walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Dodging Bullets

Well, another week!  This one had a cutback in running miles, a blogger meetup, and my husband and I have continued our streak of never getting Covid at the same time.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown!  Let’s just see how it all went down.


16 mile trail run!  It was a little warmer than I would have liked for this run, but overall it was pretty good.

Love this trail.

My only issue was, as soon as I finished the run I got very nauseous.  The same thing happened to me after my 15 mile run a couple weeks ago.  Not sure what’s up with that- I may have to adjust my nutrition.  I’ve been using gels which usually work just fine.  Maybe I need to switch brands- i’m currently using GUs.  Any suggestions?

In other news, my husband had been feeling mysteriously fatigued for a couple days and had a slight fever.  On Sunday night he took a Covid test which was, of course, positive.  SIGH.


I did Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series Day #20 AGAIN- I think this is my third or fourth time doing this workout.  It’s biceps, triceps, abs and core.  I’m not that into all the focused arm work, but the core part is amazing.  It’s just a good workout to do the day after a long run.


Here’s where things got dicey.  I did a 3 mile run in the morning and had an alarming pain in my shin.  It was probably a 3-4 out of 10 on the pain scale, but it was persistent.  I didn’t like the feel of it ONE BIT.


In the afternoon I went to the gym for leg day!  Good workout, but…

By this point I was convinced that at any moment I was going to get Covid, with a bonus shin injury.  Then I thought about a book we used to read when my daughter was little.  In it, Winnie the Pooh has convinced his friends to go on a picnic, but when they get there everyone is concerned about ominous-looking clouds in the sky.  They keep saying it’s going to rain, and finally Winnie the Pooh says “Rain isn’t rain until it falls from the sky in drops.  Until then, we might as well have fun.”  Well put, Winnie!  I resolved to go on with my week as if everything was going to be fine.


In the morning I went to the gym for push/pull day, and in the afternoon met up with Cari! Even though I felt perfectly fine, we stayed outdoors just to be on the safe side.  It was a warm, beautiful day and we sipped iced teas and went for a walk.  Fun meetup!


Now I had a decision to make.  It should have been a running day, but I wanted to give my shin a rest.  I thought about going to the gym for some cross training, but that nagging inner voice said “Don’t go to the gym three days in a row!  Think how much easier it would be to stay home and go for a walk instead!”  Luckily I’m reading David Goggins’ new book, so I also hear his voice in my head now. In this case, I heard him saying “You want to stay home and do WHAT?!”  Sigh.

I went to the gym and did the stair climber for 45 minutes.  I can’t say I “like” the stair climber (because that would be crazy) but of all the cardio machines, for me it’s the closest thing to running, endorphin-wise.  Plus it was a great workout- I put some hard intervals in there, because that’s what you do when you’re on the machines to keep from losing your mind.  Thank you, David.


The true test!  I did a four mile run and my shin felt… completely fine.  PHEW.  Not only did my shin not hurt, but my glutes felt extra activated from the stair climber the day before, and I was aware of them pushing back with every step.  Now I’m considering adding a day of stair climber cross training every week!


Off!  My daughter had a band concert the night before and we got home late, so I was glad to have a morning to sleep in (a little, before going to work.)

And, it was my husband’s birthday!  Luckily he was feeling better and done with his quarantine, so we went out for a nice dinner.

Some couples take a picture of themselves- we took a picture of our Kung Pao cauliflower.


I’m switching my long run back to Wednesday (again.) Sundays and Wednesdays are my days off, and the problem with Sunday is, I always feel my time is limited before I’m expected back home.  On Wednesday, after I drop my daughter off, the whole day is mine and I plan to find a new trail to run on.

So on tap for today… the gym, once again!  I’ll do leg day, since I won’t be doing it on Wednesday.  And then… football.

Overall it was a pretty great week (thanks to my friends David Goggins and Winnie the Pooh!) If anything, I felt better than normal- maybe because I focused on getting more sleep.  I did wear a mask a couple times indoors, like to my daughter’s concert (just in case) but other than that, carried on with my life as usual.  My husband has now had Covid twice, and I had it once- and we’ve never gotten it from one another.  Yes, this virus is highly contagious!  Unless you’re sleeping in the same bed as someone who has it- then you won’t get it.  Whatever.

Do you feel like you’ve dodged any bullets lately?

Chiefs or Bengals? – I like both teams!

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57 Responses

  1. As I told you previously my hubby felt nauseous Tuesday but didn’t test positive until Thursday when he let my kitten outside. What a day. Sat the kitten came back my hubby feels fine though he is still testing positive.

    Hope we both stay well. Glad your shin is behaving.

    From Tuesday on I wore a mask slept and ate in a different bedroom. Yes I’m paranoid.

    1. FYI you can still test positive for a long time but not be contagious anymore. I think the test picks up on the dead viruses still in your system. So if your husband feels fine he’s probably not contagious anymore. I hope you don’t get it!!!

  2. Ah those crazy aches and pains that come up out of nowhere. So glad your shin is feeling better. Great week of fitness for you despite some drama. Glad you didn’t catch it from your hubs. Always fun to meet up w Cari-she is so sweet. You mentioned the Gu, how about the hydration? What are you drinking on your long runs? Any electrolytes? I use SIS hydration tabs on every run really helps me-I sweat a lot

    1. Yes, the more I think about it the more I suspect electrolytes. I’m drinking plenty of water. I guess I thought I was getting some electrolytes from the GUs, but either that’s wrong or it’s just not enough.

  3. I’m glad you dodged both Covid and shin problems.
    I think cross-training is always a good idea, so I am team stair stepper for Jenny.
    We had dinner guests and then later one of them texted me to say that she had tested positive for Covid! This, after we drank and ate and chatted and hugged for six hours. No one got it here, so *shrug* who knows!

    1. Yes, Covid remains a mystery! And, since I don’t do any other cross training, I’m planning to do the stair climber once a week- I feel like my shin pain was a warning to replace a day of running.

  4. Yes it’s beyond bizarre that you can get COVID from one random air molecule at the grocery store (which is how I assume I got it) but not get it from the person that you share a bed with.

    Back in my gym rat days I used to do the stair mill once a week and loved/hated it so yes I think it’s a good addition to the fitness routine. If you can’t fit it in now it will still be there after your 50k.

    Congrats on dodging the bullets!

    1. Thanks Birchie! I guess I got lucky. Yes, my relationship with the stair climber is love-hate. I’m going to try to get to the gym and get on it once a week- we’ll see.

  5. I’m happy to hear that your shin pain disappeared as quickly as it did. And here’s hoping you and your daughter stay Covid free!

    Have you tried Honey Stinger gels instead of GU? I don’t seem to have the same issues with them that I had with GU.

  6. I used to slam Gu gels like crazy with no ill side effects. I don’t know if they changed their formula or if my body decided it no longer liked them. The gels go down fine…but an hour later or so, it’s nasty (and I’ll just leave it at that). Have you ever tried SiS gels? They’re isotonic, so you don’t need any extra water with them. SiS stands for Science In Sport…I did a review on them in Sept 2020 (if you’re interested in more info). I know all about those phantom aches/pains…they’re really inconsiderate!

    1. I remember you reviewing the SIS gels. My question is… are they liquid-y? If they’re too watery then I end up choking on them. But I’ll look into it- I’ve always been curious about those.

  7. Glad you dodged the covid and the shin! How odd about the gels. Can you get Torq there – I like their pudding style flavours. They’re thicker like Gu so you need water with them but go down nicely.

  8. The boys and I all had Covid and Phil somehow didn’t get it. I slept in the guest room and masked most of the first couple of days. The boys never masked. But they were barely sick so their viral load was likely very low. I was very sick, though, so it’s crazy he didn’t get it from me. I’m glad you dodged it this time!!

    I am glad the shin pain went away! I had a pretty good week overall. I didn’t get a workout in yesterday. I would normally run but it was subzero and I won’t run in that kind of weather! I did get a 25 min walk in which is better than not in.

    I would be happy with either team winning. I love both of their QBs. I am cheering for SF over the eagles because I just don’t like that team for some reason!!

    1. Arg- I was also rooting for SF. Oh well, I know who I’m rooting AGAINST in the Super Bowl! I’m watching the Bengals-Chiefs game right now. I started off feeling like you do but now I’m definitely rooting for the Chiefs.
      For Covid, there must be something else going on to determine how likely you are to get sick- because my husband didn’t mask in the house and we continued to sleep in the same bed. If only we could figure out what that “hidden factor” is!

  9. I’m so glad your shin issue self-corrected quickly and that you were able to prioritize sleep. So important for fighting off – and preventing – injuries and illness.
    I had to laugh (and sigh, if I’m being honest) when you talked about your long trail run being too warm for your liking. It’s overcast and cool here today and I’m craving heat!! It still kinda boggles my mind that someone in my same general area of the world (we’re only one-time zone apart) has such drastically different weather than my own!

    1. Yes, I know! It was 85 this week down here. It’s a little too warm for me, but I know if I lived where you do I would crave this weather.

  10. I wonder if you got dehydrated on your trail run? Or maybe low on sodium? Headaches and nausea usually happen to me on hot days when I am under-hydrated/fueled.

    So glad you were able to pivot a bit during the week and make sure that your body is doing ok (and it worked! Yay!).

    1. I think I’m plenty hydrated (thanks to my hydration vest) but it could be electrolytes. It has been very warm here and I’m sweating a lot!

  11. I’m going with the Chiefs today! Sorry about Covid #2 for your husband but I’m glad you didn’t catch it from him. My FIL had it and somehow my MIL managed to avoid it, not sure how because she catches most bugs. I hope your shin continues to feel good! As far as the nausea after the warm trail run, I’d suspect electrolyte imbalance before nutrition. Maybe try a pkt of salt next time.

    1. Yes, I thought of that! Maybe next time I’ll fill one bottle with water and the other with LMNT.
      i’m also rooting for the Chiefs!

  12. So glad you didn’t catch your hubs’ Covid! I’ve been fighting with a bad cold all week but I tested negative twice, so it’s not Covid. I’m not sure what’s up with your shin.

    My 2 cents: I used to get nauseous on my long runs when I was fueling with Tailwind and I think it was too much glucose/sugar for my stomach to absorb. I don’t use Tailwind anymore and I don’t get nauseous anymore.

    1. Yes, it could be too much sugar. Like I said, it never used to bother me, but my body seems to want to change everything up these days.

  13. I’m glad the shin resolved quickly & your husband was better in time to celebrate your anniversary! I’m so not a fan of David Goggins but the important thing is he’s inspiring you.

    I just spent more time indoors, in Winter, with a large crowd than I have in years. Which on some ways makes my skin crawl if I’m being honest even if I’m the one that pushed my husband to go (his side of the family). OTOH it was good to support them.

    My sister & BIL both got COVID together . . . but I know a lot of others where one spouse got it, one didn’t.

    1. I think my husband probably got Covid in Tampa because we were in a lot of big crowds. On the other hand, I didn’t get it so you never know! Hopefully you’ll be fine.

  14. Sixteen miles! Go you! I’m so impressed with all your long runs.

    And yay for meeting blog friends!! I love that you met face-to-face!! Boo to your husband having COVID! Yay to you not getting it!

  15. glad it was not any shin injury. sorry to hear about your husband’s covid , hopefully he feels better soon.
    i had a injury scare last week too, hopefully it was not really a running injury but might be i lifted too heavy on a leg day.

  16. Yay for Winnie the Pooh!

    How fun that you got to meet Cari! She’s the sweetest!

    And I’m glad your shin is ok. The weather has been wreaking HAVOC on my ankle. Like there are days when it just hurts. But then it’s fine. So hoping it’s just something like that for you.

    1. Is it the cold that bothers your ankle, or is it damp? I wish I could blame mine on the weather, but I don’t think that’s it. I’m probably going to have to be careful about how much I run and add in some cross training, SIGH.

  17. Glad you dodged that bullet! I had a similar situation last week, but it didn’t turn out well for me. My partner got the flu toward the end of the week before last, and I kept expecting to be sick any day later. And five days went by, and I thought I was in the clear. He was even back at work! And then boom — it hit me. And I’ve been out all week from running. On day 6 now, and I still don’t feel quite right. 🙁

    1. Oh, that stinks! People make a big deal about Covid, but I think the flu can be even worse. I hope you feel better soon.

  18. When Dustin got covid over Christmas 2021, I didn’t get it, and when I got it before the Amsterdam marathon, he never got it. Its so strange…I’m glad you stayed healthy and were able to meet up with Cari!

    I echo what others say that you need Gatorade/Powerade/Nuun during the run. I use Maurten brand gels, they’re supposed to be easier to digest. Experiment! Good luck!

    1. Yes, I’m going to try LMNT during the run on Wednesday. I know people love the Maurten gels- I was thinking of trying them.

  19. So sorry to hear about the shin pain, what a relief it disappeared. Way to go with your long runs! I hope you’ll figure out how to avoid that nausea.
    I absolutely LOVE those quotes by Winnie the Pooh and David Goggins. Always something to live by. I bought that book by Goggins but haven’t started reading it yet, it showed up quite soon on Apple after it was released. I’m really looking forward to reading it.

    1. I think you’ll like it! I’ll do a little review of it soon, but one thing I like about it is all the problems he overcomes- he really has a lot going against him, and he still figures out how to get it all done.

  20. I used to deal with post-run nausea after my long runs, especially during the summer. What helped me was switching from chews to gels. I’m not sure exactly why that made the difference but ever since that switch I didn’t deal with it again.

    So sorry to hear that your husband got Covid, but happy to hear that he was feeling well enough to celebrate his birthday.

    1. Yes, he only felt really bad for a couple days, luckily. It would have been depressing if he were too sick to celebrate his birthday.

  21. 5/7 of us have had COVID and not at the same time– SO WEIRD. Also Dorothy hasn’t had it but she has gotten both flu A and strep w/in a month of each other so it’s not like she avoids germs or is a good hand-washer LOL **shrug**

  22. 5/7 of us have had COVID and not at the same time– SO WEIRD. Also Dorothy hasn’t had it but she has gotten both flu A and strep w/in a month of each other so it’s not like she avoids germs or is a good hand-washer LOL **shrug**

  23. Oh the crazy Covid! My son still hasn’t had Covid. Lucky him! Glad your shin was just a fluke (hopefully!). My knee has been barking at me lately. I think it’s getting mad about the treadmill running? It felt fine after the 18 miler. Odd. I think I would pick Weds for your long run too. It’s nice to have time afterwards – although my long run seems to consume most of my day no matter how long it is! Maybe it’s the post-run trip to Starbucks. Nah, that can’t be it.

  24. Sorry to hear your husband’s in for round #2 – glad you’ve been able to avoid it. Let’s hope whatever was bothering your shin is one of those random one-ff things that won’t rear its head again.

    As others have suggested I also vote for adding in some electrolytes. Since I started using LMNT last summer I haven’t had any issues.

    Yay for meeting up with Cari – and that Pooh quote is the best! 🙂

  25. Glad your shin is feeling better!

    I feel like I’ve become an amateur household virologist trying to figure out which way diseases are flowing… We’ve all had covid at different times. I had flu a few weeks ago and after my husband said “oh I felt bad the week before” but I told him I don’t think retrospective disease transmission counts… or that his disease wasn’t as bad as mine because he didn’t take time off work.

    We don’t ever take any precautions in the house or do masks and sometimes some of us get sick and sometimes we don’t… all seems random to me.

    1. Yes, we don’t take precautions in the house or try to isolate from each other. I have no idea why, but that seems to work out for us!

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