walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Warming Up

Well, after a chilly start to the week, we warmed up, Florida-style.   Writing all my goals for the week (or, plans) in my planner has really been helping me.  This week, in addition to my runs, I wanted to do three yoga classes, two glutes and legs strength classes, and either pushups or pull-ups five times.  Let’s see how it all worked out… thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting this weekly rundown!


I’m still running every other day, and this week was a M-W-F-Sunday week.

Four mile run in 45 degree weather!  It was the last “cold” day for us.


I found my new favorite strength class:

It’s straight-ahead lunges, squats, split squats… all the classics, with no plyometrics.  For the record, I think plyometrics are great, just not for me with my “difficult foot.” This wouldn’t be a good class to take as a warmup before a run, because it uses weights and is a little too long.  But as a stand-alone glutes and legs strength class, it’s perfect.  Followed this with pull-ups, and then later in the day did a quick Peloton yoga flow with Denis Morton.


A four mile run in tank top weather again!

Yes, we somehow survived the cold snap!  Floridians are pretty funny when the temperature dips below 60 degrees…

Followed this run with pushups.


A 30 minute Peloton yoga flow, as always with Denis Morton.  I’m still practicing that half moon!  And, pull-ups.


This was the only run of the week that, inexplicably, didn’t feel great.  Luckily I had planned it to be my shortest run of the week, at three miles.  It doesn’t matter if a three mile run doesn’t feel good- we can do anything for 30 minutes, right?  Later in the day I did my “ten down” pushups workout.


I repeated the Jess Sims 30 minute glutes and leg class, and then later in the day did a 30 minute yoga flow, for my third yoga class of the week.


“Long” run day!  Ran 5.5 miles.  I’m really longing to run more.  I had another shockwave treatment on Wednesday and my doctor is 100% positive that my foot will- eventually- be all healed up.  In the meantime, I still feel some pain- not while I’m running, but other times during the day.  I’ve been very slowly increasing my overall weekly mileage, but keeping all runs around 3-5 miles.

5.5 miles and a fartlek workout!

As I can see from my planner, I still have one more pushup/pull-up session to get in today- it’ll probably be pull-ups.  I’ve progressed to doing some “negatives,” where I use the band to assist in a pull-up, and when I’m at the top I slip my leg out of the band so I can lower my whole bodyweight down, slowly.  I may never be able to do an actual, unassisted pull-up, but I’m definitely getting stronger.

And now… time for waffles.

How was your week?  Has anyone else tried that Jess Sims class?

How’s your weather? – We’re getting up to 80 by the afternoon, but I’m not complaining!




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39 Responses

  1. I am bring summer clothes. I’m good as long as it’s over 50 lol.

    Our weather? a heat wave is if the temps with the wind chill are over zero. Right now it’s feels like 6. Heat wave. I’m not one to wimp out and skip a run. Once you get going, you are fine. In fact, I even get warm. I do have to drive to find dry roads and I cannot run on the bike paths until spring (ice scares me lol)

    See you soon1!

  2. Seriously, I don’t even want to talk about our weather. It made trying to run super challenging this week. I’d like to increase my “long” run (there haven’t been any this year), but seriously, finding somewhere to run is really dicey right now. And we haven’t even had much snow!

    Your podiatrist has to keep his 100% success streak going . 🙂

    1. I know! I would hate to be the one to break his streak. He would hate it too- he seems very determined.
      At least you have your treadmill! Treadmill runs are always a good option.

  3. I’m glad you have your normal weather back (and I’m a bit envious). Extreme shifts in weather (hot or cold) are difficult, no matter one’s locale. I havenot done that Jess workout yet, so I’m going to bookmark that. I prefer more the “general” lower-body workouts as opposed to the glutes/legs-focused ones (though there probably isn’t a huge difference). The upper-body ones, definitely, are my favorites!! SOUnds like your running is going well!!

    1. I haven’t done any of the Peloton upper body workouts but maybe I’ll make it a goal for this week to try one. Yes, I’m kind of mad it was so cold for your last week here and now it’s warm- but that’s winter in Florida. You never know.

  4. Oh, Jenny, it’s actually ‘warmer’ today than it has been. It was about 20 when I ran this morning. The wind is picking up though, and that made it tough. February is always a tough month here. I’m glad to hear your foot is feeling better finally! Did you get that article I sent you about the fat injections? I thought it was so interesting.

    That lagoon in the top of your post makes me think about gators…

    1. Somehow I missed that article, but just went back through my emails and read it. Yes! I want this!!! It actually sounds really interesting and bonus points that they take fat from another part of my body, ha ha.

  5. I am pretty sure I took that class- I like the straight forward, no plyo classes 🙂 I always modify when the instructors add cardio into the strength classes. Just not what I need! But that was a solid class. A good one to repeat!

    I love the meme about Florida weather, ha!

    1. Yes, I’m going to repeat this class a lot. Sadly, the Florida weather meme is pretty right on the mark. Floridians don’t know what to do with “cold” weather!

  6. ha ha on your weather! That falling iguana thing is so odd! I also like the lower body classes without plyo moves. As a runner, I don’t feel like I need more impact either. Nice to see you trying new ones and liking them. Have a great week!

  7. Another solid week of workouts for you!
    Jess Sims is my favorite Peloton instructor for basically everything so glad to hear that you loved her strength class 🙂

    Love the Florida meme, lol.

  8. It’s good to see running is going well for you. Interesting that you don’t have the foot pain while you’re running.

    I tend to like to stack the shorter strength classes, but Jess is one of my faves so I’ll have to add that one to my growing list of bookmarked classes.

    We hit a balmy 24 here today LOL.

  9. Enjoy that 80! I’d love half of that. Actually it was 20 today and that felt warm. Truly it did. Glad you are able to get your runs in and the foot stays relatively happy. I predict unassisted pull-up(s) in your future!

    1. Ha, we’ll see about that Marcia! I’ve tried to get to unassisted pull-ups before but always got discouraged and gave up. This time I’m not setting that as a goal, I’m just trying to get my back stronger and we’ll see what happens.

  10. It’s great that you are seeing progress on the pull-up goal. It makes the effort worth it when you can see the pay-off.

    Jess Sims was my first favorite Peloton instructor. She is known for having plyo moves in her strength workouts (especially the Flash 15s), but I think her longer ones are a safer bet as far as that is concerned — although there might be a burpee finisher. 😉

    So glad your Dr. has confidence your foot will get better. My ankle is a bit cranky after a long or hard run, but seems to be good with my every-other-day schedule too.

    1. Yes, the other JS classes I’ve taken had plyos. But I’m okay with doing this class on repeat! I also did one of her core classes today and liked it.

    1. Well, I’m glad you’re having a mild week, although if you still have a lot of ice, that would be considered frigid by Florida standards!

  11. Oh I love waffles!

    No running outside for me; we had 12 hours of freezing rain and then very cold temps here. Everything is white and icy. But I continue on with daily outside walks which have been great.

    Tromping up an icy hill this morning I told my husband: I JUST want to walk in running shoes again. I’m dreaming of the days we can ditch the winter footwear. It really is so much easier. But maybe that’s part of the winter charm – it really does make spring feel SO light (physically, mentally, and environmentally) in comparison?

    1. Oh… brrrrrr. All this talk of ice is making me cold! It’s true though… we don’t get a spring here, and spring really is the best. I’ll be envious when you’re spring is starting, and we’re starting our long hot summer.

  12. So happy the doctor is positive about a full recovery for your foot. Must be so frustrating on some days but just keep at it – you’re doing so well at building back up slowly! Glad you guys have emerged from the cold snap!

    1. Yes, knowing my doctor is so positive makes me a little less frustrated on the bad days- I really believe him that the treatment is going to work.

  13. Glad your doctor is positive about your foot. The most important thing (lesson that I have never learned) is to not be in hurry.
    I see that we are running on the same days and this week was a M-W-F-Sunday week for me too. However I will follow this routine forever to stay injury free.

    1. I have heard statistics that people who run every other day are much less likely to be injured. Who knows… maybe i’ll decide to stay on this schedule as well!

  14. Waffles!

    So our temps went up on Thursday and Friday, and now it’s back to super cold. I want to spend the next week in hibernation

  15. That glutes and legs strength class looks great. I don’t like jumping around, either, as my “bad” foot is OK apart from when it suddenly isn’t (one leg longer than the other, slightly wonky foot, have a raise, have to be careful). Good work and hope your temps hold steady and comfortable.

    1. Yes, it’s a good class. It’s hard, but you can adjust it to your ability. I’m not using as heavy weights as Jess does, and you could even just start with your body weight if you haven’t been using weights lately, and progress from there.

  16. Way to diversify your training. I get bored when I do the same things over and over again, and I like to try new teachers and workouts.

    I am envious of your weather, but someday we’ll have a chain of beautiful days and it will remind me why I live here again. 🙂

  17. Ha! I love Florida weather! I live for the heat and humidity and wish Memphis didn’t get so cold in the winter (it’s typically in the 30s and 40s here during winter, and that’s cold for me!). Hope your foot continues to get better!

    1. Yes, that would be cold for me as well. You would like it here- lately we’ve been getting down to 60s at night and 70s, 80s during the day. We have cold snaps but they’re pretty brief.

  18. You’re getting in some great workouts and new stuff with the Peloton classes. I’m sure you’re loving that.

    Yay for getting back into shorts and a tank after Florida’s cold spell. Hopefully, you will have delightfully moderate weather before Florida’s hot summer sets in!

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