A Psalm for the Wild Built_ and wondered if you would like it. It has a lot of world-building and is a bit like a lite Jonathan Strange…

  9. I read one Karin Slaughter book yeeeears ago and it was so graphically violent that I have not been able to read another book of hers. I’m interested how this one is – please let me know! Maybe I can end my Karin Slaughter ban. (Also, what a great last name for a thriller writer, haha.)

    I just finished the books I was reading and I’m about to start We All Live Here by Jojo Moyes!

  10. I’ve never made enchilada sauce, always pre-made from a kit. But I’m sure that one is nicer than Old El Paso. The rest of my family are not as keen on enchiladas as me so we tend to mostly make tacos.
    Thrillers also make me anxious! Right now I’m re-reading some favourite books- my go to during a stressful period. I’m re-reading Slow Productivity by Cal Newport, I forgot he included so many interesting vignettes and it’s quite a calming book to read (slowly- ha!).

  11. Ooooh I am all about a good jarred enchilada sauce! I will have to see if my Trader Joe’s carries this one!

    Yay for book birthday presents! And how nice that it turned out to be a fun read even if it wasn’t something you’d choose for yourself.

  12. I really want to read Small Things Like These – I read another one of Keegan’s novellas – Foster – and her latest short story collection, and was underwhelmed, but everyone seems to love Small Things. I like her writing, but the stories are so subtle, I think I must be missing something. But my library never seems to have Small Things in. I guess I could put it on hold.
    I’m currently reading True Biz; The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampire; and Master, Slave, Husband, Wife. They are all very good, for very different reasons.
    I’ve made my own enchilada sauce before, but making enchiladas always seem like a lot of work to me – all that rolling and filling.

  13. I rarely make pancakes GF and I do love pancakes. Those look delish. I have not tried that enchilada sauce. I am not a big fan of spicy. I’m reading The Rose Code and also brought mama love something or other on my trip. Flight about to take off.

  14. My cousin loves Karin Slaughter and is trying to get me to read some of her work. Thanks for the reminder, I will give this one a try and see what I think.

    I sometimes make my own enchilada sauce, especially the green tomatillo sauce. It is better than any jarred sauce, but jarred sauce is not bad and will do in a pinch. And a pinch is any time I don’t feel like making my own, which is most of the time.

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