walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Countdown to Thanksgiving!

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown and Day 14 of NaBloPoMo!  Thank you to San for hosting NaBloPoMo, and Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Phew!  Lots of hosts.

November is almost halfway over, and both my challenges are going well.  For NaBloPoMo, I’m publishing a blog post every day for 30 days.  So far so good!  And I’m also doing a yoga class every day for the month of November.  To be honest, this isn’t that challenging.  All my classes are on the Peloton app- it’s not like I’m trudging out to a yoga studio everyday- and I’m not doing a whole lot else.  I’m running shorter distances, four times a week, and I’m considering the power yoga classes to be my strength training.  So there’s absolutely no excuse for not getting in a class every day.


Started the week with a 30 minute “slow flow” class with Denis Morton.  Actually, once again, all my yoga classes this week were with Denis.  I like the slow flow classes because the poses are held longer, and Denis gives a bit more instruction.  It’s been a long time (like ten years) since I took an in-person yoga class, so I need all the instruction I can get.


Started the day with a three mile run.  It was nice to run in the daylight at 6 am!

Then I went to the podiatrist for my fourth shockwave treatment.  I wrote about it in this post.  I now have three weeks off- my next treatment is scheduled for November 30- and my doctor feels confident that I’ll see a big improvement during this time.  Meanwhile… I can keep running.  All is well.

Later in the day I did a 30 minute power yoga class.  Good class, Denis!


Started the day with a 45 minute power yoga class.  I’m realizing that not all power yoga classes are created equal.  Since I’m using them as strength training, I like classes with a lot of lunge work and warrior poses.  This was a good one, with three rounds of a sequence moving into Warrior 3.  Later in the month I’m going to do a post about my favorite power yoga classes.


My daughter was off of school, so I had a more leisurely start to my day.  Started with a three mile run……and then had time for a 30 minute power yoga class before work.  Yay!


First thing in the morning I did a 30 minute power yoga class- I know… sounds so monotonous.  These were all different classes, I swear.  Different 30 minutes classes with Denis Morton.

After work I did a 2.5 mile run.  I feel like this was a bonus run.  Last week my foot was pretty sore after the shockwave treatment, and I only ran three times.  This week it felt up to four runs!

Hey! Since when is it dark at 6 pm? Oh right… since Sunday.

I loved this run!  Normally I’m a morning runner but it was so fun to get out for a run as the sun was setting.


Started the day with a 30 minute slow flow yoga class.  I work on Saturday mornings, and this was a tiring one.  I had my absolute hardest client- a guy who wants the deepest pressure I can possibly give, for a 90 minute massage.  It really is like a workout- I ended it drenched in sweat.  And I did two other massages, both deceptively small women who also wanted deep pressure.  Yes, it was “deep” day.  Sigh!

I got home in time to see the second half of the Baylor game, OH YEAH.  They upset Oklahoma, and the Baylor fans stormed the field.  Every single Baylor home game has been so much fun to watch!  After the game I texted my son- it’s become a bit of a joke because my husband and I are so into the games, and my son just doesn’t care for football.  He was probably in a practice room working on his etudes.  I told him Baylor won and that he missed out on storming the field, and his response was “Oh good!  Maybe I’ll order a pizza tonight to celebrate.”  It’s okay- he’s enjoying himself, just not at the football games.

I originally thought I might do a quick power yoga class in the afternoon, but I decided to go in the opposite direction and took a nap on the couch instead. I love that feeling when you stop fighting it, give in and let yourself drift off to sleep.  Good nap.

I had company!


Long run day!  Of course it’s all relative.  Right now my “long” runs are five miles, but I’ll take it.

Finally, a sunny picture! All my pictures seemed so gloomy this week.

After the run I did a quick 10 minute yoga flow, focusing on quads.  Good, quick class!  There were pistol squats (my old nemesis) but I modified them- I learned that lesson. I only had time for the ten minute class because we’re getting a new couch delivered- I see some improved napping in my future!  But I would like to do a longer class later on- I have my eye on an evening flow.

So all is well!  I’m hoping to see more and more improvement in my foot.  And the most exciting thing is that next week at this time, my son will be home.  I haven’t seen him since I said goodbye to him on August 19th- I CAN’T WAIT!!!  Fun times.

Do you like naps?  – I love them but my sister hates them- she says she wakes up all groggy.

Are you getting excited about Thanksgiving- I AM!!!

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35 Responses

  1. I’m glad your foot is feeling better! My long run was five miles yesterday, too LOL I need to get back to yoga; I know I’d love those slow flow classes. I saw Baylor won!! My daughter is much less of a football fan than her parents, but we had fun at the Iowa game yesterday 🙂

  2. I am good at napping! Especially on a dreary weekend afternoon.

    I’m glad you are able to run, and was right there with you enjoying daylight on 6 am runs. Hey, starting the day with Denis isn’t a bad thing.

    I thought of you when I heard that Baylor won! I wasn’t into football at all when I was in college, so I get where your son is. 😉

  3. Nope, not excited about Thanksgiving. Not even sure what we’re going to do.

    I would be your son . . . and my husband . . . not really interested in football. So funny how you enjoy the games!

    That’s great that you got in 4 runs & are feeling good. Slow & steady wins the race (sort of, LOL!).

    1. Ha ha, well I don’t think “slow and steady” is going to win my upcoming Turkey Trot, but that’s okay. I’ll be happy to be out there running.

    1. Shorter naps are better… I usually do 20-30 minutes. Usually. Sometimes I have a nap splurge and go longer, heh heh.

  4. I’m not a napper–if I nap, I don’t sleep at night! But I’m tired enough today to break my rule, lol. Plus it’s so gloomy and cold. It just feels like a nap kinda day!

    I may have to commit to a yoga challenge like that!

  5. I’m so excited for Thanksgiving too! I saw the tail-end of the Baylor game and thought of you 🙂

    So glad your foot is feeling better. I really need to follow your lead and get to my yoga mat – it’s feeling neglected.

    1. The tail-end of the Baylor game was the best part!
      You’re the one who inspired me to do yoga in the first place! Sounds like the things you’re doing now are working though- you’ve been running and your hip is fine. You can get back to yoga when you need it.

  6. I told myself I was going to start a habit of napping each Sunday and then didn’t today…but I’ve been yawning all day. Argh.
    Naps can throw off my night sleep, but I really do think one a week would be ideal for me!

    All the yoga and runs are impressive! The nap is well-deserved.

    1. That’s funny that you would have to make yourself take a nap (didn’t Gretchen Rubin say the same thing on her podcast???) It’s not a hard thing for me! I nap almost every day, if I have the time. And I can usually make the time.

  7. I LOVE naps. Both of my pups are great cuddlers for naps too, which makes it even better, just like your kitty! My husband on the other hand is anti-nap. I don’t get it 🙂

    I hadn’t really thought about how much of a workout your job is- that’s interesting! So many deep massages! I definitely like the more ‘sports massage’ type, but not sure I could handle that intense of pressure!

    Good luck with the remaining shockwave treatments!

    1. I don’t really like deep pressure when I get a massage- it leaves me all achy. But some people really love it!
      Yes, naps with the animals are the best! My cat gets really excited when she sees me lying on the couch- she loves lying down with me.

  8. I”m so happy your runs are feeling good! Oh, you just reminded me that I forgot to do my pistol squats last week. I started doing them again when you mentioned them a few weeks ago.

    I had to smile when I read your title because I knew it had to do with seeing your son again! I’m really looking forward to Thanksgiving week because I’m taking it off from work!

    1. I wish I had Thanksgiving week off! But I do have three days off in a row, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday- I’ll take that.
      Glad I reminded you of pistol squats- your legs must be really strong.

  9. I love a good nap. I find them so refreshing but that said, I can’t remember the last time I took one. I am totally pumped for Thanksgiving! AND I’ve got some holiday decor waiting in the wings. Haha!

  10. Nope. Never napped.

    Great to see you posting about runs.

    The year is speeding by. now if only Covid would go away.

    1. Yes, it seems like you’re busy all the way through your day, with after-work activities too. By the time I’m done with work I just want to relax on the couch!

  11. I love a nap, and one with a pussycat to cuddle is even better! Good work, and so glad you can keep on running. I’ve almost posted every day in November so far but that’s because I’m doing some reading challenges, one with short books and one with a prompt to answer every week, so that is filling up my schedule!

    1. So you’re kind of doing NaBLoPoMo! I’ll have to check it out- I’m interested to hear about the reading challenges.

      1. I am, but not on purpose! I have my ongoing Anne Tyler project, nearly done, then I have Novellas in November, which is just any short books, then Nonfiction November, which has a prompt to write a post on various aspects every week, then I have my own TBR challenge set by my husband, to read every book on my TBR shelf (with some exceptions) before 5 Oct next year!

  12. While I’m happy that Thanksgiving is fast approaching, it’s crazy how fast this month has gone by so far!

    I don’t take naps often but when I do they are so great!

  13. I don’t like naps – same, I wake up groggy and not feeling refreshed at all! Unless it’s a really long nap, and then that works. We’ve got some young (20 year olds) in our department at work and they nap during their lunch hour. I could never do that and function afterwards! My daughter isn’t into the football games either. And, when I think about it, I wasn’t either when I was a student there! But now it’s fun to go to a game. Glad you are getting some miles in! I’m glad you get to see your son soon!! I took my daughter to a dr’s appointment yesterday and I was ready to just leave her there. Hahaha!! I’m starting to think that maybe the distance apart isn’t too bad after all.

    1. I could totally nap during my lunch hour! As a matter of fact I have done that in the past, ha ha.
      It’s been hard having my son so far away, but I think it worked for us- if he were closer I think I would want to keep seeing him, and I think it helped him adapt to all the changes of college- he knew he couldn’t come home before Thanksgiving so he had to make it all work.

  14. I love your ‘challenges’… NaBloPoMo and the Yoga Challenge (although it sounds like you’re doing this anyway – but it’s still a challenge to keep this going! 🙂 I’ve been doing more yoga and depending on the class, it can really be a workout!

    I am impressed that you’re a masseuse because I can only imagine that it must be tiring. I always give up after 10 minutes when my husband wants a back massage LOL

    1. Ha ha, my husband is the same- if I ask him for a massage he lasts about 2 minutes and says “how do you do this?” That’s why we go to school, to learn how to do a full massage!
      Yes, I’ve been doing a lot of power yoga and it’s definitely a workout.

  15. Ohhhh, I LOVE naps. I only consider my weekends a good one if I get at least two naps in. 🙂 My naps are usually pretty long, too. Sometimes, I’ll take a quick power nap during the workday if I’m feeling especially tired!

    You might be inspiring me to try out the yoga classes on the Peloton app. I tried one of them but wasn’t feeling it. I’ve had such a hard time getting into yoga!

    1. Maybe you need a different teacher- I like Denis Morton for many reasons, but one is that he acknowledges that you may be a complete beginner, and encourages you to do what you can. If you do one of his beginner or “slow flow” classes, he gives more instruction. In general I get kind of frustrated with the women instructors because they’re SO flexible, and I’m left feeling kind of inferior. But… if Denis isn’t your cup of tea, there’s probably someone else who is.

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