walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- SIGH!

Oh, hi there!  Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, hosted as alway by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!)  My week had some ups and downs… when we left off last week I was nursing a weird calf “situation.”  I still hesitate to call it an injury, because there’s nowhere on the muscle that I can touch or push on that feels injured.  It’s just a generalized painful pulling sensation.  I spent all of the previous week walking and pool running to give it a rest.  Let’s just see how this week went!


After a whole week off of running, it was time to test the calf!  I started off with walking a mile, and then ran 2 miles- and my calf felt PERFECT.  Hooray!!!

Happy runner!


I did a full body strength workout from Sally McRae’s app.  Speaking of Sally McRae, she had a VERY rough time out at Western States on Saturday- she was vomiting and couldn’t take in any fuel for the last 40 miles of the race BUT SHE FINISHED ANYWAY.  I can’t wait to hear the race recap on her podcast- it should be a good one.


Since my calf is obviously all better, I headed out for 4 miles.  I walked the first mile, then set out to run 3.  All was well until, about 2 miles into the run I felt my calf again, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  Once it again it was a painful pulling sensation- not as bad as it was before, but definitely there.  I finished the 3 miles of running, but it was discouraging.

Not a happy runner.

After the run I did my plank routine, which includes reverse and side planks.  Sigh.


Leg day at the gym!  I did a 10 minute warmup on the stairclimber, then did my usual routine, which now consists of some moves from Sally McRae’s “Bulletproof Runner” workout, squats, Runner’s Touch,, and side planks with leg lifts.


To give my calf an extra day off running, I started the day with a 3 mile walk.  I averaged a 13:49 mile pace AND set a new mile walking PR of 13:37!!!  Woohoo!  If this keeps up, soon I’ll be walking faster than I’m running, ha ha! (Wait- that’s not funny.)

Later, my son and I went to the gym for what he called a “brutal pull day.”  When I asked him why it had to be “brutal,” he just looked at me blankly and said “Well otherwise, what’s the point?”  Yep, it was brutal!  We did lat pulldowns, rows, reverse flys, and biceps- working each muscle group to failure.  Ouch.


Okay, let’s try this again.  1 mile walk and 3 miles of running.  Again, my calf felt absolutely fine during the walk and for the first mile or so of the run- then I started to feel that pulling.  It’s in a different place now- it used to start around my achilles and move up, now it starts up around the back of my knee and moves down.  Well- different is good… I guess?  I wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t finish the run, but it wasn’t good either.

I followed this up with my planks again.  And again, I can’t explain why I’ve gone off the deadbugs- I didn’t do them once this week!  I just needed to switch things up.


Off!  And lots and lots of foam rolling.  I don’t know what’s going on with my calf, but it just FEELS like something that could be rolled out.  I’ve also been using a little spiky ball to (hopefully) release the fascia.  SIGH.


On tap- another run!  Why not?  Resting the calf didn’t fix it, so I might as well continue to run.  I’m going to play around with some run/walk intervals and see if that helps.

How was your week?  Did you celebrate the 4th? – I apparently celebrated with a “brutal” gym day.

What do you like better- planks or deadbugs?  Or neither one?

Top photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

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43 Responses

  1. Ugh, sorry you’re still dealing with the calf thing!! That sounds really frustrating. Would it make any sense to see a sports med doc or anything about it?? Seems it’s been persisting a while now…. Though I know things can take a long while to heal and run their course.

    1. Yes, I’m trying to figure out who to see. My regular guy isn’t great for stuff like this- he’s good for concrete issues where you know exactly what’s going on, but not as good for things that are more mysterious. I definitely need some help though.

  2. Ugh! This sucks.

    I hope the pain goes away for good.

    Neither one sounds like fun.

    And I ran a race in the 4th.

    I won’t complete about the heat but it does feel like Florida here.

    1. I know- you guys are getting some Florida weather! Hopefully it will cool down for you next week?

  3. I like your holiday celebrations! Back to back long runs on NYE and NYD, and now Brutal Gym Day on the fourth.

    Stupid calf. It’s got to get better soon. And who knows, it could be that race walking will be your next thing!

    1. NOOOO! It’s funny, because after my walk on the 4th I thought “I could have gone to the 5k and walked the whole thing.” No, no, no! Running is my thing and I’m sticking to it.
      And… that was the best New Years I’ve ever had! I should make it a tradition.

  4. Sorry to hear your calf is still bothering you. That is so frustrating. These nagging injuries are so annoying.

    I ran 6.25 miles yesterday morning at my parents. I had to run back and forth several times to get to that distance. There are limited running options here that don’t involve running on the highway which I refuse to do since the roads are so curvy with not much of a shoulder. But I got it done! Yesterday was our big family gathering with 50+ people. It was nice to see a lot of people but oof it’s a lot of work for my parents who are in their upper 70s.

    1. Glad you got that run in, and glad you all survived that huge party- that is a LOT of people. And yes- this issue is getting really, really annoying. I need it gone SOON.

  5. Grr. Your calf needs to stop being so annoying!

    Do you have a theragun-type tool? Maybe some gentle vibrations could help shake it out. 😉

    1. I’ve tried my Bob and Brad massager- everything I do feels good while I’m doing it, but doesn’t seem to fix the problem. Super frustrating.

  6. I was so thrilled for you at the beginning of the post, Jenny… then the calf started to act up again. I’m so sorry about that! The changing location sounds hopeful to me–it sounds like your body seems to be adapting to it… But a trip to the doc seems like a good idea too.

    But what an overall strong week anyway! Kudos!

    1. Thank you Maya! I appreciate the support! Yes… I need some outside intervention at this point.

  7. I love your speed walking, you are so fast, Jenny! *side eyes Rex*
    Unrelated, but did you listen to this week’s Hit Play Not Pause? I found it absolutely fascinating, it was a sports psychologist talking about our changing bodies in menopause. I know you sometimes listen to it and you are the only one of my friends who does, so wondered if you had heard that one!

  8. No, i have not heard it but I’ll listen- thank you!
    Ha ha, Rex- you’ll never walk a 13:37 mile with him. But that’s okay- I would be happy to walk slower if Rex were my companion!

  9. Sigh… I’m so sorry to hear that your calf isn’t feeling back to 100% normal. That’s weird how the pain has moved from lower calf to upper.

    Rumor has it that our founding fathers celebrated the adoption of the Declaration of Independence with a brutal pull day. 😉

  10. Ugh, I’m so sorry your calf is still bugging you! Maybe seeing a PT could help you get to the source of what’s causing the issue?

    My week was mostly about dealing with the heat on my runs. On Friday I drove an hour north to do my long run on a mountain to try to escape the heat but by the time I got back to the trailhead, it was already in the low 100s! This was my “peak week” for my race at the end of the month and I had wanted 16 miles for my long run but settled with 14 because the heat was just too much. So I’m a little disappointed in how the week turned out but I’m glad I called it when I did because I didn’t push it to the point of dealing with heat exhaustion or dehydration.

      1. It’s in southern Utah, in the mountains above 10,000 feet so it should only be in the low 80s at most which will feel much cooler. Crazy to think of 80s as “cool” haha!

  11. So sorry that calf is still having such attitude. Hmm, I probably prefer planks over dead bugs simply because I’m more accustomed to doing them. I really need to remember to go more dead bugs, though.

  12. So weird about your calf! I haven’t mentioned it in my blog but I have a pain in my heel/achilles that comes and goes. Shhhh. It’s been quiet this week. It’s probably because I’m not running as much as usual. I hope yours finally decides to go away. Well, mine too.

    I don’t ever do deadbugs–I probably should! But I don’t mind doing planks at all. We do so many pushups and burpees at CrossFit that planks feel pretty easy right now. I never ever thought I’d say that!!

  13. Ha, I do that too- I figure if I don’t say it out loud, whatever issue I’m dealing with isn’t real. It didn’t work for my calf though.

  14. Ugh – so sorry to hear about your calf still bothering you, especially after feeling good at the start of the week. What a tease! But man, you are getting in some FAST walking! Also, what are reverse planks? i’ve been trying to plank more and I’ve never heard of those. But you’ve inspired me to do some side planks every so often!

    1. I do reverse planks on my elbows and heels- but you could do them with straight arms and heels. Imagine yourself face up, looking at the ceiling- basically the reverse of a plank. Instead of your hands and toes (balls of feet) holding you up, it’s your hands and heels.

  15. So odd about the calf pain. Have you tried running with a compression sleeve? That has helped me before with various non injury injuries lol. Hope this week goes better for you. Can never go wrong with extra strength and core work when you can’t run

    1. I have not tried a compression sleeve- but it’s a good idea. Yes, extra strength is going to be my m.o. this week!

  16. What about your shoes? Are they newer or have they started to wear down? Maybe ask your son or husband to run with you and have them record you before and during when your calf starts aching? Maybe your form is deteriorating as you run?

    I need to get back to my Achilles stretches. And running but it’s so hot in Orlando and no ocean breeze lol

    1. My shoes are on the older side- but I don’t think they could be the culprit here. And- yes, Orlando is probably worse than South Florida! I’m not right on the ocean but we still get a LITTLE breeze.

  17. Ugh, I am so sorry you’re still dealing with the *st*pid* calf. Why is it being difficult?
    We did not really celebrate the 4th… it was too hot to even be outside (and people still set off fireworks in the heatwave, and started grass fires, WTH?) I had ice-cream – does that count as celebration?
    P.S. I love both planks and deadbugs. Take them over jack knives any day LOL

    1. It was way too hot to be outside here, but that didn’t stop my neighbors from setting off a ton of fireworks! Ice cream DEFINITELY counts as a celebration.

  18. I thought of you when I was doing a cardio and core video today and my calf starting aching. I was a bit confused – so I stop and rest it or power through? Why aren’t there easy answers to anything!

    I don’t like planks or deadbugs, but, as San said, I will take them over anything where I’m on the ground and trying not to yank my delicate neck – crunches, jacknives, leg lifts, I’m talking about you.

  19. Good work with the walking speed! And I admire your patience with trying to run (although, I’m probably the same with strength training and my arm). I hope the foam rolling made some difference… at least the problem is not consistently in one single place! That should be a good thing.. I think. Very frustrating.
    As you’d probably imagine, we don’t celebrate the 4th of July, but my in-laws did! They went to the US (Boston area) to see family they have come to know through my father-in-law’s genealogy work.
    I love some good dead bugs, they seem more effective than planks (probably because they’re dynamic), but I enjoy some planking too. I haven’t done any of them for a long time, probably should do some deadbugs during my work-at-home days.

    1. Yes, I guess the 4th of July isn’t big in Ireland, ha. I think deadbugs are more effective too- I’m going to get back into them this week.

  20. Oh Jenny! What a long haul you’ve had with that calf! But gold stars for those fast walking miles. Maybe I’ll see you on TV ripping up the speed walking circuit at the Olympics this year? Haha.

    1. Sarah, I am actually trying to find an acupuncturist right now! My old one moved away (of course, grr.)

  21. So, I recently thought I had a calf strain (I tweaked it doing some strides last week) and the physio said no running for several weeks. But the second physio (at the same place) said definitely not a strain/tear or I wouldn’t be able to walk or even jog (which I did). She said I experienced a muscle spasm. She dry needled it and said I can run as normal tomorrow…Anyways, its wild how different the two diagnosis were, but I also realize how sensitive/delicate the calves are, AND how important they are, so you are being smart giving it some TLC. Good luck!

    1. Oh, dry needling! That sounds like it would be helpful. I also don’t think mine is a strain because I’m able to walk and do other things with no pain.

  22. Brutal seems to fit the bill.
    I’m so sorry you’re not getting any relief for your calf issues. That stinks.
    I prefer dead bugs to planks. My toes can’t manage the planks very well.
    Our 4th was absolutely unhinged with driving around. I didn’t even see any fireworks. Meh. What can you do?

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