walkers walk… but runners fly

November Coffee Date- They’re Here!

You guys!  The holiday cups have arrived!  Rush immediately to your nearest Starbucks, get yourself a festive beverage (I’m having my usual earl grey, but in a festive cup) and join me for November’s Coffee Date!  I’m linking up as usual with Deborah and Coco.  Let’s get started!

The first thing I would talk about over coffee (or, tea) is NaBloPoMo.  For National Blog Posting Month, I committed to 30 posts in 30 days, starting November 1st.  I have to admit that when I woke up on October 31st my first thought was “Wait- I said I would do WHAT???”  I had a moment of serious doubt, but decided to go ahead with it- and I’m so glad I did!  Although I’m starting to suspect that there are approximately three people participating this year, I’ve still discovered some new blogs and great bloggers I never would have known otherwise.  So far it’s going well!

Okay, let’s talk about books.  I’m having a serious crisis.  Here’s what happened: over the summer my son decided to re-read all the Harry Potter books (we read them together when he was younger, about ten years ago.) He urged me to do the same, and initially I resisted because there are seven of them, they’re long, and there are so many other books I wanted to read.   He convinced me to “just read the first one” and of course, I got hooked all over again.

The thing is, I don’t even like fantasy.  But the Harry Potter books really fall into the mystery genre, and I LOVE mysteries.  And they’re so well-written- how can you not be fascinated by time turners and lost prophesies?  The third book has one of the best endings ever, the sixth book has that shocking event on the tower, and the seventh book… well.  I took a long time to read it, because I didn’t want it to end.  Twice towards the end I cried (without giving anything away, the scene where Harry is walking into the Forbidden Forest accompanied by certain… unusual… people, is so beautiful and heartbreaking) and then when I finished it I cried again because it was over.

Where in the world do you go from there?  I thought maybe I would have to read Proust next, or Tolstoy.  Or possibly give up reading altogether.  I have two books sitting on my coffee table, but I can’t seem to start them.  I feel like I’ll just have to wait ten years and then read the Harry Potter books AGAIN.

So close… and yet so far.

Back to reality… I’ve had three shockwave treatments on my foot so far (to treat both my plantar fasciitis AND insertional peroneal tendinitis) and… I don’t see much of a difference, yet.  I’m definitely able to run- as a matter of fact, my doctor said there have been studies where people received shockwave treatments and one group continued to run, while the other group had their foot immobilized in a boot, and they both healed at the same rate.  Yes, put me in the running group!  At my doctor’s suggestion, I’m running 3-4 times a week and keeping my runs to 3-5 miles.  Way better than nothing!

Yes, please!

I wish I felt a more noticeable improvement, but my doctor said it just takes time.  He said the first two treatments actually increase inflammation- but the good kind, the kind that gets in there to flush out all the waste material from the injured area.  Then the subsequent treatments are when the tissue starts to remodel, laying new capillaries and collagen.  It all sounds great when he talks about it!  So I’m continuing to limp and hobble around first thing in the morning (and anytime I’ve been sitting for a while) but have faith that there’s healing going on.

That’s it for today!  Check back in tomorrow for thoughts about the long (49 hour) weekend, and upcoming NYC marathon.  Sunday will be the weekly rundown as usual.  Have a great Friday!

Do you like the Starbucks holiday cups? – Some years are better than others.  I think the ones this year are really pretty!

Have you read the Harry Potter books? Any recommendations for me?


More Posts

Friday Coffee Date

Oh, very well.  Time to finally put away the holiday mugs- but at least I have my new one from Birchie!

Post-Everything Blues

Okay, it’s finally hitting me.  Our trip to Tampa helped ease the post-Christmas depression, but now that’s over.  My son

32 Responses

  1. I saw the new Starbucks cups yesterday. I’d stop on my way to work, but the line at the drive-through is so long that I’d have to leave early. Um….

    When the boys were little, we read the Harry Potter books together. But the later books got darker and more intense, and we lost interest, lol. I’m with you, fantasy is not my thing.

    1. Yes, that’s what happened with us at first. We read the first four books- I read them to my son when he was only five- and then I realized they were way to dark for his age, moving forward. We stopped but then he decided to read them himself a few years later, and I joined in with him at that point. Instead of me reading to him, we would sit next to each other on the couch, each reading our own copy of the same book. I think that’s another reason I got emotional about re-reading them- I had a lot of mother/son memories wrapped up in the experience.

  2. I do like this year’s holiday cups! I might even going into the office today to get one. 😉

    LOL on your reading crisis. It is hard to find another book after you’ve read a really good one. How is that Liane Moriarity?

    I’m sorry shockwave hasn’t been a quick fix, but it isn’t supposed to be — although I was happy to feel a difference right away.

    1. Yes, it’s funny how just a different color cup can brighten up your day! If I ever get myself to start the Liane Moriarty book I’ll answer your question!

  3. I miss those cups. I work from home so coffee at home. Sigh.

    I never got into Harry Potter. I do enjoy liane Moriarty. Is this one good?

    Still hoping you found a cure for the foot. I’ve accepted my pain because it’s better than before. The little things.

    1. I wish I could answer you on the Liane Moriarty book, but I haven’t started it yet.
      You’ve got plenty of time to get yourself a holiday cup! They’ll have them for quite a while.

  4. Oddly, I have never read the Harry Potter books — and I do love a good fantasy — have been a fan of LOTR since I was a tween.

    Have you discussed the shockwave treatments with Coco? I know everyone is different, but she did do it & she seems to be doing well now. I’m sorry it hasn’t given you more relief, but fingers crossed that it will eventually.

    1. Judy! I really think you have a treat ahead of you. I wish I could be you, and start the HP books for the first time.

  5. I love Harry Potter and actually still listen to an HP podcast (Harry Potter and the Sacred Text). I am really interested in science fiction and fantasy, but finding a series the scratches the HP itch has been challenging for me. Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings (ROTE) is a close section in my fantasy love, but if you think HP books are long, ROTE is probably not for you!

    Good luck with your treatments. It sounds like quite a slog – hopefully you see some benefits after so much dedication to it.

    1. Hmm! I’ll check out ROTE. I don’t mind a long book if it’s really good. I also might have to check out that podcast- I should have realized there would be a HP podcast- there’s a podcast for everything.

  6. I read the HP books back when they first came out. My son lost interest at the time but I kept going. Hey, it’s great to be back running 3-4 times a week. Hoping you start to see continued progress!

    1. Thanks Deborah! My daughter has zero interest in reading any of the HP books, and I actually don’t think she’d enjoy them. Glad you got to read them even though your son lost interest.

  7. Oooh, great idea with the Harry Potter re-read! I need to do that! I LOVED the books so much when they came out (I was in my early 20s then), and I would stand in lines at midnight (in costume!) when the new books were dropping. I recently KonMari-ed a lot of my old books, but I held onto all the old HP books because they were so special. I’ve forgotten lots of stuff from the stories, so I just may start this again! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Yes! Yes! You have to do it. I was surprised by how much I didn’t remember, and I enjoyed them just as much-if not more- the second time through.

  8. I’m not into fantasy either, but I adore Harry Potter so much. Have you read The House in the Cerulean Sea? It gave me “light” Harry Potter vibes. I just ADORED that book. I want to do a HP re-read soon and listen to the audiobooks, since I’ve never consumed the book that way!

    1. I’ve never read that, but maybe it’s just what I need to get me out of my rut. I don’t normally listen to audiobooks, but when I drove my son to college I was about halfway through Goblet of Fire. I had a 20 hour solo drive home, and my son suggested that I get the audiobook. I listened to it all the way home to Florida, and loved it.

  9. I may have told you I was a huge HP fan (still am, actually). I’m not usually into that genre, but the books were so well-written that I was totally enthralled. Like you, I also cried numerous times, and the third book is by far my favorite. Although there was a lot of violence, and even more dark stuff going on, the ultimate story was that of good vs. evil, and good did win (but at a huge price). **sigh** I just might have to reread them series again (I reread it every time a new book came out).

    1. Yes, I think we’ve had a similar Harry Potter experience. I agree that the third book has such a clever, satisfying ending. The fourth book starts to get dark. I’m so glad my son was into it, otherwise I never would have read them!

  10. Oh I like the new holiday cup! I see a trip to Starbucks in my future 🙂

    My boys loved the HP series but I never got around to reading them. I keep adding books to my Kindle, but haven’t started any of them yet.

    I’m glad you’re able to continue running. Hopefully, your foot will show some improvement.

    1. Thank you Michelle! Yes, you need to get to Starbucks- I would say you have some time though. They’ll have the fancy cups through Christmas.

  11. I, for one, am super-excited that you decided to join me (and a handful of others) to attempt NaBloPoMo. We’re a small, but mighty group of NaBloPoMo warriors and I love that you’re part of it.

    I am sorry to hear that you feel that the shock wave treatment isn’t really helping, but if it’s that and light running, I’d take that over being immobilized for weeks any day!

    1. Yes, I’m very glad I joined you for NaBloPoMo! Thanks for being our fearless host.
      The hope is the shockwave therapy is actually working but I just can’t feel it yet (???). Hopefully I’ll feel something soon!

  12. Oh, that Starbucks cup is pretty! I get a hot chocolate there occasionally since I don’t like coffee or tea.

    I hope you start seeing improvements from your shock wave therapy soon. Fingers crossed!

  13. Very pretty cup. The nearest Starbucks is in Rome, when I go there for sure I will get a cup.
    Some years ago on a pub in Edinburgh I sat down on a table where it was written: “Here J.K. Rowling began to write Harry Potter”.
    Glad you can run and I am sure that very soon you will see some improvements.

  14. I haven’t perused this year’s holiday cups yet. My younger daughter is a part-time barista with a long shift today, so maybe I’ll pay her a visit.
    Fantasy is so not my thing either but my sister insists I’d love the Harry Potter series. It sounds wonderful actually!
    So glad you’re able to run through your treatment! When I strained my peroneal tendon I was in the pool for weeks.

    1. It really is amazing, and like I said I don’t like fantasy either!
      Yes, you must go visit your daughter today and get a holiday cup. How fun that your daughter works at Starbucks- the people always seem so friendly and happy when I go into mine!

  15. Confession: I have not read Harry Potter only the first and I think the third book. I know all the movies and I am sure the books are even better. For some reason I just didn’t I guess I found it “childish” back in the day since my little sister was so excited about the books. She even “camped” in front of the bookstore. That said I will read them one of those days. The 20th anniversary is a good year to start.
    sorry to hear about your foot – not quite sure what exactly it is but it sound hurtful. Hope it heals soon.

    1. Thank you Tobia! it is pretty painful, but mostly first thing in the morning and if I’ve been sitting for a while. Once it loosens up it’s okay and I can run.
      I have to say that it felt weird to go to the library for the Harry Potter books and realize they’re in the children’s section! They don’t seem like children’s books to me. But I guess they are, actually.

  16. Oh dear, plantar fasciitis is just awful. My husband had that like 20 years ago and could barely walk, let alone run, so good for you!

    I really like Liane Moriarty but haven’t read Apples Never Fall so I think I’ll put that on my list.

    1. For some reason my PF is horrible first thing in the morning and anytime I’ve been sitting, but loosens up enough so that I can usually run pain-free. Crazy.
      I wish I would just start that Liane Moriarty book so I could give a review! My sister says it’s good though.

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