walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- That Was Weird

Hello!!!  Happy mid-July (ack!) Somehow after being on vacation, this week was a tough one.  It was hard to get back in my normal groove, and one of the cats has decided to welcome us back by meowing loudly in the middle of the night, so I haven’t been sleeping enough.   I’m hoping that next week things calm down a bit.

Here’s the sleep-wrecker! Looking all innocent…

Before I get to the Weekly Rundown- Kim let me know that many of her comments were disappearing, and I found them in my trash, along with random comments from other people.  I recently started using the Akismet plugin because I was getting so much spam.  I guess in addition to the spam it’s dumping other comments here and there into the trash… anyway, I apologize to anyone who left a comment and had it disappear!  I’ll be checking the trash regularly to retrieve any legitimate comments.

Now on to the fun!  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.


Since Sunday was a travel day, Monday was a running day!  Hooray!  Following my run/walk buildup schedule, I ran five minutes, walked five minutes, ran five minutes, walked five minutes, ran five and walked five.  Somehow in all this I passed my street- apparently after being away for a week I forgot where I live- and ended up running a bonus two minutes to get back home.

I’ve settled into a routine with my PT exercises- I do some of them before I run to get the muscles activated, then after the run I usually do my side planks, and then at night I do some more.  If I don’t get to every single one of them, I do the ones I missed the next day.


Back in the pool!  I had limited time so I did my “pool 5k” workout, where I do a short warm up and then “run” for the same amount of time- approximately- it takes me to run a normal 5k.

The pool is getting warmer and warmer as the summer goes on!

More PT later in the day.


Running again, and it was an exciting day because the running now is longer than the walking.  Six minutes of running and four minutes of walking, repeated three times.  Strangest thing about this run though- when I started, both of my knees were killing me- what in the world???- I never have knee issues!  I’ve had shinsplints, plantar fasciitis, hamstring tendinopathy, and all sorts of issues with my hips- but whenever someone asks “Isn’t running bad for your knees?”  (eye roll) I can reply that my knees are perfect!

So what’s going on?  Both my knees were very achy, right below the kneecap.  It went away as the run went on, but was pretty painful in the beginning.  None of my PT exercises bother my knees, so I’m putting this on the ever-increasing list of Things That Make No Sense.


Thursday has always been a dedicated strength day, so I’ve been doing all my PT exercises on Thursday mornings.  Every single one!  It was nice not having to do anything in the evening.


Another run!  This time it was seven minutes of running/three walking, times three.  Again my knees were very achy in the beginning.

This might be the perfect time to mention that I’m not a fan of the run/walk intervals.  I know some people use them all the time, with great success.  I just feel like it breaks up my rhythm.  For this run my knees were aching again and just as that was subsiding, I had to stop and walk, drat!  Then I walked for three minutes and had to start running again… I would rather just run the whole time.  Even in long runs when I’m tired, I hate walking (although I’ve definitely done it.) It’s so hard to start running again- easier to just stay running than go back and forth.  Well, soon enough I’ll be done with the walking intervals- yay.

PT exercises in the evening, of course.


40 minute pool run.  PT at night!


really miss my Sunday long runs!  But even though it wasn’t long, I did get to run today.  Eight minutes of running/two walking, times three.  Again, my knees were really achy in the beginning.  Whatever.  I gave myself an extra bonus minute of running at the end (my knees were completely fine by that point) because it was HOT and I just wanted to get home!

Yay- back to hot summer running!

I realized that with all the PT I’ve been doing for my hip, I haven’t done ANY upper body strength in weeks- I actually forgot that was a thing.  So that will be a goal for next week!

Do you like run/walk intervals? How do you use them? 

Anyone have a guess what’s up with my achy knees? – I must be doing something to cause this issue!



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32 Responses

  1. Luckily your cat is very cute…cannot get mad.

    Love that you are running again and you are soooo patient.

    It’s weird that pains just pop up.

    Wed night I was running and my lower back really ached when I ran.

    Yesterday it did not. I sat all day at work in the same chair…so why???

    I’m not very disciplined and don’t like to run with a watch so I just run and walk when I get tired…some days it is a lot…some days not so much.

    Remember my upper arm exercises? Nope I don’t either. lol

    1. Ha ha, Darlene… it’s definitely hard to get motivated to do upper body (my arms don’t get injured!)

  2. that is great that you are back to pain free running! So, I love intervals, especially in the summertime. I do 5:1 right now. I like the 1 min walk bc that is when I drink my water. 1 min goes by fast and I don’t get out of a rhythm.They have worked really well for me. You just have to find the right interval

    1. You definitely have a point, Deborah- the length of the interval could make a big difference. In this buildup schedule you start with mostly walking and move your way to running slowly.

  3. Knock on wood, I’ve never had a knee injury. However I will get a really random ache in my knee like once a year thats really brief. It might just feel funny for a few minutes while I am running. My theory is that there is some tight muscle (quads or adductors?) pulling on it, so I just do a little extra foam rolling. I wonder if your body is just adjusting to running again?

    1. Come to think of it Lisa, I hardly ever hear of any runner having a knee injury! All sorts of other things, but not knees (usually.) I would think my body is adjusting to running again, but I’ve been incorporating it sooooo slowly! It’s not like I jumped right back to 30 miles a week. But… oh well. Yes, foam rolling can only help!

  4. That picture of your cat is awfully cute. It must be hard to get mad at that face, even with the excessive meowing, lol.

    That’s so weird about the random knee pain. That happens to me on runs sometimes where I’ll get a weird pain in my foot or back but then it never comes back. I’m thankful they are one-time incidents, but still so odd!

    1. Kim, I found your message in my trash! Maybe my blog just doesn’t like people named “Kim”, ha ha. Anyway… yes, I would love to be able to see inside my body when these weird things happen and know what’s really going on!

  5. Aww, your cat is adorable! She just missed you 🙂

    Glad running continues to improve! You’ll be back at full strength soon! Stick with it and be patient.

  6. Oh, no on the achy knees. Is it possible you need new running shoes? That’s usually a sign for me.

    I am with you on intervals. My body prefers that I pick one gear and keep moving.

    1. My shoes are fairly new. For me, it’s my feet that usually start aching when I need new shoes. But… now that you mention it, I do have another pair of shoes to wear. Maybe I’ll try them just for something different.

  7. What a cute kitty!
    Pain below the knee sounds to me like an irritation of the patellar tendon. But why? Who knows?
    Great job being so patient and deliberate about your return to running.

    1. I’m going to look up patellar tendonitis. Just what I need! But it would be nice to know what’s going on. Thanks!

  8. I do like run/walk but my walk is only 30 seconds. I’m going to guess that it’s the transition from pool to the road. Let’s hope so anyway!

    I had a calico. Your cat looks a lot like my Cleo!

    Actually I think I sleep better at my sisters. No dog going in & out of the covers all night!

    1. Yes, pets are great but they can really mess up your sleep!
      I guess my achy knees could be the transition to the road… I did it so slowly though! I’ve come back from many injuries and never had this before.

  9. Sounds like tendonitis–maybe your knees are just talking to you after taking some time off? Can you ask your PT?

    I don’t mind the run/walk intervals–but they definitely let me go the distance when I need to. Hang in there, friend! You got this!!

    1. Thank you Wendy!!! I could ask my PT, if I see him again. I’m still trying to decide if I’m going back or not. The original injury seems completely healed. Do I want to start PT all over again for my knees! ARG!

  10. I have never done consistent (or planned?) run/walk intervals, except for brief periods when I was coming back from injury (the knee and the stress fracture). Even then, those intervals started with equal parts running and walking (I think) before gradually walking less and less. For myself, it just works best to take walks breaks “as needed” (like during yesterday’s crazy multi-run “long run”) as opposed to doing them in a structured format. I have found when I take walk breaks, like during a long race, I’m able to resume my running at a good pace and it doesn’t seem to affect my finish time much. Hoping your knees start to feel better!

    1. Thanks Kim! Maybe I just need to adjust my attitude about walking intervals- if I walk during a long run or race I feel kind of defeated. But there’s obviously a way to do it and make it work well.

  11. yay you are running again!! agree it’s very weird about the achy knees though. I always figure when I get some random pain after being injured and starting up again that I am somehow compensating somewhere for it to hurt like that. But it’s tough to truly know.

    I do like intervals but I would rather just run. Especially the long run. I haven’t been able to do that for a long time. I hope to someday get back to that. Run a full hour or two hours without stopping. Those were the days I tell ya.

    oh and about the trash/spam comments: fun fact – my akismet puts all responses I make to comments in the spam box. Every. Single. Time. I’m responding on my own blog and I have to approve my comments…

    1. What? That’s crazy! So akismet’s not perfect (obviously) but it definitely got rid of all my spam comments. Now it just needs to keep the un-spam ones.

  12. LOVE, LOVE the cat!! Adorable!! Look at that face. So cute. Great job on running but the knee thing is weird. The spam thing happens to me too. I don’t realize it till someone mentions it.

    1. Yes, I know you’re a cat person! About the spam, I also found one of your comments in the trash. I don’t understand why it would randomly end up there when the rest of your comments went through. Another mystery of life!

  13. How exciting that you’re running again and isn’t it great when the run time exceeds the walk time on your run/walk intervals? Could the knee pain just be from taking the time off and they’re just going to act up for a few weeks until they get used to running again?

    1. Debbie, I hope that’s the case! I still think it’s strange though- I’ve never had this issue before. We’ll see!

  14. First, I’m glad you had a nice break!
    Second, your cat is innocent. Look at that face.

    I am a huge proponent of intervals. There’s no way I could run without them, especially after my accident.

    I don’t know about the knees. Usually, I attribute aching to old shoes, but I’m not a doctor so it could be a ton of other things too. I hope you get to the bottom of it.

    1. Thank you! Coco also suggested the shoes, and even though my shoes aren’t that old I’m going to switch to my Hokas and see if that helps.

  15. I bet you found some of my comments in your spam, too!

    Sweet kitty! We have to remove all toy mice before bedtime, otherwise our one cat will find one and just miaow quite quietly over it, but often rising in volume and always enough to wake me up. Argh!

    I wonder if the knees are because of the walking / transitions. I have friends who run with the Jeff Galloway method and one in particular goes much faster using it; I will do it but I don’t really like it as I’m not smooth in the transitions so it feels jerky and weird. And walking 7 miles one day last week got to my quads and calves so it’s not inconceivable it would mess with the knees, too. Hope you get that sorted out.

    1. Liz, this is the best explanation I’ve heard so far- it’s because of the WALKING! I always want to find something other than running to blame, ha ha. But you could be onto something. I’ll let you know- thanks!

  16. I think that some comments on your spam were mine.
    I have 3 cats at home and sometimes they disagree that I can sleep by night!
    Glad you had a nice break.
    4 years ago I had pain in my left knee. I solved the problem with 4 shots (in 4 weeks) of hyaluronic acid.

    1. Yes, Mr. Knight- I found several of your comments in my trash. Sorry about that- I think I’ve got the problem fixed now.
      I had to look up hyaluronic acid injections. I’m keeping that in mind if this situation doesn’t improve!

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