walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Glad That’s Over!

Happy May!  To begin with,  I’m very happy to share that my son Paul will be attending Baylor University in the fall!  Baylor has a great music school and a trumpet teacher that he’s excited to work with.  Go Bears!!!  On a side note, I’m very glad my daughter is only twelve so I have six years before I have to go through that again.  Enough said!

Let’s move on to the week!  It was a cutback week, which meant that all sorts of weird things happened, because that’s how cutback weeks seem to go for me.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here it is!


Day off, as always.  I expected to feel a little sore from my long run the day before, but everything was fine.


Three mile run, and my legs felt really good.  Followed this by upper body strength, focusing on pull-ups.  This was the day I came to terms with my relationship to pull-ups, ha ha.

A nice start to the running week…

Then on Tuesday afternoon I got my second Covid shot.  I felt great!  Until about 8 pm, when I started to feel awful… I went to bed and tossed and turned all night.  I was hot, I was cold, I had to go to the bathroom, I was hungry (what?) I had a headache, my hand hurt (what???) … it was quite a night.


Obviously, a day off.  Knowing I was getting my shot on Tuesday, I kept the possibility open of doing an easy run this day (ha, not quite!) or just resting.  I woke up with a horrible headache, took some Tylenol and rested on the couch all day.  By bedtime I felt about 80% better and decided to sleep in a little later than normal Thursday morning and see what the day would bring.


Ah!  Much better!  I decided to do some lower body strength in the morning, including some moves I haven’t done in a while (or possibly, ever) which were recommended on this Strength Running podcast episode.  Heel raises, curtsy lunges, some diagnostic exercises to see where you’re weak.  It was good stuff.

I don’t usually run after work, but I was feeling completely back to normal and didn’t want to go two days in a row without running.  It was 88 degrees but so what?  I’m a Floridian!  I went out for a quick, hot, and satisfying three mile run.


Four mile run with some strides at the end.  I think you might technically call these “surges,” because with a stride you would rest completely after each one.  I incorporated these into the last mile of my run, and jogged slowly between each one until I felt fully recovered.  Everything felt GREAT until in the middle of the last stride (surge) I felt a sharp twinge in my left foot.  Ah…. seriously?  Now what?  It wasn’t so bad that I had to stop, and I did a short cooldown run to end with, but I felt it the whole time.

I’ve been through so many of these moments with this foot, and I take everything seriously but I also don’t get too hysterical about things because they all pass.  I did my somatic movement routine to loosen my calves, feet and low back, and put it out of my mind.


The choice for this day was a short run, or lower body weights.  Obviously the run would have won out pleasure-wise, but my foot hurt a bit. Even though I wasn’t planning anything long for Sunday I still wanted to have a nice run, so I skipped this run and did a lower body routine including squats and Runner’s Touch exercise. It felt good to get that done for the week!


Yay!!!  Even though it wasn’t a long run I was still happy to get out and do six miles.  My foot felt…fine… in the context of my universe.  I felt the pain, but it wasn’t sharp.  It was the type of pain I’m used to ignoring until it goes away.  My legs felt super heavy though.  I wanted to blame it on the Covid vaccine, but then I remembered I did squats yesterday.  (See this article, “Vaccine Side Effect, or Have You just Been Alive for 40 Years?” ha ha…)

Just a little trail running…

Cutback weeks always throw me off somehow.  I’ll be glad to get back to normal, and I have a super fun adventure planned for next Sunday!

Anyone go to Baylor? Have you been to Waco? – Due to Covid we didn’t get to visit, but have been watching episodes of “Fixer Upper” to catch glimpses of Waco- it looks nice!

Anyone else have hot temperatures this week?  – We’re fully into summer here.


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34 Responses

    1. Thanks Lisa! I’ve really never been to Texas (weirdly, I spent one day in Corpus Cristi while on a tour but I don’t count that) so I’m excited to check it out!

    1. Ha, that’s interesting! Not only was I hungry in the middle of the night but I was also famished for breakfast and lunch the next day. So weird!!!

  1. I’m so sorry that you had a reaction to the second yet 🙁 I’m glad that is was short lived!

    Congratulations to your son on selecting his college – it’s always such an exciting time!!

    1. Yeah, the reaction was short-lived and I didn’t have to go anywhere, so it was all good! Thanks Kim!

  2. Congrats to your son! We lived in Austin a long time. My husband once had to stay overnight in Waco (which is like 45 minutes maybe from Austin?) after a trip when there was an ice storm. Otherwise, I’ve never been.

    I’m sorry about the vaccine reaction. Sounds similar — but different — from mine. It’s all so weird! I think taking a week off of running completely worked for me, but of course we’re all different.

    Glad you were able to keep running! Boo on the darn foot!

    1. Ooh! Austin is a place I’ve always wanted to see. I’m excited that now my son will be in Waco, I’ll finally have a reason to go to TX, and it is right near Austin. Can’t wait.

  3. Congrats to your son! very exciting times. Glad your foot is feeling better and you are feeling back to normal today. Thanks for linking up and have a great week

    1. Thanks Deborah! Yes, exciting times. I’m about ready for some calm times too though, ha ha.

  4. Glad Tylenol helped with the vaccine reaction. And now that’s done! Congrats to your son on making his choice! Very exciting.

    So happy your foot is feeling better!

  5. Congrats to your son and to you! Also congrats on vaccine dose #2. Glad it wasn’t too bad and you were able to get back to your running. That trail running pic is amazing!

    1. Thanks Wendy! I know you’ve got a kid in college so you can relate. When you come down to Florida I’ll show you my trails!

    1. Thanks Kim! We’re excited. I’m better my foot pain is resolved by next week… we’ll see.

  6. Congratulations to your son! How exciting. Hopefully your foot feels better soon. 80゚ sounds horrible! You are amazing for running in that. My ideal temp is 40s.

    1. Ha ha… if we see 40s, it’s the overnight temp on the coldest day of the year. Don’t move to Florida!

  7. Congratulations to your son! I’ve visited Waco (my uncle was stationed out there)., but I don’t remember much about it. i hope he has a great experience.

    Sorry you had so many side effects from the second vaccine, but…. it’s over! Yay! Tomorrow marks my two weeks, making me a “fully vaccinated person” and I’m kind of stoked about that! Glad you took some time off to rest!

  8. congrats to your son! exciting times!

    glad you’ve gotten your vaccine fully now. I guess there was always a chance of feeling bleurg afterwards. sorry to hear about your foot too. boy don’t I know about feet issues (as I type this with my feet in the foot massager contraption we have).

    1. Ha, I use a foot massager every night! I don’t think it’s doing much to heal the underlying issues, but it feels really good.

  9. Congrats to your son! That’s so exciting!

    Oh no to that pain in your foot. Ugh, it’s always something and those reoccurring injuries are so annoying, especially when you work so hard to rehab them.

    Our temps got up to 88 and 89° this past week which seems hot for us this time of year.

    1. Yes, I would say upper 80s are unseasonably warm, unless you’re in the south. At least you know it will dip down again- it’s not like it’ll be 89 every day for the entire summer.

  10. Congrats to your son! That is awesome. I love reading and know where teenagers are going for college. Reminds me when I went to college. Best experience of my life! So that’s the difference between strides and surges? I had no idea. All I knew is that you run them FAST. 🙂

    1. Yes, I’m also fascinated by where everyone else is going! I’ve grilled Paul about every last friend and what their plans are.
      That’s the fun thing about strides (or surges) you run them fast, but they’re short!

  11. So glad you did not have any bad side effects to the vaccine. I always worry about that. I did not go to Baylor, but I have two friends who did and they loved it. 🙂

  12. Glad you’re feeling better and running again! It’s crazy how the vaccine effects everyone so differently. My partner had terrible side effects for two days with both shots, and I had nothing! Good news on your son getting into Baylor!

  13. Bahaha, I can totally relate to that “vaccine side effects” post! Glad your vaccine side effects went away fast, as they do. That’s exciting about the Baylor decision! The only thing I know about Baylor is they busted my March Madness bracket a few years back 🙂 My daughter had made her college decision a few months ago, but we still had a few colleges emailing all the time so I’m glad to see those go away! Our HS has been posting the senior pictures and colleges on Instagram. So fun to see where everyone is going and what their majors will be!

    1. Yes, Baylor is big on sports, which my son pretty much couldn’t care less about! Where is your daughter going? Like you, I’m finding it fun to hear where everyone is going.

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