walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown

Happy Sunday!  I hope everyone had a great week.  This was my last “normal” week before a cutback next week.  I’m getting my second shot on Tuesday, and judging by how the first one affected me, I’m planning on spending Wednesday on the couch under a blanket, and also assuming that my plantar fasciitis will flare up again.  But who knows?  Maybe I’ll feel completely normal, in which case I’ll take it as a bonus week.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Oh, and I 50% solved the problem of chafing with the hydration vest!  Read on to find out how…


Day off, as always.  This Monday I was reflecting on how much I enjoy starting the week in such a gentle way.  It’s kind of nice to get up and putter around the house for a while before making breakfast and then heading off to work.


Three mile run followed by Gauntlet Plank workout.


Squats and deadlifts first thing, then a six mile trail run after taking my daughter to school.  I’ve been liking my “hard Wednesdays.”

View from the trail… it goes on and on.


Upper body strength, focused on pushup snd pull-ups.


Four mile run, with two tempo miles thrown in.  I did a dynamic warmup, some drills, then ran two slow miles, two tempo miles, and then walked to cool down.  Boy, it was hard to figure out a pace for those tempo miles.  I haven’t done any speed work in ages, no races, and am coming back from plantar fasciitis.  Hmm!  I just tried to run at a fast-ish pace that I thought I could keep up for an hour.  Who knows… but it felt about right.

Sorta fast?


Three mile run with my husband.  He hasn’t been home as much lately because of work, so I chatted the whole time, filling him in on what the kids have been up to.  As a result, the run flew by.  I can definitely see why people like running in groups!  I almost always run alone.


Twelve mile trail run!  This run felt GREAT!  It wasn’t until afterwards that I realized my foot didn’t hurt at all.  Not in the beginning or any time during the run, and my calf also felt fine.  As a matter of fact I didn’t even think about it!  VICTORY!  It still hurts when I get out of bed in the morning, and I’m starting to think it will for the rest of my life.  But I’m fine with that- as long as I can run, everything else is cool.

So last week Kim suggested using KT tape to prevent chafing.  At first I tucked it in the back of my mind as a last resort, but then later in the week I heard an ultra runner on a podcast say that he always carries KT tape with him “because sometimes there’s just nothing else that will prevent your hydration pack from chafing you.”  WELL!  I immediately knew he was speaking DIRECTLY TO ME.  I taped up before my run, and it worked perfectly on one side.  On the other side, the tape started to come off and I chafed.  Luckily it was more towards the end of the run.  I feel like I’m on the right track here- just have to figure out why it came off on one side.

Tried and failed to get a picture of the tape. You can see it (the blue) a little on my left shoulder.

Ha ha, I don’t usually take selfies in the middle of a run and now I know why!  I love my hair (it was windy) and my beet-red face (it was hot!)

It seems like almost everyone has gotten at least one shot by now!  Do you feel a sense of freedom?

What do you think about running alone vs. running with people?  – I usually like my podcasts, but that run with my husband was fun!

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36 Responses

    1. Thanks Lisa! I’ll be happy to have it over with.
      I never would have thought of KT tape either for chafing, but apparently it’s a thing. Who knew?

  1. Glad the KT Tape (half) worked LOL. When I had the chafing, from my pack, it was from the strap that housed my phone…so I think the weight of the phone had something to do with that. That was my situation, though. It’s great your long run went well…no pain for the win!!

  2. I am so glad your long run today felt good! Yay for no foot pain. I love to run with other people and I love to chit chat while running. No surprise there right? I hope you don’t have any side effects from your shot this time!

    1. Yes, I can picture you being a chit-chatter! I think if I ran with people I would turn into one as well.

  3. Good luck with the second shot! I had my second of Pfizer and the side effects were minimal.

    The KT tape idea is genius! Yay for a 12 mile trail run with no foot pain!

    It’s great that you can run with your husband. My husband is much faster than me, but we usually do a Sunday run together and I love it!

    1. Thanks Jessie! Fingers crossed…
      I’m actually a little faster than my husband, but close enough so that we can do easy runs together.

  4. I do like to run with other people, but it can be hard to find someone you’re well matched to. I used to have someone, but she’s had to stop running — sad for both of us! We still get together to walk.

    Rocktape sticks better for me than KT. I also recently heard that Dynamic Tape is better, but that’s for muscles, not chafing, LOL!

    My Achilles has been feeling fine (so far), but it was a long time before it bothered me after the first shot. I did have a worse reaction to my second — like when I got up the next morning, I literally had to lay down on the floor after going to the bathroom (though I was going to vomit, thankfully didn’t). A fever & body aches mainly (and those body aches are the worst!).

    Which doesn’t mean that you’ll have any of that, I know people who had a mild reaction to the first, then nothing after the second. Sure wish I was one of them! It didn’t last long, but it sure wasn’t fun. Made my husband feed & walk Bandit. Good luck!

    1. It sounds like you felt sick after the second shot, but it didn’t affect your achilles? I’ll be bummed if the second shot makes my PF flare up again, now that everything is going so well.

  5. I think it is a great picture of you! I am a solo runner which I enjoy. Nothing wrong with running with others or in a group. I use KT tape because I won it in a giveaway but have also tried RockTape sticks better and longer. Try it. Good luck with the 2nd shot.

  6. I had zero reaction. So you may be fine. Think positive.

    I like company for my runs. It makes the time go by faster. But often you are running too slow or too fast. So sometimes it feels good to do your own thing.

    I can’t believe it’s taper time

    1. You’re right Darlene- I might be completely fine. But I just want to have everything set up in case I’m sick in bed (I’ve got two kids to take care of- luckily they’re old enough to fend for themselves.)

  7. I have a running bra that chafes me on my sternum (below the bra) and I use KT tape there. Helps a lot! Glad it worked for you too.

    Good luck with your second shot! i hope it’s not as bad as the first.

  8. I love my Mondays off running too! I get to sleep in and just do some light yoga or pilates and eat a real sit-down breakfast, instead of a my usual post-run smoothie. I’ve had both shots, and weirdly had no side effects! But my partner got sick after both shots. I do feel an immense sense of freedom! Definitely been getting out more and doing more fun 2019-style things!

    1. Isn’t it weird how everyone reacts differently? I already feel a sense of freedom after just the first shot. After the second one I’m definitely going to start getting out and about more!

  9. Oh, good news on your foot not bothering you! I myself am used to some stiffness when I get out of bed in the morning. I’m always surprised when I don’t feel like the tin man! 🙂 Glad the KT tape might solve your chafing, but ugh that it caused some chafing. I haven’t run with a friend since last March, but chatting does make the miles tick by.

    1. Coco, I kind of feel the same way- there always seems to be something stiff in the morning, so a stiff foot is no big deal. Everything loosens up eventually!

  10. I didn’t think of KT Tape! Genius!

    I hope your second shot goes well. I didn’t have any reaction to my second, and I was thrilled by that. I’m feeling better about things, overall, but we still have lots of work to do.

    No foot pain???? Way to go! That’s awesome!

    1. I wouldn’t have thought of KT tape either, but it makes a lot of sense.
      Fingers crossed for my shot tomorrow! I’m hoping I’ll follow in your footsteps and have no reaction.

  11. hooray for the awesome run on Sunday! and the run with your hubs – I enjoy running alone at the moment because I don’t want to feel pressure to have to keep up. That said I really enjoy my early Saturday morning sessions with a few other runners – though lately I have been on my own again. Something about just knowing they are around the corner though lifts my spirits. You know what I really love though… my alone walking time. It is a slice of heaven.

    I love your sweaty hair don’t care selfie! that’s how I know you were out there genuinely running!

    try a tape spray to keep the tape on – although I wonder if it’s adjusted properly when it’s chafing you like that?

    1. Ha, yes, while I did a double take on that photo (I looked like WHAT?) I kind of like it too- it captured the moment.
      I’m thinking I didn’t have the tape on correctly on that side… I’ll be trying it again soon!

  12. Good news on the chafing prevention! I like running with a friend as I feel safer and also I don’t like listening to podcasts or having anything in my ears because I’m a transcriber as my job and have headphones on a LOT!

    1. Ha ha… I never thought of that but yes… if you work as a transcriber you probably don’t want anyone chatting in your ear while you’re running!

  13. Yay on foot/chafe-pain free running. Such a relief.
    I had my second shot last week and love knowing it’s slightly less worrisome to be outside with others.
    I feel you on how quick running with people goes, but I also like the freedom to stop when I need/want to take a pic of walk. I get pushed more, but sometimes I don’t want that. Other times I love it

  14. KT tape just looks badass anyways, so bonus that it fixes your issue!! The group running thing is odd for me – I enjoy hearing people’s stories, and often don’t have a lot of my own to share, but I can sure ask a lot of questions at times and getting others to talk! That was a concern of mine for coaching a training group… what was I going to talk about to entertain everyone?? 🙂 Your running trail looks hot. I guess you get acclimated to that? Us Ohio runners would melt. LOL! Great week of workouts for you!

    1. Ha ha… yes, we’re acclimated to the heat! I’m guessing you have some pretty hot days in Ohio too, in the summer. The difference probably is, you treat them like super hot days and we’re just like “meh, more of the same!”

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