What a week! It was our second full week without my car, and there’s no end in sight. When we called the bodyshop to check on progress we found out that THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE THE PARTS YET. The parts have been ordered, but not arrived (let me guess- it’s because of Covid.) This has caused us a lot of stress, but I guess that’s what I get for demolishing my car! At least there’s pumpkins, and football- I can’t really be unhappy this time of year.
Oh yeah, and there were workouts, too! Thanks to Kim and Deborah for hosting the weekly rundown. Here’s how the week went!
I ran 5 miles, hooray! To be very specific, I used Jeff Galloway’s run-walk-run intervals of 4 minutes running, 30 seconds walking and it worked really well for me. My hamstring is still really achy, and I’m positive I couldn’t have run five miles straight with it. Those short walking breaks were just enough time to reset everything so I could run another four minutes.
I woke up with a VERY achy hamstring. I picked two things that I thought would help it the most- Marcia’s Cardio Barre Workout. (which is ten minutes of lower body barre and ten minutes of core) and then three sets of Runner’s Touch exercise. Then I did a 10 minute arms and shoulders class on Peloton, which made me feel a little… underachieving.. I mean, it was a good class, but my arms need way more than 10 minutes. Whatever!
My hamstring was feeling better enough to do my favorite 30 minute glutes and legs class with Matty, followed by a short core class. That’s all I had time for because I had to drive my husband to work, then come home and take my daughter to school, then get myself to work. Grr.
I did a 3 mile run, again following the 4 minute/30 second intervals. Again my hamstring was achy but manageable.
Followed this run with a 20 minute arms and shoulders class, and this time it left me nice and sore. That’s more like it!
Okay, this is getting REALLY old. Again I had to drive my husband to work, then came home for the second round of chauffeuring, and work. I only had time for a 10 minute barre and 5 minute core class. Later in the day I needed something else, so I did Marcia’s class again which is… barre and core. Well, I guess you can never have enough of those!

Running! I need running! Again, I ran 3 miles using the run-walk intervals and I could tell that things were better- my hamstring wasn’t looking forward to the walk intervals quite as much.

I started this day with a 10 minute core class, then a newer 20 minute glutes and legs class with Matty that I hadn’t taken before. Followed this with Runners Touch- funny how hard this one is when my legs are already tired from a workout. Then I had a lovely bike ride… to work.
In addition to everything else, my husband’s car had a slow leak in one tire. We just kept stopping to fill it all week but he finally decided he HAD to get it fixed. So I was on my bike!

I had fantasies of doing another upper body class later in the day, but after work and the bike ride home, I was done. The good news is, my husband’s tire was easily fixed. The way things are going, I half expected them to say they had to order a new tire from Finland or something. But no- we have his car back again, phew.
And then it was time for FOOTBALL! The first game of the season!

Baylor won by so much, my husband started rooting for the other team because he felt bad for them. It wasn’t an exciting game, but it was great to see Baylor win. Their new quarterback is a superstar!
On tap for today… a longer run. 5 miles? 6 miles? We’ll see what the hamstring says! I think it’s going to feel pretty good.
So it was… a week. I know one thing- when I get my car back, I’ll REALLY appreciate having it! And I’ll never, ever crash it again.
Are you starting to feel some fall weather? – We’ll be in the 90s here for quite a while yet.
What was the highlight of your week? – Mine was the start of college football.
39 Responses
I’m so glad the run-walk intervals are working for you and your hamstring! That is really fantastic.
Ugh on the car woes. And your second job as a chauffeur. That’s a huge time suck.
How long is the bike ride to work? Is it on safe (for cycling) roads?
I hope you have a good week!
Yes, my commute is as safe as I can possibly make it! And it’s only about 25 minutes. I guess the money I’m “earning” with my second job is the money we’re saving on renting a car- that really would be adding up by now.
I hope your hamstring stops talking to you. At least with intervals you can still run.
My car needs some work but I can’t bear to give it up. I can’t bike to where I need to go.
Good luck with your run today.
Yeah, car issues are a pain. We’re REALLY lucky we can bike a lot. But it’s pretty inconvenient.
Yes, college football is back!!! I had almost an entire day of football watching yesterday (via TV, not in person). My Hawks won, but played one of their ugliest games ever. Iowa State did well, too, and had a nice victory. Oh, and let’s not forget my MSU Spartans (but that was Friday evening). Although I hate to see summer exiting the scene, I do LOVE me some football.
I can’t believe I never followed college football until last year- now it’s the highlight of my week!
I am so sorry about the car and all the driving around. I won’t lie, although I am grateful we have to cars, all the driving I’ve been doing this past year is getting to me. I don’t like to drive in the first place! But my husband has said a few times maybe we only need one car and I’ve said an emphatic NO!!!!!
Hope the hamstring goes along with whatever distance you decide on today. Mine was not happy with 8 miles this week, but the next day it was back to normal, for which I am very grateful.
Ha ha, no- keep your two cars!
My hamstring aches a lot on days I run but seems to recover quickly by the next day- so I’m happy about that.
I’ve been driving a lot lately but it’s back and forth to see my Dad at the hospital or rehab place every day. It gets to be a grind for sure! Juggling cars is no fun. How long is your work bike ride? I’m also intrigued about the run/walk. 4 mins is probably close to half a mile of running, yes? That’s a pretty significant amount of running really!
Not really into football… unless it’s our high school team 🙂
Yes, extra driving really makes things hard and cuts into your day. my bike commute is only about 25 minutes each way. When my husband rides his bike to work it’s more like 45 minutes. He likes it, although he doesn’t run on the days he does it- he’s been grumbling a little about missing running.
Glad the jeffing is working for you! I did one lot today with my friends Jen and Caroline as they’re coming back to running from injuries / life issues, although I ran continuously there and back.
I did some working out this weekend moving a toilet cistern around (as you do – trying to mend a leak we couldn’t mend) and then having a go at moving my friend around in her wheelchair as I need to accompany her on an appointment this week – yay, I can do it, but it’s hard work and quite technical!
Regarding “real” football, we’ve got into the documentary about the Hollywood guys taking over Wrexham AFC. It’s so funny, seeing football and British culture being explained to Americans, but a lovely series, actually.
Oh yes…. there’s “our” football and “real” football, apparently. Your football is definitely more aptly named.
Ha ha… “jeffing.” I love that.
Jeffing is what we call it here!
I’m totally using that in my next blog post!
I am glad that run walk intervals are working well for you. They really do help so much when I have done them as well. Hope that you all get your car fixed sooner rather than later! We love college football too
Well, all I can say is my car better by fixed this week! Or else… well I really have no options here. Sigh.
Oh goodness – that is a lot of extra hassle to juggle all the different schedules with one vehicle. I had to laugh when you mentioned needing a tire from Finland – I’m very glad the solution was closer to home and faster!
Hoping the car gets fixed ASAP.
Yes, we are getting fall weather. It is beautiful and hot during the day, but the mornings are about 10 C (50F). My husband went running in a sweater this morning for the first time. I LOVE the fall, I only wish the crisp mornings and warm days lasted longer, but I love it nonetheless.
I did a run with the run/walk interval method. I didn’t believe I could do a faster split this way, but I did (and it even included an elevation gain). I’ve been so off my running game I did a 4:1 interval, but did push harder than normal on my 4-minutes of running. I’m excited to do this more, especially on a flatter course. I’m aiming for three runs this week of varying length at the 4:1 and then maybe try a 4 min-30 sec interval the week after that? Or a 5:1? We’ll see! But it was very exciting to see a faster km split that INCLUDED A full minute of walking. Mind blown 🙂
Glad your hamstring is feeling better with the new approach and hope the runs continue to improve.
I’m so glad to hear that! Yes, who would have thought we could actually go faster with walking breaks???
Mornings in the 50s are my absolute favorite. We won’t get that until… December? Hopefully.
Thanks goodness for small favors and an easily fixed tire, right? Here’s hoping your car parts come in quickly and the body shop can get it fixed quickly. Ain’t nobody got time for a triple commute (husband, daughter, yourself)! 😉
I hope your hammie continues to heal and you’re back to running normally soon. Yay for run/walk intervals working in the interim.
Thank you Debbie! I was laughing a little at your comment- it seems like I need a lot of luck coming my way this week. Fingers crossed!
The Badgers had their first game of the season last night (against Illinois State) and they crushed it. They looked great and I hope they will hold up against other more formidable opponents!
I’m so sorry to hear that your hamstring is still so angry. You’ve had such a tough time lately. Hang in there!
Thank you Wendy! It seems like my hamstring is just determined to stay right where it is- not great, but not keeping me from running. Something will have to change soon! Yeah, Baylor has a much more challenging game coming up next weekend- we’ll see what happens.
Sorry about the continuing car woes. Of course they don’t have the parts. Ugh. I’m proud of you for embracing the run/walk intervals. A shift like that is not easy to make sometimes. Glad you are enjoying college football. We watched Notre Dame vs OSU and Florida vs Bama last night. Thank you for continuing to be a Cardio Barre fan! xo
Ha, I was totally planning on doing a different one of your workouts this morning, but I ended up doing cardio barre AGAIN. I’m definitely a creature of habit.
Great to hear that the run/walk intervals are working for you. Hopefully, your hamstring will quiet down soon.
I can only imagine how frustrating the car situation is. Fingers crossed for you that those parts arrive quickly!
Thank you Michelle! I had a good long(er) run using run/walk, so I’m happy with it right now.
We’re almost afraid to call the car place again to check- I don’t want to hear that they STILL don’t have the parts!
Such a bummer about the car 🙁 Hopefully the parts will arrive soon so that your vehicle can be fixed.
Love the the run/walk intervals are working well for you. I find that when I am consistent with my run/walk intervals, my joints feel way less achy and sore. My body appreciates it, lol.
Haha – i love the crazy pumpkin lady mug!
Kim, I AM the crazy pumpkin lady! Hahahaha…
I’m excited for you for football season! It’s definitely getting into fall weather around here!
Well, I’m envious of your weather. But I have to remind myself that I WON’T be in a few months. If only the weather could be fall-like all the time.
Sorry about the car situation. That sounds so rough. I hope it’s fixed quickly. Sounds like maybe your hamstring is on the mend. Great work on doing the run/walk intervals. I hope you don’t have any more issues.
Thank you Michele! Yes- I would love to be issue-free for a while.
I am so excited to see you on your bike more. I would love to commute more by bike, but there’s a five mile stretch that can only be done on a county highway with a narrow shoulder and cars drive so fast and so I don’t do as often as I should. Does cycling hurt your hamstring? I would think it would be good rehab, but I guess if you have a lot of hills, it might not be great.
But I can’t believe the parts aren’t in yet!! Would it be possible to rent a car while your car is in the shop or is that cost prohibitive?
It’s cost prohibitive. Especially since it has now been OVER TWO WEEKS. We keep saying we’ll just Uber if we need to (which would be cheaper than renting a car) but so far we haven’t had to. Luckily we have very safe bike routes around here- I would also be very uncomfortable riding on a road like you described. But yes- it’s been fun to be back on my bike.
It is still quite warm here, but the humidity is low so it is very comfortable. But it looks like we’ll be in the 80s for much of this week and then it will cool down. Although we can have warm weather throughout the month of Sept and even into Oct. MN weather likes to keep us on our toes. I’m here for it, though. The longer it stay warm, the further off the super cold weather is! I truly loathe winter – I was not made to live in MN.
I am glad you got lots of runs in despite everything else going on between the car, hamstring pain, etc. Last week was not a great week for workouts for me. I ran on Monday and planned to run on Thursday, Friday and Saturday but I had to do drop-off on Thursday since Phil had a stomach bug, then I got a head cold on Thursday night so running was not happening. But I got tons of walking in this weekend so that is better than nothing. I’m back to being in the office 3 days/week so it’s going to be tricky to get my runs in… When it cools off, I could leave work early and run at 3 one days/week or something like that. Or maybe in the evening w/ my neighbor although I HATE running in the evening. I’ll figure it out. You are great at finding time for runs even when playing chauffeur, working, etc. My challenge is that we leave the house at 6:45 so if I am going to run before work, I would have to at 5 and I’m not super keen on running at that time… especially as the days get shorter.
You are truly in the hardest phase of all. It’s almost impossible to maintain the running schedule you want with small kids- I definitely didn’t do it when my kids were little. You’ll be surprised how much easier it gets. And even though I’m dreading the “empty nest” (in five more years) it’s gradually dawning on me how much my time will be my OWN. So… we just have to appreciate every phase.
It’s helpful to hear you say you didn’t maintain your running schedule with young kids. I vacillate between thinking I need to just accept this stage of life and thinking I am just plain lazy! I can see it does go fast in the grand scheme of things, and Paul is already at a much easier stage and that’s not alll that far off for us! Like in 2-3 years life will look much different/be a bit less physically demanding. When I went to the park with the boys on Saturday, there was a day there w/ 2 kids and he was READING THE NEWSPAPER! I texted my sister who has a daughter about 3 months younger than our toddler and we were exasperated by the thought of being able to do something like a read a paper at the park! She said she sees a woman who knits at the park! We were like – wow, #parentinggoals
Ha ha… I remember those days well.
I am so glad you’re embracing the run-walk method. Really no shame, especially when it’s helping while your hamstring recovers!