walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Runs and Fun

Hello, and welcome to my weekly rundown of workouts, Olympics watching and… a fun blogger meetup!  Thanks as always to our fearless leaders Kim and Deborah for hosting.  I talked about my process goals here, and this week the plan was to run four times, do three yoga classes, two lower body strength classes, pull-up work three times, and I did the first week of the Peloton Crush Your Core 2 challenge, which Deborah talked about in this post.  Let’s just see how it all worked out!


I started the week with the first Crush Your Core class.  The first week of the program has four classes, and they’re all short, so it’s easy to add it onto whatever else you’re doing.  I followed that with a 30 minute yoga flow with Denis Morton (also a Peloton class) and pull-ups.  Once again to clarify- I can’t actually do pull-ups (YET!) but I’m doing work on the pull-up bar to (hopefully) get me strong enough to do unassisted pull-ups someday.


First, I did the second core class from the Crush Your Core challenge, and then…

I met Darlene! Darlene ran a half marathon in Melbourne, FL two days prior, but she wasn’t sore at all and was up for a run.  As a matter of fact I think “Always Up For a Run” is Darlene’s motto in life.  I picked her up from her friend’s where she was staying, and she was wearing a shirt that said “Train, Racecation, Repeat.”  We went to the beach for a three mile run.

Blogger run!

After the run we walked and chatted- it was a warm day, but very windy (I swear, there’s always something wrong with the weather when someone visits!)  It was short but sweet, as Darlene flew back to New York that afternoon.

Later in the day I did a Peloton glutes and legs strength class with Jess Sims, and then a glutes and legs stretch with Chase.  Fun day!


For the first time since the beginning of January, I broke my every-other-day run schedule, and ran again.  Just a short three miles!

Later in the afternoon I did a 30 minute yoga flow class with my Peloton bff, Denis Morton.


Started the day with core class #3, then did another glutes and legs strength class, and then did my pull-up work.  Phew!  It all took less than an hour, but it felt like a big day of strength for me.

A quick word- the bloom is off the rose with Jess Sims.  Well, I like everything about her classes except for her perky comments.  No, Jess, I don’t want to do an “adorable” warmup- I want to warm up like an adult woman.  On the other hand, I’m really liking Emma Lovewell’s core classes.  I guess her personality just gels more with mine.


Core class #4 and then another three mile run.

I love this time of the morning- if you look straight up above my head you can see the moon.


I did a 30 minute yoga flow and pull-ups, to complete all my “extra” activities for the week, leaving Sunday to just run- the way I like it!


I purposely kept my other runs short this week because I knew I wanted to run longer today. My only running goal right now (other than to not aggravate my foot) is to be able to do a nice long run- ten miles?-  on my birthday, coming up in March.  Last week my “long” run was six miles, and today I went seven.  Seven miles!  That’s pretty long… right?

One last thing- I’ve been THOROUGHLY enjoying the Olympics!  I can’t remember ever liking the Winter Olympics this much.  But they’re ending today, and now what am I supposed to do?  No more football, no more Olympics… I’m not happy about this.  I’ve never been into basketball, but I’m thinking I should try this year.  Baylor has a pretty good team!

I hope everyone had a great week!

Did you like the Olympics?  Any suggestions for something to fill the sports void now?

Does the personality of the instructor make a big difference to you when you take a class?  



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37 Responses

  1. Yay on meeting up with Darlene! You’re right that she’s probably always up for a run.

    LOL on Jess Sims. I love her, and interpret her “cute” comments through a lens of snark. BUT, I agree that an instructor’s personality can make or break a program, which is one reason I love Peloton so much. I can choose an instructor based on my mood, and avoid those that just don’t mesh with me. (For me, it’s Callie who just grates.) Another person you might like is Olivia — I like her bodyweight workouts,

    I hope your body cooperates for your birthday goal. When is your birthday? Maybe I could celebrate “with” you.

    1. My birthday is March 21st, which falls on a Monday this year (ugh) so I’ll be doing my birthday run on the 20th.
      i’ll check out Olivia- but after reading your comment I’m thinking I’m being too hard on Jess. I’ll definitely still be doing some of her classes and maybe I can be more tolerant of her “cuteness.”

  2. That run with you is my favorite of the week.

    I ran several days in a row too but an easy 3 miles but those long runs are always tough for me. Maybe it’s because it is cold and windy!!

    You are smart to inch up on those long runs. Let us know when you are up to 10…. we can run together virtually.

    Yes I’m always up for a run. My next half isn’t until April 16. So I have a big break.

    1. Yes, I saw on your post today that our run was your favorite- I probably didn’t have too much competition though since most of your other runs were in the freezing cold.
      I should be up to ten miles in a few weeks- yay!

  3. Ha ha…and Emma kind of annoys me at times, LOL. I’m starting week-3 of the Crush Your Core-2, and some of her “whew!” interjections are a bit much (for my taste) because I don’t think the moves are THAT tough (at least not “WHEW!” worthy, LOL). BUT I do appreciate the daily discipline of doing the core work, so it’s all good. There is a great mix of instructors, and their personalities, so it’s easy to find ones that mesh well with our individual tastes and preferences. You (and your foot) are progressing on your running endurance, great job!

    1. You’re a week ahead of me in the core program- I hadn’t noticed Emma’s “whew”s but now I’ll be on the lookout for them, ha ha!

  4. How fun to run with Darlene!
    Yes I definitely mesh better with some Pelo personalities than others. I typically adore the Olympics and I’ve watched more than my share, but as a former figure skating coach, it’s very hard to watch the ROC doping drama. Clearly allowing someone with a positive drug test to compete was not the right call. What a total cluster.

    1. Oh yes- I could go on and on about that. Regardless of whether the doping was her “fault”- let’s just say she didn’t understand what was going on and it was her coach- it still isn’t fair to the other skaters if she competes. The whole point is that she had an unfair advantage. It partially ruined the figure skating for me. But… I still watched it. I enjoyed the other sports more though.

  5. I’m glad you were able to connect with Darlene. I’m sure she talked your ear off!!!

    I’m dying-that expression: ‘the bloom is off the rose’-I’ve never heard it before. I think you and I would get along great. I don’t care for those perky types either.

    We watch golf this time of year. Yeah, I know…but it’s nice to see all that green!

    1. Yes, I think we would get along well except for one thing- I think gold is SO boring! I’ve never played golf or even watched it much (to be honest) so I would probably appreciate it more if I understood the finer points.
      Yes, Darlene is chatty! : )

  6. Oh so fun that you got to run with Darlene. Yes, that is a fitting motto for her! We have met in person but did not have the chance to run together yet. It is nice that there are all types of personalities of the Peloton instructors. Some days I am looking for something and I know who to go to. Yes, 7 miles is a long run nice progress you are making towards your goal

    1. Yes, it’s true- they need all types of personalities. If every one of them had a low-key personality I guess it would get boring!

  7. I’ve loved the Olympics too, but man the drama after the women’s figure skating with the ROC athletes was just….heart breaking. It makes me so sad as they are so so young to go through the emotional drama of all that.

    I am glad you’re enjoying the core challenge! I did the first one and am on the second one now. Easy to fit in and has put me on a consistent core schedule!

    Ha, I hadn’t noticed that about Jess Sims! I like her strength classes, but now I will notice if she says moves are cute or adorable 🙂

  8. I didn’t watch any of the Olympics – the politics of having it in China really left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m happy to hear others are watching and enjoying it, though!

    1. I ignored the politics- the only thing was the time difference- i like it better when it’s closer to our time zone so we can see more events live.

  9. It seems that we are following the same running program. Last week I also broke my every-other-day run schedule and I kept the other runs shorter to run longer on Sunday,
    I didn’t watch the Olympics. I suggest to watch some match of the Rugby 6 Nations Tournaments (not Italy because we lose all the matches).

    1. THat’s funny- we unknowingly matched each other’s schedules. I would be interested to watch rugby but am pretty sure I don’t have the right channels. But I’ll look into it! I’ve never seen a rugby game.

  10. My husband did the Crush Your Core program and loved it – I might try it too, but right now the thought of adding One More Thing to my day, even five minutes, seems like a bridge too far. Ah, maybe. Sounds like you had a good week and are working up for some nice long runs. Seven miles is nothing to sneeze at!

    1. Yes, I know the feeling- I definitely can’t seem to add a five minute stretch or foam rolling session to my day. The good thing about Crush Your Core is that it really is short, especially if you’re taking another Peloton class anyway.

  11. Oh! So glad you got to meet up with Darlene! That’s so fun!

    I watched so little of the Olympics. I’m furious with what happened with figure skating and I’m pissed about what happened with Peng Shuai. I’m having a hard time being not cranky these days.

    Solid training for you! Keep it up!

    1. The figure skating fiasco really was terrible. I was so glad she came fourth- not because I’m mad at her or wanted her personally to do badly, but because the other medalists got to have their ceremony and didn’t feel like they were cheated out of anything. The figure skating was my least favorite part this time, which is really unusual.

  12. So glad you got to enjoy a fun run together with a friend. Exercise + social time = best of both worlds.

    Also, this comment made me laugh so hard: ‘No, Jess, I don’t want to do an “adorable” warmup- I want to warm up like an adult woman. ‘
    I want to warm up like an adult woman. Classic! What does an adorable warm-up look like?

    I really enjoyed the Olympics too! I watched less than usual; some of it was the timing of the games being in China, and some of it was the fact that I just don’t watch much TV…but it was fun to put it on at night as I was falling asleep. I especially enjoyed the half-pipe sports. They’re so cool and I would literally catch myself holding my breath.

    Canada did fairly well this year (4th in medal count, I think?) and it definitely gives me a boost of national pride, too!

    1. Yes Canada did well! Definitely better than the US. It’s actually kind of weird that I enjoyed it so much considering that there weren’t many US superstars this time. For the skiing- I loved the slalom, and would find myself all tensed up and leaning side to side as I watched!
      The “adorable” warmup seemed like a regular warmup, but I supposed she made some “cute” comments during it, grr.

  13. How fun that you were able to meet up with Darlene! I love when blogger friends can meet up in person for a run or race 🙂

    I didn’t really watch much of the Olympics this year – my heart just wasn’t in it. Then I read about the Women’s ice skating debacle and just shook my head.

    1. Yes, and I’ll probably see Cari next month. Living in Florida, I’ll just wait for bloggers to come down and meet up with them one by one!

  14. That’s so great that you and Darlene met up!

    I’m glad you’re enjoying the core program – I go back and forth on my opinion of Emma, but that said I’ve been thinking about doing her core challenge. I did her first one and liked it.

    And yay for getting to 7 miles!

  15. How fun that you and Darlene got to meet up for a run while she was in Florida!

    I’m not really into basketball either, but have watched a few of our games in the last few weeks. This time of year I turn to HGTV to fill the lack of sports void.

    1. Yes, I’ve been watching cooking shows. And maybe I can take this time to make some home improvements- that would be a good thing!

  16. How lovely to have a meetup! I like the Moon picture a lot, too, esp as I had a lovely Moonset myself the other morning. Seven miles is great, I’ve only recently got back there and a little beyond myself.

  17. How fun that you had a blogger meetup! Seven miles is a big thing. That’s great that you are making your way back into those longer miles.
    I do enjoy the winter olympics. I can’t believe all of drama and scandals that have happened at the events though. We still need to catch up on a lot of the events and the closing ceremonies. Lots of hours and hours of olympics taking up space on our DVR!

  18. I love that you met up with Darlene!! This is such a beautiful community we have! Well done on your 7-miler, I think your birthday goal is definitely in sight!

    1. Thank you Shathiso! It was funny when I met Darlene I felt like I was meeting a celebrity- I had read so many blog posts but never seen her in person.

  19. I watched the first week of the Olympics but then fell off my watching schedule. But I really enjoyed watching the team event + men’s figure skating, plus snowboarding. It was just hard to stomach some of the other stuff, like Mikaela Shiffrin skiing out of a bunch of races and the whole ROC skating drama.

    Hooray for long runs (yes, 7 miles is long, lol)! You’re getting back to it!

    1. Men’s figure skating was definitely a highlight. The drama with the ROC skater kind of ruined the women’s skating though. I did enjoy the skiing although felt really bad for Mikaela! That was heartbreaking.

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