walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Blarg.

Well, it was another week of ups and downs!  We wouldn’t want life to be boring, would we?  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown. Let’s get started!


I started the week off with a 30 minute yoga flow class- Denis Morton on the Peloton app as usual!


First things first- Becs Gentry’s Core for Runners class (again, Peloton app) and then I did a warmup of hip circles and lunges.  Then a three mile run in my new shoes!  I wore the Topos Phantom 2, and they felt good.  For the most part.  I was feeling my left foot (the one with plantar fasciitis) a little, but I put that down to residual fatigue from my long run on Sunday.


After my usual warmup I did a four mile run.  This run was back in my Hokas, and everything felt good.  Afterwards I did a 15 minute yoga flow class with… you guessed it… Denis Morton.

Boy, my feet sure felt good in these Hokas! (foreshadowing…)


This is my usual strength training day, and I decided to do a 45 minute power yoga class with Denis.  Obviously, I like his classes!  His instructions are clear, his voice is calm, I like his music, and the power classes are hard.  I definitely count them as strength training.


Okay.  Here’s where things got a little wacky.  After a warmup I went for a three mile run.  It was earlier than I usually run, the sun was barely up so it was cooler, I was wearing the Topos again and I felt great…


…for the first 2 and 1/2 miles.  But in the last 1/2 mile I suddenly felt a sharp, pulling sensation on the side of my PF foot, down close to my heel.


I slowed down, I modified my stride, I somehow got to the end of the run.  I had to take my daughter to school so it wasn’t like I could just stop and mess around.  I was aware that my foot wasn’t feeling good, but I kept moving- got her to school and then decided to do a quick yoga flow class.  The yoga usually makes my foot feel good.

Not this time!  When my foot was still hurting by the end of the class, I knew it was messed up.   I had to go through the whole day at work with it hurting, and, well, it sucked.  Not only was it physically painful, but every step down was like a knife through my soul… telling me “you won’t be able to run.”



Usually on Saturdays I do a power yoga class, but I was afraid to risk it with my foot.  My foot felt better than yesterday, but still hurt.  I slept a little later and then did Bec’s Core for Runners class before work.

Here’s a weird coincidence- I had just mentioned Janae’s blog in my last post, and on Friday she posted that her plantar fasciitis had also flared up.  On Saturday she posted a video by Brad Kearns, showing two stretches to get rid of PF.  Here’s the video.  The comments are overwhelmingly positive, and Janae and I (she doesn’t know we’re a team here) are now doing these stretches multiple times a day.  I’ll let you know how it goes!


Since Janae and I are taking a couple days off to stretch and let our feet heal (once again to clarify- she has no idea who I am, but we’re working together here!) I got back in the pool.

Not my favorite… but I’m glad I have it for days like this.

I did a 60 minute pool run and oh yeah, I forgot- pool running is hard!

So… that was my week.  In retrospect, I shouldn’t have tried out new shoes.  I still think the Topos are great, but there was something about them my foot didn’t like.  BUT… the real issue is, I’ve had plantar fasciitis for over a year and that’s not cool.  in Brad’s video, he says he had it for FIFTEEN YEARS.  And he was a professional triathlete.  He demonstrated how he would have to hobble out of bed each morning, prior to getting his foot warmed up so he could run, and my husband said, “Hey, he looks like you!”  Yes… that first-thing-in-the-morning hobble/limp/hop is no fun.  But I’m feeling encouraged- If Brad got rid of his, I can too.

Once again here’s his video. He explains why these stretches are different and why they work.  He’s an entertaining guy, so I encourage everyone to check it out!

I hope everyone had a great week of running!

Have you ever had plantar fasciitis?

Do you like to try different shoes, or stick with the same thing? – From now on I think I should stick with the same thing!




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32 Responses

  1. Ugh, PF is an ugly (and unpredictable) demon. My two stints with it were short, and several years ago, but I’m hyper aware of the early symptoms (heel spurs for me), and do a lot of foot stretches every morning as a precaution. Hope yours calms down!

  2. Oh no! You are way overdue for a *good* break. I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling with your foot. No, I’ve never had PF (quickly knocks on wood).

    But 15 YEARS? I guess you could say that’s dedication!

  3. I am sorry to hear that your foot flared up again just when you were feeling better. Hope those new stretches do the trick for you. Switching shoes can be tricky for sure. Hard to know if it was the shoes that caused the flare up or not

    1. I know- I blame the shoes but it could be a coincidence. I’m still hoping to make those Topos work at some point, because I really did like them at first.

  4. Oh no sorry about your foot flare! I’ve never had PF but I hear it is a bear to deal with. I agree with Deborah that switching shoes can be tricky – hard to know if that triggered something. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it calms down quickly.

  5. Sorry for the problems at your foot.
    To prevent injures on my feet a doctor friend of mine, many years ago, told me to alternate shoes every workout and at the end to roll the feet over a tennis ball.
    When I find the right shoes I stick with them. Now I wear Brooks Ghost.

    1. Thank you! I think it is important to alternate shoes, but that’s kind of what got me into this predicament. I wanted to wear something other than my Hokas all the time- for now I better just stick with them for every run!

  6. I’m sorry your PF flared up so bad! I feel like a few people on Instagram have mentioned this being a problem lately. Hopefully those new stretches will help! I got to chat with Janae on a Zoom call last year for our Brooks Run Happy Team happy hour. She is so sweet and I’m sure she would be happy to hear that you two are a team!

    1. Ha, well I do comment on her blog all the time. She is super sweet and responds to every single comment. If these stretches really do help, I’ll be talking about it a lot!

  7. This post has lots of great resources for PF, thanks for sharing. I’ve never had it though my husband has. Apologies for repeating myself, but one of the biggest things that helped him was NEVER walking barefoot in the house, he bought these really supportive indoor slipper/clogs and they have really helped him not have it come back, but I know everyone is so different! I haven’t kept up with Hungry Runner Girl in awhile, I’ll have to check back in with her! Bummer that she’s injured, she’s a talented runner!

    I hope your flare-up is short lived Jenny. And I’m going to try one of Denis’s power yoga classes!!

    1. Oh, I haven’t walked barefoot in a year. I can’t even remember what that feels like, sigh. I had PF in my other foot several years ago, and all the normal things worked for it- this time it’s super stubborn.
      Yes, try Denis’s power yoga! I think you’ll like it.

  8. You know I’ve had my share of time with PF and I’ve tried ALL the treatments and stretches. That pulling sensation sounds like something else–I sure hope the stretches help. Looks like you and I are going to be spending more time in the pool, lol

    1. Yes, I noticed we were both in the pool this week! Putting on my sleuthing cap, I think the pulling sensation is where my achilles inserts into the heel bone. It’s not exactly the same as the PF but I think has the same cause- extremely tight calf muscles. We’ll see how this stretching goes.

  9. I’m so sorry to hear your PF was triggered by the new shoes. Knock wood, I’ve not had PF but I have worn new shoes and ended up injured. It’s all so frustrating. It seems like you cannot catch a break. Sending you more healing vibes!

    1. Thank you Marcia! I am frustrated, but this whole thing is showing me that I cannot just keep going and going with this foot issue! Something has to change.

  10. My daughter-in-law (at the time my son’s girlfriend) told me about Hungry Runner Girl and as soon as I read her blog, I knew I wanted to start one, and a week later, Deb Runs was born! I’m so happy the two of you are working through your PF “together” and hope you see positive results quickly! My left heel hurts sometimes after wearing my crocs, but they’re sooo comfortable. 🙁

  11. Well phew, I thought you were going to say you had a stress fracture! But I guess PF isn’t much better. Boo on that! That’s funny how you talk about Janae. I’ve been reading her blog for almost 10 years now. One of my dreams for my blog was that I’d get free gear like she does. That hasn’t really happened! Whenever she answers one of my comments I feel like we are totally friends! 🙂 I’m sure if she met either one of us she would be our friend because she is so nice. And yikes, that guy has had PF for 15 years?? ugh. I hope the stretches work!

  12. UGH PF is now fun and I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with that currently. I hope that the stretches help and that it feels better soon.

    1. Thank you Kim! I have high hopes for these stretches (but then I feel like I say that about every new thing that comes up, ha ha.)

    1. Grr. I did do shockwave therapy and it helped a little, but didn’t solve the problem and now it’s back worse than ever. I know that shockwave does work for a lot of people though. I’ve thought about going back for another treatment just to get things loosened up again- it’s just so expensive, sigh.

  13. So sorry, Jenny!
    As you know, I read the Hungryrunnergirl every day. Amazing that you have the same injury! I hope Brad’s stretches will help.
    Did you know that he has an early morning routine as well? I do some of these stretches before I get out of bed. I do them every day – it only takes a few minutes and it makes a huge difference!

    1. I’ll check it out! I really like Brad- used to listen to his podcast but haven’t lately. I’m sure his morning routine is great.

  14. Wow! I have had PF, and it took a little while to get rid of it, but it hasn’t been back, thank goodness. I think it’s one of those things where everyone has their own special remedy (mine was alternating ice water and scalding water on the afflicted foot, superfeet inserts, and rolling on a golf ball). I hope you can get t under control soon. It. Hurts!

    1. Yes, it’s a really weird ailment. Different things seem to work for different people. I am thinking about those Superfeet inserts.

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