walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- It’s Christmastime!

Hi there!  In an effort to combat my usual post-Christmas depression, I’m trying to keep the holiday spirit going by savoring the 12 Days of Christmas (the first day being Christmas Day.). How is that going?  Well…. I do feel vaguely festive.  It’s not as much fun as the time leading up to Christmas, but it’s still “Christmastime.”

Workouts were… well, let’s just say I had some good runs this week.  Strength was pretty minimal.  Oh well- it was a holiday week.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown!


I didn’t even remember until I looked at this photo, but we had a cold snap over the weekend!  Down to 50 degrees overnight= long sleeve weather.  4 mile run.

50 is so much easier than 80.


Happy Festivus!

My big grievance this year is that Christmas fell on a WEDNESDAY, which is my day off anyway!  This means I worked on Festivus, Christmas Eve, and Boxing Day.  I could have requested time off but it wouldn’t have been paid, so I just sucked it up and went to work.   But I’m still going to complain about it, ha ha.

Workout-wide, it was the bare minimum- this  MadFit Standing Core Workout and hip stability exercises.


Okay, the truth is I only had to work till noon- that’s not so bad.  First I got up and had a nice 4 mile run.

Back to tank top weather!

After work we hosted our annual cookie decorating party, and dinner.


Merry Christmas!!!  I never run on Christmas Day- it’s a family day from start to finish.  Presents, food, lounging around in Christmas pajamas, reading, napping.

Muffin helped us open presents!


I didn’t do a long run this week- it seemed like a good time for a cut back.  But I did run 5 miles before heading off to work.


Once again, I did the bare minimum to keep my body from crumbling to pieces- Caroline Girvan deadbug workout and hip stability.  The hip stability exercises are very good, involve a lot of one leg sit-to-stand and other balance moves, but they don’t use any weights.  I’m dreading the first trip back to the gym!


4 mile run with a little speed work thrown in.

After work- so much college football!  I’m sad the season is coming to an end, but enjoying all the bowl games (Baylor plays on Tuesday!)


Day off!  I have a lot to do though, because my daughter’s birthday is Monday (ugh. I know- who’s stupid idea was it to give birth on December 30th???) The festivities continue.

If you celebrated, dd you have a nice Christmas?  Did you get all your workouts in this week?

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27 Responses

  1. Are those your outdoor lights?! So cool! Santa didn’t want to leave, eh :)?
    We did have a good Christmas, thank you.
    And things finally slowed down to a point where I could get back to moving my bod: I got a couple of good runs in as I’d hoped!

    1. Full disclosure, those are a neighbor’s lights- I wish they were mine! My daughter and I went for a walk on Christmas Eve and I took pictures of some of the prettier houses.
      Getting workouts in during the craziness of the holidays is tough- glad you’re getting back to it!

  2. For me, Christmas falling on Wednesday was perfect. I work late on Wednesday, so I got the day off. It will happen next week on NYD, too. PLUS: I have Thursday off, so I took PTO on Friday, and voila! a week off. It flew by, as always. I’m glad you had a nice holiday!

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!

    1. Thank you Wendy! I’m going to be cranky and disgruntled again this week because once again, NYD falls on Wednesday which is my day off anyway, and I’ll be working on NYE and of course the day after New Years. Oh well- next year the schedule will be better!

  3. I love that you had a “bare minimum” week – because your “I’m taking it easy” week was so much more running than when you were injured. Yay!

    It’s been warm enough/not-icy enough to be outside, so yes I not only got my workouts but got them outdoors! Technically it might have been better to alternate run/walk days with treadmill power walking days but I was not about to stay indoors when I had the option to be outside. We’re headed for a spell of rain and then snow/cold again soon so I wanted to savor every minute of the outside time before mandatory treadmill season starts.

    1. Oh hooray for outdoor workouts! Yes- I don’t take any run for granted. There was a time when a 5 mile run seemed impossibly long. I’m grateful for every run I had this week!

  4. My workouts have been nonexistent. My last workout was a CG Fuel workout on Christmas Eve. It’s hard to workout up at my parents in the winter and my stomach wasn’t white 100% until yesterday so I took it easy. I want to get back on track this week though.

    We did have a nice Christmas despite me being sick for part of it. And no one else in my family besides my MIL felt under the weather. So I am relieved! I am ready to get back on a schedule though, and to return to normal eating!! We’ve had so much richer food than usual and I need some salads and light meals.

    1. Yep, me too. I haven’t been sick, but my stomach is not happy. I need to get back to my usual eating.
      Christmas Eve was not that long ago- if you did a workout then and are ready to get back to it, I would say you’re doing well!

    1. Thank you Darlene! I know- just what she needs, more gifts. Ugh. And she wants a cake, of course she does. Can’t wait to do more baking!
      I hope you got your run in today.

  5. Bummer you did not get any extra days off this year! I’’m sure you clients really appreciate you and they show it. Hope you had some really nice family time with both kids home. Merry Christmas

    1. Yes Deborah, that’s a really great point- my clients were very appreciate. A couple of them actually thanked me for working, and yes I did get some nice tips : ) So I can’t really complain.

  6. I ran Christmas morning because our son wasn’t coming over until noon. I think it did annoy my husband who still wanted to open his presents early!

    I think body weight exercises can be harder — single leg sit to stands sound especially challenging.

    Happy birthday to your daughter — it is a tough time of year for a birthday!

    1. Thanks Coco! I think that someday, when the kids aren’t living at home, I probably will get up and go for a run on Christmas morning. My husband might even join me.
      December 30th has to be one of the worst birthdays… but we struggle through : )

  7. I agree, Christmas on a Wednesday was not ideal, but doable. At least it doesn’t happen very often, right? Your cookies look so pretty! These days, I don’t do much that incorporates frosting, LOL. Muffin certainly got in the spirit with gifts and napping;-)

    1. Muffin has mastered the art of napping! And she wanted to be right in the middle of all the festivities.
      Next year I’ll have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, which will be nice! I’ve learned to just take whatever schedule comes my way.

  8. Bummer that you didn’t get an official day off work for Christmas. Sounds like you had a fabulous day! All of my workouts went as scheduled with the exception of Christmas Day’s strength training was shortened to just core.

    1. Well, you did more than I did on Christmas Day! That was an unusual day off in the middle of the week. I did have a nice Christmas in spite of all the work!

  9. LOL – “whose idea was it to give birth on December 30” cracked me up. Happy birthday to your daughter!

    Love the photo of Muffin helping unwrap! When I was in high school, we had a housecat and we’d throw all the discarded wrapping paper into a big pile in the center of the living room and he’d leap into it. It was one of my favorite parts of Christmas morning. The whole Christmas spectacle must be so confusing and delightful for cats.

  10. Happy almost birthday to your daughter! My best friend and aunt’s birthday are both 12/30! And my nephew/godson is 12/31 so we’re always celebrating throughout the season. Love those lights and jealous of your tank top! It was 8 degrees in NY where I was celebrating Christmas and then we had an ice storm so it was NOT ideal running conditions, ha!

  11. We made it through the (almost) whole season now with no cats climbing up the tree! It’s a miracle. Sam has nibbled on the branches so he gets sprayed with water but Luna has decided to just sleep under the tree now that she is the “old” cat of the family.
    Our temperatures actually crossed this week – we had a high of 56 a few days ago! [which sucks because I want snow]

  12. You got some good runs and workouts in this week! I also didn’t run on Christmas but this was my peak week for my upcoming race and since I was off work, it was easier for me to fit in longer than normal runs, and I somehow still got 50 miles for the week even with two days off — normally I run 6 days a week — but the extra recovery time was nice!

    A perk of working for a school district is having two weeks paid time off at Christmas, so I still have another week off to look forward to! And I start the taper now so I won’t have to run quite as many miles this next week.

    Happy birthday to your daughter and hope it goes well!

  13. OMG – I’m laughing, because my mother also gave birth on Dec. 30th – to me! Ha, I didn’t realize I share a bday with your daughter. I get to go to my fav in person workout class tomorrow on my bday. No one there will know it’s my birthday, but that’s just fine by me. I usually do workout videos that my fav instructor recorded during covid or I run. It’s been so nice here that I’ve run twice since Christmas. After my workout class tomorrow, my bff is taking me to breakfast for my bday.

  14. I have been spoiled and haven’t been to the office since 12/20. I’ll go in for a day tomorrow and then be off for another six days. LOL. BUT! Because of this, I haven’t had to rush my workouts and I’ve been able to leisurely do a lifting workout followed by some yoga or vice versa. It’s been SO NICE.

  15. I say you can celebrate as long as you want! Leave the tree up! Don’t take down the decorations! Enjoy!

    Muffin is the cutest! The pugs were absolutely feral over their gifts so there are no photos of that mess.

    Sorry you had to work, but at least Thursday was an early day! And we’ve got plenty of cooler days now and ahead. I don’ hate it, but this arctic chill coming is going to be interesting.

  16. What a cute kitty celebrating the holidays 🙂 Those cookies look amazing too.

    Well done on the running this week! Great way to stay active and give yourself some grace on the strength, mine definitely slipped this week too!

  17. I actually know quite a few people with birthdays around Christmas. I’ll admit I always feel a bit sorry for them because of the overshadowing of their special day by Christmas, but I’m sure it has special perks, too.
    I wonder if you thought you might give birth ON Christmas Day? When was your due date?
    Also, can you believe she’s 16. Gah. These years are just flying by now. Belle is almost 14 and I was OUT OF THE HOUSE AT COLLEGE by the time I was barely 17. I feel like the progression from tween to adult is shorter than anticipated.

    Love the cookies. And also just cannot fathom being able to exercise around Christmas in a tank top and shorts 🙂

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