walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- A Week of Weather

Hello!  Welcome to the weekly rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah.  It’s the end of the first week of NaBloPoMo, and also JeYoFloMo (Jenny’s Yoga Flow Month.)  Let’s just see how it all went!


New month, new me!  I started the “month of yoga” off with a 30 minute flow.  All yoga classes were on the Peloton app with my favorite teacher, Denis Morton.


Dark and early three mile run!  Not only was it dark, but it was rainy.  So different from my usual hot and sunny runs! It was kind of fun.

A rare gloomy day.

I had an appointment with the podiatrist for my third shockwave treatment, so I knew my foot would be tender for the rest of the day.  And it was!  Good thing I got this run in first.

Funny thing- before dinner I was about to take a nap, and then I remembered I had to do yoga!  I did a 20 minute power yoga class- much better than napping.


60 minute yoga flow in the morning.


My foot was still a little sore from the shockwave on Tuesday, so I did a 45 minute power yoga class instead of running.  I did not do “the hard one” this week, because last week it really irritated my knees.  I must say, I’m not too happy with my new status as someone with “delicate” knees- how the hell did that happen, anyway???  Oh well. I did do other power classes which were challenging but not knee killers- those pistol squats really did me in.


Finally, a running day.  It was pouring rain all morning- all day actually- but I was so happy to be running I didn’t care.  Three happy and wet miles.

More rain! Lots and lots of rain.


I did a 45 minute slow flow yoga class in the morning.  In the afternoon we watched the Baylor game as they lost to TCU- noooooooooooo!  My husband and I were so sad- although funny enough, my son who’s actually attending Baylor doesn’t care at all.  Well, he said it’s better if they win because if they lose everyone is in a bad mood.  Other than that, he’s oblivious to football.  (Side note- TCU’s team is the Horned Frogs?  Seriously?  Are they running out of names for football teams?  I’m glad my son isn’t a Horned Frog!)

We had more rain in the morning and I was starting to wonder if I had moved to Seattle without realizing it.  I mean, we never get rainy days like this.  BUT THEN….


We did it!  Got down to 55 degrees overnight!  Throw open the windows!   What a relief- the AC has been running non-stop since May.  I had a five mile run in the best weather ever.  Even though I only ran three days this week, I’m so lucky I got to run today.

Best day ever.

After the run I did a 20 minute power yoga class, and now…

It’s time for waffles and the New York City Marathon!  Let’s see… we turned the clocks back, it’s NYC Marathon day, we’re having our first cooldown of the year… yep.  Best Day Ever.

Pumpkin waffles- yum!

I hope everyone is having their own awesome Sunday!

Are you loving your weather right now… or hating it?

Are you watching the marathon?  (Go Molly!!!)

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

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42 Responses

  1. Yes on warm weather. It turned cold here. Boo on rain. But I guess it’s ok if it’s warm.

    Yes. Very excited about watching and cheering. Gives FOMO. almost. Lol.

  2. I am for sure watching right now! And reminiscing about my marathon there in 2017. What a great race.

    I would love running in warm Florida rain! 55 degrees must feel amazing to you 🙂 Great week!

  3. Hah, there are lots of reasons today is a good day! Thanks for adding to the list. 😉

    Interesting that your shockwave therapy has lasting discomfort. I do hope it’s doing the trick.

    You’re smart to back off from ^that^ yoga class. Some moves just don’t work for some us. Luckily Denis has plenty of other ones to keep you busy.

    1. I do want to revisit that class- but I’ll have to modify those pistol squats. As Denis says at the beginning of every class, “I make suggestions, you make decisions.” I think I made the wrong decisions the first couple times through.

  4. We’re having an amazing day, weather-wise. 60s in November in Chicago? I’ll take it! The bottom is going to fall out this week. Plus it will be dark at 4:30. Whomp whomp. Glad you are feeling better. I hear ya on the Horned Frogs. What is a horned frog? Is it real?

    1. I don’t know but I’m going to try and get to the bottom of the horned frog thing. Luckily the Baylor team is the Bears- much more dignified.
      Yes, that is amazing weather for you in November! I’m sure your visiting bloggers were happy to have a nice week.

  5. Wow, lots of rain there. I’ve managed to skip most of ours, though it was drizzling on Friday on and off. We’re in the 30s and 40s here now, properly into autumn, weirdly suddenly as it changed while I was off running those two weeks.

    1. Yes, I guess if you don’t run for two weeks at this time of year, you could miss an entire season change! Glad you’re back to it now.

    1. Frogs is a little better than horned frogs at least, but still not a good name for a football team. I mean, it’s not very ferocious, is it? Sounds like something you could just step on and squish.

  6. I was out running, so not watching the marathon, LOL! Perfect day for it.

    So glad you got in 3 runs this week & it seems things are going well!

    Trust me, we can give Seattle a run for its money when it comes to rain. Especially this year! This week was finally dry. It was glorious.

    1. We don’t usually have days where it rains all day- the summer is our rainy season, and then it’s more like thunderstorms every afternoon. When you’ve had a rainy phase and then the sun comes out, it’s the best feeling.

  7. Yes, we’ve been to many Iowa State games (even though they’re Iowa’s big interstate rival), and one time they played the TCU Horned Frogs. I was like, what the WHAT? BTW, the ISU Cyclones won (Big!) against Texas yesterday 🙂

  8. Yay for the best day ever! Glad your foot is coming along and you’re running. Sounds like you got some good runs in last week.

    You reminded me last week (I think) that I need to do pistol squats at least once a week so I threw them in on Wednesday. Doing them is always humbling.

    I was sitting at a bar watching the VT game one Saturday afternoon in Blacksburg (I’d given my ticket to a friend who really wanted to go and since it was cold and rainy…), anyway, TCU was playing on another TV and they were having a great start to their season that year. The guys at the table next me were talking about them and trying to remember what their mascot happened to be. When I leaned over and chimed in, “Horned Frogs,” they were quite impressed. LOL

    1. Ha ha! Yes, that’s something I never thought I’d know- until now.
      Now I’m impressed that you’re doing pistol squats! I need to go back to that workout and work up to them gradually.

  9. You had a great week, although capricious weather.
    I am glad you enjoyed yoga so much (I’ve been doing more, shorter sessions myself) and I love Denis’ classes (but I think Kristin is my favorite for yoga).

    1. Yes, it’s a cool experience. I also love it because you probably wouldn’t get to do it if you weren’t running- a walk in the rain isn’t quite the same.

  10. Look at you out there in the dark rain! Glad it cooled off for you though. Makes a total difference with running. We’ve had some pure fall perfection weather-wise here and I’ve loved every minute of it. Gotta enjoy it while we can right?

    1. ha ha… that would be my husband. I’m always trying to tell him he’ll be hot, but he’s afraid of getting cold before he starts running.. whatever.

  11. Hasn’t the weather just been AMAZING? I’m sure it’s even better to run in! I’ve really been enjoying this cool down and I really hope it’s here to stay.

  12. Wow, sorry about all of the rain last week. Hopefully that won’t repeat this week! It’s also so great to see you back our running now.

  13. Oh, yummy waffles!

    So it’s freezing here! We have the heat on. And the storms this weekend were insane! Ugh!

    Great job on writing! And for running in that monsoon! Heck no, says I!

    1. Ha ha… it was still really warm when I ran in that rainstorm, so I didn’t mind it. Once again I’m envious- we had to turn our AC back on today! And you have your heat on! There’s such a difference between northern Florida and South Florida.

    1. Well, I have to do something! I’m only running three times a week, and doing no other cross training. I have plenty of time for yoga.

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