walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- A Full Week

Hello and welcome to the Weekly Rundown!  This was a tough week in some ways… I only ran once… but instead of whining and complaining (I’ve already done plenty of that), I’ll tell you all about what I did instead.  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this rundown- let’s get started!


I did a 30 minute yoga flow class on the Peloton app with my favorite teacher, Denis Morton.  I saw a lot of him this week!

Oh, hi Denis!


I optimistically decided to run and see how my foot was.  First I did a 20 minute Strength for Runners class (again on the Peloton app) and then I did some drills- high knees, butt kicks… the usual.

I ran for two miles and everything felt great… except for my foot.  My foot hurt so I had to stop.  Sadness.

It was short, but sweet.


Back to the pool!  I did a 45 minute pool run.


I did a 45 minute power yoga class, with Denis Morton (obviously.) As the week went on, I temporarily transferred my running addiction to power yoga.  There’s just something about it that feels SO GOOD.  One reason I like it, is you do yoga barefoot.  Because of my plantar fasciitis, I haven’t walked barefoot in over a year.  So it feels so, so good to have my shoes and off get all that stretching and strengthening in my foot.

What the heck is going on with my neck? Sheesh.

And speaking of that foot, I saw the doctor.  He agreed that an MRI is in order, and he also suggested- pending the MRI results- PRP injections.  Sure, I’m all for it- again, pending the MRI results.  I tried to schedule it ASAP, but the first appointment I could get was next Wednesday.  Sigh!


I did a 30 minute pool run, followed by a 20 minute power yoga class.  This was my favorite 20 minute class so far- I really felt like it was strength work for my legs!


I thought “I should really do a different type of class” but ended up doing… a 45 minute power yoga class.  I told you, I’m addicted.

I work on Saturdays, but only until 1 pm.  In the afternoon we got to watch the Baylor football game, which was on Fox!  My son is a freshman at Baylor this year, and this was Parent’s Weekend.  Obviously we weren’t there.  We knew we wouldn’t be able to go, distance and schedule-wise, and my son was fine with that.

But he went to the game, and we got to watch it on TV!  We texted back and forth during the game and it was so fun to watch it that way.  Baylor wasn’t favored to win, but they narrowly beat Iowa State- so exciting!  We enjoyed it so much we decided to get ESPN2 and ESPN3 so we can watch more games this season.  Go Bears!

I celebrated with a NA beer- not bad!



I was torn between wanting to do power yoga, and needing a cardio fix.  So I did both!  A 30 minute pool run followed by a 30 minute power yoga class.

At least I was outside…

So that was my week.  My life always feels a little less… sparkly… when I can’t run, but I enjoyed the things I did do.  Now, off to eat some cinnamon apple pancakes- because as we all know, it’s National Pancake Day!

I hope everyone had a great week!

What’s your favorite alternative if you can’t run?  – I switch around usually because I get sick of things quickly.  The pool is getting a little old.

Do you like pancakes?  Did you know it was National Pancake Day?

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30 Responses

  1. I’m back to the pool tomorrow. I agree, it is getting old. My favorite thing is being outside, so I guess walking will have to do for now. Yoga is great for PF. I hope you get some answers after your MRI!

    I’m actually in love with HopTea or HopWater, which is basically sparkling water made with hops, like an IPA would be. I love IPAs but I can’t drink beer all day, so it’s a great alternative for me. I haven’t tried that NA beer.

    1. I’m the same way- I LOVE IPAs but they’re a little strong for me (in my old age, ha ha.) I’ll check out that HopTea- it sounds interesting.
      Today I really didn’t want to get in the pool- I just turned on music and got it done.

  2. I did not know about National Pancake day so thanks for the heads up on that! I’m so sorry your foot is still not feeling great. I’ll be very interested to hear what the MRI reveals. Good for you for embracing power yoga. I used to attend a power yoga class 2x/week and LOVED it. I’ll blame the pandemic for pushing out of my groove. The stretch is amazing though! Congrats to Baylor on the win! FWIW we went to parents’ weekend Maddie’s freshman year and it was fun but honestly you can make your own parent’s weekend anytime you want. We ended up paying for stuff we never attended. Plus hotels and cars are at a premium when all the parents visit at once. All that said GaTech won a huge game against UNC in Mercedes Benz stadium yesterday. I wish we could’ve seen it but what can you do. At least Maddie got to go!

    1. Yes, I used to attend a power yoga class years ago- it was actually my first introduction to yoga. I was thinking yoga was all stretching a deep breathing- boy, did I get a big surprise.
      I’m not sad we missed parents weekend. I miss my son, but he said it was chaotic and crazy. It would be better to visit at another, more calm time.

  3. I can’t believe I missed pancake day! I love pancakes though truthfully I usually opt for a savory breakfast when given the option. But I enjoy pancakes when I have them.

    I hope the MRI gives you some answers and that the PRP injections work!

    1. PRP injections sound promising- but I need to see what’s going on first. I’ll be interested to see what the MRI shows.
      Yes… I haven’t made a savory breakfast lately but now I’m thinking a good tofu scramble might be in my future!

  4. I’m so sad that I missed National Pancake Day 🙁 Although I do love pancakes and waffles equally, lol.

    Love that you have found a Peloton yoga instructor that you really like – Denis is awesome! I hope that the MRI will provide you with answers soon.

    1. Yes, I’m excited to find out what is really going on!
      Glad you had your required pancakes today- a family run and pancakes sounds like a great Sunday tradition.

  5. You really cannot have too much Denis! 🙂 Sorry your foot is flaring up again super annoying. Power yoga is really a workout. I will be adding that back in after my race. Hang in there friend! How did I miss pancake day?

    1. I should have alerted everyone ahead of time about pancake day!
      Yes, power yoga can be a great workout. I’m loving it.

  6. I hope you will get good news from your MRI.
    Before the incident at my shoulder my favorite alternative was swimming in the pool and in open sea. Now the alternative is walking.
    All the best.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I guess a shoulder injury would prohibit swimming. I hope you get some good news on your own MRI and can get that healed up.

  7. Well, I guess we’re having pancakes for dinner! Even though we spent most of yesterday on our bikes, we did see part of the Baylor-ISU game when we stopped for lunch. Our oldest daughter, and now our youngest, both are Cyclones. The hubs, myself and the son are Hawkeyes, but we support our instate rivals when they’re not playing us LOL So, we were bummed ISU couldn’t off the victory, but Baylor deserved that win. We love college football! You probably know my favorite alternatives (when running isn’t allowed) are walking and cycling. I gotta be outdoors, so those are the ones I go with (if the weather isn’t being inappropriate).

    1. I actually couldn’t remember if you were a Cyclone or a Hawkeye- so now I know the answer is- both (ha ha.) I’ve never been into college football in the past, but I can see that it will be my new favorite thing this fall!
      I’m hoping to get in some walking coming up, and at some point I’m going to have to dust off my bike! I wish I enjoyed it as much as you do.

  8. Interestingly, I was craving blueberry pancakes this morning – I didn’t make them, but I must have subconsciously known. LOL

    I hope you get some answers with your foot MRI and can move on to the correct treatment phase. Fingers crossed you figure this out!

    College football is the best! I love it so much more than pro.

    1. The universe must have been trying to tell you something, ha ha.
      Yes, I’m so glad I finally have a reason to get involved with college football!

  9. I love eating pancakes but rarely have the patience to make them. So sorry to hear about your foot. 🙁 How fun to watch that football game knowing your son was there — that beer looks familiar. 🙂

  10. I love pancakes. I’m too lazy to make them at home.

    Sorry about the foot. I hope you find a solution soon. You are so lucky to have a pool.

    My non running activities involve the foot. I guess I would start biking.

    1. I’m getting a little tired of pool running, but I keep reminding myself that I’m lucky to have it. In a couple months the water will be too cold, so I should appreciate it now!

  11. I missed two days of running at the weekend because I strained my “bad” foot moving large appliances round in the kitchen – so just an 8-mile week last week but I probably needed it. Thank goodness my foot is now OK again as I get panicky when that one goes bad (one leg longer than the other, years of walking on scrunched-up foot, need to be careful with it). I never take running (or walking!) for granted. I also missed out doing lunges and squats and yoga moves because everything seemed to threaten it!

    We’ve taken to alcohol-free beer although they keep changing the offering in our local supermarket and I can’t ever spot it! It is nice once in a while, isn’t it! Lovely you could watch the game like that, remotely but messaging!

    1. I’m glad your foot is feeling okay again! Yes, if a foot problem is bad enough it can really mess everything up- luckily I can still do yoga and strength training, for the most part.

  12. I’m so sorry your foot still isn’t cooperating. 🙁

    I did know it was national pancake day. We went out for brunch on the way to my mom yesterday and my husband was afraid the place would be super busy — which it was, but it worked out fine. No, I didn’t have pancakes although I do love them!

    Luckily I actually do like a lot of different activities!

  13. I’m so sorry that your foot continues to give you trouble. I hope the MRI will give you some answers.

    Great job with all of the yoga! I really need to hit my mat more.

    1. Michelle, it’s funny you say that because you were one of the people who reminded me that yoga exists- you were doing it regularly for your hip and I kept thinking “I should do that too!”

  14. I don’t really have a good running alternative, but power yoga is so great for you. In fact, it makes me want to do some yoga – I’m super tight.

    I’m sorry that your foot is still an issue. I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be. I hope you get some answers on Wednesday.

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